Faculty Major Practicum : Industrial Technology : Industrial Engineering : Work System Design & Ergonomics Meeting Modul Date : 6th :2 : 21-23 April 2015 MANUAL MATERIAL HANDLING (MMH) Figure 2.1 Manual Material Handling Image source from NIOSH A. DESCRIPTION Definition of Manual Material Handling (MMH), according to the American Material Handling Society is a knowledge that includes handling, displacement (moving), packaging, storing, and controlling of material with all its forms (Wignjosoebroto & Sritomo, 1996). The manual material handling activity should not harmful and cause pain, so it can increase the productivity of the workers. B. PRACTICUM OBJECTIVES The objectives of this manual material handling practical are as follows: a. Able to measure work in the case of manual material handling. b. Knowing large workload during work. c. Able to understand human limitations of the workload imposed on members of the human body. d. Being able to provide recommendations based on the results of the analysis. C. INPUT AND OUTPUT Input: 1. Operator’s data and design of appointment 2. Video appointment process 3. Screencapture of videos to be process in the determination of multiplier variables. 1 Faculty Major Practicum : Industrial Technology : Industrial Engineering : Work System Design & Ergonomics Meeting Modul Date : 6th :2 : 21-23 April 2015 Output: 1. Recommended Weight Limit Analysis. 2. Lifting Index of prefix and proposal layout. 3. Repair work design recommendation. D. BIBLIOGRAPHY Chaffin, D. B., & Andersson, G. B. (1991). Occupational Biomechanics Second Edition. Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Cour, M. (n.d.). Le Campus. Retrieved Maret 29, 2015, from http://www.lecampus.com/en/formation/manutention-manuelle-des-charges Grandjean, E. (1986). Fiitting the Task to the Man An Ergonomic Approach. London & Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis. Kroemer, K., Kroemer, H., & Kroemer-ELbert, K. (1994). Ergonomics How to Design for Ease and Efficiency. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Simon & Schuster Company. Marras, W. S., & Karwowski, W. (2006). Fundamental and Assessment Tools for Occupational Ergonomics. London New York: Taylor & Francis. Nurmianto, E. (2004). Ergonomi Konsep Dasar dan Aplikasinya. Surabaya: Guna Widya. Safety, C. C. (2013, Maret 28). CCOHS. (Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety) Retrieved Maret 29, 2015, from http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/ergonomics/mmh/hlth_haz.html Tayyari, F., & Smith, J. (1997). Occupational Ergonomics : Principles and Applications. Chapman & Hall. Waters, T. (1994). Applications Manual for the Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation. DHSS (NIOSH) Publication NO. 94-110,32. Wignjosoebroto, & Sritomo. (1996). Tata Letak Pabrik dan Pemindahan. Surabaya: Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November. 2 Faculty Major Practicum : Industrial Technology : Industrial Engineering : Work System Design & Ergonomics Meeting Modul Date : 6th :2 : 21-23 April 2015 E. TEORITICAL BASED E.1. Manual Material Handling Manual handling is an activity that included in the category of heavy work. Lifting and lowering is one example of in manual material handling tasks. Risk factors that may occur when the appointment is wrong will affect too heavy burden on the muscles, tearing of the intervertebral discs and interference on the backs of workers (Grandjean, 1986). According Nurmianto (2004), the removal of material manually if not done ergonomically will lead to accidents in the industry. Industrial accidents are referred to as "overexertion of lifting and carrying" IE tissue damage caused by the excessive lifting load. Besides the issue of the appointment, one of the factors that also must be considered is the load that lifted. Since the removal of manual handling widely applied in the workplace, such as lifting and pushing tasks has become a common thing in the industry nowadays. Examples of work manually appointment is like pulling or pushing a trolley, transport box, using tools, hygiene and