Document 116796

PO Box 2191
129 Hooper Avenue
Toms River, New Jersey 08754
Regular meeting, Wednesday, March 20, 2013, 6:00 PM, Engineering Conference Room, Third
Floor, 129 Hooper Avenue, Toms River, New Jersey.
Chairman Work presiding. Attending: Donald Reed, Donald Bertrand, Elaine McCrystal, James
Russell, Joseph Bilotta, Frank Scarantino, Robert Budesa, Anthony Agliata and Robin Florio.
Chairman Work asked if the Planning Board meeting was in compliance with the Open Public
Meetings Act. Ms. Florio advised the Chairman that adequate notice of this meeting was
On a motion by Mr. Bertrand, seconded by Mr. Bilotta, the minutes of the meeting of February 20,
2013 were moved for approval. The motion was unanimouslv carried.
BERKELEY: Lots 1,01 Block 866 {BT544A) Demers. Maria & Costar Natalia
This site plan application is for the change of use for an existing light industry building. County
facilities are not affected, On a motion by Ms. McOrystal, seconded by Mr. Bilotta, this site plan
was given final approval. The motion was unanimously carried.
BERKELEY: Lots 21-26. 4749 Block 1677 (8T649) Westrum Development Co.
On a motion by Ms. McCrystal, seconded by Mr. Russell, this minor subdivision was given final
approval. The motion was unanimously carried.
BRIGK: Lots 1 Block 1116 (BRT635E) Orthodox Ghristian Ghurch of the Annunciation
This site plan application is for the demolition of an existing church hall and the construction of a
new 4,448 s.f. church hall for the Orthodox Christian Church of the Annunciation. No
improvements are proposed along Van Zile Road. On a motion by Mr. Russell, seconded by Mr.
Bertrand, this site plan was given final approval contingent upon the developer to indicate the
current right-of-way half width of Van Zile Road on the plan. The motion was unanimously carried.
BRICK: Lots 7.03 Block 685 (BRT920L) Chick.fil-A
This major subdivision has no effect on County facilities. On a motion by Mr. Bertrand, seconded
by Mr. Reed, this major subdivision was given preliminary and final approval. The motion was
unanimously carried.
JAGKSONT Lots 28 Block 2603 (JT1480A) New Jersev lron. Inc.
This site plan application is for the construction of a 1 ,300 s.f. modular office building adjacent to
an existing light manufacturing warehouse building, County facilities are not affected. On a motion
by Mr. Bilotta, seconded by Mr. Reed, this site plan was given final approval. The motion was
unanimously carried.
JACKSON: Lots 6 Block 4717 (JT1529G.04) M. School at Gooks Landinq. LLG
This site plan application is for the construction of a 8,678 s.f. Malvern School Day Care Center at
the Cooks Landing Commercial Center along with 36 parking spaces and associated site
improvements. lmprovements along County Line Road have been constructed by Ocean County.
An off-tract traffic improvement fee in the amount of $38,850.00 has been previously paid. On a
motion by Ms. McCrystal, seconded by Mr. Russell, this site plan was given final approval. The
motion was unanimously carried.
LAGEY: Lots 1 Block 2850 (LT338B) Lacev Used Auto Parts
This site plan application is for the approval of four storage sheds for the existing Lacey Used
Auto Parts and Shore Tractor Trailer School that were constructed without obtaining the
appropriate approvals and permits, Additional road widening improvements along Lacey Road
were waived at the January 3, 1996 Ocean County Planning Board meeting. No improvements
are proposed along Lacey Road. on a motion by Ms. Mccrystal, seconded by Mr. Reed, this site
plan was given final approval contingent upon the developer to (1) submit a sight right easement
form for sight triangle easements at the driveway on Lacey Road in accordance with County
standards to Ocean County and (2) remove the existing sign from within the right-of-way of Lacey
Road. The motion was unanimously carried.
LAKEWOOD: Lots 170.187.191-195 & 297 Btock 548 (LAT1196A.02) Dov Gtuck
This major subdivision is for the creation of 64 lots consisting of 60 multi family lots, one lot
dedicated as open space, one lot for a proposed community building and two lots for retail space.
