EVOLUTION NEWS AND VIEWS June 2013 Issue 66 Ketosis TheKeytoSub-Optimal Ignition Mark Soutar IN THIS ISSUE Mark simplifies the mystery What is ketosis? Frequently talked about by vets and frequently wrien-up in the farming press but actually— what is it? Efficient Lamb Producon. . . . . . . . . . P4 Well, Ketosis is an excess of ketones in the blood and body of the animal. But what are ketones?. . . . . . you’re s%ll talking a foreign language, Veterinary! Ketosis . . . . . . . . . . . P1 Get the most from your crop Teat warts. . . . . . . . . P5 And what to do about them Flies . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P6 Why combang only adult flies is ineffecve Ketosis can be difficult to explain without using ’vet-speak’ but, put simply, it is a lile like running an engine on the wrong ra%o of fuel and oxygen. The fuel will burn— but not cleanly — and the engine will run , but will have subop%mal igni%on and performance. Basically, keto%c cows are underperforming to either a smaller or greater degree. So, put on the kele, make a cuppa, turn the page . . . and read more. A life in the day . . . . P7 Miles appeals for sympathy Noceboard . . . . . . P8 Useful news and bits’n’bats! . . . . . . turn to page 2 Online Ordering Farm Reports (clients only) Disease Information News, Events News, Events www.evolutionfar mvets.co.uk EVERYBODY! Visit our website for all of our latest news, look up past issues of our popular Newsletter, check-out diseaseinformation, meet the vets, check for upcoming events. CLIENTS! Check out the latest offers for orders placed through our online store, view your farm reports and report history, exchange information with us. KETOSIS What is it—and how does it occur? “Ketosis is an excess of ketones in the blood and body” What are Ketones, how are they formed – and why are they bad? The presence of high levels of ketones indicate ketosis. They are formed as a result of the following events: • The cow naturally has a reduced appe%te around calving %me, so she eats less - but her body s%ll needs fuel (food) • Because she is not ea%ng enough of anything else, her body uses up some of her stored body fat (milking off her back). • This body fat is taken by the bloodstream to the liver in packages called NEFAs (‘fay acids’) • In order to properly-dispose of the NEFAs, the liver needs glucose. But, at %mes such as peak lacta%on, most of the cow’s glucose is needed elsewhere, leaving an insufficiency to burn up all the NEFAs (fay acids). • The NEFAs are therefore only part-burnt, resul%ng in the produc%on of excessive ketones • Thus, an excess of ketones in the blood and the body is a sure indica%on that the cow is keto%c – i.e. that she is burning fat instead of ea%ng her food properly. Another prime candidate for ketosis is the ewe in the late stages of a mul%ple pregnancy. The size of the pregnancy makes her feel so full already that she is just not hungry— and she begins to eat a lot less than her body needs. Her body fills the energy-gap by burning body-fat, but her lambs are using most of her glucose supplies meaning her liver cannot burn the fat efficiently and hey presto! Ketones are produced and you have the first stages of ketosis. What’s the Soluon? A solu%on for the cow or ewe would be to reduce milk produc%on or je?son the pregnancy. However mammals are hard wired during early lacta%on and late pregnancy to sacrificially produce milk and feed the pregnancy to ensure the survival of the next genera%on even at the expense of the mother’s own health. Impressive….! The milking cow or pregnant ewe will con%nue to keep the milk flowing and the pregnancy growing even though she does not have enough daily fuel. 2 Mark Soutar KETOSIS IS A SILENT DISEASE! Cow signs of ketosis include reduced milk, reduced appe%te, dry dung and occasional nervousness. These signs are difficult to spot in a group of animals—and even more difficult to judge. When is a cow nervous or just highly strung? Is her milk simply slow to increase . . or is there more to it than meets the eye? Is the dung too firm or is she simply ea%ng enough fibre? The keto%c cow with milk and appe%te reduc%on and firm dung can oCen appear healthy when viewed in the yard and parlour so how can the farmer tell when something is wrong? RECOGNISING THE SIGNS Because the external cow signs poin%ng towards ketosis are silent and rather vague, we need to rely on tests to form an accurate picture. Milk, blood or urine can all be used for measuring ketones. Milk tes%ng is popular because it is easy to collect and results are quick and easy: the Keto test strip is dipped in the sample and a reading can be obtained within minutes for lile cost. Milk tes%ng, however, is not as sensi%ve as the less convenient and more-expensive blood tes%ng. Tes%ng blood ketone levels can also be performed with a cow-side hand-held device. My preference is to make the test suit the purpose. Milk tes%ng is good for keeping an eye on the metabolic running of the cows, but when trouble is spoed then tes%ng blood for a more precise