LILYDALE SHOW 2013 LILYDALE SHOW n Jo i e & th m Co e 60 ! th Fun y a thd Bir November 2013 w w w. li l y da l e s h ow.o r g . a u WM WASTE WM WASTE MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES SERVICES Proudly supported by PTY LTD. PTY LTD. Lilydale Recreation Reserve Main Street, Lilydale President: Robert Higgs Secretary: Kim Ward P.O. Box 70, Lilydale 3140 Phone: (03) 9735 1292 Fax: (03) 9735 4615 Email: [email protected] WM WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES L . PTY TD What’s On At The Show BRIGGS/McDONNELL PAVILION Come and see the wonderful Horticultural display. CARNIVAL Experience the excitement of the Carnival with thrilling rides, arcade games and plenty of fun with a great atmosphere. CHANDLER PAVILION See an array of budgerigar & caged birds, poultry and rabbits. A winner with the kids. See Show program for dates/times. DAVID WILKINSON PAVILION Saturday only – See the Sheep competition along with Sheep Shearing Display back by popular demand. See Show program for dates/times. Sunday only – See our Goat display featuring, Boer Goats and displays of Dairy Goats, Miniature Goats and Angora Goats. Don’t miss the Dairy Goat milking display run by the Yarra Valley Goat Club. HORSE EVENTS Always a crowd pleaser. The Horses will be located on the No.2 Oval... Sit back and enjoy the events. Rings on both days Saturday & Sunday! JEAN EALES PAVILION Don’t miss our huge display of Art & Craft, Cookery, Wool, Needlework and Photography exhibits. Get some great ideas and enjoy the skills of our gifted entrants. JOHN PLANTE PAVILION Come along and pick up a bargain for Christmas or meander through the variety of Business Sites on show. MELBA PARK PRECINCT Free Community precinct featuring displays from our local community groups. Don’t miss the live snake display, CFA display, magic shows, roving clowns, kids craft marquee, animal nursery and plenty more free entertainment. Melba Park Stage - free entertainment from 10.00am to 5.00pm daily. See our Show Program for more details, available at the gate. TWILIGHT ENTERTAINMENT 6.00pm until dark on the MAIN OVAL. 6.00pm Live Music Dusk (approx 9.00pm) Fireworks - bigger and better than ever! YOUTH PAVILION Come and see the fantastic Meccano display along with the educational display from our local Primary Schools Visit our Devonshire Tea stand for scones & jam and a cuppa! For more details, check our website Don’t forget to collect your Show Program on entry to the show . 2014 LILYDALE SHOW INDEX 2015 Lilydale Show .......................................................................... 32 Advertising/Sponsors/Patrons .......................................................... 62 Entry Closing Dates ......................................................................... 35 Entry Forms (A stamped self addressed envelope must be returned with entries) ....... 36 Entry Procedure Instructions ............................................................ 31 General Regulations ........................................................................ 7 Melba Park ....................................................................................... 38 Presenting of Trophies (Jean Eales Pavilion) .................................. 25 Privacy Disclosure Statement .......................................................... 34 Show Map ........................................................................................ 71 Show Society ................................................................................... 4 Tickets and Show Facts ................................................................... 6 What’s on at the Show ..................................................................... 2 SHOW SOCIETY SECTION ART ..................................................... SECTION Z ....................... 9 BALMORAL HIGHLAND DANCING ... SECTION Ya ..................... 11 BUDGERIGARS & CAGED BIRDS .... COOKERY .......................................... CRAFTS .............................................. HORTICULTURE ................................ NEEDLEWORK .................................. PHOTOGRAPHY ................................ POULTRY ........................................... RABBITS ............................................ TALENT QUEST …………............................................... SHEEP ................................................ ................................. SHOW PERSONALITY ....................... VICTORIAN SCOTTISH DANCING…. WOODCHOP ...................................... WOOL ................................................. SECTION N ....................... 12 SECTION S ....................... 14 SECTION U ....................... 23 SECTION Q ....................... 26 SECTION T ....................... 39 SECTION V ....................... 43 SECTION L ....................... 45 SECTION P ....................... 49 SECTION …....................... 51 SECTION F ....................... 52 SECTION Yb ..................... 54 SECTION…………………… 57 . SECTION X ....................... 58 SECTION G ....................... 60 2014 SHOW SOCIETY INFORMATION Affiliated with: Victorian Agricultural Shows Limited, Equestrian Federation of Australia, Central Victorian Axemen’s Association, Australian Horticultural Judges Association Inc. OFFICE-BEARERS – 2014 President: Robert Higgs Vice-Presidents: Brian Daniels, Paul Tripp, Caroline Zunneberg Secretary: Kim Ward Treasurer: John Birse Committee: D. Ball, M. Brown, M. Burfoot, G. Ellis, N. Follett, E. Hayes, B. Higgs, H. Irwin, D. Lindbeck, T.Murfin, R. Murphy, R. Murphy, C. Perry, S. Pettitt, B. Sweaney, D. Tripp, M. Whiting, G. Wilkinson, L. Wilkinson Life Members: G. Aikman, R. Atchison, P. Austin, R. Austin, G. Beaumont, M. Brown, M. Burfoot, J. Caldwell, R.J. Cliff, R. Cliff, B. Cook, P. Davey, S. Pettitt, G. de Pury, K. de Pury, J. French, R. Higgs, D. Hill, E. Lithgow, K. Mason, G. MacDonald, S. MacDonald, F. McBride, E. McDonnell, D. Murfin, R. Murphy, S.R. Oliver, K.H. Paul, E.J. Roberts, J. Taylor, B. Sweaney, P. Tripp, D. Underwood, A. Veerman, D. Wilkinson, C. Zunneburg Honorary Members: R. G. Abrecht, Mrs. H. Andrews, M. Apostoladis, Ms. T. L. Andrews, Mrs.P. Balfour-Brown, G. Beaumont, B. Brookes, Dr. J. Clarke, Mrs. B. Cook, C. East, C. Faudell, Mrs. D. Faudell, Dr. H. C. Forbes, Mrs. S. French, Mrs. A. Grover, Mrs. E. Hayes, J. Hull, Mrs. S. Huston, M. Ireland, Mrs. H. Irwin, J. Isbel, Mrs. P. Kean, A. Lavis, D. Lindbeck, Dr. J. C. C. Macaulay, G. Macdonald, K. McLennan, C. Melvaine, R. Murphy, A. H. O’Brien, K. Rowell, K. Scott, Mrs. S. Seifert, L. Skate, G. Simpson, A. Stratton, Mrs. N. Supple, J. Taylor, P. Tripp, J. Trueman, G. Welsh, K. Williams, V. Williams, R. Wilkinson, L. T. Wilson, J. Young Members: V. Bergles, D.Ball, J. Birse, B. Daniels, L. Doensen, G. Ellis, J. Ellis, N. Follett, B. Higgs, K. Hill, P. Murphy, C.Perry, S. Pollard, L.Richardson, A. Young 4 2014 SHOW SOCIETY INFORMATION Competition Sections & Chief Stewards Angora, Dairy & Miniature Goats: Needlework: Ellen Hayes Photography: Neil Follett Art: Poultry: Brian Daniels Balmoral Highland Dancing: Rabbits: Lorraine Walker Val Bergles Sheep: Michael Apostoladis Budgies & Cage Birds: Les King Lloyd Richardson Show Personality: Robin Murphy Cookery: Debbie Tripp Talent Quest: Georgia Aikman Crafts: Mary Burfoot V. Scottish Dancing: Horses: Meredith Williams Barbara Sweaney Sally Centrone Wine: Sam Atherton Allen Spencer Horticulture: Mandy Whiting Woodchop: Wool: Graeme & Lesley Wilkinson Mary Burfoot Graeme Ellis VAS Ltd. Delegate Representative: Mary Burfoot Maintenance Sub-Committee: Bob Higgs (Chairperson), John Hull, Ken Atkins, Ray Murphy, Simon Pettitt, Cos Ruscitti, John Taylor, Paul Tripp Business Sites: Daniel Ball Catering: Barbara Higgs Education Display (Non-Competitive): Barbara Sweaney Melba Park Family Precinct: TBA Melba Park Family Precinct Stage: Jenny McCormack Wine Show Secretary: Sam Atherton Honorary Electrician: John Hull Honorary Plumber: Paul Tripp 5 TICKETS & SHOW FACTS 2014 SHOW TIMES: Saturday 15th November 2014 - 9.00am to 9.00pm Sunday 16th November 2014 - 9.00am to 5.00pm Saturday 15th November 5:00pm-9:00pm approx Live Band Ruckus Fireworks display on dusk (approx. 9pm) TWILIGHT ENTERTAINMENT: Adults $15.00 Children 5 - 14 yrs $6.00 Under 5 years FREE Concession/Student $8.00 GENERAL ADMISSION: All above tickets to be handed in on entry $35.00 FAMILY CONCESSION TICKET OPTIONAL Attendance at Twilight Entertainment Only: EXHIBITOR’S TICKET: 2 adults and 3 children up to and including 14 years. Sold at gates/ticket boxes on Show Days. To be handed in on entry EFTPOS NOW AVAILABLE Admission only after 6.00pm Saturday Evening: Adults $10.00 Children 5 -14 yrs $4.00 Under 5 years FREE Concession/Student $6.00 Family Concession $25.00 2 adults and 3 children up to and including 14 years. Sold at gates/ticket boxes on Saturday - to be handed in on entry after 7.00pm $20.00 entitles you to: Two entry tickets - to be handed in on entry EFTPOS will be available at Main Gate and Market Street entries. Nearest ATM available at Bendigo Bank, Main Street Lilydale. SHOW SECRETARY: 6 Kim Ward PO Box 70 Lilydale 3140 Phone: (03) 9735 1292 Fax: (03) 9735 4615 email: [email protected] ALL ADMISSION FEES INCLUDE GST Only vehicles displaying an official ‘Lilydale Show Society’ Vehicle Pass will be admitted into the Show Grounds GENERAL REGULATIONS 1. ALL ENTRY FORMS stating Class and Section, plus ENTRY FEES must be received by the Secretary on or before the closing dates mentioned in each section. 2. All industrial exhibits must be staged in the areas provided. Exhibits are not to be removed before 5.00 p.m. A pass must be obtained from the Steward to remove exhibits. 3. The books of the Society close on the last day of February each year. All accounts for payment must be in the hands of the Treasurer prior to 31st December. 4. All classes to be open, except where specified. 5. All exhibits, excepting flowers for bouquets, sprays and arrangements must be grown by the Exhibitor. Exhibits in Sections Q, S, T, U, V, W and Z must be the Exhibitor’s original work. In the case of livestock (excluding horses), the Exhibit must be the bona fide property of the competitor. 6. Prize cards, with names affixed, shall be attached to all exhibits after the judging has been completed. No prize ribbon or card to be worn or exhibited during the judging. 7. The Society shall not be responsible for the loss of or for any damage or injury occasioned to any exhibit or the property of any exhibitor from any cause whatsoever and in this context the word “Society” shall be held to be the Lilydale Agricultural and Horticultural Society Incorporated.Exhibitors enter entirely at their own risk. In case any exhibit, whilst on the Society’s Showgrounds, shall cause or be the cause of injury or damage to any other exhibit or exhibitor or to the person or property of any member of the Society or the general public, the owner of such exhibit shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Society, its officers, officials and members from and against all damages, costs, claims, expenses or liabilities incurred in connection with such exhibits. The exhibitors shall be liable to the Society and its employees, officers and officials for any damage or loss occasioned to any of them by the exhibit or the exhibitor or his agent. 8. An exhibit containing more or less than the required number of articles will be disqualified. 9. No protest will be entertained unless it is in writing, and is made to the Secretary before 5.30 p.m. on the last day of the Show. Cash deposit of $50.00 must be lodged with each protest, to be forfeited if the protest is proved frivolous. 10. The judges, whose decisions shall be final, shall have the power of with-holding prizes from any exhibit not deemed worthy, and may award a second prize for any exhibit they may consider deserving. 11. Should any dispute arise for which no specific regulation is provided, it shall be referred to the Committee, whose decision shall be final. 12. Any person insulting or interfering with Judges or Stewards during the Show will be subjected to removal from the Show Grounds, and the prizes (if any) awarded to him/ her forfeited. 13. Any prizes not claimed within three months from the date of Show become the property of the Society. 14. The Stewards may require any exhibitor to make a signed declaration in the presence of a Justice of the Peace as to the eligibility of any exhibit competing. 15. Any animal with a notifiable or contagious disease will be excluded from the Show Grounds. 16. The Society reserves the right to allot a trophy in place of prize money, or vice versa. In the event of a tie, prize monies will be divided equally between the winners in those Sections that offer prize monies. 7 GENERAL REGULATIONS (cont) 17. The Society reserves the right to reject any entry, or refuse admission to the Showgrounds to any person, without giving any reason for such action. The President and Secretary are empowered to decide this matter 18. The right to hold Side Shows, Amusements, or Exhibition Stands in the Show grounds must be arranged and paid for before the owners can gain admission to the grounds; and the owners shall, during the day, be subject to the orders of the Secretary; or as the President may decide. The Society reserves the right to stop any Side Show or other performances or exhibitions without giving any reason for such action, and all fees paid shall be forfeited to the Society. The authority of the President and Secretary shall be binding on the Society in this matter. 19. Gambling will be strictly prohibited in the Showgrounds. Any person found practising any illegal game will be given in charge of the Police. 20. Selling of Raffle tickets and/or soliciting of donations for any purpose whatsoever is prohibited. 