JUROR: SHIRLEY BIRD WRIGHT Is a professional art teacher and accomplished artist. Shirley trained in, and is proficient in, all mediums of art. She teaches locally, in Spokane, and through Spokane Community Colleges. AWARDS First Place In Each Registration is Due Monday, April 13, 2015 Original Artwork delivered Thursday, April 16, 2015 2:00 pm-5:00 pm Create Art Center Newport WA JUDGING Friday, April 17, 2015 Noon Rejected work pickup at 4 pm People’s Choice $50 (You will be notified) ALL AWARDS ARE FINAL EVERGREEN ART ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Membership is open to any person who agrees to abide by the by-laws. Dues are $25 per year. Meetings are the 2nd Monday of each month at the Create Art Center at 10 am. ASSOCIATION 900 W. 4th Category $50 Best of Show $200 EVERGREEN ART Reception and Awards Saturday, April 25, 2015 5:30 pm-7:30 pm At the Exhibit Site All art work must be picked up April 25, 2015 After the Reception Any artwork not picked up becomes property of Evergreen Art Association E V E RG RE E N AR T AS S O C I AT I O N S ho w in fo r ma t ion ca ll: Robert Karr 509.671.1539 OPEN JURIED SHOW APRIL 16, 2015 OPEN TO ALL AREA ARTISTS ELIGIBILITY OPEN JURIED SHOW APRIL 16, 2015 Name_______________________ Address_____________________ Detach Here ENTRY FORM _____________________________ Phone_______________________ Email_______________________ # Entries____________________ One = $15.00____________ Total $ paid________________ Make checks payable to EAA ENTRY #1: CATEGORY:________________________ Mail the Registration Form to: TITLE:______________________________ SALE PRICE:_______________________ SALE PRICE:_______________________ Registration and Fees must be received by April 13, 2015 Detach Here ENTRY #2: TITLE:______________________________ CATEGORIES Artwork will be accepted in 7 categories: Oil Watercolor Acrylic Pastel Drawing Mixed Media Photography SUBMISSIONS Selections and awards will be from original artwork only. Items must be handdelivered to Create Art Center, 900 W. 4th, Newport, WA on April 16, 2015 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Non-refundable Entry Fee is $15 for one and $20 for two works of art. Two = $20.00____________ CATEGORY:________________________ This show is open to all area artists. Artists may submit up two pieces of two dimensional work. Evergreen Art Association C/O Robert Karr, 205 N. Craig Ave Newport WA 99156 A label including title of artwork, artist’s name, phone number, and price of work must be attached to the back of each piece submitted. ALL HANGING PIECES MUST HAVE WIRE HANGERS ENTRIES MUST Be original (not copied) and completed in the last two years. Be 2 dimensional work. Be limited to a perimeter measurement of 140 inches for the framed piece. Be properly framed. Frame must be strong, in good condition and have wire hangers. No saw tooth hangers. Must not have won an award at an Evergreen sponsored show. CONDITIONS Accepted pieces must not be removed from the gallery until April 25, 2015, 7:30. If for sale, the price at submission must remain the same. Evergreen Art Association will take a 20% commission on all sales. Objectionable material will not be hung. The Evergreen Art Association cannot be responsible for minor wear and tear resulting from normal handling. Artists are responsible for insuring their work during transit and for the duration of the show. Evergreen Art Association reserves the right to photograph selected work for the purpose of publicity only.
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