TAVERN QUILT GUILD Loons Lines NOVEMBER 2010 INSIDE THIS ISSUE “THOUGHTS WHILE STITCHING” ................................................... QUILTERS’ NEWS ........................................................................ DECEMBER TQG MEETING PROGRAM ............................................. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 2. 2010 TQG MEETING ............................. OFFICERS ................................................................................... ANNOUNCEMENTS ....................................................................... 1 1 2 2 5 5 “THOUGHTS WHILE STITCHING” “On these triple-decker bunks were patients whose wounds did not require constant vigilance. They lay under brightly colored quilts, handmade by nameless American volunteers and given to them, along with candies and crayoned thank-you cards from schoolchildren, as part of the „repatriation package‟.” You may have seen these words in the article ―Trauma Transit‖ in Sunday’s Washington Post. The 3-page article detailed the transporting and care of wounded soldiers in a C-17 jet fully equipped as a ―state of the art‖ ICU military hospital from Afghanistan and Iraq to Germany. The article included a large photograph on the front page with wounded soldiers connected to IVs and monitoring equipment lying under colorful quilts. QUILTERS’ NEWS Susan Melton asks if anyone knows about or has a used Bernina, Viking or Pfaff sewing machine for sale. Contact Susan at 436-1790 or [email protected]. E-mail Addresses: Please be sure to inform Cindi Bonnet when you change your e-mail address. This is the TQG way of remaining connected to you and is important to let us know when you make a change. Golden Village Christmas is Saturday, December 4, 2010 at the Historic Heathsville Tavern Square ...10 AM to 2 PM. Susan Melton will be tending the TQG Boutique with the help of Aldra Lloyd and anyone who would like to help us. If you would like to sell items at the boutique: 1. Identify each salable item with your initials and item number and the price. 2. Provide a sheet showing your initials with item number; the quantity of each specific item brought for sale; and the price of each specific item. November 2010 Page 1 of 5 Example: Susan’s form would read: Susan Ellen Melton item number 1; selling 10 of this item; and price each $5.00. SEM001 10 $5.00 Bring your items to the Carriage House on Saturday morning between 8:00 and 9:00AM. We will need an hour to set up the display. There is no fee this time for the boutique, but I expect to charge a fee is the future for supplies. All unsold items must be picked up immediately following the event (between 2 and 2:30 PM). If you are unable to pick up your items, please plan to have a friend or relative provide proof to pick up your items. We will be collecting 5% sales tax. Susan would appreciate knowing in advance who might be entering items for sale and examples of what those items might be. Contact Susan Melton at [email protected] Or 804-436-1790. Quilter’s tip from Mari Bonomi: My favorite tip is one that I learned last summer: how to bury the ends of my thread by using a separate needle that has a loop of thread in it. Just insert the needle between the quilt layers with the loop of thread hanging out. Grab the threads that need to be buried and pull them through the thread loop. Then, as you pull the needle all the way through, the loop will carry your threads between the layers of the quilt—fast and fabulous. DECEMBER TQG MEETING PROGRAM Jeanne Rose (UFO Advocate) reminds us that your UFO's are due at the December meeting! Many of you registered your unfinished projects earlier this year, and we are anxious to see how many of you have been successful in completing them! Jeanne reminds us that ―If you are like me and registered a project that will not be shown as a completed project (at least not this year), don't dismay! All of us will receive great pleasure in seeing the products of our members' hard work. The names of all who have *completed* their projects will go into a drawing for a wonderful prize! {Remember, a *completed* project has been quilted, has bound edges, and has a label.} December is our annual ―pot-luck‖ luncheon meeting. Please bring a dish-to-pass that will feed 6 – 8 people. Gail Griffith also requests that everyone bring a photograph of herself as a youngster. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 2. 2010 TQG MEETING President Cyndi Salesky started the meeting at 10:15; Board members present were Cyndi Salesky, Judy Crown, Gail Griffith, Paula Teeples, Susan Melton, and Sue Oliveri. We had 46 members present and one guest from Northern Virginia who plans to become a member. The minutes of October 5, 2010 meeting were approved as written in Loons Lines. November 2010 Page 2 of 5 Judy Crown read the Treasurers Report. It was a preliminary report as several checks had not been cashed. The net profit was $9,526. Judy mentioned that we need more spotters and bigger colored paddles as there were higher bids that were not recognized by the auctioneer. She will have an updated report of the Gala Income/Expenses at the next months meeting. Note: Virginia IRS get 5% tax on every-thing that is sold by individuals. 1st VP Report. Susan Melton had nothing to report as she was absent last month. Cyndi went to the Tavern Foundation Board meeting and the Board had a question ―Do we want to have a boutique at the Golden Christmas (on December 4 from 10 to 2)?‖ The answer was Yes. Susan Melton will do the boutique. Anyone that has anything to sell for the boutique should fill out a sheet and turn it into Susan. 