Dear Students, here you can find instructions to help you fill in the application procedure for your exchange period at the University of Parma (I PARMA01). Make sure to be very careful when inserting your personal details, because they will be used to enrol you at the University of Parma. IMPORTANT: we recommend that you don’t use special characters or accents because they are not recognized by the system; they should therefore be transliterated in the basic alphabet (e.g.: çc, ñn, óo, śs, üue, ßss…). You should proceed following these 3 steps: 1) REGISTRATION (in Italian) 2) PASSWORD ACTIVATION (in Italian) 3) APPLICATION FORM (in English) STEP 1: REGISTRATION Go to and select SERVIZI Servizi di segreteria on line LOGIN Otherwise, click on the following link: Click on REGISTRATI. Click on REGISTRAZIONE NUOVO UTENTE at the bottom of the page. Fill in with your personal details; these must correspond exactly to those contained in your identity document: • Nome= NAME (first name) • Cognome= SURNAME (family name) • Data Nascita= DATE OF BIRTH • Sesso= GENDER Maschio= MALE / Femmina= FEMALE • Cittadinanza= CITIZENSHIP • Nazione= NATION OF BIRTH As soon as you insert a Nation that is not Italy, the next 2 fields will change into only one field, that is: • Città non in elenco= (City not in the list) insert CITY OF BIRTH • Codice Fiscale= ITALIAN FISCAL CODE this field is generated automatically by the system Click on AVANTI the Fiscal Code is generated Click on AVANTI again. Fill in with the details of your Identity Document: • Tipo Documento= TYPE OF DOCUMENT choose between: Carta Identità= IDENTITY CARD / Passaporto= PASSPORT • Numero= DOCUMENT NUMBER • Rilasciato da= ISSUED BY …. (Name of the authority that issued the document) • Data Rilascio= DATE OF ISSUE • Data Scadenza Validità= DATE OF EXPIRY Click on AVANTI. Fill in with the details of your residence (your main, permanent address): • Nazione: NATION As soon as you insert a Nation that is not Italy, the next 2 fields will change into only one field, that is: • Comune/Città non in elenco= (City not in the list) insert CITY • CAP= POSTAL CODE • Frazione= LOCAL DISTRICT or any extra details needed to complete your address, if necessary (e.g. name of the village where you live) • Indirizzo= (address) STREET • N° Civico= STREET NUMBER • Data inizio validità insert the first day of the current year (e.g. 01/01/2014) • Telefono= TELEPHONE NUMBER • Domicilio coincide con residenza select Sì (=YES) if this is your main address / select NO if you want to add a secondary, temporary address in your country and fill in the requested data. Click on AVANTI. Fill in with your contact details: • Recapito postale= POSTAL ADDRESS select “Residenza” to choose your main, permanent address / select “Domicilio” to choose your secondary, temporary address (if you have added one) • E-mail • Pref. Internazionale (second field)= INTERNATIONAL DIALLING CODE of your country • Numero cellulare= MOBILE PHONE NUMBER Click on “Sì” (=YES) to consent to the treatment of your personal data according to Italian law. Click on AVANTI. Scrolling down the page, you can check the summary of your details; these can still be modified, if necessary, by clicking on “Modifica Dati Personali”. If everything is correct, click on CONFERMA. At the end of this first step, you will receive an e-mail containing a TEMPORARY USERNAME (“Utente Temporaneo”) and a PASSWORD ACTIVATION CODE (“Codice Attivazione Password”). Click on SALVA PROMEMORIA to save and print the registration data. Then activate your password by following STEP 2. You can do this now by clicking on the link ATTIVAZIONE PASSWORD present on this page. Otherwise this can be done, if you prefer, at another time, at the address that can be found on the registration sheet that you have printed, that is: STEP 2: PASSWORD ACTIVATION Go to the address that can be found on the registration sheet: • USERNAME fill in with your temporary username (“utente temporaneo”) generated by the system at the end of your registration • Codice attivazione password= PASSWORD ACTIVATION CODE • Scegli la password= CHOOSE A PASSWORD [ between 8 and 15 characters, including one of these compulsory characters: 0123456789!