My Studies on Jyotish and Progeny © Sri Jagannath Center According to Shastras, the soul of a person does not rest in peace after his death, if he is not blessed with a son - Maitreya, BPHS (1-3) 1 by Sarajit Poddar Jyotish Guru, Sri Jagannath Center January 28, 2003, 23:09, Singapore Introduction In human life, the birth of children occupies a very prominent place. The parents find their own image in their children and see the progression of their lineage though the future of their children. The mother has to pass through nine months of grooming of the infant, with all it takes, which a mother can better understand and the results are still uncertain. Many of them are born still, many of them are born with incapability and many get eradicated from their very start of journey. Every thing has a very profound impact on the parents and their future. Prognosticating the sex of the unborn child has been a matter of concern in the recent years, where the foetus are killed when they are substantially grown and had their identity as a human child inside the womb. If the sex of the child is not what the parents want, they were brutally extricated. Thanks to the medical science that it can’t say anything about the sex of the child before it grows up substantially and help the parents to decide in advance whether or not to have a baby. This is where Jyotish comes to rescue. Because it can see the path much ahead of the time, it can forewarn the parents about the future possibilities and help them in making a conscious decision. The more important thing of all is that Jyotish can give remedies, when it judges the possibilities are more negative than positive. Such remedies not only eradicate the root of the problem, but also prepare the parents to boldly face the impending dangers. In the forthcoming portions, we shall study, how to prognosticating the birth and life of the children and the remedies to address the impending difficulties and danger to the parents and child. 2 Fertility of the Parents If the lord of the 5th in the Rasi chart is placed with Mercury, Venus or Saturn, there is problem is procreation as these three planets tend to obstruct the naisargika putra karaka Jupiter. In Female Horoscope, Moon and in Male horoscope, Sun and Jupiter becomes the key controller progeny in the saptamsa and thus the procreation. If they are badly placed, being afflicted, or placed in the Maraka Sthana in the Saptamsa, this can show problem or denial of progeny Strong influences of the fiery element (Mars, Sun) on the fifth house. This can happen due to conjunction, aspect of parivartana of the 5th house / lord. This can be overcome by increasing the dominance of Jala Tattva on the 5th. (COVA, Page 199) Jaimini Says Sun, Rahu and Jupiter in the 9 th shall indicate many Sons, which is also mentioned by Parasara who indicates that the Sun, Rahu or Jupiter will give illustrious son. (Sanjay Rath, J.S. 1.4.25)1 The Moon in the 9th house gives one Son. (J.S. 1.4.26) The ninth in odd sign indicates many children and Vice versa.2 (J.S. 1.4.29 - 30) Lack of Fertility The method of Deha given by Maharishi Jaimini in Upadesha Sutra is infallible in predicting the fertility or procreative ability of the native. Pt. Rath explains this in the following words“This method is based on the Rasi chart. Determine the arudha padas of the third and ninth house from the Lagna and the Sun. The arudha padas of the 3 rd and 9th from the Sun (AS3 and AS9) constitute the ability to sustain the Atma (soul- signified by Sun) in the form of Sperm (i.e., the sperms should have life in them). The arudha padas of the third and ninth from the Lagna (A3 and A9) constitute the physical ability to procreate. If the Sun is in the 2 nd, 6th, 8th or 12th houses from any of these padas, the same can be damaged resulting to infertility. Similarly, if Venus and Mercury conjoin these padas, they produce infertility. If either of these two padas is not damaged, childbirth is delayed and not denied. If the padas from Lagna are afflicted as above, medical attention is required and the astrologer should not attempt remedial measures unnecessarily. However, if the affliction is from the padas from Sun, then astrological remedial measures are necessary.” 1 2 puÇe;u rivra÷guêi-bR÷puÇ>. Aaeje b÷puÇ>., yuGme ALp puÇ>. 3 Mercury, Saturn and / or Venus in the trines to the saptamsa Lagna tend to deny children (J.S. 1.4.24).Mercury and Saturn are eunuch planets and in saptamsa Lagna deny fertility. Venus, on the other hand causes association with too many thereby depleting the chances for progeny. However If both planets giving children (Sun, Rahu, Jupiter and Moon) and those denying children (Mercury, Saturn and Venus) are present, a child will be born after some delay. (J.S. 1.4.27)3 Stressing the point Pt. Rath says in COVA (page 175) that, if Saturn, Venus and Mercury are in trines “alone”, then the native is barren irrespective of all yogas in the birth chart. This is an overriding rule. For female charts, the ninth should be considered and for male charts the fifth for determining procreative successes. (Sanjay Rath, J.S.) Mars’s and Saturn’s influence on the trine to the Saptamsa Lagna show that the native will have Adopted Child or Dutta-Putra4. Pt. Rath says, Mars and Saturn are karaka for the younger and elder brother respectively and could indicate begetting a child through a kinsman as the native many lack procreative abilities or otherwise. It also indicates marriage with a divorcee/widow who already has children from a pervious wedlock. Denial of Children due to Curses (COVA, Page 172) The denial of children could be due to curses incurred in the past birth. These have been elaborately listed in BPHS along with the remedial measures and include