April 2015 FirstLight - First Baptist Church of Livingston, Montana

Maundy Thursday Service – 6:30 PM – FBC facility
Good Friday
Resurrection Sunday
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
9:40 AM
10:45 AM
Bible Class Opening Session
Bible Classes for All Ages
Easter Sunday Brunch (see below)
Food Pantry Sunday
Pre-School & Early Elementary (through 2nd Grade)
Shepherds Meeting – 5:30 PM – Mary Wiens home
Ministry Council Meeting – 6:30 PM – FBC facility
Stewardship/Property/Finance Mt'g – 6:30 PM – FBC facility
17-18 Big Sky Youth Ministry – Miles City
Newsletter deadline
Elders Meeting – 6:30 PM – FBC facility
Noreen Burg – Teacher
Upper Elementary (3rd through 5th Grades)
Shannon King, Carol Lutes, Heather Juvan – Teachers
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Why is the truth of the bodily resurrection
of Jesus Christ so important?
The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important event in
Middle School (6th through 8th Grades) Laurel Prescott – Teacher
history, providing irrefutable evidence that Jesus is who He claimed to
High School (9th through 12th Grades) Pauline Bigner – Teacher
be – the Son of God. The resurrection was not only the supreme
Adults Steve Roberts – Teacher
validation of His deity; it also validated the Scriptures, which foretold
Casual Coffee Class
His coming and resurrection. Moreover, it authenticated Christ’s
Please see weekly bulletin for time, place, meetings or events
not listed here.
claims that He would be raised on the third day (John 2:19-21; Mark
8:31; 9:31; 10:34). If Christ’s body was not resurrected, we have no
Night Lights Women's Bible Study: This is on the first and third
Mondays of each month at 6:30 PM, except during the summer
months. Please check weekly bulletin for details regarding this study.
On Resurrection Sunday – April 5 – the First Baptist Church
family will have what has become our traditional Easter Sunday
Brunch during the time we usually have Bible Classes. It will be a
potluck, beginning at 9:30 AM.
If you have questions, please contact Laurel Prescott, coordinator.
Heather and Tonya
Lee Parriott
Christal Bigner
Pastor Dan Abrams
Morrish Green
In Acts 20:35, Jesus Himself said,
"It is more blessed to give than to
receive." Experience the blessing
of giving by taking part in this
5 Carol Lutes
12 Barb Dodge
19 Noreen Burg
11 Joe & Lee Parriott
20 George & Cheryle Bryce
Do you have access to e-mail and have a prayer
request you want to share with others in our
church family? Please e-mail the prayer request
to Donna Green at [email protected], and she
will pass it on to others. —Thank you
26 Heather Juvan
202 East Lewis Street
Livingston, Montana 59047
[email protected]
hope that ours will be (1 Corinthians 15:13, 16). In fact, apart from
bodily resurrection, we have no Savior, no salvation,
and no hope of eternal life. As the apostle Paul said,
our faith would be “useless” and the life-giving
power of the gospel would be altogether eliminated.
Read More: GotQuestions.org/bodily-resurrection-Jesus
Why should I believe in Christ’s
This article presents five lines of evidence
given as proof of the resurrection.
First: There is demonstrably sincere
eyewitness testimony. Many of these
eyewitnesses willfully and resolutely
endured prolonged torture and death
rather than repudiate
their testimony.
Second: Then there
is the conversion of
Continued on overleaf
Lifting up Jesus Christ—The Light of the World –John 8:12
Illuminating the Faith & Family of First Baptist Church –Matthew 5:14
—Cont'd from overleaf
certain key skeptics, most notably Paul and James. Paul was of his own
admission a violent persecutor of the early Church. James (Jesus'
Lines from a Fisherman
—Pastor Dan Abrams
brother) was skeptical, though not as hostile as Paul. Both willingly
suffered and died for his testimony, a fact which attests to the sincerity
of his belief.
Third & Fourth: These concern enemy attestation to the empty tomb
and the fact that faith in the resurrection took root in Jerusalem. Jesus
was publicly executed and buried in Jerusalem. It would have been
impossible for faith in His resurrection to take root in Jerusalem while
His body was still in the tomb where the Sanhedrin could exhume it,
put it on public display, and thereby expose the hoax.
Fifth: This concerns a peculiarity of the eyewitness testimony. In all of
the major resurrection narratives, women are credited as the first and
primary eyewitnesses. This would be an odd invention since in both the
ancient Jewish and Roman cultures women were severely disesteemed.
