Alvarez, J. (1993). Compositional strategies in music for solo instruments and electroacoustic sounds. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London) City Research Online Original citation: Alvarez, J. (1993). Compositional strategies in music for solo instruments and electroacoustic sounds. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London) Permanent City Research Online URL: Copyright & reuse City University London has developed City Research Online so that its users may access the research outputs of City University London's staff. Copyright © and Moral Rights for this paper are retained by the individual author(s) and/ or other copyright holders. All material in City Research Online is checked for eligibility for copyright before being made available in the live archive. URLs from City Research Online may be freely distributed and linked to from other web pages. Versions of research The version in City Research Online may differ from the final published version. Users are advised to check the Permanent City Research Online URL above for the status of the paper. Enquiries If you have any enquiries about any aspect of City Research Online, or if you wish to make contact with the author(s) of this paper, please email the team at [email protected]. L -LI Compositional Strategies in Music for solo instruments and electroacoustic sounds Javier Alvarez Thesis submitted for the degreeof Ph. D Part II City University, London Music Department May, 1993. Table of Contents Scores of submitted works 1. Papalotl (1986-7) for piano and electroacoustic sounds 2. On Going on (1987) for baritone sax and and electroacoustic sounds 3. Acuerdos par Diferencia (1989) for harp and electroacoustic sounds 4. AsI el Acero (1988) for tenor steel pan and electroacoustic sounds 5. Mannam (1992) for kayagum and electroacoustic sounds varez London 1987 Papalotl (1987) • Technical configuration and layout for piano and electroacoustic sounds Performance notes Duration : 1314" '-About the score The electroacoustic part in the score is intended as a reference for synchronisation purposes.The click track carries throughout the length of the music according to metre changes and bar subdivisions. it is recommended that theerformer learns his/her part by memory. This approach will give the pianist the chance to play in a more creative way, pacing naturally and "swinging within the boundaries of the electroacoustic part. This may also make the use of the click track redundant, to the advantage of a cleaner and simpler presentation. Piano amplification and diffusion. The piano should be amplified with (preferably ) three condenser mics to cover its entire rester evenly. The amplified signal should come out of the speakers nearer to the piano or the front speakers. The electroacoustic sounds may come out of all speakers available. The balance between piano and eieclroacoustic material should be matched properly to avcld predominance of one over the other, and should be done by a musician operating the mix. It may be useful. dep'ending on the characteristics of the hail, to add a small amount of reverberation to the piano in order to help the balance between instrument and electroacoustic material. 