21. No advertising or “For Sale” signs to be displayed on competitive exhibits without the permission of the Secretary. Exhibitors after the conclusion and clean up of the Show 23. Sales of exhibits are made by the Society solely as the agents of the exhibitor. Subject to the right of the exhibitor to withdraw the exhibit from Sale prior to the opening of the Show and the Society to withdraw the exhibit from sale at any time (whether or not the exhibitor, the Society still has possession of the exhibit). Purchase subject to Terms and Conditions 24. The Publishers of this Schedule and the Lilydale Agricultural and Horticultural Society Inc. have made every endeavour to obtain correctness of details in all entries, but no responsibility shall be taken for any error which may occur. Secretary NOTE: Information supplied in this booklet was correct at time of going to press. OWNER LIABILITY INSURANCE All owners and persons responsible for the liability of animals (as defined under) participating in the Lilydale Agricultural and Horticultural Society Incorporated Annual Show, are covered for “Owner Liability Insurance” on receipt of Entry Fee. This cover applies to all owners participating in events at the Lilydale Show – it is not on a selection basis and applies to all animals participating in competition. This gives cover from the time of entering the showgrounds until leaving but does not include transit cover, and is in addition to Regulation No. 7 of General Regulations. This cover along with applicable administration costs, applies on completion and receipt of the entry form and fee. 8 ART SECTION Z ENTRIES CLOSE FRIDAY, 31st OCTOBER, 2014 with the Secretary, P.O. Box 70, Lilydale, and MUST be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. CHIEF STEWARD: Graeme Ellis STEWARD: Joan Ellis JUDGE: Julie Goldspink All enquiries to be directed to the Chief Steward,0400043936 ENTRY FEES: OPEN (0), NOVICE (N) & MASTERS (M) $5.00 per Exhibit; SENIORS (S) JUNIOR (J) $1.50 per Exhibit. SPECIAL NEEDS (R) $1.50 per Exhibit Limit of three (3) entries per Category REGULATIONS: (To be read in conjunction with General Regulations) 1. All exhibits must be delivered to the Showgrounds, Jean Eales Pavilion, Market Street, Lilydale, from 10.00am to 4.00pm on SUNDAY, 9th NOVEMBER 2014 and 9.00am to 12noon Monday 10th NOVEMBER 2014. 2. Section tickets MUST be firmly fixed to the FRONT of each exhibit, and the duplicate entry form retained and surrendered before paintings can be reclaimed at the conclusion of the Show. 3. All exhibits MUST remain on display until 5.00pm on the last day of the Show. Exhibits will be available for collection from 5.15pm to 6.15pm on the final day of the show. 4. All work must be the original and sole work of the exhibitor, and must have been painted in the last two years, and not exhibited in previous Lilydale Shows. 5. The Society will take all care, but will not be responsible for any loss or damage, the exhibits being the sole risk of the exhibitor. 6. The Judges are given the power, and are especially requested, to withhold awards when the exhibits are, in their opinion, unworthy, and in all classes where exhibits do not conform with the rules and conditions as set out by the Lilydale Show Committee. The Judges’ decision shall be final. 7. All Art work MUST be suitably framed and MUST be provided with eyelets and wire (which must not be too tight) for the purpose of hanging. Any exhibits which are unable to be hung will not be on exhibition. Stretcher frames permitted. 8. The Chief Steward has the right to make separate Classes or to combine Classes. 9. Exhibitors in Junior Sections must not be more than 16 years of age on day of Show. Date of birth must be written on Entry Form. 10. An exhibit which has won a first prize in any previous Lilydale Show will NOT be eligible. 11. Exhibitors in seniors class must be the age of 60 years or over. 12. Exhibits in seniors class must have been painted within the past twelve months or after the entrant has reached the age of 60 years. 13. Masters class for exhibitors who have won 3 first prizes in Open, Any Category at Lilydale A. & H. Society Art Section. 14. An artist who has sold their art work, teaches art, or won an award above Highly Commended, may not enter novice class. Juniors Excluded. 15. Art work not to exceed 755mm x 910mm (2ft 6” x 3ft) including frame & mount. ANYTHING LARGER WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Prize Cards and Ribbons to Third Place in each Category Presentation of Awards will be made on Sunday, 16th November, 2014, at APPROX 4:15pm in the Art Section, Jean Eales Pavilion. ART SECTION Z (cont) Categories: A. WATER COLOUR - ANY SUBJECT B. OIL PAINTING OR ACRYLIC - ANY SUBJECT C. MIXED MEDIA - ANY SUBJECT D. DRAWING - ANY SUBJECT (Anything conceived in line, including line & wash, but excluding Prints) E. MINIATURE OR PAIR OF MINIATURES - ANY SUBJECT ANY MEDIUM Pairs must be related in theme. Not exceeding 64sq cm (25sq. in) or less excluding frame and mount. F. PASTEL - ANY SUBJECT Classes in all categories: Open (O) Senior (S) Masters (M) Novice (N) Junior (J) Special Needs (R) When completing your entry use the “Sec’s Use” column to enter the category of the exhibit, eg. A. Water Colour. Exhibitors in all Classes except Junior will have the opportunity to offer their work for sale to the public during the Show. A commission of 25% will be charged by the Society for work sold. Cheques covering the sale will be posted to the exhibitor following the show. PLEASE NOTE: When completing the Entry Form exhibitors MUST indicate Sale Price or N.F.S. (Not For Sale). Any entries received without Sale Price will be catalogued as N.F.S. For catalogue purposes, all exhibitors (including JUNIOR (J) exhibitors) MUST advise the exhibit TITLE. This should be placed in the “Description of Article” section on Entry Form. Class Entered and Category Definition, e.g. (S) Water Colour, must be stated on Entry Form otherwise the Chief Steward is empowered to automatically place the entry into OPEN (0) Class. EXHIBITORS MUST COMPLETE, SIGN AND RETURN THE ENTRY FORMS BY FRIDAY 31st OCTOBER 2014, TOGETHER WITH A STAMPED SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPE. The right hand section will be returned to the Exhibitor together with Exhibit Numbers and should be presented when claiming exhibits after the Show. SPECIAL AWARDS BEST SPECIAL NEEDS EXHIBIT: Trophy & Rosette: Art with Distinction, Mt. Evelyn BEST EXHIBIT IN SHOW: Trophy & Sash: Mooroolbark Community Bank Branch of the Bendigo Bank BEST OPEN EXHIBIT: Trophy & Rosette: Anne & Keith Ross, Wandin BEST NOVICE EXHIBIT: Trophy & Rosette: Mooroolbark Picture Framing BEST JUNIOR EXHIBIT: Trophy & Rosette: Joan & Graeme Ellis, Chirnside Park BEST MINIATURES: BEST STILL LIFE: BEST SENIOR EXHIBIT: BEST MASTERS EXHIBIT: 10 Trophy & Rosette: Westpac Bank Lilydale Trophy & Rosette: Dorothy Wilkinson Memorial Trophy & Rosette: Methven Professionals, Lilydale Trophy & Rosette: Methven Professionals, Lilydale BALMORAL HIGHLAND DANCING SECTION Ya YARRA VALLEY HIGHLAND DANCING MEMBERS ASSOCIATION V 26/14 MIXED COMPETITION TO BE HELD AT LILYDALE SHOW ON SATURDAY, 15TH NOVEMBER, 2014 at 10.30am Conducted under S.O.B. Rules. ENTRY FEE: $3.00 per dance Premiership Sashes in all Sections ADJUDICATOR: Mrs. M. McAlpine ENTRIES to be forwarded to: Mrs. V. Bergles, 38 Barrow Drive, Heathmont, 3135, by 8th November 2014. Ages for all sections will be determined on entries received Pre-Premier: Primary: Pas-de bas, Pas-de bas & High Cut, H.F & S.D Beginners: H.F, S.D, ST. S.L. Flora Novice: H.F, S.D, ST. S.L. Flora Intermediate: H.F, S.D, ST. S.L Flora Competitors entering the following 2 events will not be eligible to enter into Premier B.B Premier with Restrictions: H.F, S.D YARRA VALLEY TOYOTA PERPETUAL TROPHY UNDER 12 PREMIER: S.T 12 & OVER PREMIER : S.T. Premier: S.L, V.M, B.B Premier Trophy: H.F. (6 Steps) Lilydale Premierships: Either - S.D (2&2), S.T (4&2) & ST&HR (2&2) or SD(2&1) ST(3&1) ST & HR (2&2) Premier: I.J 11 BUDGERIGARS & CAGED BIRDS SECTION N TO BE JUDGED SUNDAY 16th NOVEMBER 2014 ENTRIES CLOSE FRIDAY 07th NOVEMBER 2014 with the Secretary, P.O. Box 70, Lilydale, 3140. ENTRY FEE: $1.00 per cage Juniors up to 16 years Birds and Decorated Cages Free Entry Fee Chief Steward: Lloyd Richardson Stewards supplied by Eastern Dist. Budgerigar & Cage Birds Society. Exhibited and Judged in the Chandler Pavilion, adjacent to the CFA Firetrack JUDGE: To be advised REGULATIONS: (To be read in conjunction with General Regulations) 1. Cage numbers must be collected from the Chief Steward on Show Day. 2. All birds are to be exhibited in the standard show cages of their breed Cage labels must be in the front bottom left-hand corner. 3. Young Stock: Birds entered in these classes must be rung with a current year ring issued by a recognised society. Exhibitors must present their Ring Register Cards if requested. 4. All exhibits must be the property of the exhibitor. 5. Exhibits must be benched before 9.00am on Show Day. To be removed by 4.30pm 6. At the conclusion of the Show all exhibitors are required to present their duplicate entry forms to the Steward and have their birds checked out. 7. The Society will exercise every precaution and care with exhibits, but will accept no responsibility for same. 8. The judges’ decisions are final and binding. 9. Awards: Sash or Trophy in all sections. BUDGERIGARS Adult Cock 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 12 Adult Hen 1a. 2a. 3a. 4a. 5a. 6a. 7a. 8a. 9a. 10a. 11a. 12a. 13a. 14a. 15a. 16a. 17a. 18a. Unbroken Cap GREEN SERIES BLUE SERIES YELLOW SERIES RED EYE SERIES GREY WING GREEN GREY WING BLUE CINNAMON WING GREEN CINNAMON WING BLUE CLEAR WING GREEN & BLUE OPALINE NORMAL WING OPALINE A OSV YELLOW FACE SERIES DOM PIED REC PIED FALLOW SPANGLE LACEWING A.O.V. PAIRS 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 CAN ARIES Class 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. BORDER FAN CY RED CANARY YORKSHIRE NORWICH GLOSTER CO NSORT GLOSTER CO RONA A.O.V. Young 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 AUSTRALIAN FINCHES 30. GOULDIAN, A.O.V. 31. BLACKHEARTS, Parson Mask 32. STAR, Red or Orange Plumhead 33. PICTORELLA, Diamond Sparrow 34. CHESTNUT 35. EMBLEMA, Picta, Blood Yellow Rump 36. DOUBLE BAR 37. RED BROW 38. ZEBRA, A.O.V. 39. AUSTRALIAN FINCH, A.O.V. AUSTRALIAN FINCHES 50. GOLD FINCH, GREEN FINCH, CHAFFINCH 51. JAVA SPARROW 52. CORDON BLEU, Orange Breast, Cubam 53. PARROT FINCH 54. ST.HELENA 55. STRAWBERRY FIRE PARROTS 70. NEOPHEMA, Any variety 71. ROSELLA, Any variety 72. LORIKEET, Any variety 77. NORMAL GREEN 7 78. PIED 56. NUN, Black, Silver or Tri 57. CUT THROAT, Aberdeen 58. MANNIKIN, Any variety 59. SPICE 60. AURORA, MELBA, JACARINI 61. FOREIGN FINCH, A.O.V. 74. COCKATOO, Any variety 75. AUSTRALIAN PARROT, Any variety 76. FOREIGN PARROT, Any variety PEACHFACE LOVEBIRD 79. NORMAL BLUE 80. PEACHFACE, A.O.V. FISCHER LOVEBIRD 81. NORMAL 82. PIED 84. NORMAL 85. PEACHFACE Pied 83. FISCHER, A.O.V. MASK LOVEBIRD 86. MASK A.O.V. TROPHY DONATED BY THE AFRICAN LOVEBIRD & FOREIGN PARROT SOCIETY OF VICTORIA 90. DOVE, Any variety 91. KING QUAIL 94. FANTAIL COCK 96. PIGEON, A.O.V. PIGEON, DOVES AND QUAIL 100. PET BIRD, Any Variety 92. QUAIL, Any other variety 93. A.O.V. CAGE BIRD 95. FANTAIL HEN PET SECTION 101. Pair, Any Variety SPECIAL AWARD: Sash RESERVE AWARD: Sash FREE ENTRY TO JUNIORS UP TO 16 YEARS IN PET SECTION 13 COOKERY SECTION S ENTRIES CLOSE FRIDAY 7th NOVEMBER, 2014 With the Secretary, P.O. Box 70, Lilydale, 3140 Please Note extra delivery dates & times ENTRY FEES: Open: $2.50 per entry. Junior: $1.00 per entry. Chief Steward: Debbie Tripp Tel. 9735 5557 PRIZE CARDS AND RIBBONS AWARDED. REGULATIONS: (To be read in conjunction with General Regulations) 1. Only one entry per exhibitor in each class (unless otherwise stated). No exhibit may be entered in more than one class. 2. Each exhibit must have been produced since the last Lilydale Show. Any entry that has been cut, or seal broken, will not be accepted. 3. The Judge/s have the right to sample foods and preserves. 4. All exhibits MUST be delivered to the Showgrounds, Jean Eales Pavilion, Market Street, Lilydale, between 8am and 10am on Thursday, 13th November, 2014 or 3.00pm to 7.00pm Wednesday 12th November, 2014. 5. Prizes will be distributed at the Section at 3.15pm on the last day of the show. 6. Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope for return of section tickets. Hold duplicated entry form for collection of exhibits, after 4.30pm on last day of Show. 7. The Judges may withhold awards when the exhibits are, in their opinion, unworthy. 8. The Society will take all care, but will not be responsible for any loss or damage; the exhibits being the sole risk of the exhibitor. 9. No Commercial cake mixes or Commercial equipment to be used. 10. The Judge/s’ decision will be final. 11. Decorated cakes to be mounted on a firm board, with cleats attached. Plain fruit cakes or blocks may be presented on a board, no larger than 30 cm. Maximum height 120cm. Section ticket at front please. 12. The Chief Steward has the right to make separate classes if sufficient numbers of entries of similar types are entered in any class or to combine classes where there are insufficient entries. 13. Juniors are eligible to compete in all Open Classes 14. Most Successful Exhibitor - Three points will be awarded for first prize, two for second prize, and one point for third prize. In the event of a tie, a count-back to determine the number of awards will take place. 15. All entries must be the sole work of the Exhibitor. THANK YOU TO OUR PATRONS Cake Decorators Assoc. of Victoria Marg Henley C.W.A. Wandin Branch Max & Helen Begely Choice Cake Decorating Centre, Doug Knight Real Estate Lilydale Ms. Angela Fleay Orchard Manufacturing Co. P/L Peter George JEAN EALES PAVILION CLOSES 7.00pm SATURDAY 14 OPEN PRESERVES Minimum 300grams/500mls jar/bottle to be used. No Fancy Covers permitted. If paraffin is used, it must be THIN. All exhibits to be labelled and dated for identification eg. apricot jam, tomato sauce etc. Exhibit ticket and label on same face. Please tape Section Ticket to Exhibit. No rubber bands, no corks. Classes 1-7 up to 3 entries allowed, but MUST be distinct varieties. 1. One Jar Raspberry Jam 2. One Jar Berry jam – One Kind 3. One Jar Fruit Jam. No berries. 4. One Jar Mixed Jam. Any combination (or one fruit and one vegetable) 5. One Jar Jelly. 6. One Jar Household Marmalade. 7. One Jar Fruit or Vegetable Chutney. 8. One Jar Preserved Vegetable/s with Vinegar SOCIETY ROSETTE will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in Classes 1-16. TROPHY AND SASH will be awarded to the Most Successful Exhibitor in Classes 1-16 9. One Jar Fruit Mince 10. One Jar Lemon Butter. 11. One Jar Marinated Olives. 12. One Jar Mustard Pickles. 13. One Jar Tomato Relish. 14. One Jar Pickled Onions. 15. One Bottle Plum Sauce. 16. One Bottle Tomato Sauce. OPEN COOKING To be presented on white paper plates, size relevant to the entry exhibited. Section Ticket must be stapled to plate. Approximate size tin 21 cm, unless otherwise stated. No ring tins. Class 19. Cake Any variety –unfilled, uniced Gentleman only! 20. Boiled Fruit Cake 21. Butter Cake 22. Rock Cakes (4) 22. Nut & Fruit Loaf cylindrical tin Approx. 17cm x 8cm 23. Banana Cake - uniced, oblong tin 25. Chocolate Cake - uniced 26. Orange Poppy Seed Cake Oblong tin 27. Tea Cake 28. Marble Cake - uniced 29. Four Egg Sponge Sandwich : uniced, unfilled 30. Cornflour Sponge Sandwich : uniced, unfilled Class 31. Chocolate Sponge Sandwich unfilled 32. Jelly Cakes - 4 33. Cup Cakes - 4, uniced 34. Cup Cakes - 4, iced with delicate colours and dainty decorations – no Royal Icing 35. Cupcakes – 4 decorated 36. Jam Tarts - 4 37. Fruit Mince Pies - 4, topped 38. Pikelets - 4 39. Scones - 4, Plain 40. Scones - 4, Savoury – state flavour 41. Scones - 4, Fruit - state flavour 42. Plum Pudding 43. Muffins - 4, Savoury - state flavour 44. Muffins - 4, Sweet - state flavour SOCIETY ROSETTE will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in Class 19. SOCIETY ROSETTE will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in Classes 20-44 ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD will be awarded in Class 19-44 sponsored by Angela Fleay 15 SHORTBREAD, BISCUITS & SLICES 50. Shortbread - cooked in a round and cut into eight equal portions. 