Read More: GotQuestions.org/why-believe-resurrection
He is not here; he has risen, just
as he said.
Matthew 28:6 NIV
At our Annual Church Meeting on January 25, the
decision was made to replace the red neon cross
that has been atop the FBC steeple since 1958
with an LED one. The neon cross was beyond
repair. However, the cost to do so was going to be
approximately $4,600, and we would need to
raise the funds to do so.
God provided all the money needed six weeks
before the deadline set by the sign company, most
of it having been given by the FBC family—some
given as memorials. If the deadline had not been met, cost could
The sign company has been contacted, the down payment made, and
the cross is being constructed.
A dedication ceremony will be held outside after worship on the Sunday
following installation of the cross. At that time, the cross will be lighted.
The date for this ceremony will be announced to the church family when
that time comes. A follow-up article regarding the cross is planned to be
published in the Enterprise.
Easter is at the very core of our Christian faith, and sometimes its
truth is most effectively proclaimed through children. The following
account has circulated throughout the Christian community for
several years, but its message is timeless.
Jeremy was born with a long catalog of problems that challenged
his physical activity and the ability to learn. At age 12 he was still in
the third grade at the Christian school he attended.
Easter was coming and the teacher wanted the children to learn
about Jesus, the Resurrection and the idea of new life. She gave each
of the 20 students an empty plastic Easter egg. "I want you to take it
home and bring it back tomorrow with something in it that
represents new life."
The next morning the children returned with their eggs and placed
them on the teacher's desk. When it came time to open the eggs, the
teacher opened the first one and there was a flower in it. "Oh yes, a
flower that springs from a small seed is certainly a sign of new life,"
she said. The next egg had a small plastic butterfly in it. "The
butterfly came from a caterpillar. That's a sign of a brand-new life."
And so it went until she came to an egg with nothing in it. She
knew instantly it was Jeremy's egg, and not wanting to embarrass
him, she set it aside and reached for another egg. But Jeremy spoke
up and said, "That was my egg. Aren't you going to say something
about it?" "But your egg was empty," the teacher said.
"Yes," said Jeremy, "but the tomb of Jesus was empty, too."
"Do you know why the tomb was empty?" she inquired. The boy
was quick to reply, "Oh yes! Jesus died and was put there. Then His
Father raised Him up and took Him out."
Just then, the bell rang and the children ran out to play—just in
time. The teacher could only put her head on her desk and sob. Out
of the poor, severely challenged boy came a profound truth told so
Before long, Jeremy became ill. The condition worsened, and after
three months he died. Many from the town came to the funeral
service but only a few could explain the 19 plastic Easter eggs
surrounding Jeremy's casket...all of them empty.
Easter is coming. Thank God for an empty tomb and such wisdom
from one so full of Christ's love.
Serving you with love and caring,
Pray without ceasing — I Thessalonians 5:17 (ESV)
Prayer is the single most powerful weapon in the universe. It can be launched
from a spot no larger than a place to kneel, travel at the speed of thought, hit any
target, and there is absolutely no defense against it. —Jack Taylor
Thalia Lynn Baptist Church— Virginia Beach, VA
Please remember this church family in your prayers
—the home church of Jim & Darleen Mastin.
Health Concerns — Bob Dean,
Other Concerns — this transition
Edna Barnhart, Leo Roller &
Eddie and Wendell, Sue Veto,
Cheri (Kaye Taylor's sister), Lois
(Warren) Hiebert, Carla Paul and
brother Smiley, Morrish Green,
Larry & Jane Haemig, Vern &
Diane Beatty, Rich Will
time for our church; Search
Team; Vision Journey Team,
Church Unique participants;
FBC family; our youth; our city,
state, nation, world; police, fire
fighters & emergency response
personnel; our military
k Templed Hills Camp
k Dr. Frank and Alves Weirman—who have
served in Bangladesh
k Pappy Daniel—Light of Hope Mission, India
A box has been placed in the church library for donations to the
Used Book Depository. The depository distributes Bible and Christian
materials to areas in the world who are in need of them. Monetary
donations are also welcome to help with the cost of mailing the materials.
Please contact Carol Lutes with questions.
To stay informed about what is going on with the Used Book
Depository, Pappy Daniel and Light of Hope Mission, Dr. Frank
and Alves Weirman, Templed Hills Camp, and other missions, etc.
our church family supports, please check periodically the bulletin
boards in the hallway.
Father, we humbly ask that our students
will have a hunger for learning. Please
enable them to use their ability to think
and learn.
"To God belong wisdom and power; counsel
and understanding are his." Job 12:13