'Electroacoustic material - specifications Stereo. Available on the following digital tape formats: a) PCM encoded onto Betamax, VHS and U-Matic to PAL or NSTC standards. Click track on audio tracks. b) ADAT-music on tracks 1 and 2. Click track on track 8 c) DAT without click track. PAPALOTL a pilar naturalmente. JAVIER ALVAREZ 1987 PIANO PIANO C 2 .4 'IANO PIANO Q f I 3 p. PIANO PIANO •1 -.t- .1 -==- )Itz PIANO Q-9 SI PP (4+6+5) A PIANO Q-9 -Iz A IZ S -) -i PIANO I PIANO g • . 13 '-' lb 11. 16 > 3 4 - sf I > Ifresc. --1- - >_•-._S 5/L J. - - -;. 'I ,. '.—. - -f / -- 1' > L7. sjz __ PIANO -= 1 • PIANO • -, =- ______ if ,yl I ' J. , ______ ___________ p I 5 . I> - ,y f\ Lf I I 7 -- PIANO (I 2 M -. PIANO 9 4 11 7 3 8 - - PIANO 3 4 PIANO VS 9 - -- • 3 4 - +...-' - * - PIANO LI 7 8 3 7 3 ' PIANO CC 46 4 q GI A 2/ ' A - .3 PIANO Q-9 -i • PIANO Q9 2 9. 5 3 = TFe so)a1. ?. _j /;e ANO = te^S1 bel& ." iZ -hnes - dmvnueiido 1-riH - - - - - 11ehd Oo aj€ oIo (and sn-to )ed SeY1pI-e P9 . 7' ..- > F4 C.. )IANO 44git L.V C) II I _ • - • ': ,. (n-side ,-'\7')nO strtrni sI ç_9 IL- 1/ A (riLLr w— :J - > ________________ > I Ij -! 4 • :-' ( . • -•' '.- • •' . •'•.' '• __________ _____________ __________1- 4' -teni) 12 2Jca. PIANO cIic star-tm = 88 ca " l. , • 1 ' I IL I-. (J : -:. I; - •.-•;' --: - - - - -_________________________ k - f . 111111• - 4- sfi 3 PIANO ,-J=7 J=IZCb. 2 J ?2 >. > '%jIANO 'as 7 r PIANO Q-9 14 PIANO Q9 "I > •TJ - - PIANO Q9 'I- Jf - -- > Th > )'• - PIANO Q-9 >,-. PIANO Q-9 > - li0 PIANO Q-9 PIANO Q9 'I PIANO Q-9 V PIANO Q-9 PIANO Q-9 Th PIANO Q-9 iJ-.--- - 1-i 1, 'IANO Q-9 c:eJ PIANO > PIANO Q-9 '1 10: 0 PIANO - PIANO fl I -== -I- PIANO rA __ Ut k 9. ____ Y:: I I ______ JH j j. di• I N 'J I ___ __ ,. PIANO 2iT 7 J L, j T " P-;_-#- vp- __ J :& L1 PIANO Q9 -- J I. - -- -- Z3 PIANO Q-9 cM PIANO Q-9 24 Mon-.iro I PIANO Q-9 PIANO Q-9 JIIZ ; I- 25 PIANO Q-9 > PIANO Q-9 2 PIANO Q-9 PIANO Q-9 Ieo,2 riS Echces > > PIA NO Q-9 - bg 4 Li PIANO Q-9 3 8 7 28 7 PIANO Q-9 I -? PIANO Q-9 17 I 2 PIANO Q-9 5 PIANO Q9 30 5 8 4 4 PIANO Q-9 4 4 PIANO Q-9 ___ 7 P) 4 4 31 7 4 PIANO Q-9 7 8 - PIANO Q9 0' 4 /i 3 > 4 4. 7 R EchoesI 7 5 - PIANO Q-9 >> >> PIANO 14 4t:r: 7 :. ____________________ ____________ 7 - I-, . ________ 7: f€44pr 9:fJ __ -'3 > PIANO PIANO Q-9 > Ede5I( > > ii1 34 > > > PIANO Q-9 > > > > PIANO - .__.-_------- -.--..._ - 1 Q-9 35 5 7 PIANO Q-9 EcMoez7fl PIANO Q-9 13 > > > > 36 PIANO Q-9 PIANO Q-9 - i 37 3 2 4 5:4 -' . 2 PIANO Q-9 .7 16 PIANO Q9 ___ ___ ___ 3A Vet.i JELd. - > > F4 > 7 3S PIANO PIANO Q-9 3'1 PIANO Q-9 PIANO Q-9 40 PIANO Q9 PIANO Q9 41 7 4 PIANO Q-9 Mcrituo 2 3 PIANO Q9 7v7 4 4 > PIANO Q-9 > PIANO Q-9 - JJi _- •1 5f 7.. - -- 43 PIANO ----------- PIANO Q-9 p 44 .------, PIANO Q-9 (i) PIANO Q9 - _______ - - I >__ 45 9 _ • tflJsQo PIANO ____ LI iijL1 ____ I___ 7 ge Q-9 f cre - - - ___________ P 4A PIANO vs . 7. y 7 17 I Sefrvipre cres. - - 2. - 4 4(0 PIANO Q-9 PIANO Q-9 47 = /)6' PIANO Q-9 dJ J=J. I2 PIANO Q-9 --F 7 J= PiANO Q-9 PIANO Q-9 -. II 4'1 V PIANO Q-9 "V PIANO Q-9 -. Javier Alvarez t•i' iOl' 013 P . 