51. Biscuits - 4, variety allowed. 52. Cooked Slice, 4 - Size 6cm x 4cm 53. Uncooked Slice 4 - Size 6cm x 4cm 54. Brownies - 4. 55. Yo-Yo’s - 4. butter cream or icing filling. 56. Anzac Biscuits - 4. 57. Decorated Biscuits – 4 suitable for Christmas or Childs party 58. Gluten Free Shortbread SOCIETY ROSETTE will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in Classes 50-58 ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD will be awarded in Class 50-58 sponsored by Angela Fleay BREAD Preferred size: 650g bread tin All bread to be made with yeast 60. White loaf 61. Wholemeal loaf 62. Multi-grain loaf 63. Sourdough Loaf 64. Bread rolls – (4 medium or 6 small) 65. Gluten Free White loaf 66. Machine made White loaf 67. Machine made Wholemeal loaf 68. Machine made Multi-Grain loaf 69. Machine made Fruit or Savoury Bread - state flavour SOCIETY ROSETTE will be awarded for the Best Exhibit in Classes 60-69 ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD will be awarded in Class 60-69 sponsored by Angela Fleay CONFECTIONERY 70. Chocolates - 6. 71. Chocolates - Christmas, 6. 72. Coconut Ice – 6. 73. Rum Balls - 6 made with biscuit/cake crumbs only. 74. Chocolate Truffles - 6. 75. Fudge - 6. 76. Marshmallows - 6. 77. Rocky Road – 6. SOCIETY ROSETTE will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in Classes 70-77 ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD will be awarded in Class 70-77 sponsored by Angela Fleay Decorated C plate) 16 17 78. VAS Ltd RICH FRUIT CAKE COMPETITION The following recipe is compulsory for all entrants: HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED: 250g sultanas 250g chopped raisins 250g currants 125g chopped mixed peel 90g chopped red glaze cherries 90g chopped blanched almonds 1/3 cup sherry or brandy 250g plain flour 60g self raising flour ¼ teaspoon grated nutmeg ½ teaspoon ground ginger ½ teaspoon ground cloves 250g butter 250g soft brown sugar ½ teaspoon lemon essence OR finely grated lemon rind ½ teaspoon almond essence ½ teaspoon vanilla essence 4 large eggs HERE’S WHAT YOU DO: • Mix together all the fruits and nuts and sprinkle with the sherry or brandy. Cover and leave for at least I hour, but preferably overnight. • Sift together the flours and spices. Cream together the butter and sugar with the essences. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition, then alternately add the fruit and flour mixtures. Mix thoroughly. The mixture should be stiff enough to support a wooden spoon. • Place the mixture into a prepared square tin 20 cm and bake in a slow oven for approximately 3 1/2 - 4 hours. Allow the cake to cool in the tin. NOTE: To ensure uniformity and depending upon the size, it is suggested the raisins be snipped into 2 or 3 pieces; cherries into 4-6 pieces and almonds crosswise into 3-4 pieces. 79. VAS Ltd CARROT CAKE COMPETITION Open to carrot cake enthusiasts everywhere INGREDIENTS: • • • • • • Olive oil, to grease 3 (about 350g) carrots 1 cup (150g) self raising flour 1/2 cup (65g) plain flour 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon • • • • • • 1/2 cup (80g) brown sugar 1/2 cup (125ml) oil 1/2 cup (125ml) golden syrup 3 eggs 1 tsp vanilla essence 1/2 cup walnuts METHOD: 1. Preheat oven to 170oC. Grease a 20cm (base) round cake pan lightly with oil, and line withnon-stick baking paper. Peel & grate the carrots, and set aside. 2. Sift the flours, bicarbonate of soda and cinnamon into a large bowl. 3. Put the brown sugar, oil, golden syrup, eggs and vanilla in a separate bowl. Use a balloon whisk to mix until combined. 4. Pour the oil mixture into the dry contents. Use a wooden spoon to stir gently until just combined. 5. Stir in the grated carrot and walnuts. 6. Pour the mixture into the pan and bake for 1 hour. Set aside for 5 minutes, before turning out onto a wire rack to cool completely. 18 REGULATIONS: 1. An exhibitor having won at a Show, will bake another cake for entry in the Group Final. The fruit cake winner will then be required to bake a further cake for the State Final at the next Royal Melbourne Show. 2. An exhibitor having won at Show Level is not eligible to enter any other Show until after the Group Judging, when, if not the winning entry, can compete further. 3. An exhibitor is only eligible to represent one Group in the State Final. 4. An exhibitor having won at Group Level cannot compete further until after the Royal Melbourne Show. 5. Each cake entered must be the bona fide work of the exhibitor. 6. If for any reason a winner is unable to compete at Group or State Final level then the second place getter is eligible to compete. PRIZES: • Winners at Country Shows will be required to bake a second “Rich Fruit Cake” or Carrot Cake to compete in the Group Final. •The fourteen winners at Group Level are required to bake a third “Rich Fruit Cake” for the State Final Judging at the Royal Melbourne Show for which the winner will receive a cash prize of $200 and a plaque. Second Prize is $100, Third prize is $50. OPEN DECORATED CAKES Please read Regulation No’s. 2, 4 & 11 Ribbon, tulle, wire stamens and manufactured pillars may be used, but NO manufactured ornaments, inedible glitter, glitter, lace, gyp or pins. Edible colouring may be used. No wiring of any decorations directly into cake. Blocks permitted in place of cake as long as the same shape can be constructed. Braid permitted in presentation. Please check the size of your cake board carefully. All cakes and cake boards must be able to be displayed in glass cabinets - Maximum Board width is 30cm. Maximum Height 120cm. Caution: oversized cakes will not have the protection of the glass cabinets and as a consequence accidental damage could occur. Great care is taken with all cakes, however the Show Society accepts no responsibility for any damage that may be incurred (Refer to: ‘General Regulations No. 7’). 80. Wedding Cake – Maximum height as per regulations. 81. Birthday or Celebration Cake 82. Christmas Cake - One tier. 83. Novelty Cake - One tier. Novelty Shaped & Decorated. 84. Miniature Cake - Board to fit within 16 sq cm, 85. Arrangement of flowers. 86. Decoration for use on a cake. (Not flowers) SOCIETY ROSETTE will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in Classes 80-86 19 NOVICE DECORATED CAKES Please read Regulation No’s. 2, 4 & 11 Entry in Novice Classes is restricted to an exhibitor who has not won a first prize in the same or similar class in ANY show including Royal Melbourne, Lilydale or ANY OTHER SHOW. Regulations as Open Decorated Cakes. 88. Wedding Cake – Maximum height as per Regulations. 89. Christmas Cake 90. Birthday or Celebration Cake - One tier. 91. Novelty shaped and decorated cake - One tier. 92. Decoration for use on a cake. (Not Flowers) 93. Arrangement of flowers. 94. Miniature Cake - Board size to fit within 16 sq cm. SOCIETY ROSETTE will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in Classes 88-94 TROPHY AND SASH will be awarded to the Most Successful Exhibitor in Classes 80-94. Sponsored by Choice Cake Decorating Centre CHAMPION EXHIBITS Tri-Colour Sash, Card and Trophy will be awarded for Champion Exhibit in Cookery and Decorated Cakes. All entries can be delivered to the Jean Eales Pavilion as per Cookery Regulation Number 4 Peter George JUNIOR COOKING Competitors must be under 18 years of age on Show Day Exhibits to be presented on white paper plates, size relevant to the entry exhibited. Section ticket must be stapled to plate. 101. Plain Scones – 4 (5cm max) 102. Fruit Scones - 4 103. Pikelets - 4 104. Biscuits – 4 105. Rock Cakes - 4 106. Uncooked Slices – 4 (6 x 4 cm) 107. Cooked Slice – 4 (6 x 4cm) 108. Sponge Sandwich - unfilled 109. Marble Cake – uniced 110. Banana Cake - uniced 111. Chocolate cake, uniced – ring tin allowed 112. Cup Cakes – 4 decorated. 113. Decorated Biscuits - 4, suitable for Christmas or Children’s party 114. Rum Balls – 4, biscuit crumbs only SOCIETY ROSETTE will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in Classes 101-114 (Class 108- Trophy will be awarded to the most successful exhibition. Donated by Marg Henley) TROPHY AND SASH will be awarded to the Most Successful Exhibitor in Classes 101-114. ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD will be awarded in Class 101-114 Sponsored by Peter George 20 JUNIOR COOKING PRIMARY SCHOOL AGES ONLY – NO GROUP ENTRIES Exhibits to be presented on white paper plates, size relevant to the entry exhibited Section ticket must be stapled to plate. 150. Plain Scones - 4 151. Pikelets - 4 152. Rum Balls – 4 biscuit crumbs only 153. Cup Cakes - 4 Decorated SOCIETY ROSETTE will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in Classes 150-156 ENCOURAGMENT AWARD will be presented to Classes 150-156 Sponsored by Peter George 154. Chocolate Crackles Plain - 4 155. Chocolate Cake Decorated – Ring tin allowed 156. Biscuits - 4 PRE-SCHOOLERS Prize Card awarded 200. Decorated Teddy Bear Biscuits - 4. 78J. VAS Ltd BOILED FRUIT CAKE JUNIOR COMPETITION Competitors must be under 18 Years of age on Show Day INGREDIENTS: 375g Mixed Fruit 2 eggs lightly beaten ¾ cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons marmalade 1 teaspoon mixed spice 1 cup self-raising flour ½ cup water 1 cup plain flour 125g butter ¼ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda ½ cup sherry METHOD: 1. Place the Mixed Fruit, sugar, spice, water and butter in a large saucepan and bring to the boil. 2. Simmer gently for 3 minutes, then remove from stove, add bicarb soda and allow to cool. 3. Add the sherry, eggs and marmalade, mixing well. 4. Fold in the sifted dry ingredients then place in a greased and lined round 20cm cake tin. 5. Bake in a moderately slow oven for 1¼ hours, or until cooked when tested. • • Country show winner will be required to bake a second ‘Boiled Fruit Cake’ or Carrot & Date Muffins. The fourteen winners at Group Level will be required to bake a third ‘Boiled Fruit Cake’ for the State Final Judging at the Royal Melbourne Show. Prize money for State Finals at the Royal Melbourne Show will be 1st $150 plus plaque, 2nd $70 and 3rd $30. 21 79J. VAS Ltd CARROT & DATE MUFFINS COMPETITION A competition for junior cake bakers under 18 on the day of the competition. INGREDIENTS: • 2 1/2 cups self raising flour • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg • Cup brown sugar (firmly packed) • 1/3 cup pitted dates - chopped • 1 cup coarsely grated carrot JUNIOR DECORATED CAKES Competitors must be under 18 Years of age on Show Day Please read Regulation No’s. 2, 4 & 11 Ribbon, tulle, wire stamens and manufactured pillars may be used, but NO manufactured ornaments, inedible glitter, glitter, lace, gyp or pins, except classes, 119 & 120. Braid permitted in presentation. Blocks permitted in place of cake as long as the same shape can be constructed. Any large or unusual shaped board may restrict display in glass cabinet. (Shelf width is 32cm). Maximum board width 30cm. No wiring of any description directly into cake. 115. Birthday or Celebration Cake - Maximum height as per Regulations. 116. Christmas Cake - One or two tier. Max. height 30cm 117. Novelty Shaped & Decorated Cake - One tier. Max. height 30cm 118. Miniature Cake: Board to fit within 16 sq cm. 119. Gingerbread House - Cellophane wrapped. Max. overall size 55cms square. 120. Table Centerpiece - e.g. Christmas. Max. Height 35cm. N.B. Class 119 ALL DECORATIONS MUST BE EDIBLE, AND CLASS 120 MOSTLY EDIBLE 1 tabelspoon orange marmalade Cup Canola oil 2 eggs lightly beaten 3/4 cup orange juice Cup reduced fat milk Icing sugar for dusting Regulations 1-6: as for Class 78J - 79J • • • • • • METHOD: 1. Heat oven to 190oC. (moderately hot) 2. Line and spray a 12 hole muffin pan with large paper cases 3. Sift dry ingredients into a large bowl, stir in dates, carrots. Then add the combined marmalade, oil, eggs, juice and milk. Mix until just combined. 4. Spoon mixture evenly into prepared pan holes. 5. Cook for 20 minutes. To test muffins are cooked, insert cake skewer; if it comes out clean the muffins are ready. 6. Stand muffins in pan for 5 minutes then turn out onto a wire rack to cool. 7. Serving suggestion: Serve warm or cold dusted with sifted icing sugar. 8. Serves 12 (if you only eat one each !) SOCIETY ROSETTE will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in Classes 115-120 22 CRAFTS SECTION U ENTRIES CLOSE LAST MAIL DELIVERY FRIDAY 31st OCTOBER, 2014 With the Secretary, P.O. Box 70, Lilydale, 3140 PLEASE ENCLOSE A STAMPED SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPE FOR THE RETURN OF YOUR SECTION TICKET AND DUPLICATE ENTRY FORM ENTRY FEES: Advanced/Open/Novice $3.00. Senior/Restricted & Junior Reduced Fee $2.00 Limit of 2 Entries per class per exhibitor All enquiries to be directed to Chief Steward; Mary Burfoot Ph: 0407 299 998 PLEASE READ THESE REGULATIONS CAREFULLY. (INCLUDING PAGES 8, 9 AND 32) AS CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE 1. All exhibits are left at the sole risk of the owner/exhibitor and must be delivered to the Jean Eales Pavilion, Market Street, Lilydale, no later than 7.00pm on MONDAY 10th NOVEMBER, 2014 ONLY. 2. Section tickets must be firmly fixed to each exhibit, and the duplicate entry form retained and surrendered before the articles can be reclaimed at the conclusion of the Show. 3. All exhibits must remain on display from 9.00am Saturday 15th until 5.00pm Sunday 16th at which time they may be claimed by exhibitors along with any trophies or ribbons from 5.30pm onwards. STEWARDS ONLY TO REMOVE EXHIBITS FROM DISPLAY (unless prearranged beforehand). 4. All entries must be the sole work of the exhibitor, and must not have been exhibited at a previous Lilydale Show. Any exhibit that has won a first prize in this Section at any other competition or show in the past may not be entered. 5. Junior Exhibitors must be under 18 years of age on day of show. Signature of parent, along with child’s date of birth must be included on form for judging purposes. Please include proof of workmanship on portfolio pieces. Juniors are not eligible to enter into the Senior Section. 6. Senior Citizens – Exhibitors aged 65 years and over. Restricted – Exhibitors with a disability or special needs. 