The College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka Induction of the 9th President on 13th July 2012 Chief Guest Hon. D.E.W.Gunasekara Senior Minister of Human Resources, Sri Lanka Guest of Honour Dr. Ravindra Ruberu Secretary, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka At Sri Lanka Foundation Institute 100, Independence Square Colombo 07 1 Programme 5.50 p.m. Guests take their seats 6.00 p.m. Arrival of The Guest of Honour 6.05 pm Arrival of The Chief Guest 6.10 p.m. Ceremonial procession 6.15 p.m. National Anthem & Lighting of traditional oil lamp 6.30 p.m. Welcome address by the Immediate past President Dr. Uthpala Attygalle 6.40 p.m. Induction of the New President by the incumbent President Prof. M.S.L. Salgado 6.50 p.m. Address by the Guest of Honour Dr. Ravindra Ruberu Secretary, Ministry of Health & Nutrition 7.05 p.m. Address by the Chief Guest Hon. D.E.W. Gunasekara Senior Minister for Human Resources 7.25 p.m. Presidential address Dr. D.L. Waidyaratne 7.45 p.m. Presentation of Mementoes 7.50 p.m. Felicitations 8.10 p.m. Vote of Thanks by Hony. Joint Secretary Dr M. Vidanapathirana 8.15 p.m. Ceremonial procession leaves 8.20 p.m. Social programme & Cocktails 2 COUNCIL OF THE COLLEGE OF FORENSIC PATHOLOGISTS OF SRI LANKA - YEAR 2012 President Dr. D.L. Waidyaratne President Elect Dr. S.M.H.M.K. Senanayaka Past Presidents Prof. MSL Salgado Dr. U. Attygalle Dr. A. Samarasekera Dr. LBL de Alwis Prof. R. Fernando Vice President Dr. N.D.N.A. Mendis Treasurer Dr. M. Sivasubramanium Joint Secretaries Dr. H.P. Wijewardena Dr. M. Vidanapathirana Editors Dr. S.D. Channa Perera Dr. I.D.G. Kitulwatte Committee Members Dr, Jean Perera Dr. Ajith Tennakoon Dr. P. Dassanayake, Dr. Dinesh Fernando Dr. Tikiri Gunatillake Dr. W.R.A.S. Rajapaksha Dr. Sandaken Waduge Dr. Dhammika Pathirana Coordinators Dr. S.P.A. Hewage (Social) Dr. P.A.S. Edirisinghe (Document and project) Dr. Amal Vadysinghe (Academic) Dr. Ravindra Samaranayaka (CPD) Dr. Jeewana Samaraweera (ERPM) 3 NOTE FROM THE DESK OF THE EDITORS It is our privilege to contribute a note to this souvenir on the induction of Dr. D.L.Waidyaratne as the 9th president of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka. On behalf of the council and the members of the College, we take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to the Chief Guest, Guest of Honour, our main sponsors, Citizens Development Business Finance PLC, Members of Mahinda Club and all others who contributed in different ways to make this event a success. We wish to appeal to everybody, specially our membership to patronize all our advertisers who contributed lavishly without which it would have been difficult to bring out this souvenir in its present form. The commendable assistance given by Miss. Nadeeka Gunawardane in preparation of this souvenir is greatly appreciated. We specially appreciate the commitment of our printers, Design Systems (Pvt) Ltd, Maradana who printed this souvenir at a short notice. Thank you for being someone we could count on. We would like to express our gratitude to Donalds Studio for the good quality council photograph. It is with immense gratitude we appreciate all those who contributed to make this souvenir a success. We feel honoured in offering all our guests a cheerful welcome on the induction ceremony of our President. Your presence is the core strength for success of this event. We hope that today will be a memorable day to all of you. Thank you Dr. Indira Kitulwatte Dr. Channa Perera Dr. Sriyantha Amararatne Dr. Jeewana Samaraweera Organizing committee Dr. Jean Perera Dr. M Vidanapathirana Dr. HP Wijewardene Dr. Channa Perera Dr. Indira Kitulwatte, Dr. M Sivesubramnium Dr. SPA Hewage Dr. S Amararatne Dr. Jeewana Samaraweera Dr. Ravindra Samaranayake 4 Council of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka Year 2012 Seated (Left to right) Dr. H.P. Wijewardena Joint Secretary), Dr. N.D.N.A. Mendis (Vice President), Prof. R. Fernando(Past President), Dr. S.M.H.M.K. Senanayaka ( President Elect), Dr. D.L. Waidyaratne ( President), Prof. MSL Salgado (Immediate Past President), Dr. A. Samarasekera(Past President), Dr. U. Attygalle (Past President) , Dr. M. Vidanapathirana (Joint Secretary) Standing (Left to right) Dr. Amal Vadysinghe, Dr. Tikiri Gunatillake, Dr. P.A.S. Edirisinghe, Dr. Dhammika Pathirana, Dr. Ravindra Samaranayaka, Dr. S.D. Channa Perera, Dr. W.R.A.S. Rajapaksha, Dr. Ajith Tennakoon, Dr. Sandaken Waduge, Dr. Jeewana Samaraweera, Dr. P. Dassanayake, Dr. Jean Perera, Dr. I.D.G. Kitulwatte, Dr. S.P.A. Hewage, Dr. M. Sivasubramanium Absent Dr. LBL de Alwis (Founder president), Dr. Dinesh Fernando, 5 MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF GUEST It is with great pleasure that I send this message of felicitations to the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, on the occasion of the induction of its ninth President Dr. D.L. Waidyaratne. Forensic medicine first originated as a simple inspection of a dead body to determine the manner of death from the inception of human history. Today with the development of science and technology there is an increased reliance on forensic medicine in the administration of justice. Crimes have increased throughout the world and Sri Lanka is not an exception. Murder, violence, suicide, and rape dominate the day-to-day lives. Abuse of dependent children is on the rise. To ensure respect for human rights and dignity it is essential to have fair and effective forensic investigations. An expert in forensic medicine is expected to give opinions with impartiality based on scientific evidence. Precision and accuracy is always demanded. Expert testimony and explanations given in criminal trials not only benefit the victim, but also the accused, which is essential in maintaining law and order in a country. The role played by the members of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka in administration of justice and in uplifting their own professional standards is admirable. Dr. D.L. Waidyaratne, who has vast experience as a forensic expert with integrity through his work in the North Central and Central Provinces, is inducted today as the President of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka. It is my conviction that he will play a major role in further advancing the standards of the profession. D. E. W. Gunasekera Senior Minister for Human Resources 6 MESSAGE FROM THE GUEST OF HONOR I am honoured to be invited to diverse activities of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka during last 2 years as the Secretary, Ministry of Health. It is a great pleasure to see the dedication and the enthusiasm of the College members in uplifting their own professional standards. Medical professionals who are specialized in Forensic Medicine are integral members of the Criminal Justice System making the connection between law and medicine. With increased confidence on evidence based medicine the important role of the experts in Forensic Medicine in the administration of justice is identified by all the stake