www.purechat.me/academycube eSkills for Jobs conference ICT PROFESSIONALISM AND JOBS IN EUROPE March 2015 – Prof. Dr. Dietmar Kilian Academy Cube The world‘s smartest talent platform www.academy-cube.com Academy Cube – Adressing Gaps in Qualification New Technical Trends Require New Answers on Education 2 www.purechat.me/academycube Industry 4.0 Big Data THE FUTURE? Smart Grid Internet Of Things Education Industry Gap between classical education and future industry requirements Addressing Mismatch on the International Labour Market 3 www.purechat.me/academycube Skill shortage Four out of ten European employers report difficulties in finding employees with the right skills (European Commission 2014) Shortfall of 900,000 ICT professionals by 2020 across Europe (European Commission 2015) Academy Cube The world’s smartest talent platform for students, graduates and job-seeking professionals looking for positions in ICT and STEM related fields More than 12.000 talents, 800 jobs and 130 trainings High unemployment rate Tens of thousands of aspiring talents are looking for jobs in European countries Intelligent Matching System Overcoming the Missing Link With the Right Match 4 www.purechat.me/academycube Match talent profiles to job profiles to reveal readiness for specific jobs Talents Companies Talents receive proposals and register themselves for available courses Training Match job profiles with learning materials (mostly free of charge) Identify and close qualification gaps to enhance employability The platform is open for all content provider based on quality regulations The Academy Cube Business Model „a non-for-profit initiative“ 5 www.purechat.me/academycube Universities Provide content Provide learner access Associations Content Provider Provide training content Academy Cube Provide partner access Provides platform Operates Manages content Improves matches Talents/Learners Industry Partners Post job offers Access job offers Provide content Develop skills and knowledge Fund operations Professional networks Job Agencies Provide talent access Fund content revenue cost Supporting Partner Thank you! www.purechat.me/academycube [email protected] Academy Cube The world‘s smartest talent platform www.academy-cube.com
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