picture would be strategic. Blood results are conclusive and can prevent connued on next page Connued from previous page oC-repeated and wasteful cycles of changing something in the ra%on and ‘wai%ng to see what happens’. WHY KEEP AN EYE ON KETOSIS? Ketosis is an early marker that the metabolic running of the cow is going wrong. Studies demonstrate that approximately 30% of cows suffer a bout of ketosis in early lacta%on, although the level of ketosis varies from farm to farm. Ketosis is both a silent condi%on of the struggling cow and a gateway condi%on that leads to more serious condi%ons. An American study showed that, when compared with cows which had acceptable levels of blood ketones, cows suffering ketosis within the first 2 weeks aCer calving were 2 to 7 %mes more likely to get metri%s, mas%%s or a displaced abomasum, and 13% less likely to get pregnant; they also produced on average 393L less milk. All of these condi%ons can lead to early culling. WHAT PRACTICAL STEPS CAN BE TAKEN TO REDUCE KETOSIS? Let’s remind ourselves that ketosis is similar to an engine running on a subop%mal mix of fuel and air. . . . just like a cow running on a subop%mal mix of high fat (NEFAs) and too lile glucose. Fundamentally, it all boils down to appe%te. The more the cow eats the less body fat she will use and the more glucose will be available to burn the NEFAs. It is appete that gets the cow out of trouble. Appe%te is at its lowest during the 3 weeks before and the 3 weeks aCer calving—and this is when many metabolic issues rear their heads. It makes sense, therefore, to do all you can to encourage the cow to eat: remove all obstacles—anything that might discourage her from making the effort: • A stocking density for transi%on & fresh cows that allows adequate feed space (80 to 100cm per cow) is the single most cri%cal factor. Certainly less than 75 cm feed space per cow reduces feed intake. • Ensure that the feed available 24/7. If the feed-trough is empty when she fancies a nibble—you’ve missed the chance! No amount of careful breeding will compensate for an empty feed trough. • Make the dining experience as pleasurable as possible by whatever means possible e.g. diet palatability, smooth trough surface, etc. • Minimise stresses, such as movements between groups. Over-condi%oned cows have a more marked drop in appe%te around calving and, because they have more fat to mobilise are actually at a higher risk of ketosis. Older cows also tend to have a higher ketosis incidence. KEXXTONE BOLUSES Kexxtone Boluses are a new and further op%on for managing the health of cows at high risk of developing ketosis in early lacta%on (over-condi%oned and/or older). The bolus contains a 133 day supply of monensin and is given 3 weeks before expected calving. Monensin helps the rumen to func%on more efficiently and increases the yield of glucose precursors from the rumen, increasing the ability to efficiently-burn fat (NEFAs) and hence reduce the ketones produced. Mark HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!! The following conversation was reported to have taken place in a court in Tralee, deep in County Kerry, Ireland: Lawyer: 'At the scene of the accident, Mr O'Brien, did you tell the Garda officer that you had never felt better in your life?' O'Brien the old farmer: Indeed I did, sir.' Lawyer: 'Well then, Mr O'Brien, how is it that you are now claiming you were seriously injured when my client's car hit your cart?' O'Brien the farmer: 'Well, sir, when the Garda arrived, he went over to my horse, who had a broken leg, and shot him. Then he went over to Darcy, my dog, who was badly hurt, and shot him as well. I thought, sir, when he asked me how I was it would be wise under the circumstances to say I'd never felt better in my life.' 3 EFFICIENT LAMB PRODUCTION By now the majority of sheep farmers will have put lambing well and truly behind them for another year. For those of you who lamb their ewes in spring, it is worth reminding ourselves of what we are trying to achieve: in simple terms, producing the maximum amount of lamb as efficiently as possible. The cheapest feed available is grazed grass and if your pastures are well-managed, good quality grass should be available to the point of finishing most lambs. For commercial flocks with access to sufficient well-managed, good quality grassland, there should be no need to creep feed lambs during late spring and summer. How to maintain pasture quality The best way to maintain pasture quality and u%lise grass most effec%vely is to use rota%onal rather than set stocking grazing management systems. Rota%onal grazing also encourages higher clover content and the longer stock-free periods help to maintain lower worm levels on the pasture. In order to maintain the produc%vity of grassland, we need to ensure that it has all the nutrients required for sufficient growth, mainly: phosphorus, potash, magnesium and nitrogen. Par%cular aen%on must also be paid to soil pH. Measuring your success Measuring sward height is a good way to op%mise both sheep