move using tools like hydraulic lifts. As a result of the manual removal itself, the potential for increased risk of injury to the spine may occur depending on the height, position and weight of the object. (Resnick and Chaffin, 1996). The heavier the load that lifted, the greater the risk of injury faced by workers, so there must be a limit load raised by the workers. Therefore, NIOSH devises a formula that can be used to determine the limits of the lifted load at a removal activity called the Recommended Weight Limit (Kroemer, Kroemer, & Kroemer-Elbert, 1994). E.2. Lifting Restrictions of Manual Material Handling Human performance in making the appointments have many limitations. Experts of the ILO (International Labor Organization) in Chaffin and Andersson (1991) found the manual handling would affect the impact on: 1. The potential for injury to the back of the spine, knees, shoulders and hips. 2. Potential wound infection in the elbow the hands and feet. According to Chaffin (1991), some types of work can be considered and are divided into several groups simultaneously by a factor of the type which is intended to minimize disruption 3 Faculty Major Practicum : Industrial Technology : Industrial Engineering : Work System Design & Ergonomics Meeting Modul Date : 6th :2 : 21-23 April 2015 musculoskeletal separately related to the use and removal of material. These factors can be grouped into: 1. Characteristics of workers 2. Materials and characteristics of the tools and materials 3. Work practice E.3. RWL (Recommended Weight Limit) NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) as an agency that deals with the health and safety of workers in America conducted a research related to human strength in lifting or moving a load. The recommendation aims to suppose that humans can raise the load limit without causing injury, even though the job is done repeatedly in a considerable period. In 1991, NIOSH recommends equation formulation of loading or lifting equation. The result refreshes to the Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) formula, which is the loading conditions without incurring the risk of injury, especially back pain injury. Recommended Weight Limit is a recommendation that humans can raise the load limit without causing injury, even though the work is done in a repetitive and long periods. The RWL is set by NIOSH in 1991 in the United States. NIOSH equation applies in the circumstances: 1. The load that given is a static load, no increase or reduction in load the middle of the job. 2. The load lifted with both hands. 3. Appointment or decrease objects made within a maximum of 8 hours. 4. Appointment or decrease objects should not be done while sitting or kneeling. 5. The workplace is not cramped. 6. The appointment should not be too fast and not the position of the feet propped up on a narrow and slippery surfaces. 4 Faculty Major Practicum : Industrial Technology : Industrial Engineering : Work System Design & Ergonomics Meeting Modul Date : 6th :2 : 21-23 April 2015 Figure 2.2 Position Apporintment of Recommended Weight Limit The equation to determine the recommended load to be lifted a worker under certain conditions according to NIOSH are as follows: RWL = LC x HM x VM x DM x AM x FM x CM Description: LC = Load constant = 23 kg HM = Horizontal Multiplier = 25 / H FM = Frequency Multiplier *see tabel 2.1 CM = Coupling Multiplier (handle) *see tabel 2.2 5 Faculty Major Practicum : Industrial Technology : Industrial Engineering : Work System Design & Ergonomics Meeting Modul Date : 6th :2 : 21-23 April 2015 VM = Vertical Multiplier VM = 1 – 0,00326 |𝑉 − 75| DM = Distance Multiplier DM = 0,82 + 4,5 𝐷 AM = Asimetric Multiplier AM = 1 – 0,0032 . A Note (see figure 2.2 for description of each multiplier) To get the value of the multiplier obtained from each of the variables, with the following details: H = The distance of the load that lifted towards the center point of the body (cm) V = The distance of the load that lifted towards the floor (cm) D = Difference in load displacement distance vertically (cm) A = Angle of