Staff review recommended the developer to (1) obtain and submit a valid NJDEP letter of
interpretation forthe wetland delineation as shown on the plan, (2) construct additional curb along
cedar Bridge Avenue in accordance with section 612:A (waiver requested), (3) construct
additional pavement widening along Cedar Bridge Avenue to accommodate a 14' wide left turn
lane and center island striping at the inlersection of Cedar Bridge Avenue and Shenandoah Drive
extending ihe entire frontage of the site and 3'wide shoulders across the entire frontage of the
site, to be reviewed and approved by the Ocean County Engineer and in accordance with Section
611:E-1 , (4) design the driveway for the proposed commercial Lot 170.47 and Lot 170.4g to
permit right turn-in, right turn-out only in accordance with Section 606:C, (5) revise the cross
sections for Cedar Bridge Avenue indicating the limit of pavement reconstruction to maintain a 2%
cross slope and positive gutter flow, (6) pay an off tract traffic improvement fee in an amount to be
determined by the Ocean County Engineer and (7) enter into an agreement with the Ocean
County Board of Chosen Freeholders with regard to the construction of a traffic signal at the
intersection of Cedar Bridge Avenue and Shenandoah Drive. lt is also required thatthe Township
shall not issue C.O.'s for the two commercial lots along Cedar Bridge Avenue until all the road
improvements have been constructed and approved bythe Ocean County Engineer. Preliminary
and final approvals are recommended contingent upon the above being done and the Board's
decision on the waiver request.
A letter dated March 6, 20'13 was read from Pamela Hilla of FWH Associates, requesting a waiver
from providing curbing along the entire frontage of the proposed development. A Jection of
roadway shall remain uncurbed from Station 51+50 to Station 53+75 along Cedar Bridge Avenue
to utilize the existing grassed drainage swale. Sidewalk is not proposed for this lection of
on a motion by Mr. scarantino, seconded by Mr. Russell, the Board granted a waiver from
constructing additional curb along Cedar Bridge Avenue in accordance with Section 612:A; this
major subdivision was given preliminary and final approval contingent upon the developer to (1)
obtain and submit a valid NJDEP letter of interpretation for the wetland delineation as snown on
the plan, (2) construct additional pavement widening along Cedar Bridge Avenue to accommodate
a 14'wide left turn lane and center island striping at the intersection of Cedar Bridge Avenue and
Shenandoah Drive extended the entire frontage of the site and 3' wide shoulders alross the entire
frontage of the site, to be reviewed and approved by the ocean county Engineer and in
accordance with Section 61 1 :E-1 , (3) design the driveway for the proposed commercial Lot 170.47
and Lot 170.49 to permit right turn-in, right turn-out only in accordance with Section 606:C, (4)
revise the cross sections for Cedar Bridge Avenue indicating the limit of pavement reconstruction
to maintain a 2% cross slope and positive gutter flow, (5) pay an off tract traffic improvement fee
in an amount to be determined by the Ocean County Engineer and (6) enter into an agreement
with the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders with regard to the construction of a traffic
signal at the intersection of Cedar Bridge Avenue and Shenandoah Drive. lt is also required that
the Township shall not issue C.O.'s for the two commercial lots along Cedar Bridge Avenue until
all the road improvements have been constructed and approved by the Ocean County Engineer.
The motion was unanimouslv carried.
This site plan application is for the phased addition to an existing industrial warehouse building
consisting ofl Phase One 8,329 s.f. addition, Phase Two 3,678 s.f. addition, a storage shed, an
additional 23 parking spaces and associated site improvements. Countyfacilities are not affected.
On a motion by Mr. Reed, seconded by Mr. Bertrand, this site plan was given final approval. The
motion was unanimously carried.
LITTLE EGG HBR: Lots 5 Block 276 (LEHT408B) Ocean Creek Holdinqs
This site plan application is forthe construction of four additional parking spaces, the relocation of
the existing freestanding "lD" sign and associated site improvements. No improvements are
proposed along Giffordtown Road. An off-tract traffic improvement fee in the amount of $3,035.00
has been previously paid. On a motion by Mr. Russell, seconded by Ms. McCrystal, this site plan
was given final approval contingent upon the developer to (1) indicate the existing sight triangle
easements at the intersection of G iffordtown Road and Stage Road and at the existing driveway
on Giffordtown Road on the plan, (2) remove the proposed parking spaces from within the sight
triangle easement areas and (3) relocate the "lD" sign from within the sight triangle easement
area. The motion was unanimously carried.
PT. PLEASANT: Lots 46 Block 128 (PPB397C) Siqnature Kitchens
This site plan application is for the change of use of several existing buildings into a kitchen
showroom for Signature Kitchens, professional office, storage area and a residential unit. County
facilities are not affected. On a motion by Mr. Bertrand, seconded by Ms. McOrystal, this site plan
was given final approval. The motion was unanimously carried.
PT. PLEASANT BH: Lots 3 Block 130 PPBB252) Kostecki. Michael
On a motion by Mr. Russell, seconded by Ms. McCrystal, this minor subdivision was given final
approval. The motion was unanimously carried.