performance and grass growth. When pasture cover reaches 4cm in height, supplementary feeding can end. Target sward height for June is 6 – 7cm: if grass becomes too long and ‘stemmy’, quality deteriorates and lamb growth rates fall. Should your grass height creep up, making hay or silage on an ad hoc basis will allow good quality re-growth in later weeks. In addi%on, silage and hay aCermath will carry a lower worm burden and will therefore provide good safe grazing for new season lambs. George Giles Worms are a threat to your new lambs As the season progresses, so too does the worm burden faced by lambs. The worm burden peaks in mid to late summer: plan ahead now to provide your weaned lambs with clean pasture later. Nematodirus is a par%cularly high risk this year. It usually affects lambs in spring and is worst when warm weather follows a cold snap. This year’s late spring means that this risk will con%nue throughout June, with the level of risk mainly based upon the previous year’s grazing history. Lambs should be grazed on clean pasture wherever possible. Lambs of 12 weeks or less are at the highest risk and, if they are grazing high-risk pasture, should be wormed every 3 to 4 weeks through June and early July. Group 1, (BZ) white wormers are currently being recommended as treatment for Nematodirus. Parasite Forecasts We publish monthly parasite forecasts through our website in conjunc%on with the Na%onal Animal Disease Informa%on Service (NADIS). Go to hp://evolu%onfarmvets.co.uk/parasites or, from our home page, click the Disease Informa%on tab and go to the parasite page. Worming Protocols Unfortunately, there is no single treat-all protocol. Every element varies each year and for each farm. We do, however, encourage our clients to bring in dung samples to enable us to run faecal egg counts - and some clients are now op%ng to carry out DIY faecal egg counts with our willing support always available if/when required. Don’t struggle alone. Ring us if you have a worry: we are always happy to chat through a problem. Evoluon Evoluon. Working with you ... Changing with you 4 DEALING WITH TEAT WARTS IN HEIFERS Many farms suffer from this irrita%ng problem which affects mainly young cale up to 2 years old, some%mes beyond. Teat warts look unsightly but, in most cases, will simply disappear with %me. Occasionally, however (and more frequently on some farms), the warts affect the teats so badly that they are unable to be milked. This results in mas%%s and can lead to loss of the quarter and even, occasionally, loss of the heifer. How common are they? A 1983 abaoir study found that of 1657 cale, 37.3% had teat warts and 86.2% of these had mul%ple infec%ons. Herefords and their crosses showed the highest numbers of warts. However, the study was carried out on a random selec%on of breeds and cannot therefore make a realis%c breed comparison, although experience in our modern dairy herds gives current credence to these figures. What causes warts—and how do they spread? Bovine teat warts are caused by papillomavirus and are spread by both direct and indirect contact. Recent research has iden%fied bovine papillomavirus DNA in blood, milk, urine, and other biological fluids obtained from infected animals. Unfortunately, the virus is very contagious and by the %me one heifer in a group shows signs, then the virus is usually already widespread within this group. Treatment The best way to reduce the lesions is to s%mulate an immune reac%on in the animal concerned. There are many ways of doing this, the most successful method being by injec%on of an ‘autogenous vaccine’. An autogenous vaccine is developed by taking a %ssue sample from the infected heifer. The sample is sent to the lab., where it is made into a vaccine which, when administered to the animal, s%mulates an immune response which aacks the virus and causes the lesions to reduce. Unlike most vaccines, this is used as a treatment only and will not be effec%ve as a preven%on. Sally Wilson Benefits of Autogenous Vaccine: • It is the best way of reducing the problem if it is interfering with milking. • Warts are oCen present before the heifer calves, so the problem can be dealt with before she enters her lacta%on • It is possible to produce vaccine for a group of heifers so that the whole batch can be vaccinated together for best results and to reduce spread Disadvantages of the Autogenous vaccine: • Depending upon the size of the batch, it can be expensive at around £40-80 per animal. • If doing a group of animals, a licence is required in order to produce the vaccine at a further cost of around £120. However, this licence can be used to produce enough vaccine to last 12 months. • Because of the cost, some people choose to treat only the most valuable animals in a group, meaning that the infec%on pressure will remain high, thus reducing the effec%veness of the vaccine. What else can be done? • Stalk-like warts can be %ed-off; others can be removed surgically. These procedures should be carried out before the animal is in lacta%on in order