Reference Number Date of Issue Issue Number Amendment Number Date of Amendment 003/14 22/12/2014 1 2 19/03/2015 PERTH AIRPORT TAXIWAY CHARLIE EXTENSION AND A380 BLAST PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION METHOD OF WORKING PLAN CONTENTS: 1. Work Information 2. Restrictions to Aircraft Operations 3. Restrictions to Works Organisation 4. Administration 5. Authority 6. Drawings 7. Distribution List 8. Commissioning Certification Date of Approval Estimated Commencement Date Estimated Completion date Expiry Date 22 December 2014 19 January 2015 02 April 2015 23 April 2015 Amendment Index Amendment number 1 Date 20/02/15 2 19/03/15 Amended by (Position title) Airside Works Coordinator Airside Works Coordinator Perth Airport Pty Ltd – MOWP YPPH 003/14 Amendment approved by (Position title) Executive General Manager Operations and Customer Experience Executive General Manager Operations and Customer Experience Reasons & details of change/s Change of estimated stage completion/commencement dates and extension of stage 2. Change of estimate completion date for the whole document. 1 1. WORKS INFORMATION 1.1 Description of Works This Method of Working Plan details construction of the taxiway Charlie extension where it ties into the current taxiway system at the intersection taxiways of Charlie and Lima 2. The MOWP also contains information regarding the construction of A380 blast pavements between taxiways Lima 2 and Link 6. As a result of the works outlined above the following facilities will be affected: 1.2 Taxiways Charlie, Lima 2 and Link 7 (and their associated lighting systems). Execution of Works Timings Works are scheduled to commence at 0800hrs (WST) on 19 January 2015 and be completed by 1700hrs (WST) 02 April 2015. The works programme is based on a 6 day working week from Monday to Saturday. The actual date and time of commencement will be advised by a NOTAM, to be issued not less than 48 hours before work commences. Contractors may work outside the nominated hours however the work must not cause any further restrictions to aircraft operations than those detailed within this MOWP. 1.3 Sequence of Works The works will be conducted in 2 stages as detailed in attached drawings, FS-9993 Sheet 1 to FS-9993 Sheet 3. Stage: 1 2 Commencement Date: 19/01/15 – 0800 (WST) 23/02/15 – 0800 (WST) Completion Date: 23/02/15 – 0800 (WST) 02/04/15 – 1200 (WST) Note: The dates shown in the table above are estimated and may change once work commences. Actual dates will be promulgated via NOTAM which will be published not less than 48 hours prior to the commencement of the stage. This MOWP will not be amended for changes to estimated dates unless the change exceeds 1 week. Perth Airport Pty Ltd – MOWP YPPH 003/14 2 2. RESTRICTIONS TO AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS 2.1 Location and Duration of Works Stages STAGE 1 Work: Civil construction of taxiway fillets connecting the taxiway Charlie extension into the current taxiways Charlie and Lima 2. Estimated Duration: 5 weeks Airport Restrictions: Taxiway Charlie between taxiway Lima 2 and Link 7 not available. Taxiway Lima 2 not available. Runway 21 exit at Lima 2 not available. STAGE 2 Work: Civil construction of taxiway fillets connecting the taxiway Charlie extension into the current taxiways Charlie and Lima 2. Civil construction of blast pavement between taxiways Lima 2 and Link 6. Estimated Duration: 4 weeks Airport Restrictions: Taxiway Charlie between taxiway Lima 2 and Link 6 not available. Taxiway Lima 2 not available. Link 7 not available. Runway 21 exit at Lima 2 not available. Perth Airport Pty Ltd – MOWP YPPH 003/14 3 2.2 Aircraft Emergencies, Medical Emergencies & Diversions No portion of the closed movement areas will be made available for aircraft emergencies, medical emergencies or a diversion unless specifically requested by the Perth Airport Emergency Coordination Centre. The return of closed areas will be subject to the status of works at the time and therefore use of any area will be limited to activities such as aircraft parking. 2.3 Markers, Markings & Lighting The works area will be marked by works limit lines. Closed portions of the movement area will be marked by red and white unserviceability markers and red lights. The Works Safety Officer is to ensure all markings and markers are appropriately maintained for the duration of the works. Aerodrome markings and markers in areas affected by the works will be provided by, or placed under the direction of the Works Safety Officer in accordance with the CASA Manual of Standards Part 139 and this MOWP appropriate to the plans for each stage. Temporary markings and lights must not be installed, altered or removed without the authority of the Works Safety Officer. 2.4 Adverse Weather & Low Visibility Operations A cancelled or suspended works shift due to adverse weather including low visibility operations will not result in any closed portions of the manoeuvring area being returned to service. The WSO supervising the works site is responsible for communicating suspensions or cessations to the works party. 