rotation symmetry formed body (0) For Frequency Multiplier is determined by using the FM table below in table 2.1. By knowing the frequency of force per minute and also the value of V in inches. Table 2.1 Table of Frequency Multiplier Working duration Lifting frequency/mnt 1 hours t 2 hours 1 hours 2 hours t 8 hours V < 30 V 30 V < 30 V 30 V < 30 V 30 0.2 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 0.85 0.85 0.5 0.97 0.97 0.92 0.92 0.81 0.81 1 0.94 0.94 0.88 0.88 0.75 0.75 2 0.91 0.91 0.84 0.84 0.65 0.65 3 0.88 0.88 0.79 0.79 0.55 0.55 4 0.84 0.84 0.72 0.72 0.45 0.45 5 0.80 0.80 0.60 0.60 0.35 0.35 6 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.27 0.27 7 0.70 0.70 0.42 0.42 0.22 0.22 8 0.60 0.60 0.35 0.35 0.18 0.18 9 0.52 0.52 0.30 0.30 0.00 0.15 10 0.45 0.45 0.26 0.26 0.00 0.13 (F) 6 Faculty Major Practicum : Industrial Technology : Industrial Engineering : Work System Design & Ergonomics Meeting Modul Date : 6th :2 : 21-23 April 2015 Working duration Lifting frequency/mnt 1 hours t 2 hours 1 hours 2 hours t 8 hours 11 0.41 0.41 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 12 0.37 0.37 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 13 0.00 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 >15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Description: for the removal frequency less or only one time in 5 minute set F = 0.2 lifts / min. For coupling Multiplier Factor (handle) can be specified in Table 2.2 below: Table 2. 2 Coupling Multiplier Coupling Multiplier Coupling V < 30 inches V > 30 inches Type (75 cm) (75 cm) Good 1.00 1.00 Fair 0.95 1.00 Poor 0.90 0.95 An explanation of the classification of the clutch can be seen in Table 2.3 below (Tayyari & Smith, 1997) Table 2.3 Coupling classification Good Fair Poor Good coupling has a good grip Fair coupling is defined as A container that has a less between the hand and the a handle with a design that than optimal design or object is defined as a good lacks the optimal design loose parts or large objects container coupling (see note 4). uneven, difficult to handle classification or have the or pick the sharp edges optimal design. (See notes 1-3). (see note 5). 7 Faculty Major Practicum : Industrial Technology : Industrial Engineering : Work System Design & Ergonomics Meeting Modul Date : 6th :2 : 21-23 April 2015 For the seperated components / For a container that has an Lifting the surface is not loose or uneven objects, which optimal design, but do not hard (eg rice sacks) are usually not placed in a have a handle or to an container, such as printed object that is not flat, fair material and storage, good coupling is defined as a coupling is defined as a handle, which can be bent comfortable pair, which are hands around 90º (see note easily able to hold hands 4). around the object (see note 6 ). Note: 1. A draft optimal grip has a diameter of 1.9 to 3.8 cm, length ≥ 11.5 cm, tolerance ≥ 5 cm, cylindrical shape, and the surfaces are smooth and do not slip. 2. A hand grip or less have the following characteristics; 3.8 cm high, 11.5 cm long, semioval shape, tolerance ≥ 5 cm, smooth surface and does not slip, and ≥ 0.6 cm thick container. (Eg thick cardboard). 3. A container has an optimal design, when the front length ≥ 40 cm, height ≥ 30 cm, and the surface is smooth and does not slip. 4. Workers should be able to bend his fingers around 90º below the container. As required when lifting a box from the floor. 5. A container is considered less than optimal if it has both front length ≥ 40 cm, height ≥ 40 cm, rough surface and skid, sharp tip, the asymmetric center of mass, the contents of which are unstable, or require the use of gloves. 