Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) – ECHO Daily Map | 23/04/2015 Chile - Volcanic eruption BOLIVIA CHILE SITUATION BRAZIL PARAGUAY URUGUAY ARGENTINA MAIN MAP AREA ESTIMATED ASH DISPERSAL 23 April 2015, 7.38 UTC (VAAC Buenos Aires) 2 20km evacuation zone 3 port fully closed Ensenada 4 000 evacuees National Reserve Llanquihue CALBUCO erupted 22 April 21.00 UTC Lago Chapo 150 evacuees ACTIVE VOLCANOES NEAR CALBUCO Sources: ONEMI, SERNAGEOMIN (1,2), Media (1, 2, 3, 4), ECHO, VAAC Buenos Aires Correntoso 250 evacuees 3 x 2 suspension of all flights • Calbuco volcano, located in the province of Llanquihue, state of Los Lagos, southern Chile, erupted on 22 April, 18.00 local time (21.00 UTC). Seismic activity had increased during only approximately one hour before the explosion. Volcanic ash reached a height greater than 15 km and the pyroclastic dispersal has mainly been east-northeast of the volcano, according to Chilean authorities. • As of 22 April, a Red Alert for aviation has been issued and the airport of Puerto Montt has suspended all flights. Navigation has also seized in lakes Lianquihui, Todos los Santos and Chapo. In the province of Llanquihue and the municipality of Puerto Octay, a State of Constitutional Exception has been announced. A 20 km evacuation zone has been enforced around the erupted crater and shelters have been prepared in Puerto Montt, Puerto Varas, Puerto Octay and Cochamo. Over 4 000 evacuees have already been reported, mostly from the community of Ensenada. • The last significant eruption of the same volcano was in 1961. Calbuco was inactive since 1972 but is considered dangerous due to its destruction potential. National Park Alerce Andino Shelters Port Airport Communes Provinces Reloncavi Estuary Gulf of Ancud State of Constitutional Exception Estimated ash dispersal Towns
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