Wednesday, June 10, 2015 10:45am Preschool Chapel Time, Chapel 11:00am Prime Time Singers Rehearsal 4:00pm Prayer Service, Chapel 5:00pm LAST Fellowship Supper until fall, Family Life Center 6:00pm G.A. Recognition, Fire Dept., 3rd floor 6:00pm M.O.G.W.O.G. 6:15pm “Discernment: Reading the Signs of Daily Life,” Ministry Activity Center 6:30pm Mpact 7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal JUNE PRAYER FOCUS 4th of July Children’s Parade Vacation Bible School July 27-31 Jesus said, “Let all the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 Send your prayer requests via email [email protected] Telephone 456-9465 Church Staff Thursday, June 11, 2015 7:00am Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Coffee Cup 10:00pm Dorothy Thomas Bible Study and Mission Group 6:30pm Legends Basketball, Fam. Life Center FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 100 South Main Street P.O. Box 690 Waynesville, NC 28786 (828) 456-9465 “To Make Disciples, United in Worship and Service” The Vol. 24, No. 22 June 3, 2015 HERALD Waynesville, NC 28786 2015 Butterfly Group, Small Conf. Room IAM adult painting, Min. Act. Ctr. Women’s Bible Study, Min. Act. Ctr. Tuscola HS Graduation P.O. Box 690 Tuesday, June 9, 10:00am 1:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 100 South Main Street Monday, June 8, 2015 7:00am Men’s Prayer Brkfst, Kornerstone Kafé 9:30am Homebound Visitation, Lg. Conf. Rm. 1:00pm IAM adult drawing, Min. Act. Ctr. DINNER AT PATHWAYS, Transforming Prayer 5:30pm Open Gym, Family Life Center 7:00pm Girl Scouts, Ministry Activity Center Lead Pastor Dr. Robert Prince, III……..………………………………………..…[email protected] Pastor for Worship Ministries Rev. Mitch Huskison…………….…………………………………[email protected] Pastor for Discipleship and Operations Ministries Rev. John Daniels, III………….……….………………………………[email protected] Pastor for Family Ministries Rev. Dan Smith……………………………………….…………………[email protected] Children’s Ministry Coordinators Myra Clemmons, Emily Fleenor…………………………………….……[email protected] Financial Secretary John Baxley…………………………………..………...….……………[email protected] Ministry Assistants Debbie Shepard……………………………………………….…[email protected] Joyce Russell…………………………………………………………..…[email protected] Child Development Center Director Lisa McDaniel……………………………[email protected]…………………….456-1098 Maintenance Assistants................................Billy Nicholson, Ben Fleenor, and Jean Smith Organist..…………………………………..……………………………….…..……Mary Ann Cooper Pianist.……………………………………………… ………………….. Cynthia Banks Henderson Media Center……………..……………………………………[email protected] Early Worship Service, Chapel Encounter, Sanctuary EncounterKids, Level 3 in Ed. Bldg. Sunday School Library Open Worship Service, Sanctuary “Elijah” Children’s Musical, Sanctuary Ice Cream following performance for kids and parents THE HERALD 8:30am 9:40am 9:40am 9:45am 9:45am 11:00am 6:00pm First Baptist Church Waynesville DONATE “STAPLES” FOR HAYWOOD CHRISTIAN MINISTRY HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES RECOGNITION Fax 456-1907 Sunday, June 7, 2015 THE HERALD Waynesville First Baptist Church Published Weekly by FBC-Waynesville P.O. Box 690 Waynesville, NC 28786 Phone 456-9465 USPS Number: 193-760 Periodicals Postage Paid at Waynesville, NC 28786 This Week at FBC... THURSDAY, JUNE 18 11:00AM - 7:00PM FAMILY LIFE CENTER Children’s Choir Musical Sunday, June 7 - 6:00pm Charming and witty, this superb children's musical captivates the heart through its memorable melodies and humorous dialogue creatively telling the story of Elijah. From his confrontation with Ahab and Jezebel through his journey in the desert, Elijah shows his faith in the God who provides. Concluding with one of the most dramatic moments in the Old Testament, Elijah asks God to send down fire upon the altar at Mt. Carmel. There, the people of Israel see the power of the true