holders. Violence has been identified as a major public Health issue. Child abuse and neglect, youth violence, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, elder abuse, self-directed violence, and collective violence are identified threats to the society. Traffic accidents in the country are on the rise giving a heavy burden to the health budget. All these require proper investigation, analysis and documentation. Therefore it is obvious that the experts in forensic medicine has a significant contribution in detection, reporting and prevention of these violence related morbidity and mortality. Truthful, proper and impartial forensic evidence contributes significantly in prevention of violence in the country. Presently, a significant proportion of medico-legal services in this country are being carried out by grade medical officers. The role played by the College of Forensic Pathologists in uplifting the medico-legal services in this country through preparation of guidelines is commendable. I hope Dr. D.L. Waidyaratne, the newly inducted president of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka will share his wide experience to guide the College in further uplifting the medico-legal services in this country. Dr. Ravindra Ruberu Secretary Ministry of Health 7 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT It is an honour and privilege to send this message to the souvenir issued to mark the event of my induction as the ninth President of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka. I am happy to have been there at the very first humble meeting held in the latter part of 1999, which laid the foundation for the prestigious organization – The CFPSL. It is encouraging to see that the enthusiasm shown by my contemporary colleagues, then young postgraduates, in improving the quality of medico legal service in Sri Lanka, is still in place. Today our team has been strengthened by scores of newly qualified, energetic young specialists in forensic medicine. It is a pleasure to work with a team of such dedicated and sincere colleagues to achieve the goals set out at the inception of the College. Exploring new dimensions in the field, while following the good traditions and norms set out by the predecessors, including all the past presidents, council members as well as the legendary specialists who served in the pre- College era, is the task of present generation. The College has been working on diverse spheres of academic and practical interest during the past few years. This has brought in an intensive dialogue within the field, expressing a series of dissenting views and opinions to show that the College is „living‟ in a democratic and progressive stretch of its short but fruitful history. Drafting guidelines, improving existing medico-legal documents and formats are some of the ongoing projects that warrant wider participation of members. Organizing CPD activities and encouraging scientific research are the other most important goals to be achieved. I am confident that with the support of the enthusiastic and dedicated members, the new Council will be invariably successful in achieving all its targets during the year ahead. Dr D. L. Waidyaratne President The College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka 8 Crowning the Medical detective: an anecdote Deftly moving scalpels, Firmly gripped forceps And to match it the “eagle eye”. Never forgetting the “gift of the gab” To thwart the defence darts Tools of master craftsmen the leading medical detectives. Past presidents solemnly march the aisle in red flowing garb each with varied acumen none surpassing the next. They march to crown The “medic from the ancient city” Dr. Waidyaratne – “a Gem of a doc”. An year of active learning ahead For the college of forensic pathologists Proudly declaring its 12 years since we first marched that day Yeah we did it! we’re a team Medical detectives claim the lead Dr. Jean Perera 9 With best wishes from New Pharmacy No 155, Bandaranayake Mawatha Kada 12 Anuradhapura Tel. 025 2223133 Mobile: 0714479371 10 0777368900 FELICITATIONS Felicitation and paying tribute to teachers is an important event that celebrates the teaching profession. It aims to honor and pay homage to the teachers who have risen above themselves to become true catalysts of change. The council of the College was so glad to approve the proposal by Dr DL Waidyaratne to pay tribute to his teachers; professor C.J. Babapulle and Dr. S.M.Colomboge at the induction ceremony as the President of the College. Although the opportunity to express our gratitude in person to Professor Babapulle is lost due to his premature demise, we decided to express our heartfelt gratitude by felicitating him for his dedication as a teacher and commendable career. Dr. S.M.Colomboge was a role model to all of us in the field of Forensic Medicine. The tireless service you have done to the field not expecting any reward in return is greatly appreciated by all the members of the College. Attorney: Do you recall the time that you examined the body? Doctor: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m. Attorney: And Mr. James was dead at the time? Doctor: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy. 11 Best Wishes From SUWASHANTHI PRIVATE HOSPITAL Maithreepala Senanayake Mawatha Anuradhapura Tel: 025 2223636/025 2224917 Fax 025 2236444 12 Sampath Engineering Works Cement Block Machine & Pantry Cupboard Manufactures Mr. L.G. Liyanage Manager Stainless Steel Hand Railings Grills Gates Railings Iron trusses Special stair cases Collapsible door Rolling shutters gate Play items Steel furniture Manufactures silencers & repairing with including all iron works No. 238/1, Kaduwela Road, Malabe.. TEL. 011-412126, 077 3057541 13 Presidential Address 2012 Delivered by Dr. D.L. Waidyaratne MD (USSR), MD (Forensic Medicine), DLM (Colombo) Honorable D.E.W. Gunasekara, Senior Minister of Human Resources – the Chief Guest, the guest of Honor Dr. Ravindra Ruberu, Secretary, Ministry of Health, Prof. M.S.L. Salgado, and other members of head table, Distinguished invitees and guests, Past Presidents, members of the Council and members of the College of Forensic Pathologist of Sri Lanka, Ladies and Gentlemen: It is with great sense of humility that I stand here before you, after having been inducted to the prestigious and responsible position of President of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka. I have an obligation to continue the great traditions and good work that has been done by my predecessors in the past. All of us are still recovering from the difficult period of 30 years long war. If the environment which nurtured terrorism remains unchanged, history might repeat itself. The absence of fires and blasts, cries and screams of innocent men, women and children provides a great opportunity, if I may use a medical jargon, "A LUCID INTERVAL" where, we are given one more chance to carefully analyze the situation and take appropriate remedial action. Can you remember the days, when we gathered here in this very same SLFI auditorium for many of our common professional functions a few years ago? What we saw out there were parapet walls and fences separating independence square into small cells or cages. But how nice is it today to see the lawns and terraces, walk ways and blooming flowers, inviting lovers, butterflies and birds to live in peace and harmony? None us want to lose this freedom. We as forensic medical community must rely on statesmen to formulate conditions for a lasting peace. All of us gathered here, doctors, lawyers, scientists, administrators and others can contribute in our own way to this noble task by productive work in our respective fields of expertise. 