SEEM ENERGY MANAGEMENT AWARDS 2014 BULLETIN About SEEM Awards Society of Energy Engineers and managers, professional body of Certified energy management professionals in India, supports India’s energy efficiency movement since inception. SEEM Awards jury consisted of National Executive council members Dr. P.P Mittal, Dr. K.K.Sasi, Mr. Jayaraman.C, Mr.Krishnakumar, Mr.Pradeep Gupta, Mr.Madhusudhanan and Mr. Jayakumar Nair on evaluating the various nominations, has unanimously selected SEEM Energy management award winners in each category. SEEM awards – a unique one of its kind- has been introduced to recognize the best efforts taken by Individuals and organizations to promote sustainable energy management through systematic energy management activities empowering all levels of employees. SEEM Awards would be distributed during SEEM National Meet 2015 to be held at National Power Training Institute, New Delhi on 16 May 2015 Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General BEE has consented to be the Chief guest of the function and would distribute SEEM Energy Management Awards. Mr.K.K.Chakravarty, Energy Economist, BEE would enlighten energy management fraternity with a presentation on PAT Measurement & Verification. Cordially inviting you to attend the function. For SEEM Awards Committee Jayakumar Nair Chairman – SEEM Awards Makers of energy efficient India ! SEEM National Energy Management Award 2014 Category :- Manufacturing plants Winner :- Orient Cement Ltd – Devapur Cement Works Orient Cement Ltd – Devapur Cement Works has been selected for the award considering its - Continual improvement in plant specific energy performance - Effective energy management structure - Systematic energy monitoring and review system - Focused action groups for achieving targets - Various in-house and external training programs etc Apart from various energy efficiency improvement projects to reduce specific electrical energy consumption, plant has a clear focus for reducing specific thermal energy consumption which includes Mapping of processes for loss identification, Process fugai’s and identification of anomalies, Stringent monitoring of process parameters, Raw mix optimization for all the kilns, Activities to improve plant availability of Kilns, Kiln- Preheater O 2 management, Various measures to improve productivity of raw mills, Kiln output improvements etc. Makers of energy efficient India ! SEEM Best Performance Award 2014 Category :- Certified Energy Auditors Winner :- Mr. G.Subramanyam, Director, Siri Exergy & Carbon Advisory Services (P) Ltd. Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) Certified and Accredited Energy Auditor. Meth Panel Expert with UNFCCC, IGBC – Green Building Accredited Professional with over 25 years of Experience in undertaking Energy Conservation projects. Awarded Five times Best Energy Auditor in the State of Andhra pradesh from 2007-13. Served National Productivity Council for 20 years in the Energy Management Division. Currently heading Siri Energy & Carbon Advisory Services (P) Ltd., Hyderabad. Presently overseeing Energy Efficiency, Project Development & Registration of CDM projects with UNFCCC & capacity building. Expertise in energy management, project management, financing and implementation of energy efficiency projects under ESCO model, as well as policy analysis. One of Finalist in the Demonstration Marketplace 2006 Global contest of The World Bank. Conducted 100s of Energy audits in all major industries as part of National Productivity Council and Siri Exergy and instrumental in identifying various encon projects. Makers of energy efficient India ! SEEM Best Performance Award 2014 Category :- Certified Energy Managers Winner :- Mr. K.Sundar, Senior General Manager – DCW Limited, Sahupuram, Tuticorin, Tamilnadu. Mr. K. Sundar – Energy Manager DCW Limited is a versatile personality with dual engineering graduation ( Mechanical & Electrical) , PG Diploma in Business Administration and a Certified Energy Auditor. He has instrumental in implementing various energy conservation measures and projects in his organization including Quality circle initiatives among workmen. Systematic energy monitoring, review and reporting, ensuring active participation of all levels of employees, continual improvement in energy performance, unique training programs for empowering workmen etc. He has been selected for the award considering his over all contributions as Energy Manager. Makers of energy efficient India ! SEEM Best Performance Award 2014 Category :- Socially Responsible Organization Winner :- M/s ValueFoc Technologies, Cochin,Kerala. ValueFoc Technologies ( is Technology company focused on Intelligent Energy Monitoring & Management solutions and approaches to high energy consumers like, commercial building shopping malls, hotel, hospital, manufacturing units, industries, factories, plants and theme parks. ValueFoc's Energy Monitoring solution ‘ENSAVE’ will keep the customer wellinformed of how much power they use, what their major loads are, when they use electric power the most, how much they pay for it, and the quality of the power they use. Use of these Energy Monitoring hardware and software products will improve their equipment productivity and life, reduce their power use and its costs, and finally increase the company's profits. ValueFoc's CSR Initiative 'Mission Energy Efficient India' provides opportunity to all energy users to reduce energy consumption free of cost through proven energy management methodology for sustainable energy conservation and to support others to implement energy conservation measures by donating a portion of realized savings. . Makers of energy efficient India !
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