and living God. ICE CREAM SUNDAES Following the musical… kids will celebrate their production and parents will get some valuable information about the summer, including details about Backyard Bible Club and Vacation Bible School. (ICE CREAM FOR KIDS AND PARENTS!) First Baptist Church has been selected to host Operation Blood Drive for Haywood County and all counties west. Operation Blood Drive is the largest blood drive of the year in Western North Carolina. During summer months, donations of blood decrease while the need for blood actually increases. Each year, WLOS-TV13 sponsors this effort to replenish blood supplies. The goal for the FBC portion of this blood drive is 100 units! This is an incr edible outr each opportunity for our church and YOUR HELP IS URGENTLY NEEDED! In order to help save lives by meeting our donations goal, we need volunteers to help with registration; to help in the “canteen” area; and to help pick up donated food items. We do not have a lot of time to fill these positions so PLEASE CALL THE CHURCH OFFICE TODAY (456-9465). THANK YOU! Transforming Prayer... From Dr. Prince... Sharing Christ’s love... We had a great response to our “Catch Up, Double Up” offering last Sunday! We received more than $26,000 in our offering, which is far more than we normally receive on a fifth Sunday! I’m grateful for the way in which our congregation responded to this appeal. If you weren’t here last Sunday or you haven’t had the opportunity to participate, you still have time to be part of this special effort. Please make you special offering sometime in the next few weeks. Waynesville Middle School Partnership... This coming Sunday, June 7 will be Youth Sunday. On this Sunday, our students will lead us in worship in all three of our worship services. Youth Sunday gives them a special opportunity to exercise their spiritual gifts and grow into church leadership. Dan Smith, our Minister to Families, does a great job leading our students, and he’ll be working with our students as they lead us on this special day. On Youth Sunday, we’ll also recognize our high school graduates. This year, we have a number of seniors who’ll be moving on to other things next year. Please be sure to offer them your love, prayers, and congratulations! Soon school will end for the summer, and our Wednesday and Sunday evening children’s ministries will take a summer break. But a lot of important children’s ministries will take place in the next couple of months! Among them are Backyard Bible Club and Vacation Bible School. In Backyard Bible Club, we’ll go to neighborhoods in our community where there are lots of children, and hold a Bible club experience. We hope that many of these children will attend our Vacation Bible School. As we look forward to these summer children’s ministries, I ask you to do several things. First, pray for our children’s coordinators, Myra Clemmons and Emily Fleenor, along with our volunteer workers. Second, pray for the children and adults we hope to reach through these ministries. Our priority is on reaching people who don’t go to church. Pray that we’ll be able to reach people we aren’t reaching. Third, volunteer to help in these efforts. If you can’t volunteer, try to give a little extra in your offering this summer to help pay for these ministries. See you Sunday! Robert LAST WEEK OF COLLECTION!!! We will be collecting the following food items CANNED VEGETABLES (16 oz. or smaller!) CANNED PASTA (16 oz. or smaller!) MACARONI & CHEESE POP TARTS Please place only these items in the WMS box located at the fireplace. Please… no meats, no fruit. 