Emmanuel Baptist Church Welcomes You 以马内利浸信会 欢迎你 Sunday, June 14, 2015 “Like a Thief in the Night” Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 Sermon by Pastor David Dawson We're so glad you've joined us for worship today! If you are new to Emmanuel, please fill out a Communication Card, found in the pews. Please put the card in the offering or give it to one of the pastors. Immediately after the service … The Prayer Room is open for personal prayer & reflection. Refreshments are served in the Stevenson Room. Everyone welcome! TONIGHT at 6:30 pm you are invited to the Youth Service in the Gym. A fundraiser for the Youth SERVE TEAM! Come out and support Emmanuel’s youth as they learn more about God through service. Order of Service Prelude Ken Hillmer Welcome & Announcements Pastor David Call to Worship Worship Songs Days of Elijah Jesus, Hope of the Nations I Must Tell Jesus (Hymn #621) Praise the Name of Jesus Kids’ Time Rebeca Dunn-Krahn Children continue with Growing in Faith: Preschool Room (Pre-Gr. 1 [2-6 yrs]; Kids’ Centre [Gr. 2-5]; Gr. 6-12 (Youth Lounge) Offertory Ken Hillmer Pastoral Prayer Pastor David Scripture 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 Sermon “Like a Thief in the Night” Worship Song Pastor David Soon and Very Soon Benediction Postlude Ken Hillmer Invitation to Prayer Worship Team: Julia Dawson, Timur Griffiths, Damaris & Rob Przybylski, Sean Quicke Remember EBC’s Operation Trackshoes Team the Emmanuelights, who complete their competition today. Youth Service Fundraiser for the Youth SERVE TEAM June 14, 6:30pm (Gym) The Youth of Emmanuel are leading a Sunday evening worship service as a fundraiser for the youth SERVE team going to High River, Alberta this summer. They will be going with CBWC for a week to help with clean-up after the devastating flood two years ago. The service will feature the Youth Band, interviews of those from previous mission trips, skits, scripture readings and more. Following the service, parents of the SERVE team will be happy to serve you refreshments in the Stevenson Room. The offering will finance transportation to and from High River and food costs for the SERVE team. They desperately need your help! Please come out and support our youth as they learn more about God through service. Any questions and suggestions please email Margo Lisik [email protected] Friday Night with the Guthries June 19, 7:00 pm (Stevenson Room) Duane and Carin Guthrie are coming to share on marketplace ministry and their upcoming transition to Manila, Philippines in July 2015. Duane and Carin have been working with CBM since 2008 in the area of Sustainable Community Development. In Bolivia, they were catalysts for the establishment of a ministry movement to the marketplace, involving business and church leaders throughout the country. In consultation with CBM leadership they also began exploring the global marketplace ministry movement and started receiving requests to work in S.E. Asia. The Guthries will be transitioning to Manila, Philippines in July 2015 to be closer to partners and staff in that region. Planning Meeting Tuesday June 23, 7 pm (Stevenson Room) Everyone is welcome to participate in this brainstorming session. Having approved our overall vision at the AGM, it is now time to consider specific strategies and ministry ideas that will shape the future at Emmanuel. At this stage we are wanting to generate creative ideas