14 In the given context, we must construe the responsibilities and obligations of the medicolegal fraternity as a part of criminal justice system of the county. Justice remains, ultimately the precious single bond that maintains the integrity of a civilized society. The feeling of being sidelined or denied justice invariably drives an individual into frustration, which may further develop into distrust and rejection of the entire system and lead the affected men and women to resort to other means and ways to their "Own Justice" probably through violence and terrorism. The expert medical opinions given at trials should be objective, unbiased and scientifically sound for which, basic data that we gather by examination should be objective. This is where the infrastructure development is so imperative. Conducting judicial autopsies and examination of persons for medico-legal purposes, record findings, interpretation and formulation of opinions, reporting to Courts and giving oral testimony are the main components of our basic duty as forensic medical practitioners. Doctors‟ contribution to the administration of justice dates back to era of ancient kings of Ceylon, who according to Davy (1821) had, utilized the services of some “experts” in death investigation. In the Regulation No. 01 of British Government (1819) and subsequent “Code of Criminal Procedure” enacted in 1883, defined the role of doctors in criminal justice system. Thus the Medico legal service in Sri Lanka has functioned for more than a century. The PGIM has been producing board certified specialists in forensic medicine since 1982 and the number of specialists has gone beyond 60 for last 30 years. State of Clinical Medico Legal Service Although we have achieved some improvements in several autopsy suites, we have not established even a single centre for forensic clinical examinations with adequate facilities. Our major concern is still in autopsy pathology, although we pride ourselves that the forensic doctors practice both clinical forensic medicine and forensic pathology. We do examine men and women with wounds, alleged victims of sexual violence and torture in scores, every day. Yet can we name a medico legal unit of any health institution where at least minimum standards of clinical practice can be maintained? 15 Support staff While the Forensic Medicine specialists were trained to be on par with the rest of the world, the system has overlooked the requirement for assistance from adequate categories and numbers of trained middle level technical staff to support the specialists. So far Medico Legal Units of almost all health institutions have no other support staff other than “Health Care Assistants” the category of minor staff, known until recent days as “sanitary labourers”. Equipment Digital cameras, Colposcopes and other essential equipment and instruments are only dreams, whereas the world has moved so forward. Laboratory facilities of an acceptable level have not reached any peripheral medico legal unit. Collecting, storage and preservation of forensic biological samples and dispatching them to Government Analyst Department are done with very difficulty. There is no way of getting a regular supply of specimen containers, jars, tubes and necessary other consumables. Neither the Department of Health nor the Judiciary is taking any note of these. In short the infrastructure development for medico legal service has been trailing far behind the rest of medicine and sciences. Yet the demand for high quality reports and testimony for proper administration of justice is ever growing. So I propose to put forward this year as the year for initiating a drive for infrastructure development and identifying staff requirement for the medico legal units in the country. It should not be misunderstood that due to said lack of facilities, our professionals have been rendering substandard services. However there were instances where, these deficiencies led to serious unpleasant consequences.. One of very illustrative examples was the forensic investigation of case of death of 17 civilian aid workers attached to an INGO, under suspicious circumstances in Muttur in 2006. Non availability of cold storage and adequate autopsy facility including postmortem radiological investigation facilities at Trincomalee District General Hospital resulted in various difficulties and embarrassments. Exhumation of bodies and transportation of them to Colombo for radiological investigations and so many other hardships had to be borne. 16 Professional Interactions with Judiciary and Police As Forensic Pathologists we play the role of “service providers” in criminal justice system, whereas the Judiciary, Attorney Generals Department and the Police Department are the „beneficiaries‟. But all important professional relationship between us needs to be further improved for better functioning of the system. At times we feel that the Judiciary and Police are almost unaware of the importance of Judicial Medical Expertise in the earlier stages of criminal investigation process; for eg. the importance of crime scene visits by JMO is frequently overlooked by both police and judiciary. The number and variety of issues to be sorted out in this context is beyond the scope of this forum and they have a serious negative influence on the outcome of medico legal examination itself and reporting. We are looking forward to initiate a constructive dialogue with all the stake holders: Judiciary, Attorney Generals Department Ministries of Health/Justice and the Police Department in near future. Place of Medico legal expertise in civil jurisdiction is almost a grey area. Right of defending party in criminal cases to get a second medical opinion must also be positively evaluated. These sensitive issues have to be clarified considering the legal and ethical standards so that the integrity of Judicial Medical Specialists is unaffected. I am very much hopeful that we can make a sustainable progress with Honorable new Attorney General Mr. Palitha Fernando. Many things are done. 1. We teach medical undergraduates and postgraduate doctors. 2. Contribution to training of other relevant professionals and technical categories of staff too is among our responsibilities. 