ONTARIO GOVERNMENT APPROVED NON-PROFIT CORPORATION # 1707010 ,jo:; 12 Òrk;gH - 2011 Volume: 6 Issue: 12 December - 2011 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: * Editorial Brilliance Dec. 2011.........1 * How Meditation Benefits The Brain 2 * Spiritual Panes of Light...................3 * A Way to Start a Meditation Session.......... ....10 * The Great Spiritual Trunk Road of Ancestors............11 nghUslf;fk; • NsqiqbiqmlqVf<K!o osb<kq////////////27 • Obig!u usqm<ml<!= hqvl<liEhu!u uqtg<gl<////28 • lel<!d{<jlbqz<! nPg<gieki@/////////////////////2: • -l<lik!f fqgp<Ugt<!sqz//////////////31 • hqxpik!h hqvuigl<///////////////////////////31 • wz<zi!d dbqVl< fl<!dbqOv///////////////////////////32 • ke<jebxqb////////////////////////////////////33 • lgp<ss < qjbk! < kVhuIgt! < biI@!334 • lekqx<Gh<!hbqx<sq!O Ou{<Ml<///////34 • thHj;ij ............................................24 2011tJ Mz;il khHfopAld; tpilngWNthk;! connection with any external contact or objects. In worldly happiness, there is exhaustion after, but in bliss there is no such exhaustion, rather it is equanimity, stillness, continuous flow of nectar, and attributeless. The point is, not having any of the following deterioration, sorrow, changes, feeling of inadequacy, turmoil, frenzy, lack of balance, favouritism etc. is "bliss". Hari Om Readers! We are meeting through this magazine at the tail end of the year. Dawning a new year psychologically and socially. Do actually are we entering into a new year? No. Our conditioned mind fitted according to the societal play. Normally what everybody is expectation on the dawning new year? Happiness is everybody's answer. Is there any happiness other than the worldly happiness? Bliss is of two kinds, "Akhand" (Uninterrupted, Continuous) Bliss and "Anant" (Infinite, eternal) Bliss. The Bliss of Salvation is Uninterrupted, whereas the bliss of Divine Love is infinite. The Continuous bliss is equal, still, single continuous flow of nectar, whereas in Infinite Bliss, there is every moment, ever increasing. In other words, the bliss of Divine Love is far more extraordinary than the bliss of salvation. In salvation, only the worldly sorrows are wiped out and the self remains as is. But in divine love, the Self gravitates towards it's source (anshi) - Paramatma (Supreme Soul, Supreme Consciousness). What is the difference between worldly happiness and permanent happiness? Worldly happiness is with reference to worldly unhappiness / sorrow. In other words, along with worldly happiness, there is also worldly sorrow. But Bliss is neutral, it is not mixed with any sorrow. In worldly happiness there are changes (often changes for the worse, deterioration), but Bliss is changeless. Worldly happiness is related to senseobjects and through contact with these, but bliss has no -1- How Meditation Benefits The Brain If a spiritual aspirant has no insistence of any sort, then he automatically eases into silent uninterrupted bliss and continuous and infinite nectar filled transcendence. Whether Bliss can be experienced by an ordinary man? Yes. ,Provided he can spread unconditional love towards the universe or creation and by himself!. Where can get the explanation and experience? If you are earnestly seeking, why do not visit CYVO's workshops in weekends by contacting 416 282 0743 and 416 254 3064. A new brain imaging study led by researchers at Yale University shows how people who regularly practise meditation are able to switch off areas of the brain linked to daydreaming, anxiety, schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders. The brains of experienced mediators appear to show less activity in an area known as the "default mode network", which is linked to largely self-centred thinking. The researchers suggest through monitoring and suppressing or "tuning out" the "me" thoughts, mediators develop a new default mode, which is more present-centred. Till we meeting in the next issue--that is the New-Year issue! With Love ,Light and Peace, SWAMI PARAMATMANANDA. DECEMBER 2011-TORONTO. A report of their findings is due to be published online this week in the Proceedings of the National -2- Academy of Sciences. has been linked to lapses of attention, and disorders such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and anxiety. This part of the brain, comprising the medial prefrontal and posterior cingulate cortex, has also been linked to the accumulation of beta amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease. Meditation can help deal with a variety of health problems, from quitting smoking, to coping with cancer, and even preventing psoriasis, one of the researchers said in a statement. For this study, they wanted to look further into the neurological mechanisms that might be involved. They also found that when the default mode new. Lead author Judson A. Brewer, assistant professor of psychiatry at Yale, and colleagues, used fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) scans to observe the brains of both novice and experienced mediators as they practised three different forms of meditation. SPIRITUAL PANES OF LIGHT . Panes, as in large square glass window. Imagine them vastly huge, made of light but they can also bend and flux, kind of like... whales moving through water I guess. That's what it feels like. They found that the experienced mediators, regardless of the type of meditation they practised, seemed able to switch off the default mode network, which -3- in this case physical body) always pulls you back in... with just a simple desire or thought of return. No matter how far