SPC 1608 Course Guidelines & Expectations Fundamentals of Speech Principles of oral communication common to speaking and listening. Emphasis on listening techniques, preparation & delivery techniques for extemporaneous speaking. Spring 2015 A Web-Enhanced John Creighton (aka. Mr. C) Professor of Speech Valencia College – West Campus 1 GOOD NEWS! Usually when you hear those words, you also expect to hear, “…and now the bad news!” Well, not this time. The good news is that this class is about a practical set of life skills you can use immediately, next year and for the rest of your life. As a result of this course, you will be able to better organize your thoughts, communicate more clearly and effectively with individuals & groups and believe it or not, improve your writing. Valencia’s official speech course outcomes are covered later in the syllabus. However, I also want you to know what my course outcomes are as a result of you attending this class: (1) Learn and practice the essential elements of an effective informative and persuasive speech. (2) Help you be successful in other college classes when give a speech or team presentation (3) Help you graduate from college, after Valencia (4) Prepare you for the world of presentations after college, Valencia or otherwise. I’ve been fortunate to have received lots of testimonials, corporate and personal, over the years from people who have benefited from the skills I’ve taught and coached people in. However, from any teacher’s point of view, it can’t possibly get any better than the email I received from a former student I had 26 years ago. To say that I was stunned (if that could even convey my true feelings) he remembered my name, let alone able to find me and at Valencia would be a gross understatement! When I called to thank Evan, he suggested I include his email in the syllabus so that others could see how the skills we’ll be talking about this semester are in fact life skills that can help you throughout your career as well as your personal life. Evan, I am forever thankful for your kind words! From: Evan [mailto:evan@ Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 12:30 PM To: John Creighton Subject: Catching up Mr. Creighton, Greetings! I hope all is well with you. I’m sure that you do not remember me, but I took your Presentational Speaking Class for Business, Industry, and Government at Syracuse University in 1986. I am writing this email for several reasons. One reason is to thank you, and the second, to tell you how that class has changed my life. At the time that I took your class, I was a 26 year old sales rep who had a deep phobia about public speaking, as do so many of the people who take your class. The results of having taken your class were instantaneous and dramatic. Granted, I wanted it to happen and I worked hard at it, but it worked. Not only did I overcome the fear, I began to relish every opportunity to present to groups of people, large and small and this did not go un-noticed. I began to rise within every organization that I worked for. 2 Long story short, I am now the EVP of Sales and Marketing for VERTEX CHINA, a dinnerware manufacturing company headquartered here in Southern California. I never could have ascended to this level without the public speaking skills, and the “presentation organization” skills that were developed in your class; OPENING STATEMENT, PURPOSE, AGENDA, SUB-TOPICS, EXAMPLE 1, EXAMPLE 2, EXAMPLE 3, the “Internal Volcano”, the SUMMARY and the CLOSING STATEMENT. Furthermore, because of the confidence garnered in the class, I earned two Masters Degrees from Loyola University Chicago; one in TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT, and another in INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS. Both programs required major projects and many, many presentations. (So many people had such angst about presenting in a group. For me, it became the easiest thing in the world. Hilarious!!) Writing papers and sales plans have become so easy with your process. Again, I’d like to thank you for the class. It truly changed my life. If you have a moment, please go into this website and view the upcoming article about my company and myself. It never would have been possible without that class. Sincerely, Evan J. Furman Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing Vertex China – Versatility redefined 131 Brea Canyon Rd. Walnut, CA 91789 This class will no longer be offered in the traditional format where you come to class, I lecture, the A students take notes, we engage in some in-class activities, and you give your speeches. This class will now be taught using the diagram below. You will watch my lectures online via Blackboard. That way you can stop and start the video as often times as you want depending on your attention span and your desire to take notes. Then you will come to class and practice what was covered on the video thru hands-on activities to help you better learn the material. 