P P aar r t nt enr e s hr isp hpi lp a np l a n Fuel-effecient vehicle Mandate and goals Th e m a n da te o f th e E v o l ution Superm il ea ge s c ien tific c l ub is to i nvolve l ’É c o l e de Tec h n o l o gie S upé ri eure studen ts in th e w h o l e pr o c ess of d esi gn in g a n d buil din g a fuel effici ent veh ic l e in o r der to a tten d th e SAE Ameri c a n S uper m il ea ge® a n d th e Shell Ecom a r a th o n c o m petitio n s , bo t h held ann ua l l y . Listed below a r e our m a i n g o a l s : • Red u ci n g the vehic l e’ s f u el c o n s um ptio n ; • C o n t i n u al l y im pr o v ing t he v eh ic l e by expl o ring n e w t e c hno l o g ies a nd f a br ic a tio n pr o c es ses; • Ge t t i n g re c o g nit io n f r o m o t her un iv er s ities , dive rs e com pa nies a nd t he g en er a l publ ic ; • Fu l fill i n g o u r c o m m itm ents t o o ur pa r tn er s an d s p on s o r s. Our university, Our team Our university’s international reputation is built on the foundation of its various award winning student clubs. ETS has a well-established COOP internship system providing practical experience and outstanding knowledge application to students in a job environment. All engineering programs are specially designed to accommodate technical college background and pure and applied science students. Finally, ETS directs its activities toward the development of new technologies and the transfer of theoretical and practical knowledge to the industry. Our science group consists of undergraduate ETS students perfecting their engineering skills in different fields such as mechanical, electrical, software and automated production engineering. The success of our club, relies upon the commitment of its fellow members. The students invest countless hours into a varied number of tasks and projects required to keep the club on track. The competitions The SAE Supermileage Celebrating its 36th edition, the SAE Supermileage is the oldest fuel efficiency competition in North America. All participating vehicles must be thoroughly inspected and approved by active engineers with an automotive industry background, as well as by teachers coming from several North American universities. Results are based on a vehicle’s fuel efficiency, calculated in miles per US gallon, a verbal presentation and a written design report. Team Evolution Supermileage ETS will be attending the fuel efficiency event this year, which will mark our 13th participation. This year’s Supermileage is scheduled on June 4th and 5th. At our last appearance, the team ranked itself in second position in a pack of 30 + competitors, with a fuel efficiency of 0.21 liter/100 km (1134 US MPG). The Shell Eco-Marathon Team Evolution Supermileage ETS will be attending its 6th participation of the Shell Eco-marathon Americas, this edition will be held in Detroit (Michigan) downtown area , next to the Cobo Center, from the 9th to 12th April 2015. The Shell Eco-marathon has the widest media coverage for this type of event. At our last appearance, the team ranked itself in second position in a pack of 30 + competitors, with a fuel efficiency of 0.19 liter/100 km (1236 US MPG). Evo V Team Evolution Supermileage ETS worked relentlessly since 2012 to design and build high quality fiberglass molds to be used for the new prototype, Evo V. The new vehicle is more aerodynamic and ergonomic than the previous one. All mechanical components have been redesigned to be more efficient, with a further attention to detail. This year, the team focused on the design of a new engine to meet the changes announced in the SAE Supermileage regulations and on the manufacture of a new hull. In addition to a new more fuel-economic engine, the club innovates by developing its own electronic control unit. The control unit will be used to provide vehicle data and to manage injection, ignition and flow of gas. Partners and visibility Many events make it possible for the Evolution club and its sponsors to get recognition for what they do. Such a partnership will provide you with a great visibility and international recognition amongst a variety of different companies, engineers and students. Different ways to help us in our environmental friendly quest are easily accomplished by a simple donation of equipment, financial aid or even through technical advice. Please take a look at the following sponsorship classification for more information. Platinum • 5000 $ Logo on the prototype’s body (32 inches square area), original colouring Custom commemorative plate with the sponsor logo • Gold • 2500 $ Logo on the prototype’s body (16 inches square area), monochrome Free tickets for public events where Evolution is exhibiting • Silver • 1000 $ 500 $ • 8½ X 11 high resolution picture of the vehicle (no framing) Logo on the exhibition stand for public events Logo on the prototype’s body (8 square inch area), monochrome • Bronze • Logo on all team’s uniform Copper • Logo on the team’s website All logos will be shown on both sides of the vehicle. Events and media coverage In addition to the Supermileage® SAE and the Shell Eco-marathon competitions, the club gets involved in many public events and expositions. These activities enhance the visibility of the club as well as its sponsors. 2014-2015 Events and expositions • • • • • Montreal International Auto Show, Palais des Congres, Montreal, January 2015; Participating in Cure-Antoine Labelle career day, the 3th of December; ETS open doors, École de Technologie Supérieure, Montreal; Shell Eco-marathon Americas 2015, Detroit, Michigan April 9th to 12th; SAE Supermileage, Marshall, Michigan, June 4th and 5th 2013. Past events and exhibitions • • • • • • • • • • Shell Eco-Marathon Americas, Houston, Texas, 2007th, 2010th to 2012th and 2014th editions; SAE Supermileage, Marshall, Michigan, since 2002; Travaux des Technophages, Montreal Old Port, September 15th and 16th 2009; Eureka Festival, Montreal Old Port, June 12th to 14th 2009; Engineering career show, Palais des Congres , Montreal, October 22nd 2008; ETS open doors, École de Technologie Supérieure, Montreal; Techno-Discovery event, CFP des Riverains, Repentigny, June 15th and 2011; Rallye international vert de Montreal, Montreal, September 30th to October 2nd 2011; Journee sans ma voiture, Atwater market, Montreal, september 22nd 2011; Scholar orientation and perseverance show, Cure-Antoine-Labelle High School, Laval, November 18th and 19th 2011. Prizes and awards • • Second place at SAE Supermileage, Michigan, Juin 2013; Alcan award, Best use of aluminium, 2005 and 2011. Media • • • • 24h newspaper, November 7th 2011; Journal de Montréal, September 15th 2008; Le citoyen, Abitibi-Temiscamingue, June 20th 2008; Salut, Bonjour, TVA Montreal, June 12th 2008. Contact information Evolution Supermile age Club École de Te chno lo gie S u pé r ie u r e 1100 , Notre-Dame str e e t we s t Montréal (Québec), H3 C 1 K 3 Tel: 5 1 4 .396. 8800 ex t. 7 6 5 5 e volution@ens. ets mtl.c a http://evolutio n. ets m tl.c a
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