Honourable President of India Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi All of

Honourable President of India
Rashtrapati Bhavan,
New Delhi
All of us, the citizens of India, with our names conveyed on a separate enclosure
wish to convey you our true sentiments and concern for the Natural wealth and
Environment of our country with a reference to the policies of the present central
As per 51 A (G) of the Indian constitution, it is the duty of every Indian citizen to
preserve and care for these resources and Environment and it is this sense of duty
which initiates this communication.
May we request you, Sir, to use your discretion under Section 115 of the Indian
constitution and ask both the houses of Parliament to revise the miniscule budgetary
provisions for the Ministry of Environment, forests and climate change? The present
provisions are less than 0.001% of the total budgetary expenditure and are also less
than 0.012% of India’s GDP. The insufficient funding cannot protect and conserve
India’s natural wealth and Environment.
Also we wish to convey you our concern for the recommendations of recently
appointed TSR Subramanian committee. The said recommendations are perilous for
the baseline Environmental laws which till now have protected India’s natural wealth.
So also we are much worried about the online clearance and diversions of forest
lands without assessing any environmental impacts.
On all these issues we have marked our positive protest by donating a token Rs.1 to
the Prime ministers national relief fund along with a letter to the Prime minister
requesting his firm action .Copy of the letter enclosed.
Al l this is also put on our websitewww.enviroindia.org with the participating
organizations. Also enclosed are the exact issues of protest.
Our sincere hope is, you will act in the best of your capacity to revert this situation
and save India’s Nature and Environment for which we request.
Best regards
Citizens of India
Names enclosed separately