3. We engage in researches and surveys on related topics The knowledge generated by analyzing the data gathered through day to day work as well as new knowledge created by research can be utilized in the sphere of policy planning aimed at preventing and minimizing the morbidity and mortality due to accidents and deliberate violence. Planning of road constructions, designing bus stations and public access areas are some of the areas where observations of forensic medical practitioners may be of use. 4. Continuous Professional Development of the members of the College 17 5. Dissemination and sharing of knowledge and experience with other medical colleagues through clinico-pathological conferences and so on are some of those. A multitude of expectations and ambitions, perhaps, they may appear like dreams. Nevertheless, I prefer to dream. Because all achievements or successes are dreams made a reality. In this huge task, I am so happy that there is a team comprising of experienced, veteran senior colleagues and energetic young colleagues together with me. I am impressed with their dedication and trustworthy unconditional support in college activities. Acknowledgements At this important juncture, I am failing in my duty if I do not talk about those, who helped me to be what I am today. I learnt to love and respect from my mother, late Mrs. Susila Waidyaratne and my father, late Mr. Lionel Waidyaratne a humble teacher, who taught me to be honest, straightforward and how to be flexible without sacrificing my principles. I am deeply indebted to them for everything. Though I do not know the names of my teachers of early school days, without their contribution, I‟m sure; no later academic achievements would have been possible. The years spent at Mahinda College, Galle was, I believe, instrumental in remodeling my character. I again owe my father for his prudent decision to admit me and my brother to Mahinda College. The whole environment and the history of that Great School inspired me very much. The next important figure in my life is my aunt, late Mrs. Rathnavali Waidyaratne a dedicated English teacher. It is her influence even today that inspires me to explore new knowledge. Studying in (then) USSR for my basic medical degree on a full scholarship is another, pleasant adventure. To be frank we had excellent, facilities for medical education; laboratories, clinical setups, dedicated teachers as well as very effective methodological approach aiming at overall development. 18 Internship at GH, Anuradhapura was another great learning experience. I must appreciate the precedence set by five great clinicians with whom I happened to work and learn first steps of medical practice. I owe to Dr. Thilak Abeysekara, Late Dr. M. Kumarasinghe, Sri Lanka Shikamani Dr. A.C. Wijesurendra, Dr. Upali Perera and Deshamanya Dr. Kapila Gunawardane for the guidance which paved the way for what I have achieved in my academic life. During my post graduate studies I worked under direct supervision of Prof. C.J. Babapulle and Dr. S.M. Colombage. In addition to them Prof. M.S.L. Salgado, Dr. LBL de Alwis, late Prof. N. Chandrasiri, Prof. Ravindra Fernando, late Prof. Nandadasa Kodagoda, Dr. Ananda Samarasekara and Dr. Jean Perera guided me in different ways. I thank them all. I cannot forget the days we studied together for our DLM and MD. Discussions full of arguments, informal journal clubs and so on. Still we discuss our difficult problematic cases with each other and learn a lot more. And I am happy that, those good friend colleagues are with me today. Thank you very much, Prasanna (Dassanayake), Ajith (Tennakoon), Kumara (Senanayake), Sunil (Kumara), Yapa (P.D) and Muditha (Vidanapathirana). I appreciate the support rendered to me by the members of staff of Department of Forensic Medicine, Peradeniya, JMO's office Kandy and Colombo South Teaching Hospitals, the staff of TH Anuradhapura and DGH Matale and in particular the crowd at ILMT (Colombo JMO's offices) who are always helpful. But, that‟s not all; there is one single person, to whom I owe very much for all my personal, professional and academic achievements. I may be wrong if I say that she was behind my success. Really she was (and she is) one step ahead of me. She tolerated my absence at home, during the years I was reading for DLM and MD, looking after our two children while being pregnant for the third time. All those were in addition to her regular work as the only medical officer at Anuradhapura Chest Clinic. I owe very much to my dearest wife Deepthini and My son and two daughters for tolerating me and my academic and social life. 19 CHANDRASENA GEMS U.G. CHANDRASENA PROPRIETOR J.P. ALL ISLAND Residence: No. 57, Ihala Hakamuwa, Ratnapura, Sri Lanka Tel. 045-2231040 Office: No. 22, Council Avenue, Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. Tel. 045-2223023 No. 119, No. 296-3/3 Shopping Complex, Galle Road, National Gem & Wellawatta, Jwellery Authority. Colombo 06 Ratnapura, Sri Lanka.Tel. 011-2554433 Tel. 077-3441475 077-7274095 20 SUNILA WOODEN ARTS PANTRY CUPBOARD, BED ROOM SETS, WALL CUPBOARD OFFICE FURNITURE & ECT…. T. SUDATH PEIRIS PROPRIETOR OFFICE & SHOW ROOM: TELEPHONE 526/D, LAND: 2762280 HOKANDARA NORTH, MOB: 0776541919 HOKANDARA. 21 Report of the Joint Secretaries For the period February 2010 to March 2011 General The period under review marks another year during which the College was able to complete the plan of activities for the year successfully and effectively. Council Meetings During this period, there were 11 council meetings. Report on the participation of the council members Name of the member Dr.Uthpala Attygalle Dr. P.R. Ruwanpura Dr. M. Vidanapathirana Dr. I. Kitulwatte Dr. N.A.S.P.Wijeratne Dr. B. Weerasundera Dr. P.A.S.Edirisinghe Dr. P.B.Dassanayake Dr. U.A.K. Tennakoon Dr. D.L. Waidyarathna Dr Sunil Kumara Dr D.Wijewardhane Dr. S.D.C.Perera Dr..D.M.G. Fernando Dr S.P.A.Hewage Dr. W.R.A.S.Rajapakshe Dr U. Mayorathan Dr.H.P. Wijewardhane Dr. N.D.N.A. Mendis Dr. J Warushahennadi Dr. Ajith Jayasena Dr. L.B.L. de Alwis Dr. S.M. Colombage Dr. Jean Perera Prof. R. Fernando Dr A. Samarasekara 1st CM 20/3. P A P P P P P E P E P P P P A P 2nd CM 30/04 P A P P P E P P P E P P P E P P 3rd CM 15/05 P A P P P P P A P E E A E P P 4th CM 19/06 P P E P P E P A P A E E P E P 5th CM 17/07 P P P P P P P A P A P A P E P 6th CM 21/08 E A P P P E P A A E A A E A P 7th CM 18/09 P P P P P E P E P E E A P A P 8th CM 16/10 P P P P P E P P P A A A E E P 9th CM 20/11 P P P P P P P A P A A A P A P 10th CM 07/01 P E P P P P P E E P E E A E E 11th CM 12/03 P A P P P P P A P P A A E A P P P P P A A A A P P P E P A A A A P P P E P A A A A A P E P P P A A A A A P P E P P A A A A A P P P E A A A A A A A P P E P P A A A A A E E P E E A A E A E A E P P E A A E A A A P P E P A A A A P P P P A E A A A A E Activities of the College for the year 2010 1. Work initiated by the previous council a. Paediatric autopsy format 3 consultative meetings among the members with island wide representation and experts involving in ancillary studies were held successfully to finalize these documents. The documents have reached almost the final stage needing the review by overseas expert professor Byard. There will be a trial run at the same time in consultant JMO stations before the document is finalized as a National document. 