True Beauty ideas for your
American Heritage Girls Troop
Sweetpea Beauty resources are wonderful tools for helping your girls earn their
Daughter of the King Badge, and a fun Sweetpea True Beauty activity patch too!
Here are some ideas for incorporating True Beauty with your Troop!
Host a True Beauty
Princess Party or Sleepover
Ideas for facilitating the
True Beauty guide lessons
k Order a Sweetpea event kit from Big Idea and
show the Sweetpea Beauty DVD to the group.
See yourself like God sees you
Buy small mirrors and decorate them. Write “God
sees the beauty of my heart!” on them. Assist
girls in finding Bible verses that talk about how
God sees them.
k Create a princess theme – everything pink, play
dress-up, serve refreshments in teacups, offer
sweets, and decorate tiaras as a craft project.
k Review the True Beauty guide with the group and
consider the project ideas below to support the
lessons on the guide. Choose one or more for the
group to do together at the Princess Party.
k Include older girls in the planning process – they
can mentor the younger “princesses” and earn
their Daughter of the King badge as well.
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Earn a True Beauty
Activity Patch
k Order a Sweetpea event kit from Big Idea and
show the Sweetpea Beauty DVD to the group!
k Review the True Beauty guide together and
discuss key scenes from the movie that relate to
the lessons on the guide.
k Facilitate projects during Unit or Troop meetings
to support the lessons on the guide.
k As your Troop completes the projects, personally
encourage the girls by pointing out specific ways
they shine to further build their self-worth and
confidence as they seek to be a girl after God’s
own heart.
k Ask each girl to explain their understanding of
the lesson in order to complete the
patch requirement.
k Encourage your Troop
Shepherd to review the True
Beauty guide and encourage
girls in this area throughout
the program year.
k Order True Beauty patches
from www.bigidea.com
and give them to the girls
upon completion of the
requirements (patches available
in September 2010).
Praying for others
Make a stack of prayer cards for all the important
people, things, and events in the girls’ lives.
Encourage them to use the prayer cards to help
them remember to pray for the important things
in life.
Giving thanks
Create handmade thank you cards for a few
special people, decorate them, suggest messages
or let them write their own.
Helping others
Consider partnering with a non-profit organization
to do a project together that can make a
difference such as: sponsoring a child, purchasing
baby chicks or a goat for a community, or packing
a shoe box Christmas gift.
Honoring your parents
Have the girls create short storybooks where
they write and illustrate about the most
important lessons they have learned from
their parents. Offer some ideas to help them
– such as spending money wisely, being nice
to people, how to bake delicious cookies, and
that Jesus loves them. Plan a Father-Daughter
or Mother-Daughter event and
present parents with these
special gifts.
Taking care of
God’s world
Take the girls on a trash
pick up excursion and end
it with a picnic to enjoy the
beauty of God’s nature.
See the Daughter of the
King badge ideas for more
creative ways to teach these
lessons to your Troop!
True Beauty support items
available at www.bigidea.com:
w Sweetpea Beauty event kit
(DVD, guide, posters, stickers,
balloons, etc)
w Sweetpea Beauty DVD
w Sweetpea Beauty Songs for
Girls CD
w Sweetpea Beauty digital watch,
t-shirt, and posters
w 365 Bedtime Devotions for Girls
w Sweetpea Patch