4- :Yj/ b On going on was commissioned by Stephen Cottrell with funds provided by the Eastern Arts Association in 1987. London 1987 On going on for baritone saxophone and electroacoustic sounds Performance Notes an Akar S900 Midi Digital Sampler and two Yamaha SPX9O Signal Processors, one processing the sounds from the Tone Generators and from the sampler. The second is used to process the sound of the saxophone or wind controller. Note that a second Akai S900 and a TX81Z are required If playing with a Midi wind controller. • Saxophone This work was onginally conceived for a baritone saxophonist playing the hve part. However, in view of current developments it is possible to do a realization of the work using a Midi Wind Controller (YarnahaWX7for example) to play the baritone sax part. Please ref or to the information below. If using a baritone saxophone, it must Indude the low A extension. The amplification of the instiument is best achieved using two high quality (condenser, preferably) microphones which coverthe lower and the upper end of the instrument respectively. These should be panned at approximately 30 deees equidistant from the centre of the stereo field. The sound of the instrument should come out of the two front loudspeakers. When using a wind controller, this wl be set up to play a sampled sound available on floppy disk for an AkaiS900 sampler, in paralell to a performance on a YamahaTX8lZ The stereo outputs of the sampler and syntheziser must be treated ii the same marwer as when using the- baritone sax microphones, that is panning should be loftMght at3O degress and coming out of the two front speakers. • Using a computer • Configuration 1 (computer with saxophonelwind controller) [P Sax saxophone mics or lines from controller -v FTX81l__ 5900 + TX814 rriid SPX9O This work can be performed using either the computer controlled system described below or ii cases where this is not possible or available, a prerecorded version of the computer portion maybe used. (see urrderTape below). • Equipment required with computer controll system: an Apple Macintosh Computer with suitable Mici Interface controlling: a Yamaha TX81Z FMTone Generator; a Yamaha TXB1 4 FM Tone Generator; SPX9O 5900 TX81Z • Tape • Software The prerecorded tape isavailableon the following formats: a. DiskA contains the music file asa Performer V.22 (1987) file and the TX814 Voice and Performance Data (Opcode Midi Librarian) Disk B contains sound samples for the Akai S900. (these include those sounds used by the wind controller -refer to titles on disks) -Digital: Betamax, U-Maticor VHS (Pal/Seecam or NSTC)PCMencoded in Stereo a) the syncronization of the opening of the piece will have to be done manually (for example, by starting the tape 10 seconds before program ) so the saxophonist can start exactly with the music on tape. Ths must be rehearsed to a high degree of accuracy. The tape should be diF1MOJ on all loudspeakers avaibble, and; b. All other data is included in the score (TX81Z Voice and Performance Data and SPX9O Settings). b) the SPX9O processing the saxophone should be operated manually according to the score. • TX81Z Voice and Performance Data • Configuration 2 (tape with sax/wind controller) Sax Except for voice data listed here (OnGOn 1 & 2) all the other voices present in the Performance charts below are preset voices of the TX 811 a) Voices saxophone microphones or lines from \X7 ________ 1) Voice Name: OnGOn 1 (for PEOn Going On 3) AlgorIthm: 3 Feectack: 0 Frequency: 2.25 .50 2.99 3.00 Osc. Wave Wi