Brahma Shapa (curse of priest / astrologer), pitri Shapa (curse of father or elderly paternal relative), Matri Shapa (Curse or mother or someone from mother’s family), Shatru Shapa (Curse of enemies) etc. Let us examine the Brahma Shapa to understand the underlying principles. The conditions for this curse are as follows: a. Rahu in the signs of Jupiter: Rahu represent the curses of past birth and is hence a karmic control planet. In the signs of Jupiter it shows the curse due to priest, judge, astrologer or all persons signified by Jupiter. b. Jupiter conjoined or aspected by Mars and Saturn: Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn owned by Saturn and become marana karaka in the 3rd house signified by Mars. These planets aspecting Jupiter can block it to the extent of denying (Mars) or delaying (Saturn) the fruits of Jupiter, i.e., Children. Simultaneously, the ninth lord should be in the 8th house to confirm that curse. If this condition is not fulfilled, remedial measures shall work easily. c. Sun, Moon or Jupiter and the fifth lord, placed in the eighth house with Malefics: Jupiter, the karaka of the fifth is called Brahmanaspati (the fruits of Brahma) and hence, the Sattvik planets Sun, Moon or Jupiter will represent Saints, Brahmins and 3 4 imïe ivl<bat! puÇ>. k…jzin_ya< dÄpuÇ>. 4 learned men respectively whose placement in the 8th house (curses) with malefic will deny progeny. d. Jupiter in the fifth house conjoined or aspected by the 6th lord: The 6th house being the 2nd from the house of children, 5th, is maraka for children. So the placement of the marakesh, sixth lord in the house of children, with Jupiter (already showing loss), will constitute a curse from a Brahmin due to anger or enmity (shown by 6th lord’s involvement). These curses occur in any trine. If in the ninth house, they afflict the father and fortune of the native and if in the Lagna, they afflict the name and life of the native. Illustration: +-----------------------------------------------+ |As Ju | | |Ra Md | | | | |Gk | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Mo | |Su Ve | | | |A9 | | | |AS3 | | | | | | | | | |-----------| Rasi |-----------| |SaR | |Me | |A9 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Ke AL |HL GL | |Ma | |AS9 | | |A3 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------+ |Ju AL |Ve |Su GL |Mo Ma | | | | |Ke | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Saptamsa | | |-----------| |-----------| |SaR | D-7 |HL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |As Ra |Me Md | |Gk | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+ 5 Number of children 1. The number of children can be found out by counting the Navamsa gained by the 5th lord. For e.g., the 5th lord is placed in Virgo Rasi and Gemini Navamsa. Counting from Gemini (Navamsa) to Virgo Rasi [Virgo (6) - Gemini (3) = 3], we have four signs, i.e., the 5th lord has to gain three Navamsas to reach Virgo or upto three children should be anticipated (COVA- Page 190). This is however a crude method can can be used with extreme care. Max. no. of child = Rasi sign – Navamsa Sign Pt. Rath says that, for this method to work, the 5th lord should be placed with the Jupiter (Karaka for Navamsa). However, from an illustration given in Page 200 of COVA, we see that this is not a necessary condition. Here Mars is not associated or aspected by Jupiter, but the Lagna is aspected by Jupiter from the 7th, through Rasi and Graha Drsti both. Here we might conclude that for this method to work, Jupiter should be strongly placed in the horoscope and influence the factors of progeny. 2. This can also be seen from the planets aspecting the 5th by Graha or Rasi Drsti. Riders The number of children is limited by the Rahu - Ketu axis, unless Jupiter is strongly placed in the D-1, to eliminate all the putra Dosas. (COVA, Page 184) Birth of Twins: The signs Aquarius and Scorpio have two lords each and hence if they happen to be the house of child/ pregnancy, they can indicate twins. Most standard texts prescribe the involvement of the Signs Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio or Aquarius for the birth of the twins. Illustration: In the chart of the standard nativity, the 5th lord Moon is in Aquarius Rasi and Pisces Navamsa, which shows that there are possibilities of 11 children, however while we count from Pisces we have to stop in Taurus, because Gemini is occupied by a node. Thus the maximum no. of children is limited to 2 only shown by the signs Aries and Taurus. Lets go to Saptamsa for more details. 1st child: The Saptamsa Lagna is in an Odd sign and hence the counting shall be in a zodiacal manner. The 1st child is shown by the 5th lord Mars, placed in Gemini with Moon and Ketu. 2nd child: The 2nd child is shown by the 7th lord Mercury. Mercury is placed in Scopio and has exhange. Scorpio generally shows female child being an even sign. Due to the exchange of planets, it indicate male child. Its worthwhile to note that the 6th lord, the maraka is aspecting Mercury, showing that the child shall face terrible condition and can face death. However, due to Graha Dristi of Jupiter on Mercury and Rasi Drsti on the Lagna, the child is saved. 6 Sex of children Rasi Chart For matters concerning children, the placement of the fifth lord and the planets should be seen from the Jupiter, the naisargika putra karaka. If there are planets in strengths from the Jupiter, they can indicate the number and nature of the children. The placement of the fifth lord from Jupiter will indicate the extent of gains from Children etc.