May 2015 Our Mission: Faithfully Sharing God With All People! Reflections from Dr. Mark I am writing this in my office at church a few hours before worship. Driving up this morning I reflected on just how fortunate I am to be a part of TLC. God has assembled a wonderful collection of souls in this place who have found a variety of ways to worship and celebrate the hope we have found in our life of faith. It is for many of us a port in the storm of life. It is a port that has fed and strengthened us in ways that we may not always understand but somehow know to be true. Yesterday afternoon, we celebrated a “family fun” event that involved about 50 folks ranging in ages 1-81 (or there about). It was great to see the love that was put into this work and the laughter and fellowship that followed. The fact is, this event almost felt like going back in time for me. We played family based games, told stories, made a lot of noise, and ate well. And we did it all with a common hope that our faith and this place in which we worship will somehow be made stronger. There is so much ministry going on in and around TLC from music, adult and children’s education, Family Promise, visitation and Shepherd’s ministry, and social events like Family Fun. I could go on but I want to simply lift up that “The Kingdom” is certainly experienced in this place. A part of our kingdom experience includes the celebration of Holy Communion every Sunday. As Lutherans, we believe and teach that in taking that powerful sacrament we are allowing Christ to enter our lives. On May 3 immediately after our morning service, I will be offering a Communion Workshop (30 minutes) for parents of children ranging from th birth to 5 grade. During that workshop, I will reconfirm that it is the parent’s decision as to when their children take communion but we will once again offer specific educational experiences for children in the second grade and beyond starting this fall to strengthen that experience within worship. On that same day we will also celebrate our “Commitment Sunday,” as we plan for a new year of ministry together. And if life gets a little on the wild side, always remember the words of the psalmist “be still and know I am God!” (That was for me.) May God bless and keep you! Dr. Mark Comments from Your President The snows of winter are now long gone and the flowers of spring are appearing in our gardens. The small garden on the north entrance to the church is a fusion of colors, tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils. We also are in celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus the Christ. This year’s Easter season included the mid-week services, with discussion of the Lord’s Prayer, focused sermons on life with Christ and the wonderful Palm and Easter Sundays. We can take joy in all the disciples who worked on the various presentations during the season. The Family Fun night was a roaring success. It was very well planned and executed with the result of one of the highest attended events we have had in a few years. Many thanks go to Sandi Belyk and Marlene Leaman for a job well done. On the 3rd of May we’ll wrap up the annual th stewardship drive with Commitment Sunday. On the 8 there will be a young musician’s concert at TLC. This is the first of its kind at our church. Lisa Bayer is the director of the motely group. As I have pointed out in the past, we are a busy place. The year will be wrapped up with the annual meeting on th June 14 following the service. We have one constitutional item to vote on, the description of the Vice President’s role. We will also approve the budget, review reports and hold elections. Mike Clapp and Sandy Berra are running for reelection to their current positions. (Anna Gibson, Laurie Schwerin and Debbie Stickel have one more year of their term.) Brian Raymond will be running for President. There are a few more holes to fill. There is still a need for Synod Delegates and two nominating committee positions. The new committee structure has worked well for the first year and it’s our prayer they will continue to grow and be strengthened in the years to come. But they will need the help of all of the disciples at Transfiguration. There are roles for every one of us, from ushers to council members. Take the opportunity to become a servant to the congregation of TLC. Jim Leaman Mark’s May Office Hours Thursday, May 7 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Wednesday, May 13 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Friday, May 22 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Wednesday, May 27 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Thursday, May 28 9:00 am – 12:00 pm These times could change at the last minute, so please call Mark at 248-207-1312 or the office to set up a time to talk with him. Worship & Music Special Thanks to… …Everyone who helped with the Lenten soup suppers. …Dr. Mark for his inspirational Lenten messages. …Everyone who volunteered to read for the Palm Sunday & Good Friday services. …Skylar Glotfelter for her beautiful solo on Palm Sunday, March 29th. It was a wonderful addition to the service. …Linda Smith for purchasing the Easter lilies