3 Prerequisite: None Credits: 3-Communication Course Materials: (1) The required textbook for our course is, A Pocket Guide To Public Speaking (Fourth Edition) by Dan O’Hair, Hannah Rubenstein and Rob Stewart. I would recommend, no beg you not to sell this book at the end of the semester. It will be worth ten times more to you in your lifetime than the Happy Meal you could buy with the proceeds from selling it back to the bookstore. (2) It would be advisable to purchase a USB, thumb drive, memory stick, flash drive, jump drive, whatever you call it if you don’t already have one for some of your homework assignments and speeches. Monday - Thursday 1:00pm - 2:30pm or be appointment** Office Location: Building 5, Room 122 (first floor) Office Phone: (407) 582-5104 (if no answer, leave message) Email: Blackboard only Monday - Wednesday 10:00pm – 11:00pm Friday 8:00am - 9:00am ** Making Appointments ** You can stop by anytime during my office hours. However if someone has already made an appointment I will honor their time first. To make an appointment, simply send me an email via Blackboard not Atlas when you’d like to meet. Once I get your request I will let you know if that works on my end. Once you get my confirmation, you must reconfirm your understanding of the date and time of our meeting via Blackboard not Atlas one final time. At that point your name will go from pencil to pen in my planner. Appointments are on a first come – first serve basis. If you put in a request and I have not heard back from you and in the meantime someone else wants the same time slot and reconfirms it before you do, it’s theirs. 4 Valencia Core Competencies: The faculty of Valencia College has identified four core competencies that define the learning outcomes for a successful Valencia graduate. These competencies are at the heart of the Valencia experience and provide the context for learning and assessment at Valencia College. You will be given opportunities to develop and practice these competencies in this class. The four competencies are: 1. Think - think clearly, and creatively, analyze, synthesize, integrate and evaluate in the many domains of human inquiry 2. Value - make reasoned judgments and responsible commitments 3. Communicate - communicate with different audiences using varied means 4. Act - act purposefully, effectively and responsibly.” For Your Security: We want to reassure you that our security officers are here around the clock to ensure the safety and security of the campus community. It’s important to remain alert and aware of your surroundings, especially during the early morning or evening hours. Remember that you can always call security for an escort if you feel uncomfortable walking alone on campus. White security phones can also be found in many of our buildings; simply pick up the phone and security will answer. Finally, report any suspicious persons to West Campus Security at 407-582-1000 or 407-582-1030 (After-hours number) or by using the yellow emergency call boxes located on light poles in the parking lots and along walkways. Drop/Refund Date Students wishing to remove themselves from a course and receive a refund of their tuition and fees must do so before the posted deadline. The refund deadline for this semester is January 20, 2015. No-Show Reporting As part of Valencia’s commitment to help out students Start Right each semester, we have committed to making sure that all students registered for a course receive meaningful instruction from day of the term. For this reason, as well as others, students who miss the first classes of the term often find themselves struggling from the very outset. Students who fail to attend the first week of classes will be automatically withdrawn during the No-Show reporting period, which for this semester is January 21-30, 2015. 5 Withdrawal Policy: The College has initiated withdrawal procedures and timelines in response to legislation/rules adopted by the state legislature and State Board of Community Colleges. The deadline to withdrawal from this course is in the current catalog, and is also available online at http://valenciacc.edu. Students may withdraw themselves from any course up to the withdrawal deadline, which for this semester is March 27, 2015 and receive a W. This can be done through Atlas. After the withdrawal deadline, a student can no longer withdraw him or herself. Faculty however, may withdraw a student after this deadline, until the start of the final exam period for policy infractions such as attendance problems. Once Exam Week has begun, a W is no longer an option, and the appropriate grade earned up to that point must be given Before withdrawing from any class, it is strongly recommended that students first consult with both their professors and their advisors because of the possible repercussions that may occur to their financial aid or scholarship status. Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a notification from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the instructor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities. I am legally bound, and rightfully so, not to inquire about who might have a disability of any kind. And just to let you know, I don’t like the term disability. I am more amenable to the fact that some people approach life differently than others. My office is always open and “What Goes on in Vegas, Stays in Vegas!” Baycare Behavioral Health’s Student Assistance Program: Valencia is committed to making sure all our students have a rewarding and successful college experience. To that purpose, Valencia students can get immediate help that may assist them with psychological issues dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, adjustment difficulties, substance abuse, time management as well as relationship problems dealing with school, home or work. Students have 24 hour unlimited access to the Baycare Behavioral Health’s confidential student assistance program phone counseling services by calling (800) 878-5470. Three free confidential face-to-face counseling sessions are also available to students.” 6 Student Code of Classroom Conduct: Valencia is dedicated not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning, but is concerned with the development of responsible personal and social conduct. By enrolling at Valencia, a student assumes the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the general rules of conduct. The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the professor. Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the professor to leave the class. Violation of any Valencia policies/procedures or classroom rules may lead to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the College. Disciplinary action could include being withdrawn from the class, disciplinary warning, probation, suspension, expulsion, or other appropriate and authorized actions. Valencia’s Student Code of Classroom Conduct (Policy 10-18) can be found in the current Student handbook, or online at http://valencia.cc.fl.us/policies/PDF/10-18.pdf. Additional information is available in the College Catalog on page 68 - 69) or can be found at: http://valenciacc.edu/catalog/0405/default.html Disclaimer: Changes in the syllabus, course outline and/or grading may be made any time during the term by announcement of the professor. If you are not in class, you will still held accountable for the changes which will also be posted on Blackboard. Course Outcomes: Stephen Covey wrote the best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Habit #2 is, “Start with the end in mind.” What a simple yet powerful phrase. Let’s keep the end in mind: (1) Demonstrate a speaking goal as it relates to audience and contextual analysis. (2) Develop, organize, and support the verbal message (3) Observe ethical responsibilities of both senders and receivers in oral communication. (4) Prepare and deliver an extemporaneous informative speech incorporating presentational aids. (5) Prepare and deliver an extemporaneous persuasive message incorporating presentational aids. Reading Assignments & Review Questions: There are several reading assignments noted on the Semester at a Glance. They have been selected for three reasons: (1) They help you prepare for class discussions, activities and speeches, (2) They reinforce what is discussed in class in case you are not a note-taker and (3) Hopefully it will solidify the importance in your mind of keeping this book for years to come. It’s worth way more than the money you’d get from a Book Buy Back so you can get a Happy Meal. 7 You can take the Review Questions anytime you want, as often as you want, and the highest grade will be counted. However, each set of Review Questions are tied to a deadline which is also noted on the Semester at a Glance. If you miss the deadline there will be no further opportunity to take them. Why? Because … Deadlines are Deadlines You will be able to take each set of review questions as many times as you want for as long as you want. Your score will be tabulated based on your highest grade. Once you complete a set of review questions, the results will be posted immediately within My Grades on Blackboard. Class Skill-Building Activities There will be several in-class skill-building activities conducted throughout the semester. This may sound like a broken record, but these activities have been designed to be a teaching tool and a way to better prepare you for each speech. Learning from a Legend: John Wooden was an all-American high school basketball player, three-time allAmerican college player for Purdue (he would have been a four year All-American but freshman weren’t allowed to play varsity in those days) and College Player of the Year. He went on to coach the UCLA Bruins basketball team from 1948-1975. The rules Coach Wooden established for his players helped them to avoid distractions which in turn allowed them to focus on getting the most out of every practice and every game. The results speak for themselves: 10 NCAA championships12) 7 consecutive NCAA championships 8 undefeated conference seasons 4 undefeated seasons 88 consecutive victories 38 consecutive “sudden death” NCAA tournament victories Not once in all the years John Wooden coached did he ever use the word “win.” Everything he did was directed towards one goal – getting his players to bring out the best in themselves. To do that, he developed several strategies that helped eliminate distractions so his players could stay focused. 