56/65 RECENTLY HOSPITALIZED Bernice Gough Cynthia Henderson Bernice Gough—Givens Health Center, 600 Barrett Lane, Asheville 28803 Camilla McConnell—Autumn Care Room 104, P.O. Box 330, Waynesville 28786 Nellie Jones—Brian Center - Room 28, 516 Wall Street, Waynesville 28786 MILITARY PERSON OF THE WEEK Maj. Joshua Roberts 3155 Rolling Hills Ct. Clarksville, TN 37043 June 20 - 8:00 a.m. Waynesville Recreation TRACK “121 Miles to a Better Life” The women of the Sharon Peddicord Mission Group hope you will sponsor them in this Walking Challenge. Your pledges will be donated to Haywood Habitat for Humanity & The Good Samaritan Clinic. The women will collectively walk 121 miles for these two worthy causes. Call or see Lisa Nelson at 734-4523 for pledge information. Consider walking with us. The more that walk the quicker we reach 121 miles. All donations are appreciated. (Son of Bennie & Gale Roberts) Ministry of the Week... Haywood Christian Ministry Please pray that this ministry will have the resources necessary to provide food, clothing, and financial assistance to those less fortunate in Haywood County. Page 2 The Herald DEACON OF THE WEEK: Terry Kelley GREETERS: 8:30am - B.S. & Elsie Orrell 9:40am - Jeff & Melanie Seeger 11:00am - Polly McDowell JUNE USHERS: Charlie Burgin, Clayton Cathey, David Forester, Megan Hauser, Gordon Small, Steve Vertrees Giving... WEEKLY OFFERINGS 05/31/15 Weekly Budget Needs Weekly Budget Gifts $ 17,191.81 $ 26,227.12 SPECIAL GIFTS Debt Retirement TOTAL SPECIAL GIFTS $ $ TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 26,517.12 Annual Budget Needs Annual Budget Gifts $ $ 290.00 290.00 378,219.77 320,568.95 Sunday School TRAINING FOR VBS WORKERS Vacation Bible School training for all Trail Guides (small group leaders) and Bible Application Leaders is scheduled for: 188 ~ Mr. & Mrs. Gary Davis gave a donation to the Budget in memory of Henry & Mary Lu Foy. ~ Mr. & Mrs. Steve Combs gave a donation to the Budget in memory of Henry & Mary Lu Foy. ~ The Co-Ed Sunday School class gave a donation to the budget in honor of Sarah Belle Tollison. ~ The Co-Ed Sunday School class gave a donation to the budget in honor of Jack and Joe Kelley. Wednesday, June 24 at 6:00pm Large Conference Room OR Sunday, June 28 at 12:00pm Large Conference Room Please let Faith Woods (776-5624) know if you cannot attend either training. Thanks in advance for helping our kids go “off the map.” Next Adult Fellowship Trips... If you would like to receive the monthly publication, Missions Mosaic, please submit a check in the amount of $20.99 payable to First Baptist Church and note “Missions Mosaic” on the check. Turn into the church office no later than Monday, June 15. This week’s Chapel & Sanctuary flowers are placed in honor of Cynthia Henderson by Judy Ross. OVERNIGHT TRIP! This summer, “Let’s Pack the Pantry!” Our church made a commitment many years ago to assist Haywood Christian Ministry’s Food Pantry by collecting pasta on the first Sunday of every month. A few months ago, we changed our collection items to “staples,” such as flour, sugar, cornmeal, rice, macaroni, noodles, dried beans, etc. instead of canned pasta. Thus far, we have only collected a couple of bags of sugar and flour. Let’s join together in this local mission effort and bring one of the above items on any Sunday during the summer! We can make an impact in the number of people who are hungry. We are not collecting for WMS, so let’s double our efforts for HCM! Serving... TUESDAY, JUNE 16 Leaving the church at 9:30 a.m. Oconaluftee Indian Village Tickets are $17 Lunch “on your own” at Paul’s Restaurant $2 Gas Fee Vol. 24, No. 22 “Horn In The West” Boone, NC July 16 & 17 Tickets are $24; meals “on your own” for two days; plus hotel accommodations for one night. If you are interested, you must let Sue Willis (452-7277) know BEFORE JUNE 15! Wednesday, June 10, 2015: 5:00pm - 6:30pm LAST SUPPER UNTIL FALL “Family Night Buffet” Adults $6.00, Children $3.00 $15.00 Maximum per Family Please make your reservations at Wednesday suppers or call the church office by Monday (06/08/15) noon. Page #3
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