- Pt. Sanjay Rath (COVA, Page 169) Normally for determination of sex of the child, the chart of the father is a better indicator. (COVA, Page 188) The Saptamsa The timing of birth of Individual children, their nature, abilities and fortune is seen in the Saptamsa chart. This has been explained in detail by Maharishi Jaimini Upadesha Sutras. (COVA 8.6.1) Counting The first child is seen from the 5th house counted zodiacally or anti-zodiacally depending on whether the Lagna is ODD or EVEN5. The subsequent pregnancies are seen from every third house6 (Manduka Gat7i). Thus if an odd sign ascends in the Saptamsa, the individual pregnancies are seen in the 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th etc. If an even sign ascends in the saptamsa, the individual pregnancies are seen in the 9th, 7th, 5th, 3rd and so on. (COVA) After the Manduka Gati reached the point of start, the sequence of jumps would repeat again, which can’t be allowed. To counter this problem, the next sign arrived at is by Crawling the sign. For illustration, after the jump sequence reaches from 5th to 3rd, the next sign after 3rd would be 5th again, thus here the jump doesn’t progress to the 5th, but the 4th there in, where the frog is supposed to be crawling, than jumping as there is no space for jumping, 5th house, being already considered. “Thus the order of pregnancy becomes 5-7-9-11-1-3-4-6-8-10-12-2. For even sign the sequence becomes 9-7-5-3-1-11-10-8-6-42-12.” The nodes generally indicate the last child. For exapmple, if Rahu is in the 7 th or joins the seventh lord, the native may have two children. (Jaimini Sutras) 5 Pt. Sanjay Rath in Jaimini Sutras (purport of sutra 1.4.31) Umpteen interpretations have been given for this but of no avail. Nilakantha interprets ‘tadesha’ to mean upapada and its lord however it means that the third from the sign arrived at by counting (as per ‘kramat’) Again panchmamsa (= 657/12 = 9 Rem) indicates that for an even sign ascending the 9 th house lord indicates the first pregnancy while for a male sign ascending the fifth house lord indicates the first pregnancy. ‘Kramat’ in the present context means Manduka gati or the frog jump. Thus if the first pregnancy is from the 9th house, the subsequent children will be from the lord of the 7 th, 5th, 3rd 1st etc. respectively (the frog jump is to the third sign). Instead, if the first Pregnancy is from the 5th house, the subsequent children with be judged from the lord of the 7th, 9th, 11th, etc. 6 7 g&h ³mat! k…i] tdIz p<cma<z ¢he_yíEvm!. Manduka is the Sanskrit term for Frog. This jump is signified by Rahu, which signify the Frog. 7 Sex of the Child: The sex of the child is seen from the lord of the sign ruling the house of pregnancy. If the lord is exalted or conjoin male planets (Sun, Rahu, Jup, Mars), the issue is male. If the lord is debilitated or conjoins female planets (Moon, Ketu, Venus), the issue is female. Saturn and Mercury are eunuch planets, but they have found to indicate female and male children respectively. If the lord of the sign is neither exalted/ debilitated, not conjoins any other planets, the sex of the child is seen from the nature of the sign occupied by it. All Odd signs excepting the Aquarius and Gemini are male birth signs while all the even signs, expecting Cancer and Pisces are Female birth signs. Effect of Parivartana On Counting If there is a exchange of house (Parivartana Yoga) between the Saptamsa Lagna lord and the lord of any other house, the counting will be based on whether the other sign is ODD or EVEN and not the oddity of the Saptamsa Lagna. However the counting still starts from the Saptamsa Lagna. (COVA, Page 193) On sex of child If a lord of the child associate with a planet, lets say Venus and there is a parivartana of this planet with another Planet, let’s say Sun. The influence of the other planet, namely Sun will be more dominant over the lord of the child, in determining the sex of the child. (COVA, Page 193). However, if there is a parivartana of the lord of child with another planet, then the sex of the child, determined by the lord of the child is simply reversed. For e.g., if the lord of the child is Venus is placed in Leo, with Moon and the lord of Leo, Sun is placed in house of Venus, Taurus, then the sex of the child indicated by Venus in conjunction with Moon, i.e., Female, shall be changed to Male. Riders If the lord of a child is placed in the house of another child, then one of the children indicated by them shall survive. For illustration the 5th lord is placed in the 7th house, one of the children signified by the 5th and the 7th lords will survive. (Pt. Sanjay Rath). However, in COVA, Pt. Sanjay has presented one more viewpoint while showing the use of Drekkana for co-borns, whereby when the counting reaches a sign which houses another lord of the child, the count crawls over to another sign. To illustrate the point he says “However, Capricorn houses two sisters as indicated by Mercury and Jupiter and should normally have limited the number of elder co-borns. Since the number is actually higher, the next sign Aquarius will indicate the co-born.” (COVA, Page 120) If two lords of the child are placed together, then one of the children shall survive. For e.g., if the lords of 5th and 9th are placed in the same sign, then one among the children shown by them shall survive. However, it is difficult to determine who among them shall 8 survive and can only be determined from practical events. In the present case, if there is a miscarriage of the first child, the 3rd child shown by the 9th lord shall survive and viceversa. If one planet happens to indicate more than one child, then the first child will be shown by the lord of the child however, the 2nd one will be shown by the house of the child and the planets placed therein. To illustrate his point Pt. Rath says in COVA- page 120, when one of the children have been indicated by Mars (House of child – Scorpio), and the next house of the child happens to be Aries, Mars will not show the child, however Aries, placed with Moon will show a sister who is emotional (Moon) and Rash (Aries). Had there been no planet, then Aries would have shown male birth. If Venus becomes the lord of Saptamsa Lagna, the issues indicated by the planets in the 8th from Venus cannot survive unless conjoins Ketu (Ganapati), as these issues will have Venus in the Marana Sthana (Reference). The same principle can be extended to other planets. Thus in case of Different Saptamsa Lagna, the placement of the lord of the child in the following places cannot survive…. Unless supported by the following planets… Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 2nd 6th 7th 7th 11th 8th 1st 5th Thus the principle states that if the Saptamsa Lagna lord is placed in a Marana karaka Sthana from the Lord of the child, then either the parent or the child survive, unless, there is a blessings of……… 9 Fortune of Children Details regarding the fortunes of individual children can be predicted by treating each of the signs occupied by the lord of the pregnancy as the Lagna. For example, the sign occupied by the seventh lord should be treated as the Lagna of the child from the second pregnancy. If the lord of the child has good relationship (Sambandha) with the lord of the Saptamsa Lagna, there will be amicable relationship between the parent and the child. However, the placement of the lord of the child from the Saptamsa Lagna will show, whether the child will be helping his/ her parent in their work. Thus If the lord of any child is placed in the 7 th from the Saptamsa Lagna, the child will oppose the parent. Similarly, if the lord of the child is placed in a Kendra from the Saptamsa Lagna, then the parent and the child will become Paraspara Yogakaraka (Mutual Co-workers). We know that benefics placed in the 3rd and 6th from the AL in the rasi chart, is a bane for materialistic pursuits, showing defeats and losses, whereas a boon for spiritual pursuits. The same principle can be applied in the saptamsa where, if the lord of the child, being a benefic is placed in the 3rd or 6th from the Saptamsa Lagna or its lord, the child shall be responsible for the defeat of parents or their loss of wealth. If the lord of the child is placed in the 12 th from the lord of Saptamsa Lagna, the child will reside in a foreign land away from the parents. 12 th is the house which shows rejection of the matters ruled by the planet placed in the 12th from the Lagna. Thus is the lord of the child is placed in the 12th, then this will show that the child will be having some kind of indifferent relationship from the parent and being a house which shows long journey, the child will be staying at a very long distance. Similarly the Marriages of the children can be seen from the Upapadas from the Lord of the children. For illustration, if the lord of the child is placed in Aries with Jupiter, the upapada will be placed in Taurus, taking Pisces as the 12th from the Lagna of child in Aries. 10 Controlling house of Child and Marakas The controlling house for children in male charts is the fifth house and in the female charts is the ninth house. Thus the maraca house in the male chart will be the sixth house and in the female chart it will be the 10th house. There can be loss of pregnancy under following circumstances 1. The lord of the child is in the Maraka Sthana 2. The lord of the child conjoins or aspected by the Marakas 3. The Marakas are placed in the house of the child. The house of the child is house which determines the pregnancies. For illustration, 7th house is the house of 2nd child. However, Venus becomes the lord of the child, then even if it is placed in the Maraka Sthana, the child might survive although prematurely delivered (COVA, Page 193). There is a possibility of Severe Setback to the health of the child or presence of Balarista in the horoscope. Venus being the controller of the life giving mantra, Mrtyunjaya, does not let the child die. In-fact in the horoscopes of such child, Venus will be strongly placed and the Dasa of Venus will be very fruitful for these children. If the lord of the child is in these places, the child may be weak. If Venus conjoins, a premature delivery is indicated and the child will generally survive. (Jaimini Sutras, 1.4.31) Illustration Treat Gemini as the temporary ascendant of the second pregnancy. The Saptamsa Lagna lord is Mars, representing the native and its placement in the second from Gemini, the house of the child, in debility threatens the life of the twins as the Native himself would be against their birth. (COVA, Page - 200). The conjunction of Jupiter and Moon does not alter the situation as both of them are friendly to Mars and inimical to Venus. In the Rasi chart, the 5th house represents the children and the longevity is shown by the 8 th from the 5th, i.e., the 12th house. The arudha of the 12th house, i.e., the upapada plays a crucial role in determining the longevity of the children and continuing the lineage. Thus fasting on the days ruled by the lord of Upapada is the best remedy against all evils. (COVA, Page 201). Death of children or termination of pregnancies can be seen during the months when Sun is in trines to Upapada as it would active the Mrityupada (Arudha of 8th house) for the children. Read the last para on page 201 for termination of pregnancies. If there is a aspect of the Maraka on the lord of the child, In the female chart, if the Moon is in strength, by the blessings of Santana Gopala Krsna, children will be safely delivered. (COVA, Page - 203) 11 Timing the Birth of child 1. Dasa: The Dasa planet should have benefic argala on the “Saptamsa Lagna lord” or obstruct malefic argala on the same. If the Dasa planet has rasi drsti on the Saptamsa Lagna lord, then also there will be birth of a child (COVA, Page 184) 2. Antardasa: The antardasa planet should associate with the lord of the child or placed in trine, 7th or 12th from it. This is also possible, if there is a strong argala of the antardasa planet on the dasa lord of the child. (COVA, Page185). The planet having argala on the lord of the child can also show the antardasa of birth of the child. 