2nd VP Report. Gail Griffith will have something lined up for the Holiday Party. Gail will do the decorating for the party. Each member should bring in a picture as a child. Today’s program will be Betty-Lee Stickler who will show us how to make a purse. Correspondence Secretary. Paula Teeples reported that a get well note was sent to Virginia Casey as she was having work done on her eyes; and a get well note to Margaret Cox who has a separated shoulder and is in rehab at the Orchard in Warsaw. Gala Report. Linda McMakin had an update to Judy Crown’s report on the Gala of 319 tickets sold. The most advertising was from the Newspaper ads per the comments from the attendees. Cyndi reported that Linda did an excellent job on the Gala. Need a volunteer to work on the next GALA for 2012. Please think about this position and Cyndi will ask again next month. Gail Griffith thought this Chair should have two positions. Hospitality. Paula Hudson has volunteered to handle the Hospitality Chair. Membership. Cindy Bonnet stated that we were almost out of the membership logo for the members’ identification signs. Need a person to volunteer for this position. Cindy can burn a download of the current members for the next person to load onto their computer. Danette Morning has volunteered to handle the Membership Chair. She will accept dues for the new year. Historian. Cooky Booth gave a quiz for the members for our 15 year anniversary. Question: 1. Who was the first member of the Tavern Quilt Guild? 2. Who is a current member who is a blood relative of the first member? Hints: Both lived or live in Northumberland County; the first member was well known for her quilting; the current member has or is serving as a committee chair or elected officer. Answer: 1. Lelia Sandy 2. Betty Turner Mrs. Sandy was also well known for making hand braided rugs. Mrs. Sandy was born in 1900. Librarian. Betty Turner has books and has volunteered to accept the Librarian Chair for next year. November 2010 Page 3 of 5 Publicity. Mari Bonomi reported that notices are coming out in the papers this month. Anyone who is doing anything for the Guild can send the notice to her and she will put in the newspaper. Pictures are also welcomed. Retreat. Joanne Forman reported that everything is going well. Retreat members can arrive at the Campground after 9:30 on Tuesday. Ginger showed a sample of the project that the retreat members will be working on, if they desire. Joanne gave a summary of the retreat for the new members. Workshops for Gala for 2012. It was suggested that the members do a BLOCK of the MONTH and a workshop at least once a month. Need a chairperson for the Workshop. A suggestion to do one or more Round Robin quilts (one person does center, another person would do the border and another person would do the outside border, etc.) Paula Teeples has volunteered to be the Chair for the Block of the Month. Several suggestions were made: to purchase a background fabric and use in the block; using a pattern and having members use certain colors; Having 12 members do a block of the month; Have one person do cutting of blocks that are passed out to the members. The following have volunteered to do: Round Robin = Susan Melton and Cookie Booth. Block of the Month = Gail Griffith, Judy Crown, Ginger Marshall, Donna Gruel, Kathy Pitts, Paula Hudson, Cyndi Salesky. Birthdays. October birthdays were celebrated. SHOW AND TELL. Members presented their quilts for Show and Tell. Mari Bonomi is working on a quilt that will take about 10 years to complete and is based on a Hawaiian pattern. NEW BUSINESS. Quilters Quest on November 10th to 14th at 11 participating shops throughout Northern Virginia and Maryland. Cyndi Salesky has a quilt that was approximately made in 1840, and was donated to the Friends of the Northumberland Shelter. She would like a guild member to try to refurbish it. She will wait until January after Rose Schlatter gives a class on restoration of quilts. Susan Melton has wine glasses for sale for $5 with three separate etching; one is an etching of the building of the Tavern, another the Blacksmith Forge, and third the TMB building. Next year will be the etching of the Carriage House building. George and Ellen Hallows would like members to bake homemade bake goods for the Golden Christmas. Can be turned in the Friday before the Golden Christmas. Donna Gruel has seam rippers for sale at $7 each. She will refund $3 to members who purchased them at the Gala for $10. DOOR PRIZE. Won by Ann Harmon. OLD BUSINESS. Curtains for the Tavern. Cyndi Salesky reported that curtains are in production again. Announcements. Today is Election Day. Please VOTE. Jimmy Coats is working at the polls, so we must put away tables and chairs. Meeting was adjourned at 12:10. November 2010 Page 4 of 5 Lunch was had by members followed by the program by Betty-Lee Stickler on making Purses. Respectfully submitted by Sue Oliveri, Recording Secretary. DATES TO REMEMBER October 9th - January 2, 2011 VMFA Quilt Exhibit, 200 N. Boulevard, Richmond December December 4th December 7th Golden Village Christmas – RHHT – Heathsville TQG Monthly meeting – TMB – Heathsville, 10 a.m. – 2 pm OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Treasurer: Recording Secretary: Corresponding Secretary: Historian Cyndi Salesky Susan Melton Gail Griffith Judy Crown Sue Oliveri Paula Teeples Cooky Booth Hospitality: Gala: Membership: Teen Club: TQG Web Site Publicity: Editor Millie Huffman Linda McMakin Cindi Bonnet Paula Hudson Linda McMakin Mari Bonomi Janet Vaughan ANNOUNCEMENTS DESIGN IN TIME Long-Arm Quilting by Paula Hudson batting and thread available 2544 Jesse Dupont Hwy. – Burgess, VA – 22432 Phone & Fax: November 2010 804-453-7426 Page 5 of 5
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