7. Definition of Advanced – persons having won 3 or more 1st prizes in a previous open section, and/or including teachers or any professionals. Definition of Open – persons having won a 1st prize in a previous novice section, and/ or including exhibitors with more than 3 years experience. Definition of Novice – persons not having won a 1st prize in a previous craft section including exhibitors with less than 3 years experience. 8. The Judges are given the power to withhold awards when the exhibits are, in their opinion, unworthy and where exhibits do not conform with the class in which they are entered. The Judges’ decision shall be final. 9. If sufficient numbers of articles of similar types are entered in any class, the Steward has the right to make separate Classes or to combine Classes where there are insufficient entries. 10. Framed pieces must not exceed 600mm x 750mm (2ft x 2ft 51/2”) including frame and mount. They must be provided with eyelets and wire for hanging purposes. 23 CRAFTS SECTION U (Cont’d) Junior Entries - Under 18 years Senior Entries - 65 Years Plus. Restricted Entries - Exhibitors with a special need or disability. BARK ART Supported by ART IN BARK ASSOCIATION Please Indicate on form (A) Advanced (O) Open (N) Novice (A) Adult (R) Restricted (J) Junior (S) Senior Eg: O•A•1 1. 2. 3. Bark pictures with additives. Bark pictures without additives. Bark miniatures – including jewellery / with or without additives. CALLIGRAPHY Supported by SCRIBE SUPPLIES – Narre Warren Please Indicate on form (A) Advanced (O) Open (N) Novice (A) Adult (R) Restricted (J) Junior (S) Senior Eg: O•A•4 4. 5. Traditional Lettering. Contemporary Lettering. CERAMICS Supported by CERAMAGLAS DECOR – Croydon Hills VHCA INC. – Blackburn, MARGO’S STUDIO – Blackburn, Please Indicate on form (A) Advanced (O) Open (N) Novice (A) Adult (R) Restricted (J) Junior (S) Senior Eg: O•A•8 6. 7. 8. 9. Slip-cast Glazed – Sculpture. Slip-cast Glazed – Functional. Slip-cast Stained – Sculpture. Slip-cast Stained – Functional. CHINA PAINTING Supported by VICTORIAN GUILD OF CHINA PAINTING Please Indicate on form (A) Advanced (O) Open (N) Novice (A) Adult (R) Restricted (J) Junior (S) Senior Eg: O•A•12 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Flowers. Cup, Saucer and Plate - any design. Birds, Animals (any design). Miniatures not to exceed 11 cm. Glass or Enamelling. Other techniques not already mentioned. * EXHIBITORS MUST SUPPLY THEIR OWN NAMED STAND FOLK ART Supported by NANDA WATERHAM Please Indicate on form (A) Advanced (O) Open (N) Novice (A) Adult (R) Restricted (J) Junior (S) Senior Eg: O•A•22 16. 17. 18. Traditional, Folk or Naive. Decorative. Folk Art with an Australian Theme. 21. 22. Please Indicate on form (A) Advanced (O) Open (N) Novice (A) Adult (R) Restricted (J) Junior (S) Senior Eg: O•A•26 Framed pieces. General pieces. N.B. Novice exhibitors must have been painting for less than 12 months and also not teaching. PARCHMENT CRAFT 24 POTTERY 23. 24. 25. 26. Please Indicate on form (A) Advanced (O) Open (N) Novice (A) Adult (R) Restricted (J) Junior (S) Senior Eg: O•A•28 Hand-built buildings. Hand-built functional vessel. Wheel-thrown piece. Sculptural object, 3 dimensional. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Please Indicate on form (A) Advanced (O) Open (N) Novice (A) Adult (R) Restricted (J) Junior (S) Senior Eg: O•A•32 Bowls. Platters. Vase/Goblet/Lidded container/Hollow form. Clocks. Spindle turning. Sculptural. Carved article. Laminated. Any other form….ie. Wooden Toys/Novelty items etc. WOODWORK YOUR MEMORIES Please Indicate on form (A) Advanced (O) Open (N) Novice (A) Adult (R) Restricted (J) Junior (S) Senior Eg: O•A•41 36. 37. 38. Memory Album Memory Page(s) Off the Page MISCELLANEOUS Please Indicate on form (A) Advanced (O) Open (N) Novice (A) Adult (R) Restricted (J) Junior (S) Senior Eg: O•A•44 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. Bead Work – e.g. Jewellery Cards & Stationery Christmas Decorations Decoupage Decorated Eggs Fabric Painting – any medium, any article Fimo Leadlight Lego Model – own design Metal Work – must not exceed 400mm base, 600mm width, 750mm high Model Construction from Kit Mosaic Work – e.g. Coffee Table, Lamp, Pot, etc. Paper Tole – mounted or framed Stationery Papier Mache or Plaster Model – must not exceed 300mm x 300mm Porcelain Dolls Any item not mentioned SENIOR/RESTRICTED SECTION Supported by Brian & Bev Cook JUNIOR SECTION Supported by Hairmate, Lilydale PRESENTATION OF THE JEAN EALES MEMORIAL TROPHY for the Best Exhibit in the Jean Eales Pavilion will be held on Sunday 16th November 2014 at 4pm approx. Presentation of the following Section Trophies on Sunday 16th November are as follows:Art, Cookery, Craft, Needlework, Photography, Wool from 3:00pm Horticulture (Briggs Pavilion) 4.00pm THE JEAN EALES PAVILION CLOSES AT 7pm SAT. 16th NOVEMBER *This timetable is a guide only* (To be read in conjunction with the General Regulations of the Lilydale A. & H. Society Inc. The Rose Society of Victoria Inc. and the Australian Horticultural Judges Association Inc.) 1. Exhibitors must place exhibits ‘in their allotted positions by 10.00am.on Saturday. 2. Section tickets will be available at the Horticulture Section on Friday 6.00pm10.00pm, Saturday 8.00am-10.00am. Please collect section cards from steward to be placed with exhibit when staging. 3. The judges are given power to withhold awards when the exhibits are in their opinion, unworthy, and in all cases where exhibits do not conform with the schedule number in which they are entered. The Judges decision shall be final. 4. No person, other than judges and stewards, shall be permitted to be present in any section while judging is proceeding. Should any breach of this rule occur, judging must cease until the rule is complied with. 5. All exhibits must be grown by the exhibitor and have been ‘in his or her possession at least two months prior to the show except in Floral Art. 6. The Chief Steward reserves the right to reject any entry without assigning any reason. 7. All exhibits shall be considered the property of the Horticulture Section until after the Awards Presentation, after which time exhibits can be removed. The SOCIETY will not be responsible for the loss of, or damage to, any Exhibit. 26 DEFINITIONS All entries must be staged in the Society’s containers (unless otherwise stated.) All exhibits to be arranged to face the judge. C.V. A. - Colour Variation Allowed. N.N.D. - Not Necessarily Distinct Varieties. A Container may contain any number of stems, except where specified. Cut Flowers may include flowering shrubs, berries or creepers. Bowl - A round vessel. PATRONS The Horticulture Section wishes to thank all those listed below for their GENEROUS SUPPORT The Little Flower Shoppe Colchester Nursery Bunnings Croydon North Studfield Garden Centre Reliable Roses Tesselaar Kuranga Nursery Peregrine Adventures Multicrop New Gippsland Seed Farm Newstead Rose Nursery Seasol International Pty Ltd Yates ROSES To be judged by a judge nominated by the Rose Society of Victoria Inc. under their rules. Wiring of roses is permitted. Class HYBRID TEA - EXHIBITION TYPE SECTION 1. Three Roses. N.N.D., separate containers.. 2. One Rose. 3. One variety in three stages of development, one container. 4. One rose in full bloom. (Must show stamens) 5. One container of mixed roses, not less than three varieties. 6. One basket of mixed roses, not less than 4 varieties. 7. One Fragrant Rose. CLUSTER FLOWERED / FLORIBUNDA SECTION 8. One stem of Floribunda Rose. (Minimum of 3 blooms) 9. One container of Floribunda Roses. N.N.D. 10. One stem of Patio or Landscape rose. 11. One container of Patio or Landscape roses. N.N.D. MINIATURE SECTION 12. One Stem of Miniature rose. 13. One Container of Miniature Roses. N.N.D. Minimum of 3 blooms. MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 14. One Container of Old - Type Roses, N.N.D. (e. g. Hybrid Perpetuals, Bourbons, etc.) 15a. One Stem of Fragrant Rose (except Hybrid Tea). 15b. Largest Rose – any variety. 16a. One container of Shrub Roses. 16b. One bowl of Shrub and/or old type Rose (Your own bowl). N.N.D. 27 NOVICE SECTION (For those who have not won more than three first places in Rose Section) 17a. 17b. 18a. 18b. One Rose – Hybrid Tea One Stem of Floribunda Container of mixed Roses, any varieties One stem of your favourite rose (can have more than one bloom) CUT FLOWERS 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50a. 50b. 51. 52. 52a. 28 (Roses not permitted unless stated.) Container of Australian Native Flowers Trees or Shrubs. N.N.D. Container of Flowering Shrub, not otherwise mentioned. Container of Foliage. Not to exceed 75 cm. ‘in width. N.N.D. Container of Cut flowers, Red to Pink shades, one kind. Container of Cut flowers, White, Cream or Yellow shades, one kind. Container of Cut flowers, Blue to Purple shades, one kind. Container of Any Other Flowers, one kind. Container of Flowers from Bulbs, Corms, Tubers or Rhyzomes, one kind. Container of Mixed Flowers, at least three kinds, Roses, Shrubs, Trees, etc. permitted. One Bloom, Spike, Head or Truss of any flower (one stem) Container of Daisies, C.V. A. Container of Small Flowers, N.N.D. use own container, exhibit to be within 20cms height and width. Container of Regal Pelagonium, C.V.A. Container of Geraniums (Zonal, Ivy or Dwarf ) C.V.A. Container of Sweet Peas, C.V.A. Three Cuts of Fuschia, N.N.D. Three Blooms of Fuschia, Double N.N.D. Three Blooms of Fuschia, Single N.N.D. Three Blooms of Fuschia, N.N.D., under 4cms Four Pansies, C.V.A., N.N.D. VEGETABLES AND FRUIT One Cauliflower - Leave on outer green leaves. One Lettuce (leave trimmed roots on), any variety. One Cabbage - (Leave core 5mm long. Leaves not trimmed too closely). Leek, 3 Onions, 3 D.V. Spring, 5 Exhibit of Herbs, mixed varieties. (Staged in one Society container). Flowers allowed. Six Pods of Green Peas, one variety. Six Pods of Broad Beans, one variety. Three Potatoes, one variety, not washed. Three Sticks of Rhubarb, tops trimmed to 10 cm. one variety. Exhibit of Any other Vegetable – Amounts as per Judges Rule Book. Exhibit of Any other Fruit – Amounts as per Judges Rule Book. Exhibit of Cucurbit (Pumpkin, Marrow, etc.) Exhibit of Three Lemons, one variety. Exhibit of any other Citrus Fruit (excluding lemons) 53. 54. 55. Exhibit of Silver Beet (5 Leaves). Container of Vegetables and/or Fruit. Not less than 6 varieties (Amounts as per the Show Schedule). Exhibit of Berries (10). POT PLANTS Maximum width of Display – 60cm in Exhibitor’s container. Please state exhibit size on entry form. 56. One container of plant or plants in flower (no Begonias or Orchids). 57. One container of Begonias. 58. One container of Maidenhair. 59. A Terrarium. 60. One container of Cactus/Cacti. 61. One container of Succulent/s. 62. One container of Rockery Plant or Plants. 63. One container of Annuals N.N.D. 64. One container of Fern other than Maidenhair Fern. 65. Intrepid Travel Hanging Basket Competition 2014 OPEN TO ALL 65. One hanging container of plant/plants, ferns, foliage or flowers. N.N.D. Special Rosette and cash prizes awarded 66. 67(a) 67(b) 67(c) 67(d) FLORAL ART Competitors must provide their own containers. NO EXHIBIT TO EXCEED STATED WIDTH. 1. In all classes all exhibits will be judged ‘in their positions as staged and primarily for design unless specified plant materials are stated. 2. Any suitable accessories, any suitable containers and any plant materials may be used with discretion in conjunction with flowers for the purpose of completing or assisting design. 3. Artificial plant materials may not be used. 4. FRESH FLOWERS to be used unless stated. 5. Wiring is allowed and flowers need not be grown by the competitor unless otherwise stated. 6. SHOW BENCH SPACE 80cm wide, unless otherwise stated. Open to all. OPEN FLORAL ART 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. BONSAI SECTION Novice Bonsai - Any type. One container of any single trunked Bonsai (any style). Accessories allowed. One container of any group plantings of Bonsai (any style). One container of Miniature Bonsai. An ornamental (Oriental) garden. Open to all. Lest We Forget Cornucopia Monochromatic Wedding Table Centrepiece Layering Using your favourite flower 29 INTERMEDIATE FLORAL ART Open only to those who have not won more than three first prizes in Intermediate or higher Sections at any Horticultural Show. 74. Lest We Forget 75. Simplicity 76. Oriental NOVICE FLORAL ART Open only to those who have not won more than three first prizes in any Section. 77. Lest We Forget 78. A Picnic Basket 79. Using your Favourite Flowers JUNIOR FLORAL ART NO EXHIBIT TO EXCEED 40CM IN WIDTH ALL EXHIBITS MUST BE SOLEY THE WORK OF THE CHILD Childs age at time of show to be stated on Entry Form. Cards and Ribbons go to 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Rosette & Trophy awarded to BEST EXHIBIT in each Junior section. Trophy awarded to HIGHEST AGGREGATE in each Junior section. Rosette awarded to best Novice Junior Exhibitor. All exhibits in junior sections must be made of horticultural material. Matches and Toothpicks allowed. Please ensure age is stated on entries. NOVICE CLASSES Q84 & Q89 Are open to those Junior Exhibitors who have not won more than three first prizes in 9 previous Shows CHILDREN TO 14Lilydale YEARS CHILDREN 9 - 14 YEARS 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. Decorate a Watering Can A Floral Saucer, 15cm Make a Spaceman Forest Magic Make any type of arrangement that you like (eg. Basket or Vase etc.) 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. Decorate a Watering Can A Floral Saucer Make a Spaceman Forest Magic Make any type of arrangement that you like (eg Basket or Vase etc.) CHILDREN UNDER 9 YEARS ROSETTE and TROPHY awarded for BEST EXHIBIT in each Junior Section. TROPHY awarded for HIGHEST AGGREGATE in each Junior Section. PLEASE NOTIFY CHIEF STEWARD IF UNABLE TO STAGE EXHIBITS 30 ENTRY PROCEDURE 1. Read the Schedule: The Regulations appearing in the Schedule form part of the conditions of entry. Please read the Schedule carefully as the Regulations of Entry/Procedures, the Classes and Prizes awarded are set out under each Section accordingly. 2. Entry Closing Date: Complete Entry Form and return no later than the entry closing date for that Section. Refer to the listing of ‘Section Closing Dates’ on the back of the entry form enclosed. 3. Entries will not be valid or processed: Until the entry fee/s and a stamped self-addressed envelope is received. Entries can be made via EFT - see elsewhere in schedule for details. 4. On receipt of your Entry Form and Fees: The entry form will be validated with a stamped receipt on the Exhibitor’s return portion of the entry form and given for processing to the Chief Steward of the Section entered. Should there be any queries on your entry, the Chief Steward of the Section will contact you by phone. 