3. Pratyantar: The pratyantar dasa planet is normally of a planet in trines to the saptamsa Lagna who invariably contributes the Lagna of the child. This can be confirmed from the Narayana Dasa. COVA, Page 177: Thus the dasa lord takes the lord of the Saptamsa Lagna to the Antardasa lord who brings the Particular child. This yoga results in the childbirth Rider In case there is a parivartana of the Saptamsa Lagna lord with the lord of another house, the Lagna temporarily shifts to another house and the pratyantar should be judged from the temporary Lagna (COVA, 195, 196). However the Lagna of the child is to be judged form the trines to the Actual Saptamsa Lagna. Among all the trines which can show the Lagna of the child, the one who is placed in the Kendra to the Lord of the child shows the highest possibility (COVA 196). Among the planets who are placed in the sign determining the Lagna, the strongest among them shall determine the Lagna. Rasi of the Child The moon sign of the child is generally the quadrant or trine to the Saptamsa Moon. 12 Well-being of the Children and Progenic Happiness The chara-putra Karaka is the key controller of the progenic happiness in the Navamsa. If it is afflicted then it could deny progeny or progenic happiness. The chara putra karaka is used to time the well-being of the children (COVA 200). Nature of the child The nature of the child can be judged, treating the sign, where the lord of the child is placed, as the Lagna of the child. The lord of the child shall have the most predominant influence on the child, along with the sign where the Lagna of the child has fallen and the trines to the Lagna of the child. For example, if the lord of the child is Mars, then the child is short tempered, aggressive, logical, rational, practical etc. However, when Mars is placed in Pisces, we can say that the child is intelligent, gets angry only when provoked etc. 13 Life sketch of children with Narayana Dasa and Vimshottari Dasa 14 Predicting Misfortune and Death of children 1. 2. 3. Longevity Shoola Dasa Narayana Dasa in predicting misfortune COVA (Page 171) Natural benefics in the fifth house are not detrimental for children even if they own malefic houses like the sixth, eighths, twelfth etc. Similarly natural malefic planets in the 5th house are not conducive for the happiness from children If the fifth house is owned by either Venus or the Moon and is aspected or occupied by Venus or Moon, many children will be born. The Principle involved is the strength of the fluid elements (Jala Tattva) in the body. Thus, it is a pre-requisite to have strong fluid elements influencing the fifth house. If instead, fiery elements are present remedial measures will be necessary If the fifth house is Capricorn occupied by Saturn and Mars, the native has three daughters. If instead the combination is in Aquarius in the fifth, the native has five children, while in other signs the children will be denied. This happens because, unless Saturn is placed in its own sign, the presence of Sat and Mars can be very damaging for the children. This follows the same principle as above, which states that the malefics can be damaging to the Progeny. If Jupiter is in the fifth house, there will be five sons of which, three survive. If Jupiter in the fifth is in Pisces very few children are seen while a stronger Jupiter in Sagittarius in Moolatrikona, children obtained with Difficulty. If Jupiter is even stronger in Cancer or Aquarius, in the fifth house, children will be denied. This is based on the principle Karaka Bhava Nasaya, i.e., a natural significator placed in the house damages its Significations. REMEDIES: If 5th lord is exalted and Jupiter is strongly placed in the Kendra, even then the progeny can be denied which can show up in the saptamsa chart. The remedial measures in this case are seen from the Santana Tithi. Posyaputra Yoga; This happens when the fifth house or the lord is associated with the signs of Mercury or Saturn. If the 5th house is aspected or conjoined by Saturn and Mandi, this can happen due to denial of children. If instead the Upapada or the 7th house/ lord is associated with Rahu, then this can happen due to marriage with a widow, who has children from her first marriage. 15 The Shaapas and Denial of Children (BPHS) Refer to COVA thereafter NOTE: THE REMARRIAGE HAS NOT SHIFTED THE HOUSE OF THE CHILD TO THE 2ND HOUSE (Page 188 COVA, Illustration with Chart 53) Remedies 1. Trideva or Tridevi yoga: Parasara: Birth of a daughter after the birth of three sons or the birth of a son after the birth of three daughters is ominous for both the maternal and paternal families of such children. Therefore remedial measures, described below, may be taken to get deliverance from these evil effects. The rites should be performed on the morning next to the last day of Sutak, or on any other auspicious day in the following order. After selecting a priest and some Brahmins to perform the remedial religious rites, the priest, after paying obeisance to the nine Grahas, should install four Kalashas on a heap of paddy, place the idols of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha and Indra, made of gold, on them and perform their worship in the prescribed manner. A Brahmin (an assistant of the priest), after taking bath etc., should recite four Rudra Suktas and the whole of Shanti Sukta. The priest should perform Havan with Samidha, Ghī and sesame seeds 1008, 108, or 28 times with the recitation of the prescribed Mantras of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha and Indra. Svistkrata and Purnahuti and Abhisheka of the child with his family should be done and presents in cash should be given to the priest and his assistants, according to one’s means. The Brahmins should be fed. The father and the mother of the child should see their reflections in the Ghī, kept in a bronze vessel. Lastly grains and clothes should be distributed to the poor and the needy. By the performance of the above remedial rites the evil effects are wiped out and the child and his parents etc. enjoy happiness. 