that decorated our worship space. …Everyone who donated candy for the Easter Egg Hunt. …Chuck Berra, Doris Malfese and Dick & Janet Wilson for filling the eggs. …Rob Blanchard for organizing the egg hunt and to his helpers who hid the eggs. …The youth who have volunteered to usher, acolyte and help with communion. …Everyone who volunteered for the Easter "We Serve with Gladness" positions. …Laura, Lisa, the Praise band & choir for their beautiful music. …Xavier MacPhail-Fausey for being our guest music director on Sunday, April 12th. …Jim Leaman for conducting the service on April 12 in Dr. Mark's absence. We at TLC are truly blessed! …Jesus Christ for his crucifixion and resurrection! Special Music at TLC: On Sunday, May 3, 2015 the Children's Choir will sing during the Children's Message and three of Laura Blanchard's piano students will be performing during the service! On Friday, May 8, 2015 the Prelude Spring Orchestra and Triplicity will perform a free concert at 6:30 pm at TLC. The Prelude Spring Orchestra is under the direction of Lisa Bayer and includes some of our young TLC members. Triplicity is made up of Lisa Bayer on the violin, Laura Blanchard on the piano, and Joe Snider on the cello. This should be a fun event. Please plan to attend!! Upcoming Events: May 3rd - Commitment Sunday: Members will have the opportunity to turn in their commitment forms. May 17th - Confirmation Sunday: Harrison Fegan will be confirmed on this day. June 14th - Annual Meeting: The annual meeting will be held after the service. Please plan to attend. The Eternal Flame: Many years ago former TLC members Dick & Connie Phillips donated The Eternal Flame in memory of Connie's parents, and it was installed in our former sanctuary. When we completed the construction of our addition and renovated our former worship space, The Eternal Flame was moved to the chapel area. Now, with the help of Jim Leaman & Dick Wilson, the Eternal Flame has been installed in our new sanctuary for all to see. First Communion Classes: These 2-3 session classes will be offered to students in 2nd - 5th grades. Confirmation Classes: These classes are for students in 6th - 8th grades. Summer Services: All summer services will continue to be held at 10:30 am. Next meeting: June 7, 2015 Yours in Christ, Richard Wilson Property Dear Members, It is springtime, which is a good thing! It seems the old boiler got us through another winter without many issues! Speaking of the boiler, many of you have been wondering what is happening in the development of the new heating and cooling system. As of this writing, we have had only one bid. It came in higher than we expected. Sonny met with the contractor last week to see if we could lower the cost by doing some of the work ourselves. We are still waiting for them to get back with us. More information to come when I receive their response. In other news, everything else seems to be running very smoothly, which is nice seeing that our church has seen an influx of activity. We have someone in our building every day or night. It's a good thing. In closing, if you see something that needs to be addressed, do not hesitate to come see me! Sincerely, Mike Clapp The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size. ~Gertrude S. Wister Spiritual Outreach THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! TLC’s Spiritual Outreach Committee met on th Monday evening, March 16 . Thanks to all of you who came to our first Family Fun Event. Thanks to my committee for all their hard work. Jennifer Frye for taking over kids games and doing a marvelous job. I heard the kids had a great time. Thanks to Jenny Clapp for organizing the adult games. These, too, were enjoyed by all. Many thanks to Sandy Belyk for making all the prizes and favor bags. I don’t think anyone went home empty handed. She went way beyond expectations. Current projects in progress include: Family Fun Night, Stony Lake Confirmation Camp plans, Family Promise Ministry and Triplicity Concert. We welcome anyone from the congregation to either join our committee or simply attend a meeting and offer some input. Our next meeting will be Monday, May 4th, at 7 PM. Make Your Change Count!!! Our February & March Noisy Offerings were designated for Stony Lake Confirmation Camp; we collected $443, enough to cover all the deposits. Four TLC confirmands will be attending. Stony Lake is located on the west side of the State, north of Muskegon, in New Era, MI. It is run by Living Water Ministries and will take the place of the now closed Camp Michi-Lu-Ca. April Noisy Offerings are designated toward our local Family Promise ministry. Also, thanks to the helpers for the kids games: Sally Rummel, Rosie Quinn, and Janet Wilson. A big thank you to Madeline and Doris for kitchen clean up. That was a big job and unexpected help. You know I am a numbers person so I have to tell you, forty-eight people attended, 15 of them children. Marlene Leaman Scrip Coming Back! Watch for the Scrip Program to be announced! Amanda will be taking orders for Scrip gift cards again this spring. Orders will be taken two times per year, once in the spring and again in November. Family Promise June Tidings