W5 We W7 Detune: +3 0 3 0 Out Level 92 92 83 81 __________________________ Pitch 7 AmplItude 3 (onfolT) 3on on on on Key velocity 0 0 0 0 AR 1531 27 13 19 20 17 31 DiR Dli 15 8 12 13 6 0 0 0 D2R 6 3 7 1 RR EGShIII off 48 off 12 Irlangle Wave 1 Speed 0 Delay PModDepth 0 AModDeplh 21 off Sync SCAUI4G 0 0 Level 1 0 36 44 34 Sensflivlty b) Performances Function Mode Poly Portamento tIme 0 FC AmplItude 0 BC PItch 50 BC EG Bias 0 P Bend Range 7 FCVOI 99 MWPitch 50 BC Amplitude 0 MIddle C C3 Portamento FT FCPitch 0 MWAmpfltude 0 PC Pitch Bias 0 Reveib rate 3 2) Voice Name: OnGOn 2 (for PF On Going On 4) Algorithm: 4 Feetack: 7 Frequency: .50 2.00 6.28 C24OHzJF255Hz Osc. Wave Wi Wi W2 W8 Detune: +3 -3 +3 -3 Out Level 99 82 96 75 $.nsIIiv*y ____________________ PItch 0 AmplItude 3 oft oft off off tonoft) Key velocIty 4 1 1 0 EQ AR 1015154 DiR 15 20 3 7 D1L 6 11 6 13 D2R 17 0 0 0 1513 515 AR EGShIft off of! off off Wave slhold Speed 6 Delay 13 P Mod Depth 1 AModDepth 3 Sync on CAUNG Rate Level 0 0 0 1 0 36 0 34 Function Mode Poly Portamento time 0 FC Amplitude 0 BC PItch 50 0 BC EG Bias P Bend Range 12 FCV0I 99 MWPItch 0 BCAmplltude 0 MIddle C C3 Portamento PT FCPitch 0 MWAmplltude 0 PC Pitch BIas 0 Reverb rate 3 Performance Name: On Going On 1 (P. Cng TbI: PGM 66= PFO1) Instrument Assign Mode Maxnotes Voice No. Receivechan Limit /L UmitM Detune Note shift Volume Out Assign LFO Select Microtune Effect select 1 1 23 4 5 Alternate 1 1 1 A15 D27 c31 Dz 4 4 4 4 C2 C2 C2 C2 G8 G8 GB GB 0 +1 -2 0 0 o 96 90 94 97 III Ill II II vib 1 2 off off off oft Delay 6 7 B C04 4 C2 G8 +2 0 D25 4 C2 GB -3 0 90 III vib oft D23 4 C2 G8 +3 5 91 Ill D30 4 C2 GB 0 0 89 off oft 2 off Performance Name: On Going On 2 (P. Cng TbI: PGM 67 = PFO2) Instrument Assign Mode Maxnotes Voice No. Receivechan Limit /L Limitfl-1 Detuno Note shift Vohime Out Assign IFO Select Microtune Effect select 1 23 2 2 c31 D23 4 4 C2 C2 GB GB 0 0 0 99 97 Ill 2 oft oft 4 Normal 2 2 A15 D27 4 4 C2 C2 GB GB +1 -2 o o 90 Ill vib off Chord 94 II 1 cit Performance Name: On Going On 3 (P. Cng Tbl: PGM 60= PFO3) Instrument 1 Assign Mode Maxnotes 1 VoiceNo.(OnGi1) 122 Receivechan 4 UmtL C2 Limit/H (38 Detune 4 Noteshift -12 Volume 99 Out Assign II LFO Select 1 Microtune off Effect select 23 4 Normal 1 1 122 122 122 4 4 4 C2 C2 C2 G8 G8 (38 +2 -4 -2 0 o 0 97 94 93 II 1 1 off off off OFF 5 6 7 8 1 1 1 1 122122 122122 4 4 4 4 C2 C2 C2 C2 (38 08 G8 G8 -6 -5 +5 ^6 +12 0 0 0 99 94 92 99 II I II I 1 1 1 1 off off off off Performance Name: On Going On 4 (P. Cng TbI: PGM 63 = PFO4) Instrument 2 3 4 1 Assign Mode Normal Maxnotes 2 2 2 2 Voice No.(OnGOn2) 123 23 123 123 Receivechan 4 4 4 4 Umit/L C2 C2 g4 02 Umit/H 68 08 08 GB Detune -7 0 0 Noteshift +12 0 ^3 0 Volume 99 99 98 99 Out Assign II II I I LFOSeIect 1 vib 2 1 Microtune off off off off Effect select Delay ^3 c) General utility data on TX81Z Midi receive channel = 4 P. Change = on Cont change =G4 A. Touch-BC = on P. Bend = on Note on/off =aII Exclusive = on Combine = on Delay Time = 0.1 5s Effect 1 (Delay) Pitch Shift = 7 Feedback =7 Effect level = 99 Effect 3 (chord) C3 (C3/A#3) C#3 (C#3/A3) D3 (F3/C5) D3 (D#31F3/C#4/C5) (G2/C3/E3) E3 F3 (F3/A3ID#41A#3) F#3 (A#2/C#31D#31F#3) G3 (B21D3/G3) G#3 (C3/D#31F3/G#3) A3 (G#2/F3/A3) A#3 (A#31F41A#5/E3) B3 (D3/F3/G3/B3) SPX9O Programs The SPX9O at the mixer is used to process the baritone saxophone's sound. The score prescribes 12 SPX9O programs (marked as programs #51 to 62). These can be stored in those br alternate memory locations as long as they are consecutive, so as to to facilitate the immediate recall and switching between them. 1. Reverb (51 In score) RT=1 .5 to 2.0 sacs (depending on hall) Hl=1.0 D=25-4Oms (depending on hail) H PF=Thru LPF=Thru 2. Reverse gate (52 In score) Type=Reverse Size=3.7 Liveliness=10 Delay=324.0 ms LPF=Thru 3. Flange (53 In score) Mod freq=0. 1Hz Mod depth=90% Mod Delay=5.Oms. FB. Gain=89 to 90% 4. Pitch Shift A (54 in score) L Pitch =0 Fine=+25 Delay=202.Oms FG=35% Key=Off (or C3) 5.Gate reverb (55 in score) Type=Random Size=1 .1 Live Iiness=6 Delay=151 .5ms LPF=Thru 6. Delay L-R (56 in score) LD=540ms. OLFG=15 RD=324ms. OLFG=20 High=xl .0 7. Stereo Echo (57 in score) LD=405ms OLFG=60 RD=648ms OLFG=58 High=xl .0 8. Early Reflection (58 in score) Type=Random Size=1 .5 Liveliness=1 0 Delay=25ms. LPF=Thru 9.Delay L-R (59 in score) LD=402ms OLFG=60 RD=270ms OLFG=20 Hogh=xl .0 10.Pitch Shift C (60 in the score) Pitch Ieft=-12 Fine Ieft=O Delay lett=1 35ms Pitch right=-12 Fine right=-25 Delay right=200ms 11.Stereo Echo (61 in score) LD=270ms OLFG=60 RD=2Olms OLFG=58 High=xl .0 12. Reverb (62 in score) RT=20. Osecs Hk1.0 D=1 OOms H PF=Thru LPF=Thru CII goffig 0,1 jay/er A lvarez / 98? O45 Reverb > Baritone sax mEt -- zI: -.--- Q4O cr i4J t-------:L__ JSwinjir F tL cg 14 -1- Fiar9e ?evrb (U) • 3' cJ. I JJ==.— p I 5 r ___ •09 '5 i , 'everb --- ___________________ C I, .rr -_., --SI -2-- -_- ____ 1- 5 -_._._ ,-. Z53 3S P? -. 3'Øt 42 (a'si Ft+ch 5hf A If - Reverb 1 ___________________ I ___ p -, v> ___ . I ____ __________________ rr _____________ P t_ i- — 3- = c _________ ___' J 1 -i ; i / j 3 -) frJ7j ( __________ f 5 Gthe F?everb ' ,r. ,' 3 • o,i -tp (4c.n 3 s1c) 7. __ -5, ,. Ji p i. - / . L.; 5i)1€verb -—,. -> 4?' 3 I. i. • ir I. ' r i. I. •,' ç: i I. rç ,. I., ,c:? 1'ey L- 4 -j - Pif ch hA EcJ Fiae }-evej-,b 70, (i) F'erb De1ay L-/ —, I:-. Wait 76 . -1 - - E1!) Fev Lf .'cnj freeIj I;' J7 -5- Fl 'P Reverb ( Ery _________ __- 3 1 ___ I _____ ___ 77 7. Il 44 t '2g" JTJeIay * , tf> . . _ 5lrv . _______________ -6- Reverb II1 - (9 'I J (.ifi .-3• I- -everb Reverb I- 8ve. bassa1 - _______________ F!n5e. • IOci3 - ___ I E '" ___ __ j-______ ____ I ________________ ,iJ x __ -- r =_____: rr __________ E I ___ __ - P+ah 114 -' ,-' - r ___ 1t p h I I \-, (')__ $f z-- -- J jJ I' if ____ ______ - ,-1l, . - ___ = ____________ • -'7r __ _ __ r __ 126 ___ '- -_ - ii ___________ . I - T heces^ -0- r J -4 ______________ -1' -j . .-- _ __ ________ ___ _______________ _:------------- - __ ______________________________ Ike-_6_ 7 lriiL,_. j 1;_ __________________________________ - - - 8- 1.. .3-, (I) Echo 130 r-,r±r _' - ' A'T1 n L.. . yeJecho. 58 . 