CS412: Mobile Device Programming Professor: Jianna J. Zhang Website: facultyweb.cs.wwu.edu/~zhangj/cs412/ E-mail: [email protected] About this Course: 4 Credit hours, no TAs, and no labs. Description: Design and development of applications for the mobile environment. Android platform, tools for Android development, UI design, mobile application distribution systems. Textbooks and References: 1. There is no required textbook 2. Follow Stanford University’s “Android Application Development” course at: http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs193a/index.shtml 3. Class Website: http://facultyweb.cs.wwu.edu/~zhangj/cs412/ 4. Android Developer’s Website: http://developer.android.com/index.html 5. Video by Derek Banas: “Android Studio Tutorial” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBD4xhH5vIE&index=1&list=PLGLf Vvz_LVvSPjWpLPFEfOCbezi6vATIh Course Plan and Organization: 1. We will follow closely to Stanford U “Android App Development” course that is offered in winter 2015. It is current for Mobile Device Programming courses. Here is the Website: http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs193a/index.shtml 2. A lot of programming in class with your laptops/lab-computers 3. We plan to cover (may change during the quarter): Android Studio, Android platform, action bar, supporting different devices, manage activity lifecycle, dynamic UI with a fragment, saving data and settings, interaction with data files, program camera, 2-d graphics, text-to-speech and speechto-text, animation, maps, services and notifications, and databases. 4. Weekly assignment: work as a group to get start, then each student will finish the assignment individually on their own time 5. Peer evaluation: rotate among groups of students 6. Final project: proposal, design, and implementation 7. Sign out a nexus 7 today: https://cse.wwu.edu/computer-science 8. Let us start programming! Mark Distribution (Total 100%) 1. Weekly Homework: 35% (Week 2 to 8) 2. Participations: 15% 3. Final Project: proposal (10%); design (10%); (implementation) 30 % Note: There is no late Homework Assignments. Percentage Letter Grade: 90-100 A (90-92 A-) 80-89 B (87-89 B+, 80-82 B-) 70-79 C (77-79 C+, 70-72 C-) 60-69 D (67-69 D+, 60-62 D-) <60 F Rules and Regulations 1. Login Canvas to turn in your assignments, and follow the name convention. 2. Please upload a .ZIP archive containing your entire project so that it can be downloaded and run in Android Studio by the instructor or another student. Please give your file a descriptive name including your name and the assignment name; something like "First-LastName-asmt1-myApp.zip". Please do NOT use other compression formats such as .GZ, .7Z, .RAR, etc. (If you don't know how to make a ZIP file, go to this page). 3. Late assignments will NOT be accepted. You may hand in un-finished work and get partial grades. 4. All class work in this class are individual assignments. Team discussion is greatly encouraged. 5. You must follow the e-sign agreement by the CS Department to sign out a Nexus 7 tablet. 6. You must return your tablet as required on the e-sign form before the end of Wednesday of the final week in order to get full grade. Otherwise, you will be given a “K” grade until this request is satisfied. Lecture Time: 9:00 – 9:50 noon, MWF Class Room: CF 314 Lab Room: CF 418 Office Hour: 1:30 – 2:30 pm Mondays and Wednesdays or by Appointment
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