for ministry to enhance what we are already doing and to identify new opportunities. On Tuesday June 23, you will have opportunity to share your ideas on Worship, Discipleship, Fellowship, Mission and Stewardship. This will not be a meeting where we evaluate or approve any ideas, but rather a time to think creatively. If you are not able to participate at this time, but wish to share your ideas for future ministry, Pastor David will be available for conversation. Please also feel free to share your ideas by email. [email protected] Caring for One Another Pray for our Emmanuel Family & Friends Thank you, everyone, for your participation in our Giant Garage Sale on June 6. Your donations of goods, baking, helping with sorting and setting up, selling, buying and hauling away. Thanks especially for your prayers. This was our largest yet! The total is approximately $4,600. Prayer: Several of Emmanuel’s youth will be participating in the SERVE outreach program July 5-11 in High River, Alberta. Please pray they will be used of God as they learn of Him, and reach out to others; pray for our youth leader, Margo Lisik, as she mentors and supervises our youth; pray for the organizers of this fabulous SERVE program; and, pray that God will be preparing young people to respond to the calling of the Holy Spirit. Please mark July 5 -11 on your calendar so that you can continue to pray while SERVE is happening. Job Opportunity Christian Education Student Intern Position: is open for SeptDec 2015 and Jan-Apr 2016 (16 weeks/term). Salary $15/hr. for 8-10 hrs/wk. To receive full job description email the church office. Deadline is June 17, 2015. Email resume to [email protected] or submit to the church office. Summer Ministry 2015! Please register for our summer camps! There are camp brochures and registration forms by the church office or visit EBC’s website www.emmanuelvictoria.ca for more information and forms. We are running 8 camps again this year, with camps for every age group! Our camps are filling up fast, so register as soon as possible! Food Donations for Vacation Bible School (VBS) Aug 10-14! Its’ that time again… help fill our freezers full of cookies to feed the kids coming to VBS! We need as many cookies as possible! Please no nuts. We also need fruit donations each day: Watermelons, grapes, melons, berries, apples, and oranges and more. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the Fireside Lounge to bring fruit for VBS. Decorations Needed! white sheets to decorate the church like Mount Everest! Borrow hiking and climbing equipment to use as props and to decorate for VBS Aug 10-14. (ex. ropes, crates, picks, backpacks, harnesses, helmets, lanterns, snow gear). Cotton batting to decorate the church. Please drop any of these items in Room 1 with your name and phone number. Thank you! Volunteers needed! Please sign up, email or call to volunteer for our Vacation Bible School. We are in need of some enthusiastic group leaders! Contact: Genevieve [email protected] Phone: 250-592-2418 ext. 226 Craft Supplies needed! 