5. Multiple Entries: If you wish to enter into more than one Section an entry form must be separately completed for each Section. Photocopy the entry form and send a stamped self addressed envelope for each Section entered. Please Note: Multiple entry forms are separated and distributed for processing to the Chief Steward of the relevant Section. The return of all entry form portions will vary according to the different time handling process of each of these Chief Stewards. 6. After Processing: The Chief Steward will return your portion of the entry form validated with a stamped receipt, exhibit tag/s for attachment to your article and Exhibitor’s Ticket/s (if any) in the stamped self-addressed envelope provided by you. 7. Delivery of Exhibits: As set out in the Regulations described for each Section accordingly. Your exhibit/s will remain at the Showgrounds for Judging and display from the delivery date and for the duration of the Show. 8. Collection of Exhibits: Your exhibit/s are to be collected on the dates and times as stated in the Regulations listed in the related Section and on presentation of your portion of the entry form. To help collect exhibits quickly a description of each entry item must be listed on both sides of the entry form. Free entry is available from 4:00pm on Sunday for exhibitors. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Section Chief Steward – name and telephone number is given at the top of the page in the relevant Section 31 Interested in participating in the 2015 Lilydale Show? There are many ways you can get involved. LILYDALE SHOW - The Family Show Membership/Volunteers The Show Society are always looking for new people to join our team of volunteers. Have you ever considered becoming a member or a volunteer to help with the running of the show. We are seeking keen volunteers to assist with the Chief Stewards, maintenance, manpower at showtime, etc... It is a very rewarding experience. Register with the Show Society NOW to become involved with the Lilydale Show. Business Sites Interested in having a business site at next year’s show? Rates are very reasonable. We are always looking for new and exciting businesses. Register your interest now for our mailing list. Sponsorship The Lilydale Show is kindly supported by many local businesses and Community Groups. Their dedication and long association with the show has ensured we can continue for many years to come. We are always looking for new Sponsors and welcome any new Sponsorship enquiries. Sponsorship packages are available starting from $30.00. Advertising As the leading Community Event in the region, we are able to offer advertising opportunities to help promote your local business to a large captive audience. There are many opportunities available, including advertising in our Main Show Schedule, Horse Schedule, Website and other media collateral. For more information regarding any of the above, please contact: 32 The Secretary Lilydale Agricultural & Horticultural Society Inc. PO Box 70 Lilydale Vic 3140 Phone: 9735 1292 Fax: 9735 4615 Email: [email protected] Business Sites Showcasing at the Lilydale Show The Lilydale Show is a 2 day family event held every year on the 3rd weekend in November. Market Stalls sell a wide variety of merchandise/equipment, produce, plants & static promotional displays. Sales are popular for Christmas gift buying with lots of different varieties of eats from the food stalls situated around the showgrounds. OTHER BUSINESS SITES Commercial Sites: • Covered Sites (3m frontage) • Uncovered Sites (6m or 4m frontage) Industrial Sites: • 5m x 10m • 10m x 10m • larger sites by negotiation Food Vendor Sites: • Located throughout the showgrounds If you are interested in booking a Business Site at the Lilydale Show please download from our website an ‘Expression of Interest’ booking application form outlining details and site fees: For further information please contact: The Show Secretary Show Office: 9735 1292 w LILYDALE A. & H. SOCIETY INC. PRIVACY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT (In compliance with the privacy legislation laws) By completing the entry form you will be supplying the Lilydale Agricultural & Horticultural Society Inc. (LAHS) with ‘personal information’ i.e. name, address and telephone no. and email. Without this information the LAHS cannot administer your entry in the Lilydale Show competition program. The LAHS collects this information for the purpose of administering the Show by: distributing schedules, processing your entry; managing your entry; awarding prizes in the relevant event; assessing your compliances with the general regulations and conditions of entry as well as other standards expected of participants in the Show and assessing any protests or appeals you might make. The LAHS also collects this information for purposes related to the administration of the Show by: publication of winners’ details; maintenance of information relevant to qualifications for other events; maintenance of records of incidents or accidents which may occur and making claim on insurance in relation to any incident or accidents in connection with your participation, where applicable; and passing your personal information to the Central & Upper Goldburn Group of Show Societies, the Victorian Agricultural Shows Limited (VAS Ltd.) and/or The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria Limited for the purposes of administering entries into the State Finals and publications in Royal Melbourne Show Publications, should you be involved in Group and/ or State Competitions. The LAHS may disclose information about you to the following: Medical Practitioners; First Aid Officers and other health service providers attending the Show; Media for the purpose of publishing articles on your participation at the Show; Insurance providers in the event of you making claim on the LAHS in relation to incidents and accidents that may occur at the Show; The Equestrian Federation of Australia and VAS to assess your qualification and eligibility for other events. If legal, health or safety issues arise the LAHS may be required to disclose information to relevant organisations dealing with these matters. 34 LILYDALE A. & H. SOCIETY INC. SECTION ENTRY CLOSING DATES 2014 Art October 31 Balmoral Highland Dancing November 8 Budgerigars & Cage Birds November 7 Cookery November 6 Crafts October 31 Horses November 10 Horticulture November 11 Needlework November 5 Photography October 26 Poultry November 10 Rabbits November 3 Sheep Entries taken up to & on day Show Personality November 16 Talent Quest October 31 Woodchop November 1 Wool November 12 A STAMPED SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE MUST BE RETURNED WITH YOUR ENTRY Please read instructions listed in the Regulations of the relevant Section carefully. Application for Exhibitors Ticket Name: Address: P/C Email: Cost: $20.00 entitles you to: Two entry tickets, to be handed in at gate OFFICIAL RECEIPT VALIDATION FOR FEES PAYMENT 35 OFFICE COPY ENTRY FORM - 2014 TAX INVOICE ABN 80 771 203 280 NOTE: SEPERATE ENTRY FORMS FOR EACH SECTION ENTRY FEES MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM (ENTRY FEES INCLUDE GST) LILYDALE A. & H. SOCIETY INC. Section Level Class No. Sec’s Use Description of Entry Entry Fee NOTE: SEPERATE ENTRY forms MUST be completed for EACH section EXHIBITOR’S TICKETS $20.00 (IF REQUIRED) Includes GST Entities you to: Two entry tickets, to be handed in at gate. If paid by EFT, Reference Please attach bank receipt ______________________________ TOTAL I certify that the particulars contained herein are correct and I agree to be bound by the decisions and directions of the Society. This entry is made subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Society and in agreement to the privacy disclosure provisions detailed overleaf. Mr./Mrs./Miss Date (Please Print) Signature Address Postcode Phone Mobile Email 36 ENTRANT COPY - TO BE RETURNED TO YOU TAX INVOICE ABN 80 771 203 280 ENTRY FORM - 2014 NOTE: SEPERATE ENTRY FORMS FOR EACH SECTION ENTRY FEES MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM (ENTRY FEES INCLUDE GST) LILYDALE A. & H. SOCIETY INC. Description of Entry Level Class No. Sec’s Use PLEASE PRESENT TO CLAIM YOUR EXHIBIT Section Mr./Mrs./Miss Date (Please Print) Signature Address Postcode Phone Mobile Email YOU WILL BE REQUESTED TO PRESENT THIS PORTION ON THE DAY, BEFORE AWARDS ARE MADE 39 37 MELBA PARK PRECINCT LIVE STAGE PERFORMANCES New acts will perform throughout the day... sit down, relax and enjoy ! Check our daily show program for details... CLOWNS & ROVING ENTERTAINMENT Look out for them throughout the show. FREE BALLOONS ! SNAKE & REPTILE DISPLAY Get up and personal with a snake, frog, crocodile and more !!! COMMUNITY DISPLAYS Take a look at our local Community Group displays... ANIMAL NURSERY Experience the fun and educational world of animals BBQ Enjoy a sausage at the BBQ Sausage Sizzle 38 NEEDLEWORK SECTION T Entry Forms to the Secretary, P.O. Box 70, Lilydale 3140 and must be accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope. Entry Forms may not be accepted after the closing date of Wed. 5th November, 2014 ENTRY FEES: See Category Headings (Stamps will not be accepted as Entry Fees) ENQUIRIES: Chief Steward: Ellen Hayes 5964 4931 PRIZES: Best Exhibit in Section - Trophy & Sash Runner-Up in Section - Trophy Best Exhibit in each Category - Trophy & Sash Runner-up in Category - Trophy Award for the Most Promising Junior Prize cards and ribbons for 1st, 2nd & 3rd in each Class. THEME BEST EXHIBIT – ‘S am the Lamb’ The item best depicting this theme from any category in Section T to receive a Ribbon and Trophy REGULATIONS (To be read in conjunction with General Regulations) Exhibits must be delivered to the Jean Eales Pavilion, Market Street, Lilydale, from 9am to . Exhibits may be posted to Needlework Section, P.O. Box 70, Lilydale, 3140 and on request, will be returned, provided return postage is included. 1. Care should be taken when making entries, to place exhibits in their correct class. 2. NO exhibit that has won a First Prize in this Section at a previous Lilydale Show may be entered. 3. Entries must have been completed in the last 2 years or after the exhibitor has reached the age of 70yrs. 4. All work MUST be the sole work of the Exhibitor. 5. Section Tickets must be firmly attached to each exhibit with a small gold safety pin, except if article is framed. 6. DUPLICATE ENTRY FORM must be retained for identification when reclaiming exhib its at the conclusion of the show. 7. All exhibits must remain on display until 5.00pm on the last day of the Show and can be collected after 5.30pm. This section will be closed between 5.00pm and 5.30pm to enable Stewards to dismantle the display. 8. The Chief Steward has the right to make separate classes if sufficient numbers of articles of similar types are entered in any class, or to combine classes where there are insufficient entries. 9. The Chief Steward has the right to transfer any exhibit to its correct class if wrongly entered. However, the Chief Steward will not be responsible for any entry reaching the Judge entered in an incorrect class. If in doubt, please do not hesitate to ask when delivering your entry. 10. Definition of Novice – person/s not having won any prize in that category at any previous Agricultural Show Definition of Open – person/s having won a 1st prize in a previous Novice Section. Includes exhibitors with more than 5 years’ experience. Definition of Advanced – person/s having won 3 or more 1st prizes in a previous Open Section at an Agricultural Show. Includes teachers and professionals. 1. 2. 3. 4. PLEASE NOTE: IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO READ THIS SCHEDULE WITH CARE, AS MANY CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE. VAS Ltd STATE COMPETITIONS - Entry Fee $3.00 (State Finals conducted at the Royal Melbourne Show) Sewing, Knitting, Crochet, Embroidery and Patchwork Competitions Proudly Sponsored by Spotlight SPECIAL RULES AND REGULATIONS (To be read in conjunction with General Regulations) An exhibitor may represent only one Show Society at Group level and one Group at State level in each of the competitions. An article, having won at State Final, is no longer eligible to compete in the competition. Each article entered must be the bona fide work of the exhibitor. If for any reason a winner is unable to compete at Group or State Final levels, then the second place getter is eligible to compete. 39 5. An article having won at a Show will compete at a Group Final; the winning article from Group Final will then compete in the State Final at the next Royal Melbourne Show. 6. A person will not be permitted to win at more than one Show within the State in any one Show Year. Persons not adhering to this rule will be required to forfeit or refund prize/money and will be disqualified from exhibiting for 12 months. 7. All work to have been completed within the last twelve (12) months. 8. Winners of the Sewing, Knitting, Embroidery and Patchwork State Finals (Royal Melbourne Show) receive the following prizes for each competition: 1st Prize $300 Spotlight Voucher plus VAS Ltd Plaque; 2nd Prize $150 Spotlight Voucher; and 3rd Prize $50 Spotlight Voucher. Classes Competitions listed below are conducted first at the Lilydale Show, then at Group level. Winner/s of Group level advances on to the State level final at the Royal Melbourne Show. Class 1. VAS Ltd Knitting Competition. Hand Knitted Jumper or Cardigan made from Pure Wool/Wool Blend of any ply. Each article must have attached, a label from wool used or label or receipt from Woollen Mill. Class 2. VAS Ltd Hand Embroidery Competition: An article of hand embroidery, any type (excluding cross stitch). Class 3. VAS Ltd Patchwork Competition: Patchwork Piece, not more than 1 metre on any one side, machine pieced and machine quilted, no embellishments only finished articles will be accepted. Class 4. VAS Ltd Sewing Competition: The garment/outfit to be made by exhibitor. Garment/outfit of wearing apparel (maximum 3 pieces) to be constructed in fabric, using natural fibre or fibre-blend. Sewn by machine. May be hand finished. Accessories such as scarves, stoles, shawls, gloves, etc., are not acceptable. Knitted/Crocheted items not acceptable. A description of the content to be attached to the garment. Class 5. VAS Ltd Crochet Competition: Crocheted article made from pure wool/wool blend of any ply. KNITTING Entry Fee $3.00 HK = Hand Knitting 10. H/K Article of Lace Knitting. 11. H/K Garment (a) Adult (b) Child (c) Infant. 12. H/K (a) Mittens/Wristwarmers (b) Gloves (c) Socks (d) Hat (e) Bag/Purse. 13. H/K (a) Shawl/Stole (b) Scarf (c) Cowl. 14. H/K (a) Dishcloth/Facecloth (b) Tea Cosy. 15. Machine knitting (a) Garment (b) Article - Award from by Machine Knitters Assoc. 16. Any other Knitted article or garment not mentioned above. Note: VAS Knitting Competition Class 1 CROCHET Entry Fee $3.00 20. Garment. 