to reduce the risk of complica%ons. • Watch stocking levels: overstocking will encourage spread by direct contact. • Put in place good fly control to reduce indirect transmission by flies. Flies are produced on-farm in huge numbers during the warmer months: consider alterna%ve methods of fly control—speak to Mark who is offering free trials of his tried and tested methods. Sally 5 NO FLY ZONE The late spring has delayed the onset of this year’s flynuisance, but with warmer weather succeeding at last in making an appearance, our annual bale seems about to commence. Flies start life as eggs, usually laid in a place where the hatched maggot Fly laying eggs will have access to on raw tuna water, sugar and protein. Indoor dung (especially calf dung, with its higher sugar and protein-content) is a favourite site and fly factories thrive on-farm. The nuisance effect of flies is usually underes%mated as we tend to become habituated and learn to part-ignore the buzzing, bites and sensa%on from landing flies. Flybothering tends to be no%ced most in the farmhouse and in the parlour during milking, where fly-irrita%on can increase the incidence of kicking. It also distracts the animals from ea%ng and res%ng. Improved fly control has been linked with a small percentage increase in milk yield and calf growth, but it is the diseases transmied by flies which are most easilyno%ced, Schmallenberg and Blue tongue viruses (transmied by bi%ng midges) being the current and most topical. Flies also transmit , amongst other things, teat warts, summer mas%%s and pink eye bacteria. Adult airborne flies form only approximately 20% of the fly popula%on: the remaining 80% is s%ll lurking as eggs and maggots in the bedding and dung . . . . . so if there are 100s of flies in the air, there are 1000s more maturing in the wings, wai%ng their moment. A fly control programme that targets only the adult flies will therefore have very limited success: much more 6 would be gained from dealing with the large reserve army wai%ng for the right condi%ons of heat and moisture (i.e. summer!), to make their transi%on into the air. Trea%ng the maggot and egg stages will reduce the number of flies that actually make it to the nuisance adult stage in the air. Mark Soutar Fly control in the field for grazing stock needs considera%on. Many of the flies bothering animals in the field will originate from the farm, a local manure stack, manure pats or ro?ng vegeta%on. Flies grow up quickly. It takes 7 to 10 days for an egg to develop to an adult fly. The adult fly then lays eggs in batches of 200 eggs. The rapid growth and prolific laying requires the fly to consume lots of sugar and protein. This is why calf dung can support prolific fly development and the “less nutri%ous” adult dung and ro?ng plant material is a poor second choice for the fly’s needs. Adult flies can travel 2 miles in distance. Therefore fly control in the field points back to fly control on the farm first then the standard prac%ce of applying spot on products to the stock. I have found the fly catcher bags can make a difference in some field situa%ons. To discuss which fly control op%ons would be most suitable for your own par%cular farm, please ring the prac%ce and ask for Mark. Mark A LIFE IN THE DAY . . of Evolution Admin Staff!! We all know roughly what the noun ‘administration’ means. It’s the ending that I find most apt in my circumstances. ION ‘An electrically charged atom which careers around a confined space in an apparently random manner’ So there you have it. In summary, the act of running around like a headless chicken. Actually, strictly speaking, it should now be admin‘we’stration. Some of you may have spoken to, and the brave amongst you (those who have ventured into the office) will have met Jo, my fellow electrically charged atom. Between the two of us we are slowly mastering the finer arts of pleasing many masters. I’ve always likened this job to that of a juggler. In the morning at around 8am (oh, alright, then—sometimes just after!) I come into the office & before the door has even closed behind me three balls are thrown (usually only metaphorically) in the general direction of my head. Thus begins my working day. Three balls are easy, once you have mastered the rhythm of things. Before I make it to my desk a phone has usually vibrated itself onto the floor. So I pick it up and answer it. This normally results in a task to complete (ball four). So far, it’s all under control. I sometimes manage to get to the kitchen & make that all important first coffee without encountering another ball. The coffee gives the manic atom impetus, rather like Apollo rocket afterburners! Upon returning to the gladiatorial arena I find that illustrious leader number one (she who must be obeyed) has generated not one but two or even three more balls which are usually thrown simultaneously over her shoulder in my direction (as she is exiting for her chariot). I hear the distant sirens of Nether Stowey wail “Boadicea alert, clear the roads”. The general rhythm of the day