2.5 Airport Emergencies Should an incident occur at Perth Airport and emergency procedures activated as detailed in the Perth Airport Emergency Plan, based on the size and scale of the incident, works may be temporarily suspended or ceased for that particular shift. The WSO supervising the works site is responsible for communicating suspensions or cessations to the works party during an emergency. For extended emergencies the Perth Airport, Emergency Co-ordination Centre (ECC) will determine if the restricted parts of the manoeuvring area can be made available to assist in the recovery from an emergency. 2.6 Emergency Notification Procedures Communicating Incidents to Perth Airport The contractor is responsible for ensuring that Emergency Incidents are reported to Perth Airport ACC on 9478 8500. This includes fires or hazards. Upon notification to ACC the WSO supervising the works site must be notified. All life threatening incidents must be reported to Emergency Services on 000. Airport/Airfield Emergency Notification (to WSO) Upon declaration of an Airfield or Airport Emergency the Senior Airport Operations Officer is responsible for notifying all site supervising Works Safety Officers. The SAOO will advise the nature of the emergency and whether or not a specific works site will be affected by the response (e.g. cessation of works/removal from site). Perth Airport Pty Ltd – MOWP YPPH 003/14 4 2.7 NOTAM Information The Works Safety Officer is to initiate the appropriate NOTAM through the Australian NOTAM Office (NOF). The NOTAM associated with the works will be issued not less than 48 hours prior to the commencement of the works and 24 hours prior to a change of stage. NOTAMs listed here are in WST time. STAGE 1 NOTAM N (A) YPPH (B) 19/01/15 0800 WST (C) 23/02/15 0800 WST (E) TWY C BTN TWY L2 AND LINK 7 NOT AVBL TWY L2 NOT AVBL RWY 21 EXIT AT TWY L2 NOT AVBL REFER METHOD OF WORKING PLAN YPPH 003/14 STAGE 1 STAGE 2 NOTAM N (A) YPPH (B) 23/02/15 0800 WST (C) 02/04/15 1200 WST (E) TWY C BTN TWY L2 AND LINK 6 NOT AVBL TWY L2 NOT AVBL LINK 7 NOT AVBL RWY 21 EXIT AT TWY L2 NOT AVBL REFER METHOD OF WORKING PLAN YPPH 003/14 STAGE 2 Perth Airport Pty Ltd – MOWP YPPH 003/14 5 3. RESTRICTIONS TO WORKS ORGANISATION 3.1 Work Sites and Access Routes All personnel associated with the work shall be bound by the instructions issued by the Works Safety Officer. All Contractors or Sub-Contractors must be directly supervised by a Works Safety Officer at all times. Works will be confined to the areas shown on the drawings. The Contractor will observe the Limit of Works markers and remain within the defined area as detailed in the stage drawings. No movement of vehicles or plant may occur outside the defined work areas without the prior approval of the Works Safety Officer. All vehicles must have an escort to travel within the aircraft movement area or as directed by the Works Safety Officer. The Works Manager or Contractors Superintendents are responsible for ensuring that employees or sub-contractors do not attempt to bring children, non-essential visitors or animals to the access gates to request airside access under any circumstances. With regard to aircraft safety and airport security, this MOWP takes precedence over other contract documents that may be in place for any person to carry out works at the Airport. 3.2 Security All personnel entering the work site must display either a current ASIC or a Visitor Identification Card. These cards or passes must be displayed at all times. The Contractor's Superintendents will be responsible for the employees, subcontractors and personnel under their control. The Works Safety Officer may refuse access to persons who in their opinion are likely to present a safety risk to airfield operations. 3.3 Induction & Briefings All personnel requiring entry to the site for a period in excess of 2 working days must attend a Perth Airport Airside Works Induction. The induction is specific to this project and cannot be transferred to other work sites not included in this MOWP. The Contractors superintendents, following approval from Perth Airport, may carry out the inductions. All personnel requiring entry to the site for a period less than 2 working days must be issued with and sign an Airside Rules and Regulations Induction Form. The Contractor superintendents are responsible for notifying Perth Airport of all new staff, Contractors or Subcontractors and ensuring inductions a completed. Prior to the commencement of each period of works, the Project Managers representative, the Contractors representative and the Works Safety Officer will meet with the Contractors, Sub-contractors and their personnel for a tool box meeting to discuss the days works, incidents or any other matter of safety. 