21. (a) Scarf (b) Hat (c) Shawl/Stole (d) Cowl. 22. (a) Bag/Purse (b) Mittens/Wristwarmers (c) Jewellery. 23. Afghan Rug (a) Bed sized (b) Knee sized. 24. Article of Freeform Crochet. 25. (a) Dishcloth/Facecloth (b)Tea Cosy. 26. Tableware - e.g. Doyleys, Cloths, etc. 27. Item of AMIGURUMI. 28.Any other Article not mentioned above. Note: VAS Crochet Competition Class 5. HANDMADE TEXTILES - OPEN / JUNIOR Best in Section & Runner-Up sponsors Grand Valley Spinners & Weavers Indicate on form whether Open or Junior entry fee i.e. $3.00 or $1.50 If possible include fibre samples and description of yarn usage. Skeins to be approx. 50gms. 30. Novice class: Skein of Handspun yarn. 31. Skein of Handspun wool - Judge to divide into Fine/Medium/Bulky. 32. Skein of Handspun yarn (a) Mohair (b) Alpaca (c) Blend OR Fibres not already mentioned. 33. Novice: (a) Article (b) Garment made from Handspun Yarn. 34. Open: (a) Article (b) Garment made from Handspun Yarn. 35. Hand Woven article. 36. Article of Handmade Felt (a) Traditional method (b) Felted Knitting/Crochet. 40 Beatrice Ashton Award - Most Successful Exhibitor in this Category sponsors Seville Primary Spinners CHRISTMAS Entry Fee $3.00 Exhibits must be Sewn, Knitted, Crocheted, Tatted, Bobbin Lace, Embroidered or a Combo. 40. Stocking. 41. Tree Ornament (to hang). 42. Table Decoration. 43. Table Runner. 44. Festive Wreath. HANDMADE LACE AND TATTING Entry Fee $3.00 (a) Advanced (b) Open (c) Novice in all classes - please indicate on entry form. 50. Article of Continuous Lace (Bedfordshire Bucks Point, Torchon) 51. Any other article of Lace other than above (excluding knitted or crocheted). 52. Any Article of Tatting. 53. Garment or article decorated with Handmade Lace or Tatting. Tatters’ Guild of Vic Medallion to be awarded to Best Piece of Tatting EMBROIDERY Entry Fee $3.00 60. Freehand Machine Embroidery - (a) Open (b) Novice. 61. Embroidery on any other Fabric e.g. felt, hessian, satin, etc. 62. Any article of Embroidery - combination of stitches. 63. Sampler. 64. Article of Hardanger. 65. Cross-Stitch (kit or chart) - (a) Open; (b) Novice; (c) Cross Stitch incorporating the use of beads, trinkets or other medium. 66. Article of Ribbon Embroidery. (a) Open; (b) Novice. 67. Article of Wool Embroidery, i.e. embroidery ON woollen fabric. 68. Article or Garment decorated with Machine Embroidery. 69. Article of Stump work. 70. Article of Brazilian embroidery. 71. Article of Candlewicking 72. Any other Article of Hand Embroidery not mentioned above. Note: VAS Embroidery Competition Class 2 NEEDLEWORK TAPESTRY (Canvas Work) Entry Fee $3.00 80. Gros Point - Wool, cotton or combination on CANVAS. 81. Cross Stitch on CANVAS. 82. Long Stitch on CANVAS. 83. Any other stitch or combination of stitches on CANVAS PATCHWORK Entry Fee $3.00 Kindly sponsored by Waverley Patchworks Inc. For hanging and display purposes, all entries in this category must have a pocket/pockets across the top on the back of the article and an appropriate (named) hanging rod. Labels showing names on Quilts/Hangings to be covered. See Needlework Regulations for definitions of Advanced, Open & Novice. 90. Quilt – Patchwork, quilting, appliqué or combination – HAND SEWN with 20% machine sewn permitted (a) Advanced (b) Open (c) Novice. 91. Quilt – Patchwork, quilting, appliqué or combination MACHINE SEWN with 20% hand sewn permitted. (a) Advanced (b) Open (c) Novice in all classes 92. Wall Hanging – Patchwork, quilting, appliqué or combo – HAND SEWN with 20% machine sewn permitted (a) Advanced (b) Open (c) Novice in all classes 93. Wall Hanging – Patchwork, quilting, appliqué or combo –MACHINE SEWN with 20% hand sewn permitted. (a) Advanced (b) Open (c) Novice in all classes 94. Quilt – Patchwork, quilting, appliqué or combo – Professionally quilted. (a) Advanced (b) Open (c) Novice in all classes 95. Wall Hanging – Patchwork, quilting, appliqué or combo – Professionally quilted. (a) Advanced (b) Open (c) Novice 96. Miniature Article – Patchwork, quilting, appliqué or combo – (a) not to exceed 20cm x 20cm. (b) not to exceed 40cm x 40cm. (c) not to exceed 1m x 1m. Please indicate Advanced, Open, Novice. 97. Any other article of Patchwork, quilting, appliqué or combo – Hand Sewn, Machine Sewn or combination. Please indicate Advanced, Open, Novice. Note: VAS Patchwork Competition Class 3. 41 SEWING Entry Fee $3.00 100. Sewn Garment. 101. Sewn Article/Garment using Recycled Materials - attach descript. of original use of materials. 102. Sewn Bag (a) Tote (b) Handbag/Purse. 103. Sewn Doll’s Clothes - suitable for Dolls or Teddies. 104. Original design apparel. 105. Any other article or garment not mentioned above Note: VAS Sewing Competition Class TOYS Entry Fee $3.00 Handmade means both hand and machine sewn 110. Handmade and Dressed Cloth Doll. 111. Handmade Fabric Toy - not Teddy or Doll. 112. Handmade Teddy - not dressed 113. Handmade Teddy - Novelty - may be dressed (any size) 114. Knitted and/or Crocheted Doll or Toy (see Crochet Category for Amigurumi) 115. Toy or Doll, representing current show theme. JUNIOR NEEDLEWORK Entry Fee $1.50 Exhibitors to state their Name, Age and Year/Grade on their entry form (a) 11 years & under (b) 12 to 17 years. Class 120. Knitted or Crocheted Article or Garment - (a) or (b). 121. Article or garment incorporating Beading, Embroidery, Decoration or any medium - (a) or (b). 122. Patchwork/Appliqué article - (a) or (b). 123. Hand or Machine sewn garment or article - Hand finishing - allowed - (a) or (b). 124. Embroidered article (worked on Aida, linen, etc) - (a) or (b). 125. Article of Needlework Tapestry (worked on canvas) - (a) or (b). 126. Young designer – original design apparel (a) or (b). 127. Any toy - (a) or (b). 128. GROUP ACTIVITY - (a) or (b). RESTRICTED Entry Fee $1.50 (A) Special Needs - Exhibitors with a disability or special needs (B) Senior Citizens - Exhibitors age 70 years and over Entry fee now applies. 130. Handmade Soft Toy or Doll - (A) & (B). 131. Hand or Machine Knitted article - (A) & (B). 132. Crocheted article - (A) & (B). 133. Needlework Tapestry on CANVAS - (A) & (B). 134. Embroidered article - (A) & (B). 135. Any other article of needlework not mentioned above - (A) & (B). Thank you to our Patrons Spotlight; Machine Knitters Assoc. of Vic. Group VAS Ltd Waverley Patchworkers Inc. Dove Optometrists, Lilydale Seville Primary Spinners; Tatters Guild of Victoria; Grand Valley Spinners & Weavers Textile Offcuts, Lilydale 42 PHOTOGRAPHY SECTION V SATURDAY 15th and SUNDAY 16th November 2014 ENTRY FORMS AND EXHIBITS CLOSE ON 26th October, 2014 NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED Exhibition presented by: YARRA RANGES PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY Judge: Chris Hoare ENTRY FEES: $3.00 per print (no limit of entries); JUNIOR & YOUTH SECTIONS $3.00 covers 1, 2 or 3 entries (max. of 3 entries); Cheques or Money Orders should be made payable to Lilydale A. & H. Society. NOTE: PHOTOGRAPHY ENTRIES, FEES AND ENTRY FORMS TO BE DELIVERED ALL TOGETHER TO: Chief Steward, Photography Section, Mr. Neil Follett, on Saturday 25th October or Sunday 26th October 2014, between 10.00am and 2.00pm to the Show Office, 27-29 Market Street, Lilydale Or posted to: Chief Steward, Photography Section, Mr. Neil Follett, P.O. Box 70, Lilydale 3140. Phone Enquiries: 9739 6205 REGULATIONS: (To be read in conjunction with General Regulations) 1. Photographs previously exhibited at Lilydale Show are not eligible. 2. The Society will take all care, but will not be responsible for loss or damage. Exhibits are handled only by experienced photographers. 3. The Steward has the right to combine classes if there are not sufficient entries, and to transfer any exhibit to its correct class if incorrectly entered. 4. The judges are given the power, and are specially requested to withhold awards where exhibits are, in their opinion, unworthy, and in all cases where exhibits do not conform with the class in which they are entered. The judges’ decision will be final. 5. All exhibits must remain on display until 5.00 pm on the last day of the Show. They can be claimed between 5.30-6 pm on presentation of the duplicate entry form. 6. Entries will be returned by post if return postage and packing is included and your Entry Form is marked “RETURN BY POST”. 7. Photocopies of entry forms are acceptable. 8. Due to space limitations, every endeavour will be made to display all entries. When a person enters more than four entries in one class the chief steward shall have the discretion of limiting the number of entries put on display and class entered. 9. In all cases: Name and address of exhibitor, title, of each print MUST BE clearly marked in BLOCK CAPITALS on the back of each print. Minimum size of prints is 234 sq. cm. (5” x 7”). All Prints MUST BE mounted on a cardboard or photo mount. Framed prints will not be accepted. The maximum size of print, including mount, in all cases, no larger than 50 cm x 40 cm (20” x 16”). Prints mounted on paper may not be displayed. NATURE: Nature photographs are pictures of animals, (mammals, birds, insects, reptiles, etc.) or native plants, which are in their natural, uncultivated and untamed state. Pictures which show evidence of man, or of domesticated animals or garden plants are not acceptable in this Section. LAND/SEASCAPE: A photograph depicting an urban or rural landscape or seascape. PEOPLE (PORTRAITURE): A photograph featuring a person, group of people or a portrait. PICTORIAL: Pictorial Entries is an OPEN Entry, any subject. PET: A photograph featuring your pet or pets. LOCAL ENTRY: This section is restricted to photographs taken in the YARRA RANGES REGION depicting some aspect of or activity in the region. 43 JUNIOR/YOUTH ENTRY: Competitors must be under 13 years of age on the day of the Show for the Junior class and under 19 years of age on the day of the Show for the Youth class. Prints of any subject are eligible. They may be Black and White or Colour. Minimum size and mounting conditions apply as per Regulation 9. SPORT: A photograph depicting a sporting activity, e.g. athletics, swimming, sailing, motor racing, etc. AWARDS: CHAMPION PRINT: BEST BLACK & WHITE PRINT: BEST NATURE PRINT: BEST COLOUR PRINT: BEST SPORT PRINT: BEST LOCAL ENTRY: BEST JUNIOR ENTRY: BEST YOUTH ENTRY: BEST PET ENTRY: BEST PICTORIAL PRINT (Colour): BEST PICTORIAL PRINT (B&W): BEST PEOPLE PRINT: BEST LAND/SEASCAPE PRINT: Kirks Cameras Award Breen Printing Award Y.R.P.S Award Breen Printing Award Kirks Cameras Award Yarra Valley & Ranges Magazine Award David & Joanne Murfin Award Save On Spares Award Mooroolbark Pet Clinic CroydonCameraHouse Croydon Camera House JJ’s Photography Award Art With Distinction Award BLACK & WHITE PRINTS Class 1. Pictorial (Open) BLACK & WHITE OR COLOUR PRINTS Class 3. People 4. Land/Seascape 5. Nature 6. Sport 7. Local 8. Junior Section 9. Youth Section 10. Pet COLOUR PRINTS Class 2. Pictorial (Open) 44 POULTRY SECTION L TO BE JUDGED SATURDAY, 15th NOVEMBER, 2014 at 9.30am. Entries with Entry Money close with the Chief Steward, Mr. B. Daniels, on Monday, 10th November, 2014 Vehicle passes will be issued for exhibitors with access via Market Street. All vehicles must vacate the Showgrounds prior to 8.30am ENTRY FEES: $1.50 per Entry Lilydale A & H Members: $1.00 11 or more birds $1.00 per Entry. CHIEF STEWARD: Brian Daniels, (03) 9727 2336 (After 6:00pm) Prize Cards to third placing JUDGE: TBA POULTRY REGULATIONS (To be read in conjunction with General Regulations) 1. This Section is controlled wholly and solely by the rules and regulations of the Lilydale Agricultural and Horticultural Society Inc. 2. All entries are received subject to the General Regulations and to all others as set out herein. 3. Entries must be accompanied by full entrance fees. 4. All birds must be penned prior to 9.00am on day of Show, and not removed before 3.30pm on Saturday of Show. 5. The Society will not be responsible for any mistakes, accidents, loss or damage from any cause although the greatest of care will be taken. 6. The Committee reserves the right to reject any entry without assigning a reason. 7. Unhealthy birds will not be accepted, but will be returned to the owner and the entry fees forfeited. 8. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST SUPPLY THEIR OWN WATER CONTAINERS. 9. All prizes will be presented on day of Show. 10. During the Show all exhibits shall be under the control of the Committee, and no exhibit shall be handled by any person during the currency of the Show without the permission of the Chief Steward, under penalty of disqualification and forfeiture of all prizes. 11. Any person who has been judged by the Committee guilty of causing annoyance by loud comments on the decision of a judge, or of insulting or unseemly behaviour shall be liable to expulsion from the Show and his or her exhibits may be ordered to be removed. 12. The decision of the Committee, or any duly appointed Sub-committee on all or any matters shall be accepted as final. 13. Junior exhibitors shall be between the ages of 6 years and 16 years on day of Show, and must exhibit in the Junior Section only or Senior Section only. 14. Birds in Mated Pair Classes must be paired to produce exhibition stock. 15. In A.O.V. (Any Other Variety) and A.O.C. (Any Other Colour) Classes the Chief Steward has the right to make extra Classes should there be four (4) or more entries of one colour or variety. Please state Breed on Entry Form. 16. No Penning on Friday Night. Sashes & Trophies CHAMPION BIRD OF THE SHOW Trophy donated by Open Range Poultry Feeds RESERVE BIRD OF THE SHOW Lilydale Show Society Trophy CHAMPION JUNIOR BIRD Sash donated by TBA RESERVE JUNIOR BIRD Sash donated by TBA 45 Champion Standard Light Champion Standard Heavy Champion Hard Feather Standard Champion Soft Feather Bantam Champion Hard Feather Bantam (Except Modern Game) Champion Modern Game Bantam Champion Waterfowl Champion Junior Bird Champion Mated Pair Reserve Standard Light Reserve Standard Heavy Reserve Soft Feather Bantam Reserve Hard Feather Bantam (Except Modern Game) Reserve Junior Bird Best Eggs - Sash only STANDARD LIGHT BREEDS Trophy Donated by Meadows Produce, Kilsyth & Mt. Evelyn Produce Class Class I. Ancona Male 2. Ancona Female 3. Hamburgh Black Male 4. Hamburgh Black Female 5. Hamburgh A.O.C. Male 6. Hamburgh A.O.C. Female 7. Welsummer Male 8. Welsummer Female 9. Leghorn Brown Male 10. Leghorn Brown Female 11. Leghorn White Male 12. Leghorn White Female 13. Leghorn A.O.C. Male 14. Leghorn A.O.C. Female 15. Polish A.C Male 16. Polish A.C Female 17. Silkie White Male 18. Silkie White Female 19. Silkie A.O.C. Male 20. Silkie A.O.C. Female 21. A.O.V. Light Breed Male 22. A.O.V. Light Breed Female 23. Mated Pair Light Breed STANDARD HARDFEATHER BREEDS Trophy Donated by Open Range Poultry Feeds Dandenong Class Class 29. O.E.G. Black Red Male 30. O.E.G. Black Red Female 31. O.E.G. Blue Red Male 32. O.E.G. Blue Red Female 33. O.E.G. Duckwing Male 34. O.E.G. Duckwing Female 35. O.E.G. Brown Red Male 36. O.E.G. Brown Red Female 37. O.E.G Dun Male 38. O.E.G. Dun Female 39. O.E.G. A.O.V. Male 40. O.E.G. A.O.V. Female 41. Indian Game A.C. Male 42. Indian Game A.C. Female 43. A.O.V Hardfeather Male 44. A.O.V. Hardfeather Female 45. Mated Pair Hard Feather STANDARD HEAVY BREEDS Trophy Donated by Meadows Produce, Kilsyth Class Class 51. Australorp Male 52. Australorp Female 53. New Hampshire Male 54. New Hampshire Female 55. Langshan Male 56. Langshan Female 57. Rhode Island A.C Male 58. Rhode Island A.C Female 59. Orpington Male 60. Orpington Female 61. Sussex A.C Male 62. Sussex A.C Female 63. Wyandotte White Male 64. Wyandotte White Female 65. Wyandotte A.O.C. Male 66. Wyandotte A.O.C. Female 67. Plymouth Rock Male 68. Plymouth Rock Female 69. A.O.V. Heavy Breed Male 70. A.O.V. Heavy Breed Female 71. Mated Pair Heavy Breed 46 BANTAMS Trophy Donated by Open Range Poultry Feeds, Dandenong MODERN GAME Class Class 77. Black Red Male 78. Black Red Female 79. Duckwing Male 80. Duckwing Female 81. Pile Male 82. Pile Female 84. Wheaten A.C Female 85. A.O.C. Male 86. A.O.C. Female 87. Mated Pair HARD FEATHER BANTAM 89. O.E.G. Black Red D/L Male 90. O.E.G. Partridge D/L Female 91. O.E.G. Black Red L/L Male 92. O.E.G. Part.