$%&/(),. ] • Ripeti la password= DIGIT YOUR NEW PASSWORD AGAIN Tick the square. Click on PROSEGUI. Choose a question and an answer that can be used to recover your password in case you loose it: • Domanda = QUESTION • Risposta= ANSWER • Mail personale per il recupero password= PERSONAL E-MAIL FOR PASSWORD RECOVERY Click on PROSEGUI. On this page you can find a summary of your details for password recovery (answer and personal e-mail). Make a note of this details… and of your password, of course! STEP 3: APPLICATION FORM Return to the first page of the procedure by going to and selecting SERVIZI Servizi di Segreteria On line LOGIN, or by clicking on the following link: Click on the first LOGIN (“se sei già in possesso delle credenziali temporanee, rilasciate con la Registrazione, accedi tramite login”). • LOGIN insert your temporary Username (“Utente temporaneo”) • PASSWORD insert your chosen password Click on LOGIN. Click on MOBILITÀ INTERNAZIONALE (=INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY), on the left of the page. Click at the bottom of this page, on the blue button APPLICATION FORM FOR INCOMING STUDENTS. SECTION A Select the country of your Home University. Click on FORWARD. Select the name of your Home University. Click on FORWARD. Select the Program, that is the agreement between your University and the University of Parma within a specific study area in the frame of ERASMUS+. This will assign you to the right Department at the University of Parma. On the next page you will find translations that will help you to choose your Program. NON-ERASMUS STUDENTS (coming to study at our University in the frame of other types of agreements between the University of Parma and their University) must select the Program “Accordo di Cooperazione Internazionale” (=INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT). Click on FORWARD. PROGRAMS FOR ERASMUS+ STUDENTS Bando di Ingegneria dell’Informazione INFORMATION ENGINEERING Bando di Ingegneria Meccanica e Gestionale MECHANICAL AND MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING Bando di Ingegneria Civile CIVIL ENGINEERING Bando di Architettura ARCHITECTURE Bando di Fisioterapia PHYSIOTHERAPY Bando di Scienze dello Sport SPORT SCIENCE Bando di Odontoiatria DENTISTRY Bando di Medicina Veterinaria VETERINARY MEDICINE Bando di Chimica CHEMISTRY Bando di Farmacia PHARMACY Bando di Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Bando di Informatica COMPUTER SCIENCE Bando di Matematica MATHEMATICS Bando di Scienze Biologiche BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE Bando di Scienze Ambientali, Ecologia ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, ECOLOGY Bando di Servizio Sociale SOCIAL WORK Bando di Scienze Politiche POLITICAL SCIENCE Bando di Giurisprudenza LAW Bando di Economia ECONOMICS Bando di Studi Infermieristici, Ostetricia, Fisioterapia NURSING, MIDWIFERY, PHYSIOTHERAPY Bando di Scienze Geologiche GEOLOGICAL SCIENCE Bando di Fisica PHYSICS Bando di Scienze della Comunicazione COMMUNICATION SCIENCE Bando di Storia HISTORY Bando di Psicologia PSYCHOLOGY Bando di Arti, Beni Culturali, Spettacolo ART, CULTURAL HERITAGE, PERFORMING ART Bando di Scienze Umanistiche HUMANITIES Bando di Scienze dell’Educazione EDUCATIONAL SCIENCE Bando di Filosofia PHILOSOPHY Bando di Civiltà e Lingue Straniere FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND CIVILIZATIONS Bando di Medicina e Chirurgia MEDICINE AND SURGERY PROGRAM FOR NON-ERASMUS STUDENTS Accordo di Cooperazione Internazionale INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT Select the information connected to your specific Program. Click on FORWARD. At the end of Section A, you will get a summary of the data that you filled in. Click on FORWARD. SECTION B Fill in the fields regarding your mobility period: Academic Year, planned arrival and departure date, expected duration of your stay (number of months). Select the Period of Study: Primo Semestre= FIRST SEMESTER Secondo Semestre= SECOND SEMESTER Annuale= FULL YEAR Click on FORWARD. SECTION C Section C is a summary of all the data inserted in the application form: If everything is correct, click on FORWARD at the bottom of the page. Click on PRINT at the bottom of the page to print the Application Form. Complete by hand with the requested information, sign and send by post to the incoming students office at the University of Parma, together with the other requested documents. It is important that you KEEP THE PASSWORD, because you will need it for the student e-mail account that we will give you when you come to our office to complete your enrolment upon your arrival in Parma.
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