1. Cotton balls (as many as possible) 2. Flat Paper Plates (200) 3. Craft feathers (Black if possible) 4. Spare puzzles with 3 knobs (100) 5. Paper cups (50) This Week At A Glance Sunday, June 14 10:30 am 10:30 am 10:45 am Worship Service (Sanctuary). Mandarin Worship Service (Gym). Growing in Faith - Christian Education for CHILDREN Nursery 0-2 years (Nursery). Live streaming of service for parents. Preschool –Gr. 1 (Preschool Room 1) Elementary Gr. 2-5 (Kids’ Centre) Youth Gr. 6-12 (Youth Lounge) 11:30 am 6:30 pm Coffee & Fellowship (Stevenson Room). Youth Service (Gym). Come out and support Emmanuel’s youth as they learn more about God through service. Monday, June 15 10:00 am 6:00 pm Adult Monday Morning Class (Stevenson Rm.) We will prepare VBS Crafts together, plus enjoy a tea party! Last class til September. Hazel Merritt Mission Group Potluck (Stevenson Room). We will have a pot-luck dinner followed by our regular meeting at 7:00 pm. Pastor David will be sharing about his trip to Cuba. Everyone welcome! Tuesday, June 16 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Women’s Dinner Out will be at The Canoe Brewpub (450 Swift St. 250-361-1940). Please RSVP the church office by June 14 in order to make reservations. See you there. Tuesday Night Chess (Fireside Lg.) Thursday, June 18 12:00 noon Good Friends & Beyond 55 Luncheon to end our term. Invite a friend. Contact Pastor Ingrid 250-592-2418 x225, [email protected] Friday, June 19 10 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Ladies Morning Out (Stevenson Room). All ladies welcome. Study the Book of Ephesians. International Young Adult Group (Denniss Room). Friday Night with the Guthries (Stevenson Room). Duane & Carin will share on marketplace ministry and their upcoming transition to Manila, Philippines in July 2015. 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Chinese Friday Night Bible Study Groups (Kids’ Centre, Room 1). Contact Pastor Joshua 250-385-7876. Extreme Team (Gr.6-8) & Senior Youth (Gr. 9-12). Camp-out at Goldstream Provincial Park Campground. Contact Margo [email protected] Contact Isaac [email protected] Saturday, June 20 2-5 pm 2:30 pm 6-8:30 pm 7:00 pm Bonsai Open House. Come see Gerti Voregger’s Bonsai Tree Collection. Everyone welcome. Mandarin Ministry Information Technology (IT) Fellowship (Youth Lg.) Chinese Christian Evangelical Fellowship (Kids’ Ctr. & Denniss Rm). Contact Joshua 250-385-7876. Mandarin Ministry Paul Family Fellowship (Youth Lounge). Appreciation BBQ for Christian Education & Youth Group Volunteers Sunday, June 28, 11:30 am (Stevenson Room) All Sunday School teachers and Youth Group leaders and their families are invited! Emmanuel Baptist Church appreciates your year of ministry. General Information Phone: 250-592-2418 |Fax: 250-592-4646 |emmanuelvictoria.ca David Dawson, Lead Pastor Ingrid White, Associate Pastor Joan Dosso, Assoc. Pastor: Worship Arts Joshua Wang, Assoc. Pastor: Mandarin Ministries Ken Hillmer Minister Emeritus Kathy Sugrue, Office Mgr Genevieve Lisik, Ext. 228 [email protected] Ext. 225 [email protected] Ext. 227 [email protected] Ext. 224 [email protected] _______ [email protected] Ext. 221 Ext. 226 [email protected] [email protected] Summer Program Dir. 以馬內利浸信會 Emmanuel Baptist Church 国语主日崇拜(Sunday Mandarin Worship)……… 国语主日學(Sunday School)……………………… 星期日 (Sunday) 上午 10:30am 星期日(Sunday) 上午 9:30am 祷告會 (Prayer meeting)………………………… 星期三(Wednesday) 晚上 7:30pm 青年小組(Youth Group)……………………………… 星期五(Friday) 晚上 7:00pm 真爱团契 (Truth and Love Fellowship)……………… 星期五(Friday) 長青团契(Senior Fellowship)…………………… 晚上 7:00pm 星期三(Wednesday) 上午 9:30am 保罗团契 (Paul Fellowship)………………………… 星期六(Saturday) 晚上 7:00pm 福音团契(Christian Fellowship) ……………………… 星期六(Saturday) 晚上 7:00pm 以琳团契(Elim Fellowship)… nd th 第 2 和第 4 个星期一(2 & 4 Monday) 晚上 7:00pm 地址:2121 