8 Although I’m no Coach Wooden, I want the same end result - to get you to bring out the best in yourself as a speaker. I don’t have a full basketball season with you, only 30 days when it’s all said and done. So, I too have developed some strategies to help eliminate needless distractions so we both can focus on the tasks at hand in the classroom and when you’re giving a speech. They don’t include putting your socks and sneakers on a certain way, which were some of Coach Wooden’s rules, but nonetheless, I do expect them to be followed. They are non-negotiable and will be carried out with little fanfare. Here are 9 ways we can work together and eliminate time-wasting distractions during our short time together. 1. Eliminating Academic Dishonesty Distractions: All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia. Academic dishonesty included, but is not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of documents, misconduct during a testing situation, and misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive. Sanctions available to the professor should a violation occur are described in the Valencia Student Handbook online at http://valencia.cc.fl.us/policies/PDF/1016.pdf Fortunately, I haven’t had to deal with this situation. If I do, the offender will fail the course, it’s as simple as that. 2. Eliminating Classroom Distractions: At work you’re expected to do what you were hired to do not catch up on your sleep, school assignments or your friends. If you’re in a meeting, you wouldn’t carry on a conversation with your neighbor; text or check for messages on your cell phone while the person running the meeting is talking. The same holds true in this class. If I or one of your fellow students is talking or especially if giving a speech, I would expect the same courtesies you would adhere to at work. The best advice I can give you about your cell phone is, put it your backpack or purse and make sure it is turned off. If I see it out it will definitely be a distraction for me, to other students and of course for you. If you decide that somehow the above does apply to you, I’ll simply say, “It’s ……… and will expect you to quickly & quietly pack your belongings and leave class. You will also be taking your full absence for that day with you as well. This won’t be of any significance to you until it’s your phone that goes off. When it does, one or two of you will immediately fire off a blistering email telling me how I embarrassed you and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It happens every semester, trust me. You’ll still keep the absence. Consider yourselves officially warned. If you’re expecting an emergency phone call, let me know ahead of time NOT after the fact. Put your phone on vibrate and when the call comes in, quietly get up, signal me as you exit the classroom. 9 Although this is a classroom setting, I look at it as my office. As at work, I expect you to remove any and all hats, hoods, scarves, bandanas, sunglasses or the likes when entering the classroom. Bad hair-days are no exception. Result I had a student come in with a hat on because she was having a bad hair day. When asked to take it off she refused. She was asked again, and again she refused. Finally she was asked to leave. She came back the next day and apologized saying she was having more than just a bad hair day and explained why. All went well after that and she ended up getting an “A” with no further lates or absences. If you like to wear your pants in the low-rider position pull them up along with your underwear when you come into my class/office. You can make the needed fashion readjustments after you leave. There are lots of sections of SPC 1608. If these class expectations don’t work for you, may I suggest you find another SPC 1608 section. It’ll be easier on both of us. Again, like in the workplace, courtesy and respect will be the norm. If someone is talking don’t interrupt, try to talk over them or make sarcastic comments. You wouldn’t like it, why would they? If you have a pressing question like, “Is the sky falling in?” and we’re talking about how to use supporting material in a speech, write your question down and wait for a more opportune time. If you persist with untimely, irrelevant and/or rude comments or questions, I’ll simply say, “It’s time to go.” And gain, I would expect you to quickly and quietly pack your belongings and leave class like a mature adult taking your attendance for that day with you. Part of your advancement on the job will be judged by how well you interact and get along with others. As a courtesy to others, please do not let the door slam behind you when entering or leaving the classroom. If you do, 25 points will be deducted from your speech per incident. One last thing, if you need to use the restroom, just do it like the commercial. ask. 3. Eliminating Attendance Distractions: As a full-time company employee, you