3 3 ___ 7 Fev erb_____ _______________ _________________ 'T ________________________ III = I. / :h Yr7 ii / .55 iy L ___ L 7 3 r 3 -4 8 -0-- I. (. _ '4' > > > p 1_.;1=- _________ > r-.L- _____ T±P L - - J _______ ________________ J J'2 s 1i -- s p1e. (ded .vHt cmpQi-e( -p., ____ (\ tiod s411 - 77fj -ft' esa bt I ho'd s'+zI1) 0 0 £ 0 -1 491- Javier Alvarez AcueI d9 S dr D eencia for harp and electroacoustic sounds This work was commissioned for Hugh Webb by the Park Lane Group with funds provided by the Greater London Arts Association London 1989 Acuerdos por diferencia (1989) I. • Technical configuration and layout for harp and electroacoustic sounds Performance notes ___ 1. Iii Duration :11 '29" headphones -&or light box click About the score The eleciroacoustic part in the score is intended as a reference for synchronisation purposes. The click track, although not specifically inccated in the score, carries throughout the length of the music according to metre changes and bar subdvisions. It is recommended that theperformer learns his/her part by memory. This approach will give the harpist the chance to play with the electroacoustic mate I in a creative way, pacing naturally and "swinging within the boundaries of the electroacoustic part. This may also make the use of the dick track redundant, to the advantage of a cleaner and simpler presentation. Harp amplification and diffusion. The harp should be amplified with (preferably ) three condenser mics to cover its entire register evenly. The amplified signal should come out of the speakers nearer to the harp or the front speakers. The electroacoustic sounds may come out of all speakers available. The balance between harp and electroacoustic material should be matched properly to avoid predominance of one over the other, and should be done by a musician operating the mix. It may be useful, depending on the characteristics of the hall, to add a small amount of reverberation to the harp in order to help the balance between the two. • Electroacoustic material - specifications Stereo. Available on the following digital tape formats: a) PCM encoded onto Betamax, VHS and U-Matic to PAL or NSTC standards. Click track on audio tracks. b) ADAT-music on tracks 1 and 2. Click track on track 8 c) DAT without click track. Acuerdos por Diferencia J=92 harp tape Javier Alvarez 1989 I 20 V GL, f AL, K E D - I -=== if 25 G GI 35 41 Ill - Broadly II, 45 I F DL, Pf lf F E f 50 11• B f GL , : 55 - Bj, / / 4 DL, LV 61 66 Broadly D I / •- - I' GIf I F# f E 4* 83 E EL 89 D- C,, f o - L.V '1 G cfr c I;' L.V 1• 4 99 105 ' (ELM) 7 E D- 108 G#' F D B F 129 D - - BI F 134 L V sempre 142 - f D IF I •1 C a a -10 •- ap:capiu ion tano 148 - 0 0 0 0 N o F 4 155 - ALl Train 0 E 0 c BI, p HB t- -J 161144 iPLV 'p ,- LV 0 fl-n J--n U r i uur AJ Lr u r u L3 i 173 s/rn 184 r 4 cL, oI_ BL,( - _ l_ - I- - -I 189 - I E 13 F C 221 A,JL1 226 4 (PLT)./ (fI ___ BJ f if sub/to '1 4(i) 231 1/ I, r3 -. 16 r_3/ // / S*7g - t'en ritinato 236 / 6. 242 (PPL, / j_-' I! ff/j /1 L3 J 247 Strum FGI, AL,C 252 2 259 265 279 - Rif 291 G F# ft 298 f p 303 Iii 327 END 343 2.1 Risoluto 352 ,-___i 7 / - 357 362 22 367 ( 373 L V senpre 380 Z3 Javier Alvarez AsI el Acero for tenor steel pan and electroacoustic sounds This work was commissioned by Simon Limbrick with funds provided by the Henricshen Foundation London 1988 Asielacero (1988) for tenor steel pan and electroacoustic sounds Performance notes • Duration g'ir Asi el Acero can be performed in any of the following ways: 1. Version for steel&um and a computer control system where the computer controls a Yamaha TX81 Z , an Akai S900 Digital Sampler and and SPX9O via a Mk interface. 