6-9. It is considered inauspicious for a girl to become pregnant, or to deliver a child in her 15 th, or 16th year from birth. The remedial measures to be adopted are the same, as given in verses 3-9 in Ch. 95. 16 Effects of Curses in the Previous Birth This section describes the various sins, which causes destruction of children, the yogas therein and the remedial measures to protect the children. Yogas for loss of children and the requisite remedial measures. A person will be without a son, if Guru, the Lord of Lagn and the Lord of the 5th are all devoid of strength. The same will happen, if Sūrya, Mangal, Rahu and Śani, endowed with strength, be in the 5th and the significator for children, namely Guru and Lord of the 5 th etc. be bereft of strength. Curse of Serpents: Rahu is in the 5th, aspected by Mangal; the significator for children is associated with Mangal, Lagn is occupied by Rahu and the Lord of the 5th is in 6th, 8th, or 12th; Budh, as Lord of the 5th, being in the Navams of Mangal, is associated with Mangal and Lagn is occupied by Rahu and Gulika; the 5th is Mesh, or Vrischik and the Lord of the 5th is associated with Rahu, or Budh; the Lord of Lagn, or Guru is associated with Rahu and the Lord of the 5th is in conjunction with Mangal. the Lord of 5th is associated with Rahu and Candra is in the 5th and is aspected by Śani; the significator for children (Guru) is associated with Rahu, the Lord of the 5th is devoid of strength and the Lord of Lagn is with Mangal; the 5th is occupied by Sūrya, Śani, Mangal, Rahu, Budh and Guru and the Lords of the 5 th and Lagn are devoid of strength; Remedial measures These are getting an idol of Naga (serpent) Raja, made in gold and, after worshipping it in accordance with prescribed procedure, giving in charity a cow, some land, sesame seeds and gold etc. By adopting these measures the Lord of Serpents will be gratified and by his beneficence the person concerned will be blessed with a son and the lineage of his family will be prolonged. Curse of the Father Sūrya in his debilitation Rāśi and in the Navams of Śani is hemmed in between malefics in the 5th Bhava; Sūrya, as Lord of the 5th, posited in a Trikon with a malefic, is hemmed in between malefics and is also aspected by a malefic; Guru occupies the Rāśi of Sūrya, the Lord of the 5th is with Sūrya and Lagn and the 5th are occupied by malefics; Lord of Lagn, devoid of strength, is in the 5 th and the Lord of the 5th is combust and Lagn and the 5th are occupied by malefics; 17 there is exchange of Bhavas between Lords of the 5th and the 10th and Lagn and the 5th are occupied by malefics; Mangal, as the Lord of the 10th, is associated with the Lord of the 5 th and Lagn, the 5th and the 10th are occupied by malefics; Lord of the 10th is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th, Guru is in a malefic Rāśi and the Lord of Lagn and the 5th are associated with malefics; Sūrya, Mangal and Śani are in Lagn and the 5 th and Rahu and Guru are in the 8th and the 12th; Sūrya is in the 8th, Śani in the 5th, the Lord of the 5th is associated with Rahu and Lagn is occupied by a malefic; Lord of 12th is in Lagn, Lord of 8th in 5th and Lord of 10th in 8th; Lord of 6th is in 5th, Lord of 10th in 6th and Guru is associated with Rahu Remedial measures: Performance of Shraddha at Gaya; to feed ten thousand, one thousand, or 100 Brahmins, as one can afford. Kanyadana (to perform the marriage of a girl). Giving a cow in charity. Note. In this chapter, where the words ‘childlessness’ and ‘issue-lessness’ are used, they should be interpreted to mean want of male issue, because it is the male issue, who by performing the last rites of his father and mother ensures eternal peace to their souls. Curse of the mother: Candr, as Lord of the 5th is in her debilitation Rāśi, or is hemmed in between malefics and 4th and 5th are occupied by malefics; Śani is in 11th, 4th is occupied by malefics and Candr is posited in the 5th in her debilitation Rāśi; Lord of 5th is in 6th, 8th, or 12th, Lord of Lagn in his debilitation Rāśi and Candr is associated with malefics; Lord of 5th is in 8th, 6th, or 12th, Candr in a malefic Navams and there are malefics in Lagn and in 5th; Lord of 5th and Candr, associated with Śani, Rahu and Mangal, are in 5th, or 9th; Lords of Lagn and 5th are in 6th, Lord of 4th in 8th and Lagn is occupied by Lord of 8th and 10th; Lagn is occupied by the Lords of 6th and 8th, Lord of 4th is in 12th and Candr and Guru, associated with malefics, are in the 5th; Lagn is hemmed in between malefics, waning Candr is in 7th and 4th and 5th are occupied by Rahu and Śani, respectively; there is exchange of Bhavas between Lords of 5th and 8th and the Lord of 4th and Candr are in 6th, 8th, or 12th; Mangal, as Lord of 4th is associated with Śani and Rahu and 5th and Lagn are occupied by Sūrya and Candr, respectively; 18 Kark Lagn is occupied by Mangal and Rahu and Candr and Śani are in 5th; Mangal, Rahu, Sūrya and Śani