-Clay or Wheaten Female 93. O.E.G. Blue Red Male 94. O.E.G. Blue Red Female 96. O.E.G. Blue Tail Wheaten L/L 97. O.E.G. Duckwing Male 98. O.E.G. Duckwing Female 99. O.E.G. Blue Duckwing Male 100. O.E.G. Blue Duckwing Female 101. O.E.G. Pile Male 102. O.E.G. Pile Female 103. O.E.G. Spangle Male 104. O.E.G. Spangle Female 105. O.E.G. A.O.C. Male 106. O.E.G. A.O.C. Female 107. Indian Game A.C. Male 108. Indian Game A.C. Female 109. A.O.V. Hard Feather Male 110. A.O.V. Hard Feather Female 111. Mated Pair Hard Feather BEST HARD FEATHER BANTAM (Ex Modern Game) Trophy Donated by Open Range Poultry Feeds, Dandenong BANTAMS SOFT FEATHER BANTAM Trophy Donated by Oban Trading, Ringwood and Discount Animal Feeds, Lilydale Class Class 117. Ancona Male 118. Ancona Female 119. Australorp Female 120. Australorp Female 121. Belgian A.V. Male 122. Belgian A.V Female 123. Japanese, A.C. Male 124. Japanese, A.C. Female 125. Leghorn, White Male 126. Leghorn, White Female 127. Leghorn, A.O.C. Male 128. Leghorn, A.O.C. Female 129. Langshan Male 130. Langshan Female 131. Sussex Male 132. Sussex Female 133. Pekin, Black Male 134 .Pekin, Black Female 135. Pekin, A.O.C. Male 136. Pekin, A.O.C. Female 137. Rosecomb Male 138. Rosecomb Female 139. Rhode Island Red Male 140. Rhode Island Red Female 141. Rhode Island White Male 142. Rhode Island White Female 143. Sebright Male 144. Sebright Female 145. Wyandotte, White Male 146. Wyandotte, White Female 147. Wyandotte, A.O.C. Male 148. Wyandotte, A.O.C. Female 149. A.O.V., Soft Feather Male 150. A.O.V. Soft Feather Female 151. Mated Pair, Soft Feather JUNIOR SECTION Trophy Donated by Open Range Poultry Feed, Dandenong 155. Light Breed Male 156. Light Breed Female 157. Heavy Breed Male 158. Heavy Breed Female 159. Waterfowl A.V. Drake 160. Waterfowl A.V. Duck 161. Mated Pair 47 48 NO PENNING AFTER 9.00am RABBITS SECTION P TO BE JUDGED SUNDAY 16th NOVEMBER, 2014 ENTRIES CLOSE 6.00pm MONDAY 3rd NOVEMBER 2014 This Section will be conducted under the Rules of the Victorian Rabbit Association Inc. Entry Forms with Entry Fee to be sent to: Mrs. L. Walker, PO Box 213, Warburton 3799 (O3 5966 9332) T.V.R.A.I. email: [email protected] Chief Steward: L. Walker ENTRY FEE: $5.00 for 1 – 3 Rabbits, $2.00 per Rabbit over 3 JUDGE: T.B.A. (Judged to T.V.R.A. Inc. Rules) RIBBONS AND PRIZE CARDS will be awarded up to Third Placing. SASHES will be awarded for BEST FUR, BEST FANCY, BEST REX, BEST IN SHOW, BEST U/5 MONTHS IN SHOW, BEST U/14W IN SHOW and BEST ADULT IN SHOW ROSETTES will be awarded to First Place in PET CLASSES and UNRUNG 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. REGULATIONS: Rabbits to be penned prior to 9.00am Judging to commence 10.00am Child Handler Classes will be judged at 10.00am, and will be judged on Child’s ability in handling rabbit Local Pet Class is open to any person owning a rabbit in local area. Entries will be accepted on the day. Metro Rabbit Club Rules and Regulations available from Show Secretary. Rabbits must be penned in TVRAI approved cages. Cages can be loaned for a fee of 50c contact the Show Secretary for further details. ANGORA WHITE ANGORA AOC CASHMERE LOP SELF AOC CASHMERE LOP AOC DWARF LOP REW DWARF LOP SELF AOC DWARF LOP SHADED DWARF LOP TAN PATT DWARF LOP AGOUTI DWARF LOP AOC MINI LOP SELF MINI LOP SHADED MINI LOP AOC NETH DWARF REW NETH DWARF SELF AOC NETH DWARF SHADED NETH DWARF TAN PATT NETH DWARF AGOUTI NETH DWARF HIMMY NETH DWARF AOC POLISH AC TAN AC FANCY AOV FANCY CLASSES ADULT 1 4 10 16 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 61 64 67 70 76 82 U/5 2 5 11 17 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 47 50 53 56 59 62 62 65 68 71 77 83 U/14 3 6 12 18 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 63 66 69 72 78 84 RABBITS SECTION P (Cont’d) ADULT 97 100 103 106 109 112 115 NEW ZEALAND AC SATIN IVORY SATIN AOC SABLE AC FOX BLACK FOX AOC NORMAL FUR AOV ERMINE BLACK SELF AOC TAN PATTERN AGOUTI PATTERN REX AOV MINI REX ERMINE MINI REX SELF AOC MINI REX AOC MINI REX BLACK 118 121 124 130 133 136 139 142 145 148 U/5 98 101 104 107 110 113 116 REX CLASSES FUR CLASSES 148. JUVENILE 150. MEMBERS PETS 152. BEST OWNER BRED 154. CHILD HANDLER U/16 U/14 99 102 105 108 111 114 117 119 122 125 131 134 137 140 143 146 149 120 123 126 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 SPECIAL CLASSES 149. UNRUNG 151. PAIRS 153. CHILD HANDLER U/10 GENERAL PUBLIC SECTION 155. BEST ADULTS PET 157. NOVICE CHILD HANDLER U/16 156. BEST CHILDRENS PET 158. NOVICE CHILD HANDLER U/10 Rabbits are located in the Chandler Pavilion adjacent to the CFA Fire Track (see Show Map) JOIN THE LILYDALE AGRICULTUR AL & HORTICULTUR AL SOCIET Y Membership of the society gives the Members & Guest and Members Children under 14 years Free Admission on both days and Twilight entertainment Saturday 50 Current membership $33 per annum ? SHEEP SECTION F TO BE JUDGED SATURDAY 15th NOVEMBER, 2014 ENTRIES TAKEN UP TO AND ON THE DAY Chief Steward: Mr Michael Apostoladis, 404 Warburton Hwy, Wandin Nth 3139 Phone: (03) 5964 4215 Chief Steward: Les King 0411 625 426 ENTRY FEE: $2.00, per entry (unless otherwise stated) Judging will commence at 10.00am sharp. Straw supplied by Lilydale A. & H. Society if available N.B.: After unloading your exhibits, please park your vehicles in Horse Float Parking area, entry from Chapel Street (See Map insert) Memo Sheep Exhibitors Please take note of our Wool Section G. Enter your white or coloured fleece to help build up our wool competition and be part of an exciting and interesting display at the show. REGULATIONS: To be read in conjunction with General Regulations: 1. All sheep entered in Shorn Classes must be closely and evenly shorn after 1st 2. Owners must parade sheep for judging if requested to do so. 3. Entries in British Breeds’ Classes are restricted to animals bred in a registered flock and exhibited by members of the Australian Society of Breeders of British Sheep. 4. All British breeds of sheep will be inspected to see that they are visibly tattooed in the ear with the Society’s registered trade mark (F in a diamond), together with the breeder’s registered flock number, in accordance with the rules of the Society. Sheep not tattooed will be ineligible to compete. 5. Champion and Reserve Champion Sashes will be awarded. 6. Exhibitors are requested not to remove sheep before 4.00pm. 7. Declaration for all entries is required that “Johne’s disease is not known or suspected to have occurred during the past 5 years in flocks or on properties from which these animals originate”. 8. Ovine Brucellosis Test. Entries for rams and ram lambs over the age of 4 months (a) Ovine Brucellosis accredited free flocks (please state on entry form), or (b) Rams which have proved negative to a test involving both manual examination and a laboratory blood examination carried out not more than 60 days prior to this Show, and which have, since testing, been kept in isolation from all untested rams. The ear tag or tattoo numbers of rams and ram lambs tested and examined must be included in the certificate. ALL VETERINARY CERTIFICATES (OR COPIES THEREOF) MUST BE PRESENTED WITH ENTRY FORMS PART 1 - COLOURED SHEEP SATURDAY 15th NOVEMBER 2014 ENTRY FEE: $2.00 PRIZES: First: $6.00; Second: $3.00; Third: Ribbon JUDGING TO COMMENCE AT 10.00am 1. RULE 8 at the start of this Section applies to all coloured rams and ram lambs. 2. The Chief Steward reserves the right to place a sheep in its correct Class if it has been incorrectly entered. Points allocated: First, 3 points; Second, 2 points; Third, 1 point. TROPHY AND SASH to the Supreme Champion Coloured Sheep. TROPHY AND SASH for Champion Coloured Ram and Champion Coloured Ewe. 52 118. FINE WOOLLED RAM, 58’s and finer. 119. FINE WOOLLED RAM LAMB, 58’s and finer. 120. MEDIUM WOOLLED RAM, 50’s - 56’s. 121. MEDIUM WOOLLED RAM LAMB, 50’s - 56’s. 122. STRONG WOOLLED RAM, 44’s - 46’s. 123. STRONG WOOLLED RAM LAMB, 44’s - 46’s. 124. COARSE OR RUG WOOL RAM, 40’s and stronger. 125. COARSE OR RUG WOOL RAM LAMB, 40’s and stronger. 126. FINE WOOLLED EWE, 58’s and finer. 127. FINE WOOLLED EWE LAMB, 58’s and finer. 128. MEDIUM WOOLLED EWE, 50’s - 56’s. 129. MEDIUM WOOLLED EWE LAMB, 50’s - 56’s. 130. STRONG WOOLLED EWE, 44’s - 46’s. 131. STRONG WOOLLED EWE LAMB, 44’s - 46’s. 132. COARSE OR RUG WOOL EWE, 40’s and stronger. 133. COARSE OR RUG WOOL EWE LAMB, 40’s and stronger. 134. PAIR OF EWES - any quality. PART 2 – STUD SHEEP SATURDAY, 15TH NOVEMBER ENTRY FEE: $2.00 PRIZES: First: $6.00; Second: $3.00. 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 30 31 32 33 34 35 40 41 42 43 44 45 50 51 52 53 54 55 60 61 62 63 64 65 70 71 72 73 74 75 80 81 82 83 84 85 RAM, 2012 or earlier Drop RAM, 2013 Drop RAM LAMB, 2014 Drop RAM, 2012 or Earlier Drop RAM, 2013 Drop RAM LAMB, 2014 Drop TROPHY AND SASH for Supreme Champion Stud Sheep, Champion Stud Ram & Champion Stud Ewe. 90. CHAMPION STUD RAM 91. CHAMPION STUD EWE 90. SUPREME CHAMPION STUD SHEEP 113. BEST BREED GROUP OF ANY LONG WOOLS. To be owned by the exhibitor and consist of Ram and 2 Ewes, any age. FIRST PRIZE: Trophy & Sash 114. BEST BREED GROUP OF ANY SHORT WOOLS. To be owned by the exhibitor and consist of Ram and 2 Ewes, any age. FIRST PRIZE: Trophy & Sash PART 2A – COMMERCIAL SHEEP REGISTERED SHEEP ARE NOT ELIGIBLE ENTRY FEE: $2.00 PRIZES: First: $6.00; Second: $3.00. Class 116. THREE PRIME LAMBS. Bred and fattened by exhibitor. 117. EWE, suitable for breeding Prime Lambs, with lamb at foot. Any breed or cross. PART 3 - PET SHEEP OR LAMB SATURDAY 15th NOVEMBER 2014 (NO RAMS OR RAM LAMBS) 140. BEST PET LAMB OR SHEEP. Exhibitors eligible up to 16 years of age. Any breed or cross. All entries taken Show Day. Owners must have their pets at the Sheep Section by 11.00am Saturday, 15th November. The Judge has the right to question the exhibitors on the care of their exhibits to assist in determining the Awards. 53 • 54 LILYDALE SHOW YOUNG TEENS Entry Fee $4.00. Entries close on Saturday, November 15th, 2014. Registration in Melba Park from 10am to 11.30am sharp and judging will follow. Please Read Regulations NOTES: 1. Contestants must be 10 years to 15 years on Show Day. 2. Entries to be lodged with the Secretary, Lilydale Show Society, P.O. Box 70, Lilydale 3140 (if entering prior to Show Day). 3. Entrants must register with Chief Steward at times noted for each group. 4. The judges’ decision will be final. 5. An Inscribed Sash and bouquet of flowers will be awarded to third place getter. Lilydale Show Young Teens Winner will receive: • Passes from Maroondah Adventure Golf Park, Chirnside Park • Colour Portrait from Glenn Mandl Photography, Lilydale • Inscribed Sash awarded by Lilydale A & H Society • Bouquet of flowers donated by Mandy’s Flirtatious Flowers, Mt Evelyn Lilydale Show Young Teens Runner up will receive: • Passes from by Maroondah Adventure Golf Park, Chirnside Park • Voucher donated by Bayswater Roller City • Inscribed Sash awarded by Lilydale A & H Society • Bouquet of flowers donated by Mandy’s Flirtatious Flowers, Mt Evelyn LILYDALE SHOW YOUNG STARS Entry Fee $3.00. Entries close on Saturday, November 15th, 2014. Registration in Melba Park from 10am to 11.00am sharp and judging will follow. Please Read Regulations NOTES: 1. Contestants must be 4 years to 9 years of age on Show Day. 2. Entries to be lodged with the Secretary, Lilydale Show Society, P.O. Box 70, Lilydale 3140 (if entering prior to Show Day). 3. Entrants must register with Chief Steward at times noted for each group. 4. The judges’ decision will be final. 5. An Inscribed Sash and bouquet of flowers will be awarded to third place getter. Lilydale Show Young Stars Winner will receive: • Passes from Maroondah Adventure Golf Park, Chirnside Park • Teddy Bear donated by Ray & Robyn Murphy, Mooroolbark • Colour Portrait from Glenn Mandl Photography, Lilydale • Bouquet of flowers donated by Mandy’s Flirtatious Flowers, Seville • Inscribed Sash awarded by Lilydale A & H Society Lilydale Show Young Stars Runner up will receive: • Passes from Maroondah Adventure Golf Park, Chirnside Park • Bouquet of flowers donated by Mandy’s Flirtatious Flowers, Mt Evelyn • Inscribed Sash awarded by Lilydale A & H Society Vouchers donated by McDonald’s will also be awarded 55 Calling all Volunteers! To make the next lilydale Show an awesome one we need your help. If you can spare a couple of hours, a day, or the weekend to help out please contact us. It’s lots of fun so come and join the team! THE LILYDALE SHOW SOCIETY would like to THANK ALL STEWARDS AND VOLUNTEERS for their generosity of time in making the Lilydale Show run smoothly 56 VICTORIAN SCOTTISH DANCING V28/14 LILYDALE SHOW COMPETITION DATE: Sunday 16th November 2014 TIME: 10.00am VENUE: Lilydale Showgrounds, Market Street, Lilydale ADJUDICATOR: Elizabeth McLauchlan ENTRY FEES: Each Dance $4.00 Trophy Dance* $5.00 Premiership $15 ADMIN FEE: $5.00 each family ENTRIES TO: Barbara Sweaney, 159 Hereford Road, Lilydale, 3140 Ph: 9735 0972 ENTRIES CLOSE: Monday 10th November 2014 Pre-Premier Primary PDB PDB & HC HF (4 steps) SD (2 & 1) Pre-Premier Beginners & Pre-Premier Novice Sections HF (4 steps) SD (2 & 1) ST (3 & 1) *HF (4 steps) SL (4 steps) FM (4 steps) Pre-Premier Intermediate Section *HF (4 steps) SD (2 & 1) ST (3 & 1) BJ (4 steps) SL (4 steps) FM (4 steps) SH (4 steps) HL (4 steps) Lilydale Premier Highland Premierships 7-11 years SD (2 + 1) ST (3 + 1) Strath & HR (2 + 2) 12 & under 16 years SD (2 + 2) ST (4 + 2) Strath & HR (2 + 2) 16 years & over SD (2 + 2) ST (4 + 2) Strath & HR (2 + 2) Premier with Restrictions - Encouragement Section Restricted to dancers who have not been placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the overall results of an Open Championship in 2012, 2013, 2014 SL (4steps) - age groups to be decided on receipt of entries Premier with Restrictions Sections VSDMA Perpetual Trophy – Premier Dancers under 13years on 01/01/14 SM (4 steps) VSDMA Glengarry Shield – Premier Dancers 13years and over on 01/1/14 SM (4 steps) Premier Sections Age groups to be decided upon receipt of entries HF (6 steps) VM (4steps) EE (4 steps) SH (4 steps) IJ (3 + 1) Prizes Pre-Premier Sections Primary - Medals Beginners, Novice, Intermediate - Medals and Trophies - 3 competitors 1 prize, 4 competitors 2 prizes, 5 or more competitors 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes. Premier Sections - $10, $7, $5 Premierships - 1st Sash & Trophy, 2nd Trophy, 3rd Trophy * Trophy dance 57 WOODCHOP SECTION X All events conducted in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the CVAA Inc. No. 11522 and AAA Woodchop Competition Proudly Sponsored by WM WASTE MANAGEMENT ENQUIRIES & INFORMATION: Allen Spencer, Phone: 0400 113 596 Information on Events will be supplied by phoning the above number. Entries close Friday 31st October, 2014 to: Nev Meyer 33 Murphy Street, Romsey VIC 3434, Phone 03 5429 6870 All events conducted under the rules and regulations of the CVAA and AAA No late entries accepted. Chief Steward: Allen Spencer The Lilydale A. & H. Society Inc. gratefully acknowledges the generosity of the following patrons who have contributed to this Section: W.M. Waste Management, Boronia, Vermont Hire P/L, Timber Lift Pty. Ltd. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Saturday 15th November 2014 Commence 11am 1st 300mm Novice Underhand $100 250mm Novice Standing Block $100 300mm Open Underhand $300 275mm Open Standing Block $300 325mm Open Underhand $300 300mm Tree Handicap (NB:$25 default) $200 Double Handed Sawing $200 Partner: ................................................................................................ Two Man Combination (nominate partner) $200 300mm UH ........................................................................................ 250mm SB ......................................................................................... 300mm Standing Block Championship $350 (8 Backmarkers) 2nd $50 $50 $150 $150 $150 $100 $80 3rd/4th Entry $20 $16.00 $20 $16.00 $75 $16.00 $75 $16.00 $75 $16.00 $60 $16.00 $60 $8.00 $100 $60 $16.00 $200 $100/50 $15.40 $ WOODCHOP SECTION X (Cont’d) Sunday 16th November 2014 3rd $20 $20 $75 $75 $75 $30 16. Two Man Butchers Block $200 $100 $50 Partner: ................................................................................................ Three Man Relay (list team members below $300 $150 $90 18. 19. 2nd $50 $50 $150 $150 $150 $50 300mm Novice Underhand 250mm Novice Standing Block 300mm Open Underhand 275mm Open Standing Block 300mm Open Standing Block Hotsaw* 1st $100 $100 $300 $300 $300 $150 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Jack & Jill Double Handed Sawing $120 $60 Partner: ................................................................................................ $30 Entry $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $8.00 $8.00 $16.00 $8.00 Three Man Rally SB .......................................... UH .......................................... TREE .......................................... *HOT SAW EVENT: All safety equipment including helmet, facemask, earmuffs, chaps & safety boots must be supplied by competitors. Entries must be submitted by Friday 31st October 2014. Late entries CANNOT be accepted. All cheques payable to the Lilydale Agricultural & Horticultural Society Inc. Name ............................................................................... Phone ....................................................... Postal Address .............................................................................................. Postcode ..................... TOTAL Entries .................................... (Payable to Lilydale Agricultural & Horticultural Society Inc.) Entries & Enquiries to: Nev Meyer 33 Murphy Street, Romsey VIC 3434, phone 03 5429 6870 Program subject to alteration without notice. All events conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations of the CVAA Inc. No. 11522 and AAA. The Lilydale Agricultural & Horticultural Society Inc. reserves the right to cancel any event. Any Tree Feller who attends the show and fails to climb their tree may be penalised $25.00. Registered Axemen only. WM WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES PTY LTD. 59 WOOL SECTION G ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY 12th NOVEMBER 2014 with the Secretary (P.O. Box 70, Lilydale, 3140) ENTRY FEE $2.20 CHIEF STEWARD: Mr Graeme Wilkinson Mrs. Lesley Wilkinson Phone: 0400 695 126 STEWARDS: Mrs. S. Huston, Mr R. Wilkinson SASH for Champion Fleece in Show, Reserve Champion SASH TROPHY for Best Crossbred Fleece in Show, (Classes 2-12) Donated by David Wilkinson, Warrumyea, Wangoom THE DAVID L. BARRY TROPHY for Best Merino Fleece TROPHY AND ROSETTE for Most Successful Exhibitor, Donated by Mrs. Mollie Jeffrey, Oaklands, Ventnor, Phillip Island ROSETTE & TROPHY for Fleece Most Suited For Craft a/white b/coloured Entry for Fleeces entered in Royal Melbourne Show Sponsored by Healesville Pest & Weed Control REGULATIONS: (To be read in conjunction with General Regulations) 1. All exhibits must be in the Chief Steward’s hands or delivered to Showgrounds, Jean Eales Pavilion, Market Street, Lilydale, not later than 9.00am, Thursday 13th November, 2014. 2. Exhibitors must attach a tag showing name and address to the wrappings used. 3. Fleeces which, in the opinion of the Judge, are overgrown or insufficiently skirted, will be judged accordingly. 4. The judge may transfer any fleece to the Class to which it rightfully belongs. 5. All fleeces are to be shorn from sheep which are the bona fide property of the exhibitor. 6. Exhibits will remain on display until 5.00pm on Sunday, 16th November, 2014. 7. MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR, Section G.a. and G.b. To be awarded on basis of: 1st: 3 points; 2nd: 2 points; 3rd: 1 point. Where points are equal, a countback will be made of highest number of First, Second or Third prizes to decide the award. ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY 12th NOVEMBER 2014 SKIRTED FLEECES – SECTION G.a Fleeces shall be judged on the scale of points issued by the National Council of Wool Selling Brokers of Australia. Class 1. Skirted Fleece of Merino Wool. 2. Skirted Fleece of Comeback Wool, 58’s - 60’s. (23-25µ) 3. Skirted Fleece of Fine Crossbred Wool, 56’s. (27µ) 4. Skirted Fleece of Medium Crossbred Wool, 50’s. (30µ) 5. Skirted Fleece of Strong Crossbred Wool, 44’s-46’s. (33-35µ) 6. Skirted Fleece of Romney Wool. 7. Skirted Fleece of English Leicester Wool. 8. Skirted Fleece of Border Leicester Wool. 9. Skirted Fleece of Lincoln Wool. 10. Skirted Fleece of Cheviot Wool. 11. Skirted Fleece of Down Wool. 12. Skirted Fleece of Southdown Wool. 60 R.A.S. DISTRICT FLEECE COMPETITION: The Best Merino and Crossbred Fleeces grown within the Central & Upper Goulburn District of Victoria will be sent on to the Royal Agricultural Show of Victoria. At the 2015 Royal Melbourne Show, these fleeces will compete with other winning fleeces from kindred Agricultural Societies within these districts. The District winners will receive a Championship Sash presented by the R.A.S.V. The fleeces sent on for this competition shall become the property of the R.A.S.V. and after exhibition, will be sold and the proceeds donated to the selected charity. COLOURED WOOL - SECTION G.b. CHAMPION COLOURED FLEECE: Trophy and Sash MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR IN COLOURED WOOL SECTION: Sash and Trophy donated by Diana Underwood and Roger Wilkinson, “Warrumyea” Wangoom This section to be judged on the scale of points issued by the Black and Coloured Sheep breeders’ Association of Australia. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Fine Wool Coloured Fleece Medium Wool Coloured Fleece. Strong Wool Coloured Fleece. Coarse or Rug Wool Coloured Fleece. Variegated Wool Coloured Fleece. FLEECE FROM PET SHEEP - SECTION G.c. BEST FLEECE: Trophy and Sash donated by the Estate of Mrs. Thelma Barry. 18. Best Fleece from Pet Sheep or Lamb. Any breed or cross. EXHIBITORS OF ANY AGE. Fleeces entered in any other wool class are not eligible for this special class. Please include sheep’s name, and a photograph of sheep and owner, with entry form. These will be displayed with the fleece. Exhibits will remain on display until 5pm, Sunday 16th November, 2014. THE LILYDALE SHOW SOCIETY would like to THANK ALL STEWARDS AND VOLUNTEERS for their generosity of time in making the Lilydale Show run smoothly 61 2014 SHOW PATRONS The Lilydale Agricultural & Horticultural Society Inc. is most appreciative of the continuing and generous support of its many Patrons. Donations received after the printing of this Schedule will be included in the Society’s Annual Report. Please accept our grateful thanks. Mr Robert Higgs, President MAJOR SPONSORS Shire of Yarra Ranges WM Waste Management Yarra Ranges Recycling Services Reece Plumbing Centres COOKERY Cake Decorators Association of Vic. Choice Cake Decorating Centre C.W.A Wandin Branch Doug Knight Real Estate, Lilydale Group/VAS Ltd. Competitions Ms. Marg Henley Ms. Angela Fleay Orchard Manufacturing Co., Max & Helen Begely Peter George 62 ART Anne & Keith Ross Art with Distinction, Mt Evelyn Individual Art Framers, Lilydale Methven Professionals, Lilydale Westpac Bank Lilydale Mooroolbark Community Bank – Branch of the Bendigo Bank Mooroolbark Picture Framing Pack & Send, Lilydale Joan & Graeme Ellis BUDGERIGARS & CAGE BIRDS Mr. Ron McNamara 2014 SHOW PATRONS CRAFTS Art In Bark Assoc., Wonga Park Brian & Bev Cook, Mirboo North Hairmate, Lilydale Mrs. M. Owen Mrs. N Waterham Vic. Guild of China Painting Inc., Ranges Tech. Lilydale DAIRY GOATS Mr. & Mrs. Burfoot, Yarra Valley Goat Club HORTICULTURE Bunnings Croydon North Colchester Nursery, Kilsyth Reliable Roses, Silvan Seasol International P/L, Bayswater The Little Flower Shoppe Newstead Rose Nursery Studfield Garden Centre Multicrop New Gippsland Seed Farm Tesselaar Peregrine Adventures NEEDLEWORK Dove Optometrists, Lilydale Group/VAS Ltd. Competitions Seville Primary Spinners Spotlight Textile Offcuts, Lilydale The Tatters’ Guild of Aust. Waverley Patchworkers Inc. Grand Valley Spinners & Weavers Machine Knitters Assoc of Vic. PHOTOGRAPHY Art with Distinction Croydon Camera House David and Joanne Murfin JJ’s Photography Kirk’s Camera Supply, Ringwood Save on Spares Yarra Valley & Ranges Magazine Paws & Claws Y.R.P.S. POULTRY Meadows Produce, Kilsyth Mountain District Poultry Society Vic. Inc. Mt. Evelyn Produce Store Oban Trading, Ringwood Open Range Poultry Feed, Dandenong Mr. B. Daniels Lilydale Discount Animal Feeds,Lilydale Mr. G Mason Mr. N Daniels Ms. D Brennan RABBITS Gippsland Rabbit Fanciers SHEEP Exel Rural, Lilydale YV Financial Services WM WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES PTY 63 471 Maroondah Hwy. Lilydale. 3140 Ph: 9735 0555 e: [email protected] Lilydale Clinic 484 Maroondah Highway Lilydale VIC 3140 P: (03) 9739 5244 F: (03) 9735 5509 Yarra Glen Clinic 28 Bell Street Yarra Glen VIC 3775 P: (03) 9730 1569 [email protected] COPYRIGHT 2013 RLWDESIGN Full medicine and surgery service available by Australian College of Veterinary Scientists accredited vets. 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE : 0428 586 467 Caring for pets in the Yarra Valley for over 3 0 years! 64 2014 SHOW PATRONS SHOW PERSONALITY Bayswater Roller City Glenn Mandl Photography Lilydale Books Lilydale Squash & Fitness Centre Mandy’s Flirtatious Flowers, Mt Evelyn Maroondah Adventure Golf Park, Chirnside Park McDonalds, Lilydale Robin & Ray Murphy TALENT QUEST PATRONS Bendigo Bank WOODCHOP Timberlift Vermont Hire P/L W. M. Waste Management, Boronia WOOL Grandvalley Spinners, Montrose Healesville Pest & Weed Control, Chum Creek Mr. David Wilkinson Mr. Roger Wilkinson & Mrs. Diana Underwood Mrs. Mollie Jeffrey Mrs. Thelma Barry (Estate) Royal Agricultural Society of Vic., Healesville Spinners & Weavers 65 Yarra Ranges Recycling Service Yarra Ranges Council promotes and collaborates with community to deliver a wide range of Festivals and Events , each unique to their region. Council are pleased to support Lilydale Agricultural & Horticultural Show as a significant attraction in the regions events calendar. Yarra Ranges Council 1300 368 333 JOIN THE LILYDALE AGRICULTUR AL & HORTICULTUR AL SOCIET Y Membership of the society gives the Members & Guest and Members Children under 14 years Free Admission on both days and Twilight entertainment Saturday Current membership $33 per annum 67 Proudly Local Lawyers 68 Providing a wide range of legal services to help you achieve your business, family & life goals. 142 Main Street Lilydale 03 9739 7377 Check out our website for separate Competition/Entry Forms in the following: Leader Newspaper Dash Competition Fun Dog Events The Horse Schedule The Horse Schedule can be downloaded from our website for Saturday Events & Sunday Events Please note: There are separate forms for each day of Competition. LILYDALE MUFFLERS AND TOWBARS * FREE INSPECTION & QUOTE * ALL WORK GUARANTEED * HAYMAN REECE TOWBARS AVAILABLE 32 Main Street, Lilydale Phone: 9735 1955 69 2014 LILYDALE SHOW Leader Newspapers Newspaper Dash Competition MENS DIVISION (18+) $120 Grocery Voucher WOMENS DIVISION (18+) $120 Grocery Voucher BOYS&GIRLS DIVISION (-18) $60 Grocery Voucher 70 SUNDAY 16TH NOVEMBER, 2014 MAIN OVAL LILYDALE SHOWGROUNDS Entries taken on the day from 11am Competition starts at 12 noon ENTRY INTO this COMPETITION IS FREE with paid entry into the show THANKS TO LEADER NEWSPAPERS P LILYDALE A. & H. SOCIETY MAP OF SHOWGROUNDS 1 Youth Cl ub Pav il ion KEY TO PAVILIONS PARK AVAIL AB RAILW AY CA R nda Oli 2 Dav id Wil kinson Pavil ion 3 Je an Eal es Pavil ion & S ecre tary’s Of fic e Cre ek Commercial 1 Industrial Carnival Woodchop Chandler Pav il ion John Pl ante Pav il ion 7 Chapel St. Melba Park Market St. Free Family Area 2 3 5 4 6 ENTRANCE Post Office Castella St. Cri ck et Pavil ion G rand S tand Gate 9 8 Maroondah Highway/Main Street Clarke Street Commercial MAIN ENTRANCE C.F.A. FireTrack Number 2 OVAL Main Arena *Not Available 4 A nnexe Pavil ion 5 Brig gs/Mc Donnell Pavi lion 6 7 8 9 TO MELB. LILY RAILW DALE AY ST AT ION LE Showb ags 71 TO HEALESVILLE Anderson Street WM WASTE WM WASTE MANAGEMENT MANA SERVICES PTY LTD. SERVICES Yarra Ranges Recycling Service TIMBER LIFT PTY LTD Eddie & Roz Woods Telephone 5967 1615 *** ***Add Leader Newspaper Logo somewhere on this page
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