3.4 Smoking Smoking airside is a fire and FOD risk and is not permitted on aircraft parking areas. The contractor is responsible for managing the risks associated with smoking. The contractor is also responsible for identifying suitable locations for smoking within the works areas if required. Smoking locations must be agreed to by the Works Safety Officer. Perth Airport Pty Ltd – MOWP YPPH 003/14 6 3.5 Equipment Storage At the end of each work period, all mobile plant and equipment must be stored inside the storage area specified for the current stage of works. Equipment is limited to 6m in height at the storage areas shown on drawings FS-9993 Sheet 2 and Sheet 3. 3.6 Vehicle/Equipment Condition All vehicles and plant shall be in full working condition to ensure full mobility around the work areas as required. Unserviceable or mechanically unsound vehicles and plant shall be removed from the work area as directed by the Works Safety Officer or the Project Manager and shall be replaced by fully serviceable plant. All vehicles and plant must have a flashing amber beacon operational whilst moving airside. 3.7 Cleanliness of Work Sites Foreign Object Debris (FOD) is any item (from small stones to equipment) on the manoeuvring area that is not intended to be there. FOD is a significant hazard to aircraft operations. The Contractors must leave the works area in an acceptable operational condition to the full satisfaction of the Works Safety Officer prior to the completion of the work period. This is an essential safety requirement which must be achieved within the prescribed time periods for each stage to ensure minimal disruption to airfield operations. The Contractors shall be responsible for the cleanliness of the work areas together with its access routes for the duration of the works. All loose material and equipment must be secured against movement in strong wind or by aircraft jet blast. The occurrence of dust, debris and loose foreign materials is to be minimised to the satisfaction of the Works Safety Officer. The Contractors shall employ continuous approved methods of dust suppression and debris removal throughout the duration of the works and at other times when directed by the Works Safety Officer. Where the Contractor is required to supply a sweeper it must not be fitted with steel wire brushes, but shall be fitted with non-metallic brushes of nylon or other approved material. It shall be operated by a dedicated and experienced responsible person and shall be available at all times during every work period. The Contractors shall supply after hours contact details should emergency sweeping be required. Vehicles transporting materials to or from the site shall, prior to movement be cleaned in all areas where materials may lodge including body rails, wheels, wheel arches, tailgates and rear fittings to the full satisfaction of the Works Safety Officer. 3.10 Jet Blast Jet Blast is the exhaust (thrust) from aircraft engines which, for a Boeing 747, can reach a velocity of 330kph. Works sites have been assessed for potential exposure to jet blast. None of the works sites have been identified as requiring a works pull back for jet blast. However, jet blast remains a constant hazard at Perth Airport and all works personnel should use caution when working close to operational runways and taxiways or behind aircraft. Light materials, tools and equipment should be secured at all times when not in use (or where possible, when in use) if there is a risk of exposure to jet blast. 3.11 Vehicle Critical Areas Vehicle Critical Areas (VCA) are protected areas around air navigation equipment. No works are planned to take place in or around a VCA. Perth Airport Pty Ltd – MOWP YPPH 003/14 7 3.12 Height Restrictions Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS) are a series of surfaces that set the height limits of objects, in and around an aerodrome. Vehicles, plant and equipment are restricted to 9m in height for all works stages. Operations above 9m require specific written approval from the Works Safety Officer. This approval is normally provided by the issuing of a Crane Permit. Crane Permits do not constitute an approval for the operation itself, it is a permit to operate at a nominated height above ground. The Contractor is to ensure any other approval required under the Construction Safety Management Plan for the operation is obtained. Height limit lines, in relation to the Runway 03/21 obstacle limitation surfaces, have been set for both stages of work and delineate where works may take place during instrument meteorological conditions (IMC). In IMC no works personnel or vehicles may operate beyond the height limit line set for that specific stage. Details on height limit lines can be found on MOWP drawings FS-9993 Sheet 2 to Sheet 3. 