Deadline is Friday, May 22 Our week to support Fenton United Methodist Church with th rd Family Promise Ministry is April 27 through May 3 . We will be providing a couple meals as well as help with set-up and laundry. If you are able to volunteer, contact Doris Malfese or Janet Wilson. Family Fun Night Forty-eight people of all ages attended TLC’s first Family th Fun Event on April 18 . WOW - WHAT A GREAT TIME! Lots of activities, games, prizes and food, with Euchre held afterward. If you missed it this time around, make sure to keep your ears perked for another FAMILY FUN EVENT in the future sometime. Marlene Leaman’s ambitious committee of planners & workers stepped up to the plate on this one -- I’m not going to list everyone who helped as I’d surely leave someone out. Pam Gulliver Anna Gibson Bill Thurston Karen Heinecke Rosie Quinn Eric Reickel Marge Ambler Arlene Hayes May 1 May 9 May 9 May 19 May 19 May 26 May 29 May 30 THANK YOU to all who made this such a successful event! Watch for photos to be posted soon… Triplicity Do you know that our two music directors are involved in a trio called Triplicity? They are putting on a free concert at th, TLC on Friday, May 8 at 6:30 PM. The local Youth Orchestra will also be featured. More information will be announced soon. Sandy Berra, 629-6561 Happy Anniversary Larry and Colleen Woodruff Ron and Alison Rummel Rob and Renee McDowell Ivan and Rosie Quinn Jim and Laurie Schwerin Mike and Jenny Clapp Neil and Jennifer Fry May 3, 2003 May 6, 1989 May 9, 2009 May 13, 1989 May 16, 1987 May 19, 1979 May 24, 2013 Prayer Concerns Transfiguration prays together in worship and in personal, daily prayer for all those in need. Prayer concerns should be called or emailed to the church each week or placed on the list at the entrance to the sanctuary. Our prayer concerns included: Darlene Barron Paul Bellmore (friend of Linda Foreman) Jeff Bird (family of Jennifer Fry) Lorraine Boegner (friend of Madeline Smith) Donna Brantley (aunt of Kathy Rezac) Meagan Builte (friend of Linda Foreman) John Bullock (friend of Colleen Woodruff) Chris Burak (brother of Alison Rummel) Bill & Mary Ann Burgin Tim Burgin (son of Burgins) Mary Dean (friend of Linda Foreman) Clarence Erickson (uncle of Ray Guzowski) Mary Ann Evans Carl Foreman Harvey Goldstein (friend of Inhulsens) Allee Gomulka (daughter of Pastor Elaine) Beth Grahl (friend of Ellen Grosser and Madeline Smith) Arlene Hayes Janet (friend of Kathy Rezac) Jayme (friend of Kathy Rezac) Christina Jarrett (granddaughter of Lee Asplund) Jessica Jensen (friend of Thurstons) Ory Johnson (sister-in-law of Lennie Thurston) Dorothy & Eddie Kapa (aunt/uncle of Jeff Belyk) Ross Kettelson Jerri Kramer (friend of Rezacs) Annie Laurie (friend of Ellen Grosser) Bill & Juanita Lewis (friends of Belyks) Logan Stevie Ray Manack Nick Mans (friend of Reickels) Bruce & Sharon Marsee (parents of Kathy Rezac) Kevin & Karen Marsee (family of Kathy Rezac) Kerry & Robin Marsee (family of Kathy Rezac) George Merritt (grandfather of Laura Blanchard) Don Morgan (friend of Clapps & Wilsons) Matt Raymond Ruth Richmond (friend of Marlene Fagerman) Ron Rummel Mark Sawade (friend of Clapps and Wilsons) May 2015 – We Serve With Gladness Please arrange for a substitute if you are unable to serve, and let the office know who the substitute will be. May 3 Worship Asst Communion Child Message Nursery Coffee Hosts Sunday School Sandy Berra Doris Malfese Anna Gibson Sally Rummel Madeline Smith Kim Raymond Lisa Bayer May 24 Lector Sound Ushers Tellers Kim Raymond Richard Wilson Eric Reickel Muriel Reickel Jenny Clapp Stan Smith Sunday School Jan Cooley Marlene Leaman Dennis Inhulsen Beth Fisher Janet Wilson Richard Wilson Jennifer Fry Lector Sound Ushers Tellers Sally Rummel Ricky Rezac Lee Asplund Janet Wilson Stan Smith Jane Inhulsen May 17 Worship Asst Communion Child Message Nursery Coffee Hosts Sunday School Lennie Thurston Kim Raymond Lisa Bayer Anna Gibson Kathy Guzowski Ray Guzowski Rosie Quinn Lector Sound Ushers Tellers Transfiguration Lutheran Church 14176 Fenton Road Fenton, MI 48430 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Marilyn Korpi Lennie Thurston Anna Gibson Sally Rummel Sandi Belyk Worship Asst Communion Child Message Nursery Coffee Hosts Marlene Leaman Doris Malfese Lisa Bayer Anna Gibson Madeline Smith Kim Raymond Lector Sound Ushers Tellers Anna Gibson Rob Blanchard Neil Fry Jennifer Fry Madeline Smith JennyJenny Clapp May 31 May 10 Worship Asst Communion Child Message Nursery Coffee Hosts Worship Asst Communion Child Message Nursery Coffee Hosts 5 The Tidings A publication of: Transfiguration Lutheran Church of the SE Michigan Synod of the ELCA 14176 Fenton Road, Fenton, MI 48430 810-629-7332 • [email protected] Transfiguration Leaders Mark Fisher, D. Min. Jim Leaman, Council President Laura Blanchard, Director of Music Ministry Jane Inhulsen, Secretary Jenny Clapp, Secretary Amanda Fegan Ray Guzowski Dennis Inhulsen Doris Malfese Jane Inhulsen Madeline Smith Lector Sound Ushers Tellers May Altar Guild: Jane Inhulsen & Jan Cooley Dan Stickel Richard Wilson Sandy Berra Bill Thurston Jenny Clapp Stan Smith
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