22 b. Alcohol –Examination of alleged drunk The drafted document was circulated to the general membership and the inputs were obtained. With all the inputs final draft had been handed over to the National Injury Prevention committee to make necessary amendments to the regulations and to the Motor Traffic Act. After obtaining views from the membership the College sent the suggestions to proposed amendments to Motor Traffic act regarding medical examination of alleged drunken drivers specially on the questionable term “prescribed limit” to the Acting Director Non Communicable Diseases. Further, the College requested the President or the nominee of the President of the College of the Forensic Pathologists to be appointed as the advisory authority in Motor Traffic Advisory Council with regards to controversial issues and future amendments based on advancement of science. c. Management of rape survivors (UNFPA) 3 subcommittee meetings were held to finalize this document and the draft documents are now awaiting a final consultative meeting among the general membership. College received the final installment of UNFPA funds for this project and they had agreed to support the College further in completion and implementation of this document. Discussions on the Pilot project and funding has been initiated and MOU will be signed between the College and UNFPA. 2. New projects initiated in year 2010 a. MLR for child abuse victims (collaboration of Ministry of Justice and UNICEF) 3 draft documents were completed following 3 consultative meetings to obtain expert inputs of the membership with collaboration of Ministry of Justice and UNICEF. The documents included; 1. Format for collecting medico-legal information in child abuse 2. Instructions for medico-legal examination of case of alleged child abuse 3. Medico legal report The three Consultative meetings were held at the Conference facility of Water‟s Edge, Battarmulla between October to December while several subcommittee meetings were held prior to main meetings in between. All the members and few other experts involving management and investigation of victims of child abuse were invited for these meetings. A draft document at the end of the stipulated project was handed over to the UNICEF and the Ministry of Justice. We wish to place on record the appreciation to the Document Coordinator Dr. Handun Wijewardena and all the members in the subcommittee and the general membership for providing their expertise to this important activity. 23 Initial discussions on the pilot project and funding prior to National implementation have been initiated with the Ministry of Justice and UNICEF and MOU will be signed between the College and Ministry of Justice and UNICEF. The project proposal is being prepared thanks to Dr. Anuruddhi Edirisinghe and the trial run will commence in at least one specialist station in a province in voluntary basis. The College is planning to obtain UNICEF and UNFPA assistance to upgrade the fasciitis in the examination and training of the doctors who examine these cases. The feedback will be evaluated and audited and then the final document will be prepared with these inputs before National implementation. The Pilot project is planned to be conducted as an electronic based reporting system. b. Preparing guidelines on ethical issues pertaining to the practices of the forensic pathologists A consultative meeting was held with participation of specialists in Forensic Medicine to discuss and make suggestions to SLMC regarding ethical issues pertaining to practices of the Forensic Pathologists. After much discussion it was decided that there is no need of a separate code of Ethics for Forensic Pathologists in Sri Lanka. However, it was decided that suggestions will be made to the SLMC on general ethical principles included in the “ Guidelines on Ethical Conduct for Medical Practitioners registered with the Sri Lanka Medical Council” issued by the Sri Lanka Medical Council, to suit the medico-legal work. At the end of the meeting a subcommittee was appointed to propose suggestions to SLMC on discussed issues. c. Suggestions to amend the Guideline on Medical and Death Certificates A letter sent by SLMC regarding above matter was circulated to the membership together with the existing document, “Guideline on Medical and Death Certificates” to obtain their suggestions and the same subcommittee working on ethical issues was appointed to make amendments to the document based on suggestions. d. Maternal death post mortem protocol A project proposal with a working document was prepared by the Joint secretary I. Kitulwatte which was reviewed by Dr. P.A.S.Editrisinghe, editor and the President Dr. Uthpala Attygalle was handed over to UNICEF for funding and the College was able to receive Rs. 425,500.00 as initial funds and it is planned to have consultative meetings to prepare the document based on the working document with the participation of all the members. 3. College Lecture Annual College lecture for the year 2010 was held at the Auditorium of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine on 2nd December 2010 at 5.00 p.m. The lecture was delivered by 24 Prof. David Ranson, Deputy Director, Victoria Institute of Forensic Medicine (VIFM) & Associate Professor Faculty of Medicine, University of Monash, Australia. The topic was “DNA contamination in sexual assault examination and the role of CT scanning in Forensic Pathology Practices” Professor David Ranson was awarded an honorary membership of the college. College Members and other invitees were present at the lecture. Annual dinner of the council followed the lecture. 4. News Letter College news letter for the year 2010 prepared by Dr. P.A.S.Edirsinghe, editor was circulated among the membership. 5. Handbook The review process of the handbook was completed by the kind cooperation of 28 specialists in Forensic Medicine. An editorial board was appointed for the hand book consisting of the senior members of the college, Dr. S.M. Colomboge, Dr. Mrs. Jean Perera, Dr. Ananda Samarasekara, Dr. A.B. Seneviratne and Dr. P.R.Ruwanpura. It was unanimously decided that once the handbook is published it should be published under the authorship of Dr. Alwis and include the list of the reviewers as contributors. 6. Refresher courses for the foreign medical graduates 4 cycles of the refresher courses for the foreign medical graduates sitting for the ERPM Examinations were completed successfully with the dedicated assistance of the ERPM coordinator Dr. Janaki Warushahennadi, by October 2010. Many members gave their services as tutors for this programme. The support given by Dr. Ananda Samarasekara in providing the lecture hall and multimedia facilities of the ILMT is greatly appreciated. The income to the College from this course was Rs. 4,31,000.00. 