typically will get a certain number of PTO’s (personal time off) days to use anyway you see fit and not be accountable for them. In this class, you will be given the equivalent but they’ll be called absences. You’ll get the equivalent of four full absences to take whenever you want and not be accountable for them. However, keep in mind any absence: you don’t feel like coming to class, you’ve got a test to study for, you’re sick, have an immigration appointment, jury duty, have to attend a funeral, etc. all count toward your four full allowed absences. If you are late for work several times, it will eventually catch up with you and jeopardize your job. The same will happen here. When a student enters the classroom between one and 15 minutes after class has begun (according to the classroom clock), they will be credited with a half an absence. If a student enters the classroom after the 15 minute mark they will be credited with a full absence. 10 No need to Once you’ve reached the maximum number of absences allowed, (4 & No More), you will be dropped from class for excessive absences. A “B” student knowingly ignored the 4 & No More warning and was dropped two days before the end of the semester. And if that’s not stupid enough, an “A” student who had been reminded three times to watch her absences walked into on the last day 45 minutes late. She was dropped after class was over. A student came to class 30 minutes late on the day he was supposed to give his last speech. He said he was having a bad couple of days. He then told me he had been fired from work the day before because he was supposed to have been in a meeting at 10:00am but because he was out late the night before and woke up at 11:30am he decided to “punt” and go back to sleep. Unfortunately for him, this was his fifth absence which meant if you’re More Than 4 You’re Out the Door. Now he had been fired from two places three two days. Funny how some student’s behavior mirror what their behavior is like outside the classroom. Recently I had the same conversation with two different students in two different classes in the same semester. Both had been sick, both had missed additional classes taking them to More Than 4 and both had been dropped from class for excessive absences. Oddly enough, both came to class expecting everything would be fine because they had been sick. Here’s how both conversations went and how it will go for you if you find yourself in the same situation: “______, could I see you outside for a minute? You’ve been dropped from class for having more than 4 absences. “But I was sick!” “That’s not a problem. You can use your four absences anyway you want. The problem is, you’ve already taken four absences prior to getting sick and now you’re beyond four. But I was really sick!! I understand and again being sick is not the problem. The number of absences is.” But Mr C, I was really … really sick!!!” “I don’t know what else to tell you.” You will have working days to appeal a late or absence. Beyond that it stands. 4. Eliminating Email Distractions: When sending an email, click on Messages under the heading Resources. Next click on |Create Message| Click on |To| to find the person you wish to contact. Select the person’s name and move to right box (Recipients) Enter the Subject Compose the message Correct any spelling errors And Submit your message 11 Before sending an email, consider how you would send it to your boss at work. I doubt you would use text lingo (OMG), have all lower case words such as i or nyc, and have mispeled words or incomplete sentences. If you do, I guarantee you it will be a distraction to me and I’ll simply respond with, “What?” and nothing else. At that point you will either say, “Screw it or screw him!” and forget about it or you might ask yourself, “What’s wrong with the email?” take a look at it, make the necessary corrections and resend it. One thing you probably don’t want is a “What?” at 2:00am when you’re the speaker that day. first 5. Eliminating Blackboard Navigational Distractions Everything you need to successfully complete this course can be found on If you are experiencing technical difficulties, let me suggest you first go to [email protected]. They’re here on campus and open M-F, 8-5. Or call (407) 582-5600. They’re open 24/7. This is a national help desk so you may be on hold for a while. Sometimes because of your student status you may be denied access so check that as well. You can check your grades and attendance 24/7 under My Grades. Anytime there is an update or change in the course, send out a course-wide Announcement and mention it class. 