2. Version for steeIcum and pre-recorded electroacoustic part as indicated in the diaamme below. • Steel pan amplification and diffusion. The steel pan should be amplified v,ith two high quality condenser mia'ophones placed above the drum in order to cover its entire register evenly. The amplified signal should come out of the speakers nearer to the steel pan or the front speakers. The electroacoustic sounds can come out of all speakers available. The balance between steel pan and electroacoustic material should be matched properly to avoid predominance of one over the other, and should be done by a musician operating the may be useful, depending on the characteristics of the hail, to add a small amount of reverberation to the steel &um or the electroacustic material in order to help the overall balance between the two. About the score The score is a study guide for rehearsing the piece. Only the steel pan part is indicated. The score should not be used in performance: the player must learn the work by memory and know the electroacoustic part well enough to be able listen and play with it. In both performance instances however, it may be helpful to relay the click trackto the performer via headphones or a lightbox. The dick track is either generated by the computer as in version 1 or exists as separate audio track when played with tape as in version 2. The tenor steelpan The steel pan used in Asi el Acero is a Fourths and FMslead or tenor pan. Sticking patterns in the piece have been thought in relation to this construction scheme. See diagam below. However, it may be possible to use other kind of thim such as the "Invaders" or Ping pong" types but acustments concerning the sticking are left to the player. DbY lB Technical configuration and layout • Electroacoustic material - specifications Stereo. Available on the foDowing digital tape formats: ea ci p ho n e s a) PCM encoded onto Betamax, VHS and U-Matic to the PAL, Seecam or NSTC standards. Click track on audio tracks. b) ADAT-music on tracks 1 and 2. Click track on track 8 c) DAT (without click track). osI el ocero 12o .teeI p04 1u ?nf I - j8vier e1vrez 1g87 5 - > > > L -- 4 3 2 t+S 8 7 6 - 9 I 15 p e w-ok 14 18 17 16 I 13 12 11 c(t- +y^d i __ 22 21 2O __ 26 25 __ 23 • __ 4& 28 27 > 30 29 JJ I 31 __ 32 34 35 36 JJ' IT 4 r- 3 J. J r 41 _____ . ., 39 I J j j j / 37 7f i-.-. 3-.-.3-..--. 6 40 1. 1B 2 J j- 33 11i 43 _____ 1.42 . '. / 38 r- 3 g I ____ _____ ___ rSJJU1 JJ ___ I 45 44 $ ' C 46 I ____B __ ____ ______ 1 + _ JJ J 50______ + ________ 51 __ __I s4 J-"'J 52 3 I-__' A ____ .j J ] JJ B 6o 66 ____I ___________________ B. 62 ____ i_ 3 JI1JJJ I 64 JI 65 -3- JJJjJ[_. A ___ _____ __________ _______________ ___ -61 fl __ ________ _____ 56 tF ,_ 3-, 1-3---I D I JJ1JJ __ - JJ 'TJii ______ 55 57 ___ > . J7J I L _______ _ > _____ 67 / 3 ___ ____ 68 I, - I r __ 3-i 71 70 6-3--, 72 J LL J H i- 3-I 746k' 73 iT • rC' 75 - 79 iJJ 4 80 H JJJJJ1 81 82 86 85 r4J _____ : J1 78 s 76 fi. : J > 91 >> > 9 J- J j _> > J_ > J -J 0_c >> I 92> J] if rrIr 4 if mm 96,,. . 97 I sp 98 J- ; _ t 1_ 99 - 102 101 104 105 106 107 ________ ii JI J f ________ rLI 116 11d _____ 111 ii jJjJ11JJj 113 109 108 _____ sqy 103 114 J ______ 112 115 I 117 118 5 100 121 120 119 124 123 127 126 130 129 132 131 134 133 128 136 135 137 i g r 1' 138 145 139 i3 I I -i• 1 46 140 141 142 &IJJJJ 147 t48 6 143 .J 149 144 I;.. 