7. Annual Scientific Sessions The 9th Annual Scientific Session was held on 12th of February 2011 at the Lionel Memorial Auditorium of Sri Lanka medical Association, with the theme, Forensic Medicine; Safeguarding Children and their Rights. Dr. Ravindra Ruberu, Secretary, Ministry of Health, was the chief guest. The Special Guest was Dr. Hiranthi Wijemanna, A Member of the United Nation‟s International Committee for Rights of the Child participated as the Guest of Honour. Hon. Attorney General, Mr. Mohan Peiris and Desiree Jongsma, Deputy Country Representative, UNICEF grazed the occasion as a special guests. The day‟s programme included a plenary lecture, symposia, a debate, 10 free paper presentations and 17 poster presentations. College was able to receive financial assistance to this event from UNICEF. 25 a. Symposium on Safeguarding Children Chairperson: Dr. Hiranthi Wijemanna, Member, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) Panelists: Forensic Medicine in safeguarding children in Sri Lanka Dr. D.L.Waidyaratne, Consultant JMO, Teaching Hospital, Anuradhapura Legal aspects on safeguarding children in Sri Lanka Mr. Jayantha Jyasuriya, Deputy Solicitor General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo Role of the police in safeguarding children in Sri Lanka Mr. Cecil de Silva, SSP, Director Bureau for Prevention of Abuse of Children and Women NCPA perspective on safeguarding children in Sri Lanka Mrs. Anoma Dissanayake, Chairperson, National Child Protection Authority b. Plenary Lecture Chairperson: Dr. Ananda Samarasekera, JMO, Colombo Psychological autopsy: Forensic and Social Aspects Dr. Neil Fernando Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist, Mental Hospital Angoda c. Debate “Is it mandatory for a doctor to report teenage pregnancies to legal authority?” Moderator: Mr. Palitha Fernando, PC Additional Solicitor General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo Proposing team Dr. Ajith Tennakoon, Additional Consultant JMO, Colombo Mr. Rohantha Abeysuriya, Senior State Counsel, AG’s Department, Colombo Dr. Channa Perera, Consultant JMO, Negombo Opposing team Dr. Muditha Vidanapathirana, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medical Sciences, SJU Dr. Ayesha Lokubalasuriya, Consultant Community Physician, Family Health Bureau Dr. Dinesh Fernando, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya The award for the best research presentation was won by a paper on “Relationship between Gestational Age & Anthropometric Parameters of Neonates - A Preliminary study”,Fernando DMG , Weerakkody IR, Ranmohottige USN, Gamage SMK, Kumarasiri PVR. The award for the best poster was won by a poster on “A Hidden Killer? Visceral Leishmaniasis”, Jayasena WMAS , Jayasundara JP, Abeygunasekara PH. The best paper for the theme of the year was won by a paper titled “Justice delayed –Justice denied; A study on time frames of medico-legal examinations, reporting and giving evidence in cases of alleged child abuse”; Edirisinghe PAS, Kitulwatte IDG, Sihanada AAS, Bulathsinhala BAAR. The award 26 for the unit that had submitted highest number of papers was won by the Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Ragama. More than 100 persons including members of related professionals participated. 8. College Journal The inaugural issue of the College Journal (Printed version), The Medico Legal Journal of Sri Lanka was launched at the opening ceremony of the 9th Annual Academic Sessions. The founder president & the Co-Editor Dr. L.B.L. de Alwis handed over the 1st copy to the chief guest, while Dr. P.R.Ruwanpura the President Elect, Dr. Anuruddhi Edirisinghe, the other Co-Editor and Dr. Muditha Vidanapathirana, the Vice President handed over the other copies respectively to the Guest of Honour, Hon. Attorney General of Sri Lanka, and the UNICEF representative. The first issue of the journal contained many papers on child abuse and all the registered participants received a copy free of charge. 9. Annual Cricket Match The annual cricket match of the College was held on 21 March 2010 at Prison Grounds. The team from the Institute of Legal Medicine and Toxicology won the award of the year. The joint secretaries wish to take this opportunity to place on record their sincere appreciation for the cooperation extended to them by the members of the council and the general membership. Hon. Joint Secretaries (2010-2011) Dr. Indira Kitulwatte Dr. Samantha Wijeratne Ethics Testifying against another doctor would violate my ethics, so I’ll have to charge double! 27 THISUM CURTAIN Managing Director B. Nilanka Ruwan Dhanawardana Athurugiriya Road, Malabe. Best Wishes From VIJAYI BOOK SHOP Maithreepala Senanayake Mawatha Anuradhapura . 28 a@pN uÈäM äX p#óM rMâ @jM hîS rWnÕr @k`NvNT p`sl asl, Ótr î M p`r , r Wn Õr . 29 Report of the Joint Secretaries For the period March 2011 to March 2012 The period under review marks another year, during which the College was able to complete some of the planned activities and initiated new activities, hopefully which would be carried on in the next Council. Office Bearers and Members of the Council At the Annual General Meeting held on 26th March 2011 held at the ILMT Colombo, the following office bearers and committee members of the Council were elected. President: Prof. M.S.L. Salgado President Elect: Dr. D. L. Waidyaratne Vice President: Dr. U. A. Tennakoon Treasurer: Dr. M. P. B.A. Abeysinghe Joint Secretaries: Dr. I.S. Gunasekara Dr. M. Vidanapathirana Editors: Dr. D. M. G. Fernando Dr. A. Jayasena Committee members: Dr. P B. Dassanayake Dr. I.D.G. Kitulwatte Dr. N.D. A. Mendis Dr. S.P. A. Hewage Dr. S.D. C. Perera Dr. P Senasinghe Dr. A Rathnaweera Dr. W.R. S. A. Rajapaksha Coordinators: Documents Dr. H. P. Wijewardene Social Dr. J. M. Perera Academic Dr. P. A. S. Edirisinghe ERPM Dr. R Haq Ex- Officio Past Presidents: Dr. L.B.L. De Alwis Prof. Ravindra Fernando Dr. A Samamrasekara Dr. U Attygalle However, in June 2011 Dr. R Haq resigned from his post and Dr. R samaranayake was appointed as the ERPM Coordinator. In September 2011 Dr. J. M Perera and Dr. P Senasinghe resigned from their posts. Dr. Amal Vadysinghe was appointed as a committee member of the council and Dr. S.P.A. Hewage was appointed as the Social coordinator. During this period there were twelve council meetings, which were held at the Office of the JMO, C.S. T.H., Ka;ubowila on the 1st Saturday of each month at 9.30am on most occasions. 