6. Eliminating Homework Distractions: If you’re not going to be in class when a homework assignment is due, you can give it to someone else to bring to class, drop it off at my office or at the Communications Division office (5-231) before class begins. No homework assignment will be accepted via email unless previously approved. If you miss handing in an assignment but still want my feedback on it, I’ll be happy to review it but not for credit. Last semester a student emailed me the day after final grades had been posted asking if I could find 12 points for him so he could get an “A.” Result I emailed him back reminding him if he had completed Homework #3 he would have gotten his “A”. I never heard from him again. Remember … Deadlines are Deadlines 12 7. Eliminating Speech Day Distractions Prior to Giving Your Speech On the day of your speech, you will need to hand in a Speech File made up of two documents, a Cover Sheet and a completed Observation Sheet of one of your practice sessions stapled together. Make sure your USB is compatible and works with your classroom computer. One student had a Mac but couldn’t transfer the files to the classroom computer and another couldn’t get his USB drive to work all together. Result The first student elected not to give his speech and got 0 out of 800 points. Why didn’t he give his speech? Simple, he wasn’t prepared. The other student gave her speech, lost points for not having PowerPoint, and got the equivalent of an “A” because she was prepared and knew her material. Beware of Time: If you come to class on your scheduled speech day and suddenly realize you forgot something, leave to go get it, and are back within the 15 minute mark you will be allowed to give your speech with no points deducted. If you don’t get back within the 15 minute mark, you will not be allowed to give your speech or make it later. Result One day two students met me outside class. Both did not have their Speech File with them. They asked me what they should do. I reminded them of the 15 minute window. One said he would rather lose 20 points than 400 and went back to class, gave his speech and got 750/800. The other said she didn’t want to lose the 20 points and went to the library to print it. She returned 25 minutes later and was not allowed to give her speech and she took a zero for the speech. She appealed the decision to my Dean. After hearing the student’s appeal and reviewing my syllabus, my Dean stood behind my decision. Not all is bad news. Recently I had a student show up without her USB. She asked if she could go get it (she lived across the street). I said, “Of course” but reminded her of the 15 minute window. To my amazement she got back in time. She nailed SPC #2 and got 800 out of 800 and no one knew the difference because she had practiced her speech before hand. You will not be allowed to hook up your laptop to the classroom computer regardless of your technology prowess. When you get up to speak and I need to download my PowerPoint from a source other than my USB, I will have one mnute to do so. If I have not been able to download my PowerPoint after one minute, the camera will be started and the speech clock will start running. If I come into the classroom after the 15 minute mark (based on the classroom clock) I’ll be considered absent and therefore unable to give my speech with no opportunity to make up it up in the future. When you upload your PowerPoint file to the classroom computer, it must have your full name on it. If not, points will be deducted from your overall point total. Deadlines are Deadlines 13 When Giving Your Speech Be careful of your choice of words. If we hear “crap”, “sucks” or the like, you will lose 20 points (per usage) from your overall point total. You wouldn’t use them when making a presentation at work or in another class, the same goes here. Result The record still stands at -100 points in a speech at that time was worth 800 points. Unfortunately the student was a little too passionate about her subject (eating right – she had just lost 140 pounds). Last semester there was a close second at - 80. When taking pictures, cartoons and other images off the Internet, make sure they are copyright free. The copyright symbol or a light watermark in background will be your first clue. 20 points (per usage) will be deducted from your overall point total. To help you stay within the time limit for each speech, feel free to use your Blackberry, iPhone, Smartphoneregular phone or stop watch. You’d do the same if it were giving a career presentation. However, do not set an alarm so it goes off alerting you of your time or have someone else use hand signals. If you do, “-50 points!” Hopefully you would never do that in a career presentation either because it would look unprofessional and scream, “I’m not prepared!” If you go over the maximum time limit, I will say, “On the count of 3” and you will be expected to sit down. Your point total will be based on the information covered up to that point and nothing more.. Result I used to ring a bell. One semester I rang it. The student’s response was, “Well that’s rude!” 1. He knew it would happen a head of time, and 2. What’s rude is going over time and making other students race through their speeches or having to stay after class or set up another time to give your speech because we ran out of class time. I had two excellent students (one a Connector and the other aThinker) in different semesters. Each was in the middle of their second main point when the bell went off. The first got 495/800 and the second got 545/800 points. Why? There was nothing else to listen to, there speech was over Practicing your speech OUTLOAD will keep you within the time limits and generally get you more points. 