are in Lagn, 5th, 8th and 12th, respectively, and the Lords of Lagn and 4th are in 6th, 8th, or 12th; Mangal, Rahu and Guru are in 8th and Śani and Candr are in 5th. Remedies For release from this curse and to beget a male issue the person concerned should take bath in the sea with bridge of rocks between India and Sri Lanka, recite one Lakh Gayatri Mantras, give in charity things, connected with evil Grahas, feed Brahmins and go round a Pipal tree 1008 times. By performing these remedial measures, he will not only beget a son, the lineage of family will also be prolonged. Curse of the brother Lord of 3rd with Rahu and Mangal is in 5th and Lords of Lagn and 5th are in 8th. Guru in his debilitation Rāśi is in 3rd, Śani in 5th and Candr and Mangal are in 8th. the 3rd is occupied by the Lord of 10th along with a malefic and a benefic is with Mangal in 5th. the 5th in a Rāśi of Budh is occupied by Śani and Rahu and Budh and Mangal are in 12th. Lord of 8th is in 5th along with the Lord of 3rd and Mangal and Śani are in 8th. Lagn and 5th are occupied by Mangal and Śani, respectively, the Lord of 3rd is in 9th and Mangal, the significator for brothers, is in 8th. Lord of Lagn is in 12th, Mangal in 5th and Lord of 5th, associated with a malefic, in 8th. Lagn and the 5th are hemmed in between malefics and the Lord of Lagn and 5 th are in 6th, 8th, or 12th. the 3rd is occupied by the Lord of Lagn, the Lord of 3rd occupies the 5th and Lagn, 3rd and 5th are with malefics; Lord of 3rd is in 8th and Guru is associated with Śani in 5th. Remedies: The person concerned will, without doubt, get release from the curse, will be blessed with a son and the prolongation of his family lineage will be ensured, if the following remedial measures are adopted. He should Observing Candrayana fast after listening to Haribansa Puran. He should plant a sapling of Pipal in front of Saligram on the banks of the Caveri river, or on the Ganga, or Mahanadi and offer prayers to it. He should give 10 cows in charity through his wife. He should give in charity land with mango trees, planted on it. Ccurse of the maternal uncle 5th is occupied by Budh, Guru, Mangal and Rahu and Śani is in Lagn. the 5th is occupied by the Lords of Lagn and of 5th along with Śani, Mangal and Budh. 19 Lagn is occupied by a combust Lord of 6th, Śani is in 7th and Lord of Lagn is associated with Budh. Lords of Lagn and 4th are in Lagn and Candr, Budh and Mangal are in 5th. Remedies To get release from the curse and for being blessed with a son and for ensuring the prolongation of the lineage of the family the following remedial measures are to be adopted. Installation of an idol of Lord Vishnu. Construction of a deep, or ordinary well, dam, or reservoir, or all of them. Curse of a Brahmin Rahu is in Jupiter’s Sign and Jupiter in 5th; Guru, being in the Navams of Śani, is associated with Śani and Mangal and the Lord of 5th is in 12th; Guru is associated with Śani in Lagn and Rahu is in 9th, or Rahu is with Guru in 12th. Lord of 9th is in 5th and Lord of 5th in 8th along with Guru, Mangal and Rahu Lord of 9th is in his debilitation Rāśi and Lord of 12th, associated with Rahu, is in 5th; Guru is in his debilitation Rāśi, Rahu in Lagn, or 5th and Lord of 5th in 6th, 8th, or 12th; Lord of 5th and Guru, associated with malefics, are in 8th, or the Lord of 5th, associated with Sūrya and Candr, is in 8th; Remedies: To obtain relief from the evil effects of the above Yogas the remedial measures are to observe Candrayana fast and to do penance three times and to give in charity a cow and five gems with gold, after feeding Brahmins, according to one’s means and giving them presents in cash. Then the person will be released from the curse and will be endowed with happiness. Curse of the wife: if at birth Lord of Lagn is in 5th, Śani in the Navams of Lord of 7th and Lord of 5th in 8th; Lord of 7th is in 8th, Lord of 12th in 5th and Guru is associated with a malefic; Śukr is in 5th, Lord of 7th in 8th and 5th is occupied by a malefic; the 2nd and 5th are occupied by a malefic and Lord of 7th is in 8th; Śani and Śukr are in 7th, Lord of 8th is in 5th and Lagn is occupied by Sūrya and Rahu; Mangal occupies 2nd, Guru is in 12th and Śukr and Rahu are in 5th; Śukr is in 9th, Lord of 7th in 8th and Lagn and 5th are occupied by malefics; Śukr is Lord of 9th, Lord of 5th is in an inimical Rāśi and Lord of Lagn and 7 th and Guru are in 6th, 8th, or 12th; the 5th is Vrishabh, or Tul, occupied by Sūrya and Candr and 12th, Lagn and 2nd are occupied by malefics; Lords of 2nd and 7th are in 8th, Mangal and Śani occupy 5th and Lagn, respectively, and Guru is associated with a malefic; Rahu is in Lagn, Śani in 5 th, Mangal in 9th and Lords of 5th and 7th are in 8th. 20 Remedies: The person concerned gets release from the curse and is blessed with a son, if he performs the marriage of an unmarried girl, or, if such a girl is not available, a gold idol of the Lakshminarayana, fertile cow, a bed, ornaments and garments to a Brahmin couple. Notes. According to our view, ‘Kanyadana’ does not mean giving a girl in charity, but helping in the performance of the marriage of an unmarried girl, not his own daughter. Curses of the departed Souls If the person, whose duty is to do so, does not perform Shraddha of his father, or mother in his previous birth, the departed soul is formed into an evil spirit and he is deprived of a male issue in the next birth. This is revealed by the following Yogas at birth. Śani and Sūrya in 5th, waning Candr in 7th and Rahu and Guru in 12th; Rahu is in Lagn, Śani in 5th and Guru in 8th; Lord of 5th and Guru are in their debilitation Rāśis, aspected by debilitated Grahas; Śani, as Lord of 5th in 8th, Mangal in Lagn and Guru in 8th; Malefics are in Lagn, Sūrya in 