30 The Participation of the Council members were as follows: Prof. M.S.L. Salgado Dr. D.L. Waidyaratne Dr. Ajith Tennakoon Dr. Bandula Abeysinghe Dr. I. Gunasekara Dr. M. Vidanapathirana Dr. D. Fernando Dr. Ajith Jayasena P P A E P E P P P A A P P A A P P E A P P A P E P A A P P E A E 9th C M 17/ 12 P A A E P A E E P P P P P P P P P P E P E P P P P P P P E E P P A E A P E A E A E A A A A A A A E A E A Dr. A.Vadysinghe Dr. S.P.A. Hewage Dr. Channa Perera Dr. I. Kitulwatte Dr. Asela Mendis Dr. P. Dassanayake Dr.A. Rathnaweera Dr. RSA.Rajapaksha Dr. H. Wijewardene Dr. A. Edirisinghe Dr. Jean Perera Dr. R. Samaranayake Dr. U Attygalle Dr. A. Samarasekara Dr. L.B.L. de Alwis Prof. Ravindra Fernando E(PS) P P P E A P P A P E A(RH) P E A A A(PS) A A E A A P P A E A A(RH) A A A A A(PS) A A P A A E P A P A A(RH) P A A A A(PS) A A E A A P P A E A P E A A A A(PS) P P E A A P E A P A A P A A A R(PS) P P P A A E E P E A R(NA) P A E A R(PS) E P P E A A P E P R R(NA) P A E A P(PW) E E P A A E E A P R E A A A A A E A A A A P P P E R E E A A A A A E P A A E P P P R E P A A A P A P P A A A P P P R A P A E A A A A P A A E E A E R E A A A A Name of the member 1st CM 30/3 2nd CM 7/5 3rd CM 4/6 4th CM 2/7 5th CM 5/8 6th CM 3/9 7th CM 10/11 8th CM 5/11 10t 11t h h C M 7/1 P E A P C M 3/2 P A A P 12th CM 3/3 P P A P Activities of the College for Year 2011 A) Routine activities 1. Work initiated by the previous Council a) The Paediatric Autopsy Protocol The document which was simplified and finalised and was submitted to the Epidemiology Unit. In turn, it will be put forward to the National Steering Committee for further action and implementation, which would be issued as a circular through the Ministry of Health. b) Maternal Death Autopsy Protocol – funded by the UNICEF Four consultative meetings were held and the document was finalised. A meeting with a bigger forum of the College is needed before the document is handed over to the UNICEF for implementation through the Family Health Bureau and Ministry of Health. 31 c) Guidelines for conducting examinations and reporting on victims of child abuse – in collaboration with UNICEF and Ministry of Justice The document is finalised. However, a project proposal is needed to implement the pilot studies. Prof. MSL Salgado, Dr. DL Waidyaratne, Dr. U Attygalle, Dr. A Edirisinghe and Dr. I Kitulwatte were nominated by the Council to develop the project proposal. The Council nominated the following centres for implementation of the pilot studies. JMO‟s Office Kalubowila/Dept. of Forensic Medicine University of Sri Jayewardenepura JMO‟s Office Ragama/Dept. of Forensic Medicine University of Kelaniya JMO‟s Office Karapitiya/Dept. of Forensic Medicine University of Ruhuna JMO‟s Office Rathnapura JMO‟s Office Anuradhapura d) Management of victims of sexual assault – funded by UNFPA A consultative meeting was held on 29th April 2011 and subsequently the document was finalised. It has been handed over to the UNFPA and is ready for printing. 2. Induction Ceremony of the President According to the wishes of the President, this did not take place during the period under review. 3. Annual College Lecture The Annual College Lecture for year 2011 was held on ..... November 2011 at the Auditorium of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine at 5.00pm. The lecture was delivered by Prof. Duarte Nuna Vieira of the National Institute of Forensic Medicine, Coimbre, Portugal on “Body Damage Assessment in Civil Law –Current Situation in Europe.” Professor Vieira was awarded Honorary membership of the College. Council members and other invitees participated at the lecture. Subsequently, Prof. Vieira was hosted at the Annual dinner of the Council Members. 4.News Letter The Editors were unable to publish news letters during the period under review. 32 5. Hand book There was no progress. 6. Refresher courses for foreign medical graduates Three cycles (June, July and November) were completed for the above mentioned candidates sitting for the ERPM examination. The course was coordinated perfectly by Dr. Ravindra Samaranayake‟s dedicated effort. Many members gave their support as tutors for this programme. The support given by Dr. K Sunil Kumara in providing the lecture hall is greatly appreciated. The total income for the College during the year from this programme was Rs. 526,430/= , this is almost 100,000/= more than the previous year. 7. Annual Scientific Sessions The 10th Annual Scientific Sessions was held on 25th February 2011 at the Lionel Memorial Auditorium of the Sri Lanka Medical Association. The theme of the Sessions was “Forensic Medicine in the reduction of Maternal, Perinatal and Infant morbidity and mortality in Sri Lanka” The sessions included two plenary lectures and an interesting debate on “Termination of pregnancy should be liberalised in Sri Lanka”. This was followed by 12 oral presentations and 29 poster presentations which was significantly higher than the previous Annual Scientific Sessions. The event was partly sponsored by the UNICEF. The publicity obtained for the event was excellent with articles appearing in the Sunday Island news paper and the Times Paper. 8. College Journal No issues of the Medico-Legal Journal were released during the period under review. 9. Annual Cricket Match The Annual cricket match of the College was held on 4th December 2011 at the Prison Grounds in Colombo. 33 B) New activities 1. Public Seminar on drink and driving For the first time in the history of the College a public seminar was held. The above seminar was held on the 5th of August 2011, at the Auditorium of the MRI, Colombo. The speakers included Dr. Ananda Samarasekara (College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka), Mr. Palitha Fernando (Attorney General‟s Department),Mrs. Sakuntala Tennakoon (Government Analyst Dept.) and a representative of Mr. Wijetillake (Police Dept). The event was a success and persons who attended the seminar were delighted by the demonstration of the use of the breathalyser by the police department. There was a review article published in the Daily Mirror news paper on 10th August 2011 which brought recognition to the College following the public seminar. 2. College T-shirt and cap Yet again, for the first time in the history of the College, souvenirs‟ in the form of T-shirts and caps were produced with the College logo which enabled the members to purchase them. These were sold at the Annual cricket match. 3. Felicitation of the Attorney General and the Solicitor General The Attorney General Mrs. Eva Wanasinghe PC and Solicitor General Mr. Palitha Fernando PC were felicitated by the College by hosting a dinner at the Galadari Meridian, Colombo on the 4th of November 2011. Once again this has not been done in the past years. 4. Workshop on Histopathology and Anthropology This Continuous Professional Development activity has been organized by the Council for the benefit of the members. The two day work shop is scheduled to be held on the 20th and 21st of April 2012. The resource persons for the work shop are Dr. Clive Cook and Dr. Alanah from Perth, Australia. College funds would not be used for sponsoring the resource persons. The resource persons were unable to conduct the workshop before the 30th of March. 34 5. Library for the College Yet another first in the history of the College, the President Prof. MSL Salgado obtained permission and space for the College to have its‟ library , housed in the Sri Lanka Medical Library at No: 6 Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 7. 