3.13 Protection of Electrical Services Perth Airport Pty Ltd has an Excavation Permit Procedure (EPP) which ensures pre-planning is undertaken to manage all risks associated with excavation and it is critical that the EPP is followed prior to any excavation proceeding. The EPP includes specific more extensive pre-planning procedures for High Risk Excavation. The EPP ensures the following is completed by Managers and Contractors during the pre-planning phase: 1. Identifying in advance of Excavation whether it is High Risk Excavation for the purposes of the Buried Services Disturbance Major Hazard Management Plan. 2. Causing appropriate procedures to be in place for the effective identification of Buried Services in the area to be excavated. 3. Causing appropriate methods of Excavation to be identified having regard to the nature of the Buried Services. 4. Identified who within PAPL is responsible for ensuring that the procedures for identifying Buried Services and performing the Excavation are properly implemented. 5. Identified who on behalf of the contractor is responsible ensuring implementation of the methods of work that have been identified during the planning phase. 6. In relation to High Risk Excavation Zone, identifying the specific direct supervision that will be in place during the Excavation. 3.14 Construction Safety Management Plan (CSMP) & Environmental Management Plan (EMP) The Contractor is required to have an approved CSMP & EMP for the works. These Restrictions to Works Organisations are not intended in any way to change, alter or remove the Contractors obligations under the CSMP or EMP. Particular areas of concern for airside safety are; The immediate reporting of damage to any airside facilities, regardless of the severity, to the Project Manager or the Works Safety Officer. The immediate reporting of incidents and near misses, regardless of the severity, to the Project Manager or the Works Safety Officer. Provision for hot works permits airside. Procedures for the containment and clean-up of any fluid spill. The Drug and Alcohol Management Plan. The wearing of hi visibility clothing at all times, compliant for the conditions (day or night). The protection of buried services. Perth Airport Pty Ltd – MOWP YPPH 003/14 8 4. ADMINISTRATION 4.1 Works Organisation Perth Airport Pty Ltd and its Contractors and Sub-contractors will undertake the works. 4.2 Works Manager The Works Manager is the Contractor’s Site Representative, as nominated by the contractor. The Works Manager shall remain responsible on behalf of the works organisation for complying with the requirements of this MOWP. Contact details of the Works Manager are; Contractor Works Manager After Hours: 0423 725 199 0423 725 199 Ryan Oliver 4.3 Ryan Oliver Project Manager Perth Airport Pty Ltd will manage the project, the Project Manager for this MOWP is: Project Manager Don Bridges 0400 121 450 After Hours: Don Bridges 0400 121 450 [email protected] Perth Airport Pty Ltd – MOWP YPPH 003/14 9 4.4 Works Safety Officer The Works Safety Officer shall be nominated by the Airside Operations Manager. A list of nominated Works Safety Officers can be found within the Perth Airport Aerodrome Manual at Appendix 1 of Part 2, Section 8 ‘Aerodrome Works Safety’. Works Safety Officers can be contacted as per below: Senior Works Safety Officer: As rostered (08) 9478 8424 or 0438 978 798 After Hours: Senior Airport Operations Officer As rostered (08) 9478 8424 or 0419 195 790 This Works Safety Officer has responsibility for all aviation safety matters relating to the works. The Works Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring that the work, in so far as it affects the safety of aircraft, is conducted in accordance with the requirements of this MOWP and MOS Part 139. The Works Safety Officer’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following; Ensure the safety of aircraft operations in accordance with the standards for aerodrome works and this MOWP; Ensure that, where applicable, the aerodrome works are notified by issue of a NOTAM and that the text of each NOTAM is exactly as set out in this MOWP; Supply the air-traffic controller, on a daily basis, with whatever information is necessary to ensure the safety of aircraft operations; Discuss with the works organisation, on a daily basis, any matters necessary to ensure the safety of aircraft operations; Ensure that unserviceable portions of the movement area, temporary obstructions, and the limits of the works area are correctly marked and lit in accordance with MOS Part 139 Paragraph 10.10.8, and this MOWP; Ensure that the vehicles, plant and equipment carrying out aerodrome works are properly marked and lit or are under works safety officer supervision or within properly marked and lit works area; Ensure that all other requirements of the directions and MOWP relating to vehicles, plant, equipment and materials are complied with; Ensure that access routes to work areas are in accordance with the applicable MOWP and clearly identified and that access is restricted to these routes; Ensure that excavation is carried out in accordance with this MOWP and, in particular, so as to avoid damage or loss of calibration to any underground power or control cable associated with a precision approach and landing system or any other navigational aid; Report immediately to the air-traffic