Cedar Hill Cross Road, Victoria, BC V8P 2R6 国語事工牧师: Joshua Wang 王家旭 电话:250-885-0791 (国語) 250-592-2418 (English) 传真:250-592-4646 Email: [email protected] Web: www.ebcchinese.ca Summer Programs 2015 Please register according to your child’s grade this Fall. Children must be 4 yrs old by Dec. 31, 2015 to attend the camps. Emmanuel Baptist Church has camps this summer with lots of affordable options that will fit your summer schedules! Registration available soon! July 2, 10 am – 1:30 pm: Beyond 55 Day Event Fee: $15 includes lunch July 5-11, SERVE Youth Conference: Service for Others Gr. 6-12. No more space/registrations available, fyi. July 6-10 , 9 am – Noon: Little Friends Camp Ages 3 - 5. Fee: $55 July 13-17, 9 am – 3 pm: Dance, Music, and Cheerleading Camp! Gr.2-6. Fee: $98 July 20-24, 9 am – 3 pm: Science and Soccer Camp Gr. 2-6. Fee: $98. Only 2 spaces left! July 27-31, Youth Leadership and Friends Camp (includes one overnight) Gr. 6-12. Fee $150 + First Aid Course Fee August 4-7, 9 am – Noon: Holiday Celebration Camp Kindergarten-Gr. 3. Fee: $45 August 10-14, 9 am-Noon: Vacation Bible School Ages 3-Gr. 6. Fee: $15 August 17-20, 9 am – Noon: Fun with Water and Sand Ages 4-6. Fee: $45 August 21-23, Family Camp at Camp Barnard All ages. Fee: $45/person, $160/family, free for child under 4 yrs. old 2015 年 6 月 14 日国语主日聚会 报 告 领 会 宣 召 领 会 读 经 奉 献 会 众 唱 诗 领 诗 祷 告 牧 师 证 道 牧 师 回应诗 会 众 祝 牧 师 诗篇 30 神坐着为王 魏春明 历代志下 36:17-21 福 赞美真神万福之源,世上万民当赞主恩, 天使天军颂赞主名,赞美圣父圣子圣灵。 阿们! 金钱奉献是基督徒的本分,让我们存感恩和敬拜的心,将奉献投 入奉献箱内。支票抬头请写: Emmanuel Baptist Church 轮 值 6月14日 6月21日 6月28日 证 道 王家旭牧师 王家旭牧师 王家旭牧师 领 会 王志力 卞青汉 王伟 吴冠男 吴冠男 桑文成/范欣焰 董侠/肇丽蓉 沈蕾/樊莹 宋丽娴/何一尘 范欣焰/陈燕 谭高培/李莲芳 宋西龙 宋西龙 琴 张强音 分享 领 诗 邵晶/龚明 陈天业/周胜姿 司 事 魏春明/付燕 司 音 控 付连江 教会通告 1. 欢迎今天第一次来到我们中间的朋友,会后有茶点请留步. 2. 教会班车周日早 10:10 am 在 Gordon Head school 线路接人, 11:55am 返回。 3. 6 月 21 日父亲节崇拜后国语聚餐。(potluck)各家带一菜. 欢迎大家参加。地点:教会 Gym 4. 王明道与中国家庭教会的兴起-至死忠心研讨会, 将在温哥华北美浸信会信友堂举行。 讲员:王永信,边云波,刘同苏,洪予健。 时间:6 月 26 日 晚上 7:00-10:00 6 月 27 日早上 9:0012:00 下午 1:30-4:30 地点:温哥华信友堂。6858 Fraser Street, Vancouver, 形式:自愿参加。信友堂负责第二天午餐,无入场费。愿 意去的弟兄姊妹,可以自己组织去。下周三前报人数,本 教会给对方教会报总人数。荣瑛负责统计。 5. 教会国语堂 BBQ,欢迎大家参加 时间:7 月 25 日,中午 地点:Mount Douglas Park 6. 其它通知请看英文单张 讲道主题 : 神坐着为王 历代志下 36:17-21 36:17所以,耶和华使迦勒底人的王来攻击他们。在他们圣殿 里用刀杀了他们的壮丁,不怜恤他们的少男处女、老人 白叟。耶和华将他们都交在迦勒底王手里。 36:18迦勒底王将 神殿里的大小器皿,与耶和华殿里的财 宝,并王和众首领的财宝,都带到巴比伦去了。 36:19迦勒底人焚烧 神的殿,拆毁耶路撒冷的城墙,用火烧 了城里的宫殿,毁坏了城里宝贵的器皿。 36:20凡脱离刀剑的,迦勒底王都掳到巴比伦去,作他和他子 孙的仆婢,直到波斯国兴起来。 36:21这就应验耶和华藉耶利米口所说的话,地享受安息;因 为地土荒凉便守安息,直满了七十年。 6 月 14 日 圣经知识问答 1. 根据经文填空(代上 5:1-2): 以色列的長子原是()、因他污穢了父親的床、他 長子的名分就歸了()、只是按家譜他不算長子, ()勝過一切弟兄、君王也是從他而出。 (流便,約瑟,猶大) 2. 大卫在去世前为圣殿的建造做了哪些准备工作?(代上 22:1-19) A. 预备了充足的金银铜铁木材等建造圣殿所需材 料 B. 吩咐所他儿子羅門遵行耶和華的律法完成圣 殿的建造 C. 吩咐以色列的眾首領立定心意幫助所羅門建 造圣殿 D. 上面全部 3. 犹大灭国犹太人被掳到巴比伦的主要原因是什么?(代 上 9:1) A. 巴比伦人武器强大 B. 巴比伦人数众多 C. 巴比伦人战术得当 D. 猶大人自己的罪孽 4. 巴比伦人攻破擊耶路撒冷后,下面中的哪些是犹太人 的遭遇?(王下 25:8-9) A. 耶路撒冷城牆被毁财富被抢 B. 耶和华的圣殿被焚燒 C. 猶大人被擄去離開本地 D. 上面全部 本周金句; 约翰福音 8:31-36 8:31耶稣对信他的犹太人说:“你们若常常遵守我的道,就真 是我的门徒。 8:32你们必晓得真理,真理必叫你们得以自由。” 8:33他们回答说:“我们是亚伯拉罕的后裔,从来没有作过谁 的奴仆,你怎么说‘你们必得以自由’呢?” 8:34耶稣回答说:“我实实在在地告诉你们:所有犯罪的,就 是罪的奴仆。 8:35奴仆不能永远住在家里,儿子是永远住在家里。 8:36所以天父的儿子若叫你们自由,你们就真自由了。 国语聚会 主日崇拜 上午 10:30 (G Gym) 主日学 上午 9:30 (Classroom 1) 牧师团队 David Dawson , Ingrid White Joan Dosso and Joshua Wang 国语牧师 王家旭 电话 250-885-0791 Email [email protected] Web www.ebcchinese.ca 地址 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Road, Victoria, BC V8P 2R6 传真 250-592-4646
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