'r" 3 150 _r Jf LLf > -= > -__--J=TS/z ______ 156 >- 157 7I -J 160 ______ ______ 158 I JJ J fl ThJ___J 161 155 > cI > -.- 159 163 FII2 • 165 i i; 172 > 174 > )r I 169 171 170 173 166 168 167 I; 175 I I ________ ______ 162 164 ___ 176 I-1 177 178 179 180 181 J i_!: j:-_T_rn J 1 J ] J '_ 'F rc__ 185 __ 186 1187 JJ.JbJJJ sp, 189 188 J I J l' J sp( rI 197 1192 II ii flJ 194 !;p( 190 .1 19111 hJ ST1 .r-1 193 J 195 _______ i- J JJI _______ '9 196 T1 r- -1T1 199 198 8 202 20 200 (,) 204 206 SI, 205 Javier Alvarez Mannam for kayagum and electroacoustic sounds Mannam was commissioned by the Group de Musique Experimentate de Bourges in 1990. London 1992 Mannam (1992) • Technical configuration and layout for kayagum and electroacoustic sounds headphones or light box Performance notes U Duration : 1450" click About the score The electroacoustic part indicated in the score is intended as a reference for synchronisation purposes.The click track (not indicated ) carries throughout the length of the music according to metre changes and bar subdivisions. It is recommended that theperformer learns his/her part by memory. This approach will give the player the chance to play in a more creative way, pacing naturally and swinging" within the boundaries of the electroacoustic part. This may also make the use of the dick track redundant, to the advantage of a cleaner and simpler presentation. Kayagum amplification and diffusion. The kayagum should be amplified with two PZM (or condenser contact microphones) plus a condenser air microphone above the instrument to cover its entire radiation and register evenly. The amplified signal should come out of the speakers nearer to the kayagum or the front speakers. The electroacoustic sounds may come out of all speakers available. The balance between kayagum and electroacoustic material should be matched properly to avoid predominance of one over the other, and should be done by a musician operating the mix. It may be useful, depending on the characteristics of the hall, to add a small amount of reverberation to the kayagum in order to help the balance between instrument and electroacoustic material. • Electroacoustic material - specifications Stereo. Available on the following digital tape formats: a) PCM encoded onto Betamax, VHS and U-Matic to PAL or NSTC standards. Click track on audio tracks. b) ADAT-muslc on tracks 1 and 2. Click track on track 8 C) DAT without click track. Mannam for kayagum and electroacoustic sounds on tape Javier Alvarez 1992 J=74 I 11 3, fT------------ p 'JRf ; %- PD LT ____ N. ft f I ______ Ji 1___-i r t 5 :_ - -- j _- ORD. 4- 4) POUT 4- --I ORD. - 2- 1' - 3- - resceado - I 4- I 5- I 6- 96_ - - 7- 8- , -. - PDLT -if if _____________ ______ if - sliftie ___ _____________ - 'k ORD. •L=54 -w- w- 1' 1 > w - I 'A rz I 1 . ,\ \\ 1• 1-- ii 153 I > 7 7 W ..j '/ I f ¶if 4) 0 0; g• 4) q g) - 0'- 3-i 17J 3.-i t '1' '4, _p_L' P..H 175. I-. / 9) , 9) flick if iif 6 if 13 1g - sub. - - '. I - I - (flutes) ______ _______ I 7 r'rr Trrrtt..j r ¶ ''-p 1 ____________ ¶ rrr'j if STRUM 291 Lontano et delicatto 21 iiif - - - liii, pp I 11111 I P 14
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