HOMECRAFT SCHEDULE 70TH ANNUAL Kenilworth Show Saturday 1st June 2013 Car park 1 National Agricultural Centre Opposite to the main entrance gates Stoneleigh Warwickshire CV8 2LZ Kenilworth and District Agricultural Society Registered Office: 16 Easenhall Road, Harborough Magna, Rugby, Warwickshire. CV23 0HU email: [email protected] www.kenilworthshow.org.uk Cover Design: Winner of 2011 competition - Molly Daly, aged 12 HOMECRAFT SHOW IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO EXHIBITORS - PLEASE READ This Show will be at Car Park 1 of the NAC, Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire. CV8 2LZ. We invite you to participate. Directions: The Show will be sign posted on B4113. Please also refer to our website giving directions. Staging of Exhibits: Friday 31st May 2013 Saturday 1st June 2013 Judging: Saturday 1st June 2013 Entries will be accepted between 5.00 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. Exhibitors wishing to unload directly into the Homecraft Marquee must do so on the Friday. Entries will be accepted between 8.00am and strictly 8.30am Exhibits brought on the Saturday will have to be carried from the car park, as no cars will be allowed near the Homecraft Marquee. Judging will take place from 9.00 a.m. The Homecraft Show will be open to the public from approximately 11.00 a.m., after the judging has been completed. Presentation of Prizes and Collection of Exhibits: Saturday 1st June 2013 Presentation of trophies will take place in the Homecraft Marquee at 4.30 p.m. Prize money will be available from the Secretary after 5.00 p.m. All exhibits must be removed by 6.00 p.m. Secretary: Mrs C. Mold, Home Farm, Pailton Road, Harborough Magna, Rugby. CV23 OHG. Tel: 01788 832833. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Homecraft committee of the Kenilworth and District Agricultural Society wish to convey their gratitude for The Royal Agricultural Society’s kindness in permitting the use of Car Park 1, for the Kenilworth’s Homecraft Show for 2013. RULES: 1. Entry Fees: Children’s Section All Other Classes 2. (Division XI) - Free 50 pence per entry Your Entry Form: nd Accompanied by the correct entry fee must be received by Wednesday 22 Confirmation of entry will not be acknowledged. 3. May 2013. Entrants in Division XI must be:PART I: 7 years or under. PART II: 12 years or under. PART III: 16 years or under on the day of the Show. ENTRANTS MUST BE UNAIDED BY ADULTS: 4. All classes are open.. NB - An exhibitor may not enter more than 2 entries per class in Division IV, the Egg Section and Division VIII, the Handicraft Section. 5. Any item may be exhibited in one KADAS Homecraft Show only and must not be re-entered in any other year. 6. The committee has the right to refuse entries. 7. The Judges have the power to withhold prizes. The Judges’ decision is final. 8. Protests or objections to be made in writing by the Exhibitor to the Show Secretary by 1.00 p.m. on the day of the Show, accompanied by a deposit of £5.00, returnable if the objection is held. 9. All entries for the COMPETITION ONLY, AND NO ARTICLE WILL BE SOLD. 10. All exhibits showing more or less than the specified number, greater than the stated maximum dimensions or otherwise not to schedule, shall be disqualified. 11. Cards for each entry to be obtained from the Secretary on arrival at the Homecraft Marquee. Please note: st st Entries will not be accepted after 7.30 p.m. on Friday 31 May, and 8.30 a.m. on Saturday 1 June. 12. Exhibitors to provide own materials for staging exhibits and to be responsible for same at close of Show. 13. Although all possible security precautions will be taken, the Kenilworth and District Agricultural Society accept no responsibility for loss or damage to exhibits or the property of the Exhibitor. 14. Placings: 15. Points will be awarded as follows:- 16. Where an Exhibitor enters more than one exhibit in a single class, the points gained by the highest placed exhibit ONLY will be calculated towards the ‘Most Points in Division’ trophy. 17. Trophies are the property of the Kenilworth and District Agricultural Society. They are for annual competition. Winners from the previous show will be notified accordingly, and the trophies must be th returned to the Secretary by the 25 April 2014 for presentation at the 2014 show. 18. No dogs allowed in marquee, except guide dogs. Classes with 5 or fewer entries qualify for 3 awards. Classes with 6 or more entries qualify for 4 or 5 awards. 