6. Workers must be able to cover the object with his hands around without causing excessive wrist deviation or unusual posture and grip does not require excessive force. For more details, coupling classification can be seen in Figure 2.3 below (Tayyari and Smith, 1997): 8 Faculty Major Practicum : Industrial Technology : Industrial Engineering : Work System Design & Ergonomics Meeting Modul Date : 6th :2 : 21-23 April 2015 Object Lifted Container (Keranjang) Container (Keranjang) Optimal? Loose Object (Benda Bebas) NO YES Bulky Object? (Benda Besar)? NO YES POOR Tungkai (Handle) Optimal? Genggaman (Grid) Optimal? NO NO Jari - Jari memebentuk sudut 90 derajat NO YES FAIR YES YES Good Figure 2.3 Flowchart Decision Tree coupling classification After RWL score is known, then do the calculations of Lifting Index. To know the rapture index which does not contain the risk of spinal injury can be sought by this following equation: LI Load Weight L Recommende d Weight Limit RWL 9 Faculty Major Practicum : Industrial Technology : Industrial Engineering : Work System Design & Ergonomics Meeting Modul Date : 6th :2 : 21-23 April 2015 Description: If LI 1, then the activity does not contain the risk of spinal cord injury. Otherwise, if LI > 1, then the activity is the risk of spinal cord injury. 10 Faculty Major Practicum : Industrial Technology : Industrial Engineering : Work System Design & Ergonomics Meeting Modul Date : 6th :2 : 21-23 April 2015 RWL Study Case A worker took the box with a weight of 5 kg over the conveyor 15 cm and raised to a table with a height of 125 cm from the floor. Distance to the center point of the body load is 35 cm. Angle of rotation symmetry of the body formed 45o. If during the 80 minutes of the workers making the appointments as much as 224 times, with a duration of 2 hours. How much the recommended load limit will gain? Whether the work is considered safe or not? (note Handle Coupling in the category Fair) Completion: L= 5 kg LC = 23 kg V = 15 cm Handle Fair = 0, 95 D = 110 cm H = 35 cm A = 45o Calculation, 25 25 HM = VM = 1- 0, 00326 |𝑣 − 75| = 1- 0, 00326 |15 − 75| = 0, 8044 DM = 0, 82 + FM = AM = 1-0,0032A = 1-(0,0032x45) = 0,856 CM = 0, 95 (see CM table) LC = 23 𝐻 =35= 0,714 224 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑡 80 𝑚𝑛𝑡 4,5 4,5 𝐷 110 = 0.82 + = 0.861 = 2.8 = 3 (see FM table) the score is 0, 79 So, RWL = LC * HM * VM * DM * AM * FM * CM RWL = (23) (0.714) (0, 8044) (0.861) (0.856) (0.79) (0.95) = 7,306 Then calculate the Lifting Index (LI) with following equation, LoadWeight L 5 Re commended _ Weight _ Limit RWL 7,306 LI 0,68 LI 11 Faculty Major Practicum : Industrial Technology : Industrial Engineering : Work System Design & Ergonomics Meeting Modul Date : 6th :2 : 21-23 April 2015 Conclusion: Recommended work load is equal to 7.306, while the removal is done only by 5 kg, then the given workload can be increased (preferably no more than 7.306 kg) in order to work more productively. Becasuse LI ≤ 1, then the activity does not contain the risk of spinal cord injuries to workers and working methods should be retained and the data can be used for comparison in the recruitment of new workers. Implementation of practical study 1. Task Make an observations of Manual Materials Handling (according to the provisions that have been announced in the laboratory) and try to analysis using Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) approach. Calculate Lifting Index observations removal activities. If the LI is the risk of injury, make recommendations and count back LI based layout proposals. 2. Equipment and Materials 1. Ruler or gauges 2. Bows 3. Camera 4. Scales weight 5. Worksheets 3. Practical Implementation Procedures 1. Measure the mass of the object is lifted. 2. Position your operator in the field of appointment. 3. Record the operator’s variable. 4. Operator workload lift origin-destination for 2 minutes. 5. After recording, the practitioner make a screen capture of the video removal done.\ 6. Perform processing and analysis RWL. 7. Perform processing and analysis Lifting Index. 8. Interpretation LI categories including whether secured or not, explain the causes of unsafe Lifting index of the variable of the operator. 12 Faculty Major Practicum : Industrial Technology : Industrial Engineering : Work System Design & Ergonomics Meeting Modul Date : 6th :2 : 21-23 April 2015 9. Provide recommendations or proposals repair. 10. Calculate Lifting Index of the recommendation. 13
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