14 Watching Others Speak During each speech day, you will be asked to clear everything off your desk including purses so as not to be a distraction to you, me and the speakers. If you want to take notes, do it on the inside of your name tent. Take it home, transfer the notes to something else and bring it back to the next class. If a student is speaking and you’re late or went to the restroom when someone was NOT speaking, please don’t slam the door when you leave or enter the classroom. If you do, points will be deducted from your speech total. This is opposed to restricting people from leaving or entering the room all together. “No points for you … next!” If you have yet to give your speech on the day you’re scheduled or already have given your speech and are asked to leave class or you elect to leave class early, you will take your attendance for that day with you along with your speech. In other words your speech will become null & void due to your absence. During each round of speeches I will typically be observing 125 students. As a result, it is possible I might miss something. If you think that’s the case, let’s sit down and talk about it. If in fact I did miss something I’m more than happy to correct your point total. You will have working days from the time you get your Speech File back letting you know how you did to make an appointment to talk about it. Beyond that, the door of opportunity will be closed. Coming to me at the end of the semester or after final grades have been posted and wanting to talk about SPC #1 for example, simply tells me it wasn’t important to you at the time but now that your grade is on the line. 8. Eliminating Behavior Distractions: At the beginning of the semester you’re trying to figure me out and how to use Blackboard. By the same token, I’m trying to figure you out and how serious you are about learning what’s being taught. If you want a quick read on who I am pay close attention to the syllabus you’re reading. Students typically tend to shake out over the semester like this … The potential “A” student starts to identify themselves by asking questions that clarify anything they don’t understand, consistently check Blackboard for announcement, the Semester at a Glance, prepare and complete all the in-class activities, homework assignments and Review Questions, make sure their speech and PowerPoint are in sync with the Observation Sheet for that speech, and start using what’s being taught to make presentations in other classes. The potential “B” student eventually sees the light and starts completing as many of the above as possible while at the same time becoming stronger as the semester progresses. 15 The potential “C” student generally keep to themselves, see the class as just another course requirement and do about half of what’s expected of them. The potential “D” student comes and goes quietly and makes very little effort beyond that. The “F” student is just waiting for the semester to be over. 9. Final Exams: Final Exams for all courses (with the exception of Developmental courses and a few other courses where exams are administrated department-wide) follow a carefully orchestrated, college-wide schedule based on the class meeting time/days. A copy of this schedule can be found on Blackboard within the Course Overview. 10. Eliminating Final Grade Distractions: Each student’s final grade will be determined by the number of points accumulated and calculated on Blackboard. The point range for each letter grade can be found at the bottom of How I Earned My Final Grade posted under Course Overview. There will be no rounding up or down. What you see in “My Grades” is what you get. You can view your grades 24/7. 13 students missed a higher grade last semester because they didn’t complete all the assignments. I find it interesting how blowing off an assignment that might take 30 - 60 minutes to complete can affect a person’s overall final grade that’s based on four months’ worth of work. Grades will be posted in Atlas after the end of the term. Students who wish to view their grades may do so some time shortly after the final grade submission deadline, which for this semester is May 3, 2015. Please note that there may be a slight additional delay for processing. I love what I do and am totally committed to helping you become a better speaker. Anything that gets in the way of that will be a HUGE DISTRACTION for me and that’s when the Enforcer will hold you to the syllabus that your former students have made possible. So let’s end on a high note. Remember Evan Furman? Remember the four course outcomes I have for each of you? My commitment to you is …I’ll do whatever is reasonable to help you become a better speaker! My question to you is, “What’s your commitment? A copy of this syllabus is on file with Communications Division in Building 5, Room 231 and on Front Door 16
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