controller and the Airside Operations Manager any incident, or damage to facilities, likely to affect air-traffic control services or the safety of aircraft; Remain on duty at the works area while work is in progress and the aerodrome is open to aircraft operations; Ensure that the air-traffic controller is kept informed of the radio call signs of the vehicles used by the works safety officer; Require the immediate removal of vehicles, plant and personnel from the movement area where necessary to ensure the safety of aircraft operations; Ensure that the movement area is safe for normal aircraft operations following removal of vehicles, plant, equipment and personnel from the works area; In the case of time-limited works, ensure that the works area is restored to normal safety standards not less than 5 minutes before the time scheduled or notified for an aircraft movement; and Ensure that floodlighting or any other lighting required for carrying out aerodrome works is shielded so as not to represent a hazard to aircraft operations. Perth Airport Pty Ltd – MOWP YPPH 003/14 10 4.5 Airside Safety Management The Airside Safety team are responsible for the development and execution of the MOWP. Questions related to the MOWP or execution of works may be directed to; Airside Operations Manager: (Responsible for day to day operations.) Chris Fox (08) 9478 8434 0439 528 530 [email protected] Airside Works Planning: (Responsible for MOWP development.) Jaxon Thomas (08) 9478 8807 0429 882 576 [email protected] Manager Airside Projects: Darren McKenzie (08) 9478 8441 [email protected] General Manager Airfield Operations: (Overall responsibility for airside safety.) Anthony Green (08) 9478 8538 [email protected] 4.6 After Hours: Senior Airport Operations Officer As rostered (08) 9478 8424 0419 195 790 N/A N/A After Hours: 0411 150 180 Distribution and Acknowledgment This MOWP will be distributed via the Perth Airport Pty Ltd Extranet. Those organisations listed in section 7 will receive an email and link to the document. It is essential that acknowledgement of the MOWP YPPH 003/14 is received by Perth Airport via e-mail to the Airside Works Coordinator [email protected] prior to 09 January 2015. Perth Airport Pty Ltd – MOWP YPPH 003/14 11 7. DRAWINGS The drawings associated with MOWP YPPH 003/14 are attached as FS-9993 Sheet 1 to FS-9993 Sheet 3. Overall Drawing Stage 1 Detail Stage 2 Detail FS-9993 Sheet 1 FS-9993 Sheet 2 FS-9993 Sheet 3 Perth Airport Pty Ltd – MOWP YPPH 003/14 13 8. DISTRIBUTION This MOWP will be distributed to those organisations and agencies listed below. Essential Contacts: Aero Care Air Asia X Air Mauritius Air New Zealand Airflight Airservices Australia (ATC, ARFF, MTCE, NOF) Alliance Airlines AvWest Ad Astral Aviation CASA Cathay Pacific China Southern Cobham Aviation Direct Air Emirates Etihad Airways Garuda Indonesia Hawker Pacific Jetstar Malaysia Airlines Maroomba Airlines Maxem Aviation Network Aviation Perth Flight Centre Qantas Airways Limited Qantas Freight Qatar Airways Remorex Pty. Ltd. Scoot Airlines Singapore Airlines Skippers Aviation Skystar Airport Services South African Airways Star Aviation Thai Airways Tiger Airways Tigerair Australia Toll Dnata Toll Priority Virgin Australia Perth Airport Pty Ltd – MOWP YPPH 003/14 Information Contacts: Aero Rescue Airport Coordination Australia Airwork Flight Operations Aircraft Maintenance Services Australia Aviation Management Crescent Air EuroNautical Flight Focus Jeppesen JMI Aerospace Limited Laser One Aviation Navtechnic Perth In-flight Catering RAAF Base Pearce Royal Aero Club of Western Australia Royal Flying Doctors Singapore Flying School Perth Airport Pty Ltd Densford Civil Menzies Aviation Shell Air BP 14 9. COMMISSIONING CERTIFICATION At the completion of each stage an inspection shall be conducted by Perth Airport Airfield Operations, Electrical, Assets & Project Teams. A Commissioning Inspection Checklist & Certificate shall be completed by the Project Manager as verification that the works have been completed to the satisfaction of the Airport Civil Engineer and General Manager Airfield Operations or delegated authority/s that the area meets the requirements of the CASR Part 139 and MOS Part 139 standards. The commissioning documents shall be distributed to each team along with a list of defects and a scheduled date for each defect to be rectified. All commissioning documentation must be completed and signed by the required representatives prior to opening any bay(s), apron, taxiway(s) and/or runway to aircraft operations. The relevant commissioning certificate and checklist/s are included at the end of this document. Commissioning Process Asset may be open if deemed safe to do so as per commissioning certificate Commissioning Inspection/s Commissioning Certificate & Checklist Sign Off Defects Register Developed Perth Airport Pty Ltd – MOWP YPPH 003/14 Defects Rectified Final Checklist Sign-Off 15 Project Closed
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