1st - 4 2nd - 2 3rd - 1 TROPHIES Special Trophy Coventry Evening Telegraph Rose Bowl For most points in Division 1 - X Division I - Floral Art L. Trietline Cup The Martin Rose Bowl Cynthia Cook Trophy Kenilworth Flower Club Trophy Best exhibit in Floral Art Most points in Division I Best interpretation of a Class Title Best exhibit in Novice Class Division II - Pot Plants/Herbs/Vegetables McDaide Cup Jean Sephton Cup Gerald Geoffrey Trophy Most points in Division II Best exhibit in Class 12 Best exhibit in Class 13 Division III - Cut Flowers Kenilworth Cup Roland Powers Cup Most points in Division III Best exhibit in Classes 16 & 17 Division IV – Eggs A Cup Best exhibit in Division IV Division V - Home Baking Kenilworth Weekly News Cup Alan Davies Bakery Trophy Joyce Horncastle Novice Cup Janet Lewis Award Sugar Craft Cup Most points in Division V Best exhibit in Class 35 Best exhibit in Class 28 Best exhibit in Class 37 Best Exhibit in Class 32 Division VI – Preserves Mary Hill Trophy Most points in Division VI Division VII – Wine Peter Davy Trophy Most points in Division VII Division VIII - Handicrafts Mollie Lucas Trophy Joan Holmes Memorial Trophy Kenilworth WI Rose Bowl Catherine Fletcher Cup Most points in Division VIII Best exhibit in Class 52 Best exhibit in Class 49 Best exhibit in Novice Class Division IX - Art Dorothy Potts Cup Best exhibit in Division IX Division X - Photography Tom Lucas Trophy Serck Trophy Best exhibit in Division X Most points in Division X Division XI - Children’s Section The Dixon Cup Amy Lilly Cup Kathleen Moreton Trophy Young Farmers Club Trophy The Witney Trophy Junior Sugar Craft Cup George Bostock Trophy Ivor Moreton Trophy Alan Briscoe Cup Best junior exhibit in an adult class Best exhibit in Classes 64, 66 and 67 Best exhibit in Classes 63 and 68 Best exhibit in Classes 65 and 70 Best exhibit in Classes 69, 71 and 72 Best exhibit in Class 73 Most points in Part I Most points in Part II Most points in Part III st PRIZE MONEY for Divisions I : 1 - £5.00 nd 2 - £3.00 rd 3 - £2.00 DIVISION I - FLORAL ART nd To be judged in accordance with NAFAS Competitions Manual 2 Edition 2009. Tables are 60cms in depth, covered white. All backings are neutral where applicable. Height of exhibits is unlimited. No artificial plant material to be included. Please note that staging must be completed by 7.30 p.m. st Friday 31 May 2013 CLASS: 1. “Stately Home” and exhibit. Width 24” 2. “Over the Rainbow” An exhibit. Width 24” 3. “Farmhouse Kitchen”. An exhibit. Width 18” (Novice – someone who has never won a floral arrangement competition) 4. “Think Green”. An exhibit. Width 18” 5. “50 Years of the Beatles”. An exhibit. Width 24” 6. “On the Shore”. A contemporary exhibit. Width 18” 7. A petite Arrangement, not exceeding 10” overall st nd PRIZE MONEY for Divisions II – X: 1 - £2.00 2 rd - £1.00 3 - £0.50 DIVISION II - POT PLANTS / HERBS / VEGETABLES Pot Plants must have been the property of the Exhibitor for a minimum of 3 months. CLASS: 8. Hosta Grown in a Pot 9. A Collection of Cut Herbs, named, minimum 5 sorts, in one container of water. 10. 1 Foliage Plant - pot to be 7”/18cm maximum 11. 1 Flowering Pot Plant - pot to be 7”/18cm maximum 12. 1 Filled Patio Pot, minimum of 3 different types of plants 13. 3 Sticks of Rhubarb 14. Strawberry plants growing in a container Entries in this section, except in Classes 9 & 13, will not be accepted unless - standing in a water retaining dish. DIVISION III _ CUT FLOWERS All Cut Flowers must have been grown by the Exhibitor. CLASS: 15. Container of variegated garden foliage, mixed types, maximum 5 stems 16. Hybrid Tea Rose, 1 stem 17. Rose, any type, 1 container, 3 stems 18. Container of cut flowers, mixed types, minimum 5 stems, no foliage 19. Container of cut flowers, 1 type, minimum 5 stems , no foliage 20. 3 Clematis blooms 21. 3 spikes of Iris, any form All flowers must be in water, in a suitable container. DIVISION IV – EGGS – An exhibitor may not enter more than two entries per class in this section. Classes 22-26 will be judged on appearance only. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 3 Hen Eggs, brown 3 Hen Eggs, tinted ie light brown 3 Hens eggs white 3 Bantam Eggs, any colour 3 Waterfowl Eggs, any variety 1 Egg, any variety, judged on Internal Quality All exhibits to be displayed on white plates with sand – supplied by Kenilworth Show DIVISION V - HOME BAKING (All exhibits in this division must be covered in clear plastic bags or clear film. Covers will be removed for judging, and then replaced.) Due to the Food Safety Act 1991, we are unable to accept entries containing raw eggs, Soft cheese, pates and any other pre-cooked meats. CLASS: 28. MEN ONLY: Lemon Drizzle Cake, made in a loaf tin 29. 5 Pieces of “unbaked” tray bake 30. Chocolate Sandwich Sponge, 3 egg mix 31. Round of Shortbread 32. A selection of Cakes for Afternoon Tea, displayed on a cake stand. No Fresh Cream 33. Apple Cake 34. 5 Cheese Scones 35. 5 Assorted Bread Rolls 36. A Mediterranean Bread 37. A fruit Cake, fruit to be specified 38. Treacle Tart 39. A Lemon Swiss Roll 40. 1 Shelled, Uncut, Hard Boiled Egg, to be judged on internal appearance only DIVISION VI - PRESERVES Must be presented in non-commercial jars, clearly labelled and dated. CLASS: 41 A jar of Chutney 42 A jar of Jelly, to serve as an accompaniment to meat 43 A jar of Jam 44 A jar of Lemon Curd 45 A jar of Marmalade DIVISION VII – WINE CLASS: 46 Damson or Sloe Gin (any size, clear bottle) 47 Any other flavour of liqueur, labelled. (any size, clear bottle) DIVISION VIII - HANDICRAFTS (An exhibitor may not enter more than two entries per Class in this section) All entries to be the work of the exhibitor. CLASS: 48 2 metres of Handmade Bunting to celebrate 70 Years of Kenilworth & District Agricultural Society 49 A Draught Excluder 50 An item of handmade Jewellery 51 A Peg Bag, (Novice – someone who has never won a handicraft competition) 52 An item of Patchwork 53 A gift for a Baby 54 Handstitched Picture, any medium 55 “Anything You Like”, not eligible in Classes 48-54 DIVISION IX – ART Class 56, 58: Entries can be framed, but will not be accepted unless fixed for hanging with a securely attached cord or wire. CLASS: 56 A Picture in Acrylic and/or oils 57 A Greetings Card, any medium. Maximum size A5 58 A Painting in Water Colour DIVISION X - PHOTOGRAPHY Rules Images taken with a digital camera will be accepted. You may use digital manipulation to optimise an image but you are not permitted to add or remove key elements of the composition. Composite or montage images, from more than one original image, are not eligible. All digital images must be submitted as prints and must be clearly marked as digital images. Entrants of all photos will be required to declare the location the photograph was taken, on the front of the exhibit where applicable. Images to be mounted on card, not in a frame. Classes 60-62 Maximum print size 12” x 8½” (30.5cm x 21.5cm) exclusive of mounting. CLASS: 59 A set of 4 photographs of One Location in Four Seasons. Each photograph 7” x 5”, mounted together 60 “A New Day” - a colour photograph 61 “A different Angle” - a colour photograph 62 “Clouds” - a colour photograph NB. To be included in 2014 Homecraft Schedule:“Kenilworth Show 2013” – A colour photograph DIVISION XI - CHILDREN’S SECTION PLEASE READ THE RULES regarding ages as shown below, also rules on Page 2. Please state your date of birth on the entry form. - Exhibits must be the work of the entrant. st nd rd Entry Fee - Free Prize Money - 1 - £1.50 2 - £1.00 3 - £0.50 Classes 63, 68 and 73 – Must be covered in a clear plastic bag/film. Covers will be removed for judging and then replaced. PART I - Children to be aged 7 years or under on the day of the Show. 63 64 65 66 67 3 Decorated Digestive Biscuits Decorated Mask on a Stick A Model Insect made from recycled materials. Max size 30cms x 30cms. Height unlimited Edible Necklace Decorated Plant Pot PART II - Children to be aged 12 years or under on the day of the Show. 68 69 70 71 72 5 Jam Tarts A kite of your own design A Famous Building made from recycled materials. Max 30cms x30cms. Height unlimited Decorated Egg A handwritten “Thank You” letter PART III - Children to be aged 16 years or under on the day of the Show. 73 74 75 5 Butterfly Cakes Handmade “masquerade” Mask (on a stick) A Tie-Dye T-shirt Children may enter more than one section as long as they are within the age limit.
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