12th, Mangal, Śani and Budh are in 5th and the Lord of 5th is in 8th; Śukr, Guru and Rahu are in Lagn, associated with Candr and Śani and the Lord of Lagn are in 8th; Śani is in Lagn, Rahu in 5th, Sūrya in 8th and Mangal in 12th; Lord of 7th is in 6th, 8th, or 12th, Candr is in 5th, Śani and Gulika are in Lagn; Lord of 8th along with Śani and Śukr is in 5th and Guru is in his debilitation Rāśi. Remedies: The person concerned gets release from the curse and is blessed with a son, if he undertakes the following remedial measures. Performance of a Pinda Dana, Rudra Abhisheka, giving in charity a gold idol of Brahma, a cow, a vessel, made of silver and a Neelamani, feeding Brahmins and giving them presents in cash. Other remedies for Graha If a person is deprived of a male issue, as a result of malevolence of Grahas at birth, he will be blessed with a son, if he undertakes the following remedial measures. Worshipping Lord Shiva, if the harm is, as a result of the malevolence of Budh and Śukr; reciting of Santan Gopal Mantra, wearing and worshipping appropriate Yantra and taking suitable medicines, if the childlessness is a result of the malevolence of Guru and Candr; Kanya Dana, if the childlessness is due to malevolence of Rahu; worshipping of Lord Vishnu, if it is due to malevolence of Sūrya; Rudriya Japa, if it is due to the malevolence of Mangal and Śani. Listening with devotion to Haribansh Puran removes all kinds of blemishes and blesses the person concerned with a son. 21 22 Remedial Measures from the Malevolence of Grahas 1. Maitreya said. O Venerable Sage! Please describe for the good of mankind the remedial measures for appeasement of the malevolent Grahas. 2. The Sage replied. I have already described the names and characteristic features and qualities of the Grahas. Joys and sorrows of all the creatures in the world are dependent on these Grahas. Therefore persons desirous of peace, wealth and prosperity, rainfall, good health and longevity should worship the Grahas (by prayers, recitation of Mantras, charity etc.). 3-5. For the purpose of worshipping them the idols of planets should be made up of following materials Sūrya, copper Candr, Sphatika Mangal, red sandal wood Budh, gold Guru, gold Śukr, silver Śani, iron Rahu glass Ketu bell metal Alternatively the sketches of all the above Grahas should be drawn in the colours, belonging to them, on a piece of cloth by sandal etc. and they should be placed in their own directions. Contemplation on Various Grahas: Contemplate of Sūrya well adorned with two arms, seated on a lotus, with a lotus flower in one hand, red-coloured, like lotus and aboard a chariot of seven horses. Contemplate of Candr white-coloured, dressed in white robes, with two arms, carrying a mace in one hand and a Vara in the other, adorned with white-coloured ornaments and aboard a chariot of ten horses. Contemplate of Mangal with a red necklace, dressed in red-coloured robes, with four arms, carrying Shakti, Shoola, Gada (mace) and Vara and mounted on a lamb. Contemplate of Budh with a yellow-coloured garland, dressed in yellow robes, with four arms, carrying a sword, a shield, a mace and Vara, mounted on a lion. Contemplate of Guru, as yellow complexion and Śukr of fair complexion, both with four arms, carrying a Danda, Akshasutra, Kamandal and Vara. Contemplate of Śani with the lustre, like that of Indraneela, with four arms, carrying Shoola, bow, arrow and Vara, mounted on a donkey. Contemplate of Rahu with a hideous face, with four arms, carrying a sword, a shield, a Shoola and a Vara, blue-coloured and mounted on a lion. There are many Ketus. All of them are of smoky colour, with two arms, carrying a mace and a Vara, with a hideous face and mounted on a donkey. All the idols should be so made, that they are 108 fingers tall by one’s own fingers. Notes. Such a measurement is taken from the middle finger. 23 15-16. Dedicate with devotion to the Grah concerned the flowers and garments of the colour, belonging to him, sandal, Deep, Guggul etc., his metal and the grains, dear to him and distribute all these things to Brahmins to appease the Grah. 17-20. The Mantras of all the Grahas and the prescribed number of their recitation are given below. The recitation of Mantras should be done after worshipping the Grahas, as indicated in verses 15-16. Grah Mantra prescribed number: Sūrya 7000, Candr 11000, Mangal 11000, Budh 9000, Guru 19000, Śukr 16000, Śani 23000, Rahu 18000, Ketu 17000. 21-22. Havan should be performed with Aak, Palash, Khair, Chirchiri, Pipal, Goolar, Shami wood pieces, Doob and Kush, for Sūrya, Candr, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Śukr, Śani, Rahu and Ketu, respectively, mixed with honey, Ghī, curd, or milk. The number of offerings to the sacred fire is 108, or 28. 23-24. To appease Sūrya and the other eight Grahas Brahmins should be fed with (cream) of rice cooked with jaggery, rice cooked in milk, Havishya, paddy cooked in milk, curd and rice, rice with Ghī, rice cooked with powder of sesame seeds, rice cooked with meat, rice cooked with cereals, respectively. 25. To appease Sūrya and other Grahas the things to be given in charity are cow with calf, conch, bullock, gold, robes, horse, black cow, weapons made of iron and goat, respectively. 26-27. The Grah, who is the cause of adverse effects to a person at any time, should be handled by worship and appeasing (of the benevolent ones), because Brahma has blessed the Grahas with the boon “Do to the persons, who worship you”. And the development and progress and downfall of the people and the creation and destruction of the universe are all under the administration and authority of the Grahas. Therefore they are most venerable. 24
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