starts to fall into place: complete two tasks (put two balls down in a controlled fashion) take on three more. Five to Miles Butteriss six balls in the air are just about manageable . . . but things are getting a little fraught - and the sense of humour unicycle long-over-balanced. From now on it’s a battle for survival. The telephone rings with a demand that 2.5million bottles of vaccine be got ready (stick labels on all — don’t-obscure-one-letter-of-the-informationalready-covering-all-available-space) ‘we’re on our way back from Bridgwater and will be passing you in 10 minutes’, but while doing that with one hand I also, with the other, have to take a call to book-in a TB test that ‘I meant to ring about last week’, was needed yesterday (today is Wednesday) and ‘well, yes, we really need to get all 1800 cattle to market on Saturday. . . . What do you mean you can’t do it??’ and this will continue until about four o’clock, after which, slowly, one by one, I can put down the balls & pick up my stone cold cup of coffee. The more balls you juggle, of course, the higher you have to throw them - and the more chance there is of one getting stuck in the rafters, or rolling off under a table. If I’m lucky, I find the errant balls on the floor in full view, usually not a problem, they just need dealing with. The one that is stuck in the rafters, or covered in fluff under a table, that’s the one that usually results in either a disapproving look, stony silence, or an ear-bashing depending on who uncovers my juggling ineptitude. But it’s the ball that wakes me up at midnight, unaccountably turning up to dig me hard in the middle of the back to remind me of the unreturned phone call. . . and the Newsletterarticle-to-write, hurled at me last thing & needed tomorrow, that one is the real show-stopper. Harvesting . . long may it continue! Miles 7 EVOLUTION d r a o B e Notic VACCINATING CATTLE FOR TB: THE FACTS The House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee (EFRACom) recently reported on an inquiry into the role that vaccination could play in tackling bovine TB. The report notes: • that vaccination of cattle against bovine TB is currently prohibited under EU law • Defra applied last year for ‘in principle’ approval of a marketing authorisation for a cattle vaccine BUT • Lengthy field trials would be required before the rules could even be considered for amendment by the EU and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) For more information, see www.evolutionfarmvets.co.uk/TB -vaccination For the full report,see www.parliament.uk/business/commiees/ commiees-a-z/commons-select/environmentfood-and-rural-affairs-commiee/news/bovinetbreport-publica%on/ Dairy Co Mass Plan Funding Completed your DCMP? Want to know how successful your efforts have been?? Take advantage of the extra funding now available through SWHLI to have a review for only £80 + VAT. An excellent opportunity to pick out any areas needing aen%on—or to find that you can pat yourself on the back!! Ring the office to book: 01278 734828 NFGHGFFI’J EKGLMNGF: OPN KFQG FR SPLTP TUVLWJ RFO OF GQR FXX! ◊ zero milk withhold; 10 day meat withdrawal ◊ for beef and dairy cale ◊ for the treatment & preven%on of gutworm & lungworm infec%ons and external parasites ◊ one easy-to-use pour-on applica%on. ◊ Improved viscosity significantly reduces run-off, improves effec%veness. 8 Order a 2.5L or a 5L pack to receive a free 75ml dosing gun Need to expand quickly? Thinking of buying in??? Buying-in is becoming increasingly common in order to quickly acquire returns from large scale investments in expansion programmes. If you are considering this route, especially if you have historically been a closed herd, consider the following points: • If it can be avoided in any way . . . . avoid it! • You will almost certainly buy in Johnes. Sign up for quarterly screening of the herd, even if you have never found a posi%ve cow, in order that you detect it as early as possible. • Check disease status for IBR, Lepto and BVD. If you haven’t previously vaccinated, vaccinate before buying in. • Isolate the group of animals for 3 weeks before introducing them to the herd. • Do regular bulk milk screening for IBR wild type and BVD virus • Buy in from a low prevalence TB area (if there is such a thing these days!) Clinical Club: Feeding for Nutrion with Richard Cooper Evolu%on recently hosted an enlightening evening talk for farm animal vets. The talk was given by Richard Cooper of EBVC. A brief overview of the main points can be found at www.evolu%onfarmvets.co.uk/feeding-fer%lity NEWSLETTER NOW AVAILABLE BY EMAIL!! Our Newsletter is currently sent by Royal Mail to around 200 of you each month. If you would prefer to receive an emailed link to enable you to easily read your Evolution Newsletter online, please send your email address to: [email protected] Type: ‘Newsletter email’ into the subject bar Evolution Farm Vets, Inwood Farm, Nether Stowey TA5 1HY 01278 734828 Email: [email protected]
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