6. Constitution- Review and amendments The general membership of the College was invited to participate at the meetings held in this regard. The suggested amendments were circulated electronically to the general membership for comments and ideas. This will be taken up as an agenda item at the AGM. 7. Membership drive The membership drive which commenced early in the year resulted in the following: Two members joined the College as Ordinary members. Three members upgraded their membership from Associate members to Ordinary members Two members joined the College as Associate members. Four persons obtained Annual membership. The Joint Secretaries informed the Council that three members who were eligible for Ordinary membership had migrated. 8. New purchases for the College A multi media projector was purchased for the College. A steel cupboard also was purchased. The joint Secretaries prepared an inventory for the College, sorted out the things in the cupboards and re-organised the items in a methodical and systematic manner to the best of our abilities. 9. Starting of a minutes book At the insistence of the President, the Joint Secretaries were compelled to start an official minutes book for the College which has not existed in the past. 35 10. Change of time and venue for the AGM and Members Night The time and venue of the AGM was changed from the ILMT( JMOs Office Colombo ,morning hours) to Light House Galley ,evening Hours with a view to having a Members Night and a get together, another first in the history of the College. The response of the membership is to be observed. 11. College tie Arrangements have been made to order 100 ties with the College logo. Details have to be finalised and the order has to be confirmed with the relevant persons. 12. Utilisation of funds allocated for the Induction of the President As mentioned earlier, according to the wishes of the President an Induction ceremony was not held. However, the funds allocated for the said purpose was utilised to provide high quality bags at the Annual Academic Sessions and to subsidise the cost of the Members Night. The joint Secretaries wish to take this opportunity to place on record their sincere thanks and appreciation for the corporation extended to them by the members of the Council and general membership. Dr. Ianthi Gunasekara Dr. Muditha Vidanapathirana Joint Secretaries (2011-2012) Autopsies Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people? All my autopsies are performed on dead people The Diagnosis 36 A patient complained to his doctor, "I've been to three other doctors and none of them agreed with your diagnosis." The doctor calmly replied, "Just wait until you are referred to the JMO, then he’ll see that I was right." Location Question: And where was the location of the accident? Answer: Approximately milepost 499. Question: And where is milepost 499? Answer: Probably between milepost 498 and 500. Alive or dead? Attorney : Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse? Doc: No. Attorney: Did you check for blood pressure? Doc: No. Attorney: Did you check for breathing? Doc: No. Attorney: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy? Doc: No. Attorney: How can you be so sure, Doctor? Doc: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar. Attorney: But could the patient have still been alive nevertheless? Doc: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere. 37 Happy Banana Sea Food Restruant & Guest House Unawatuna, Galle Janath Abeygunawardana Proprietor Tel. 077-7424514 38 CHEF FOOD CITY NO. 837/2B, NEW KANDY ROAD, MALABE, SRI LANKA MR. JAGATH PRIYA HENNAYAKE PROPRIETOR BRANCHES : 1. NO. 459, NEW KANDY ROAD, PITTUGALA 2. NO. 457, ATHURUGIRIYA ROAD, ARANGALA uÈäM äX p#óM m`l@ƒ iär# @v]> s#l e]vÆ sh âLlr @v@]N@q~ ÁËÚ ÎSsAk, 359, k-@vl p`r, m`l@ƒ. Ú.a. – 0718157338 39 Best Wishes from Devon Hotel & Restaurants Dewmuni Nihal Wijerathna 596/C, Hirimbura Road, Karapitiya. Tel. 071 85 48332 091 49 24172 Devon Pharmacy & Laboratory MR. LAKSHMAN ABEYSUNDARA MANAGING DIRECTOR OFFICE No. 590/D, Hirimbura Road Galle Tel. 091-5678734 091-2243058 RESIDENCE No. 131, Udawalawwa, Ananda Mawatha, Kithulamptiya, Galle Tel. 091-2225658 40 äX`âA\n aAgMmn rAº @v]> v&`p`Ýk aAk 25, Úrk}n aAk @p`L@HN@g`d, 071 48 04257 rWnÕr. 41 G.W. Enterprises Proprietor Gamini Wickramarachchi Contacts Heenatagoda Road, Tel: 091 22 24290 Unawatuna, Mob: 0718271769 Galle. 42 YEAR PLAN FOR CFPSL 2012 1. Completion of the work initiated by the College in previous years and implementation a. Guidelines on autopsies of maternal Deaths) b. Guidelines on Paediatric autopsy protocol c. Guidelines on Alcohol –Examination of alleged drunk d. Guidelines on Examination, reporting and management of sexually abused survivors for medico-legal purposes e. Guidelines on Medico-legal examination of case of alleged child abuse f. Guidelines on autopsies of maternal Deaths 2 Annual academic sessions February/March 2013 3 College journal- 2 issues to be printed during the year Sept. 2012/March 2013 4 News Letter August & October 2012/January & April 2013 5 CPD activities a. College Annual Lecture b. 1-2 workshops 6 Conducting orientation Course in Forensic Medicine for the foreign qualified medical graduates seeking registration to practice medicine in Sri Lanka 43 Best wishes from 44 45 Tharanga Learners Grade ‘A’ Driving School Head Office – Galle No. 14, Samudra Mawatha, Galle Tel. 091-2234202 Town branch, Talbert Town Super Market, Galle Ananda Kariyawasam Proprietor Mob. 077-3016226 Branches Karapitiya Mapalagama Neluwa Weligama Kaluthara Horana Embilipitiya Hambantota Ambalantota Werahera Ratnapura - 091-4941454 - 091-4941457 - 091-4941465 - 041-2250167 - 034-4948123 - 034-4937269 - 047-4918074 - 047-4931190 - 047-4931189 - 011-4019558 - 025-2223802 46 PANNIPITIYA NURSING HOME (FOUNDED IN 1996) WE ARE OPEN AROUND THE CLOCK TO SERVE THE PATIENTS IN THEIR MOMENT OF NEED WITH THE STATE OF THE ART MEDICAL FACILITIES AT NO EXTRA COST NO 334/4/ HOKANDARA ROAD, MORAKETIYA PANNIPITIYA. Telephone- 0112840065, 0112840384, 0112851332, 0114378262, 0114378263, 0114378264, 0114378265, 0114209157. FAX- 0114308671 WEB- 47 uÈäM äX p#óM mhjn @m~tRS nv \`š`v khAgm, rWnÕr çNkÝN sh @PNTN Úrk}n aAk 045 22 32245 48 Co-operative Hospital, Galle Channel facilities 24 hrs OPD facilities Inward facilities Ultra Sound Scans CT scans Endoscopies Colonoscopies Pharmacy & laboratory facilities Diabetic centre 65, Wakwella Road, Galle 49 With best complements from T&D MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS (PVT)LTD We are a registered Limited Liability Company carrying out the following services; Financial services such as Preparation of Accounts Tax Consultancy. Registration of companies and other secretarial services, preparation of project proposals, handling BOI, EPF & ETF matters, contracts, Visa matters, preparation of administration procedures, management consultancy services, recruitments and Letters of appointment. Hotline: 091 4931952-3 Mobile:0777901449 Email:[email protected] Head Office YMBA Building, Fort, Galle Tele:0912225700, 091 4384856, Fax: 091 4384849 Branches: Colombo No: 10, Havelock Place, Colombo-5 Tele/fax: 0114734962 0114860112 Matara YMBA Building, Rahula Road, Matara Tele/fax:0412231188 0414926911 50
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