TOMS RIVER: Lots 25.01 Block 171 {TRT3279) Ascione Florist
This minor subdivision has no effect on County facilities. On a motion byMr. Russell, seconded by
Ms. McOrystal, this minor subdivision was given final approval contingent upon the developer to
indicate the NJDOT "desired typical section" for this section of NJ Route I in accordance with the
current NJDOT access code on the plan. The motion was unanimouslv carried.
LAKEWOOD: Lots 1 .01 , 2 & 3 Block 7 (LAT1348A) Murex Industries, Inc.
MANCHESTER: Lots 7.04 Block 70 (MT476A) Eric G. Larson Jr., Electrical Contracting, Inc.
BRIGK: Block 589. Lot 9 (BRT1920) RMR Realtv. LLC. This site plan received conditional
approval on November 14, 2012. A letter dated February 21, 2013 was read from William
Stevens of Professional Design Services, requesting a waiver from providing the requested rightof-way in the form of a dedication as opposed to an easement. The applicant is requesting that
the right-of-way be provided as an easement as was done for the last two site plans west of the
subject property. The applicant bases this request on the relatively small size of this lot. The
property is 81 feet deep atthe shallowest point. The County is seeking a dedication of 13.6 feet
which is approximately 17o/o of the property depth. The applicant is proposing to dedicate 4,5 feet
of right-of-way for Mantoloking Road. The applicant also has some minor improvements within
the proposed road easement such as a portion of a parking stall, some curb and a bicycle rack.
The applicant requests that he be able to utilize this area until such time as the easement is
needed by the Couniy. On a motion by Mr. Scarantino, seconded by Mr. Bertrand, the Board
granted a waiver from submitting a deed for an additional right-of-way dedication to 40' from
centerline on Mantoloking Road and accepted a 4.5', dedication 21 feet from centerline of
Mantoloking Road and a 9.1 ' road easement with the remainder of ihe road easement to 30 feet
from centerline. The motion was unanimously carried.
LAKEWOOD: Block 104. Lot 20 (LAT1606) Halpern. Tuvia. This minor subdivision received
conditional approval on January 16, 2013. A letter dated February 22,2019 was read from
Charles Surmonte, requesting a waiverfrom the requirement of providing additional right-of-way in
the form of a dedication as doing so will create a lot area less than that required. The applicant
proposes to provide said required area in the form of an easement. On a motion by Mr.
Scarantino, seconded by Mr. Bertrand, the Board accepted a road easement in lieu of providing
an additional right-of-way to 30' from centerline along squankum Road to ocean county;
however, should the Township require sidewalks, an additional sidewalk easement will be
required. The moiion was unanimously carried.
PLUMSTED: Block 19. Lot 23 (PT393) Yuen Kim Cheuno. This site plan received conditional
approval on June 16, 2010, Condition #10 required the pavment of an off-tract drainaoe
improvement fee in an amount determined the Ocean County Engineer, and Condition #i1
required the payment of an off-tract traffic improvement fee in an amount to be determined bythe
Ocean County Engineer. The Ocean County Engineer has determined the off-tract drainage
improvement fee to the $3,850.00 and the off-tract traffic improvement fee be waived. On a
motion by Mr. Scarantino, seconded by Mr. Bilotta, the Board required the payment of the off-tract
drainage improvement fee in the amount of 93,8b0.00 and the offtract traffic improvementfee be
waived. The motion was unanimously carried.
12. Lot 65 (PPB371 L) Clarks Landinq Marina. This site plan received
approval on september 21,2011 for a change of use, and conditional approval on August 1b,
2012 for an amended site plan for the construction of a second story addition to an existing
restaurant to be used for a banquet facility. The second story of Building "A" was constructed
without County approval. Condition #2 required the payment of an off-tract traffic improvement
fee in an amount to be determined by the County Engineer. The County Engineer has determined
the off-tract traffic improvement fee to be $9,166.00 which can be waived if the fifty-percent of
boat slips are removed pertheir 2008 Point Pleasant Borough approval of the Building'A" second
story restaurant. On a motion by Mr. Scarantino, seconded by Mr. Bertrand, the Board required
the payment of the off-tract traffic improvement fee in the amount of g9,166.00, which can be
waived if the fifty-percent of boat slips are removed per their 2008 Point Pleasant Borough
approval. The motion was unanimouslv carried.
30.01 & 32
There being no further business, on a motion by Mr. Bertrand, seconded by Mr. Reed, the
meeting was adjourned. The motion was unanimously carried.
Respectfully submifted,
An - Awlt
Robin L. Florio, Secretary
Ocean County Planning Board