away you are. These massive panes of dimensional light "move" towards each other and crisscross. When this happens, this is what you are looking for. Like I said, time and space are truly irrelevant. When you move through to these other places, it's like diving at a tropical exotic beach. Once underwater you are blown away, but your air is running out and you are forced to surface. The more skilled you become the longer you can dive, or... if you have help... lets say the equivalent of a diving tank, or "Teacher", then you can go deeper and further. As you become more skilled, greater lengths of time can become indefinite. At the moment of layering between the two panes, or colors, there temporarily becomes a third color, a "Frequency". This is a doorway of sorts. "It takes real skill to catch these. But don't over focus on them as you will miss out on other very important developmental knowledge." Move through it and you cross space and time. Getting back to your marker (organic body) is never a problem. Most people will have a hard enough time remaining wherever they go. Your anchor (or When most people arrive "In" the Planes of -4- Light, they are zoomed in. concept holds true for most all of the teachings, you need to think outside of the box. What I am saying is you unconsciously choose to "imitate" the size of your physical body. So in comparison to the massive size, or what appears massive to you, is because you choose to be small. Think about this. Your Navigator is already familiar with what I am saying. Keep in mind you must grasp that size is irrelevant. If you don't, you will remain as energy the same or similar size as your organic body. In comparison, the panes of light / ribbons are truly massive; I suppose they can be larger than entire worlds and even galaxies etc. You are small there because you "unconsciously" choose to be, but at other times these massive bands of light are smaller and more within your physical size. Ok, hold on now. Let me suggest that these bands did not get smaller, you simply got bigger. It is the human mind that cannot wrap around this concept as it limits itself with organic rules. "Chew on it." The same So once you "appear" you're kind of inside of a band or outside observing. Keep in mind not to limit your mind either. There are trillion upon trillions of these ribbons and they vastly range in size even to the microscopic and beyond. Hence the difference, at times, when people say it's like -5- illuminated energy all around them, "fog", or they see a wall of energy and say to themselves this must be the Planes of Light, because they are outside of it. Uggh. The funny part is that they are in a lighter band of light and don't realize it. The band that they are seeing is simply darker in its luminosity. Uugghh! Once more... because there really isn't light but... aaahhhhhhhhhh! It's more like static if you look real, real close... ahhhh! frequency etc, you simply move, "Like walk, but no physical action. You don't have body parts and if you do... this is you holding a concept and creating them on your energy body." Body parts in dimensional places are like having a giant fish tail on land! I mean, even a head with hair and eyes strikes me as insanely odd to me there. You are energy; nothing more, nothing less. It's bad enough that everything I am saying has to be piped and packed into terms you can relate to as a human.. Aaahhhh! Back to my point. You just need to see it for yourself! Keep in mind the "plural" term "Planes" of Light. This already indicates many bands of light. Into a different band "Pane" - here is the tricky part. When two cross, there is a third special frequency created "temporarily." If you move through this This does not occur to the novice. If you want to experience a different multi-dimensional -6- one - "Here is the secret" - you are able to move to "God-like" areas. Enough said! this? Although it's not nearly accurate, but its pretty damn close just the same. What are the Planes of Light? Ok, if you really need to know? -- Think of your brain as an organic, well, a clump of matter. Now when you "move", this is called "Navigating". It's the skill of holding your mind together. It's "mad skill" the more you can hold it together the deeper and further you can move into them and the amount of time you can operate from them. There is just not enough time to explain all this. Now envision all of the electrons and electrical currents jumping around throughout it. Now you have two. The first is the organic matter and the second the electrical energies. Now pull the two apart. Put the organic brain aside, "Primitive", and look at the clump of energies. Now zoom in and you are in the Planes of Light! Except the Planes of Light we are speaking of, is of God. Watch the movie "Dune" (make sure it's the original). When I first saw this movie and they showed these creatures, "which once were human", that evolved to look like whale-"ish" creatures... and developed the power to fold space; I was shocked! I thought how did this writer know So back to Earth regarding the movie Dune; movies are -7- simply an artistic relationship of collective thought and universal inspiration encouraging mankind to learn and grow. Secondly this writer very well may have carried memories into this life and was to able to reflect some image of it onto canvas for the world to see. Don't know, don't care. It is what it is. "See Joseph Campbell" another brilliant, brilliant man. Here is a tool you can use to help better understand the things I speak of. But remember, as great of a tool it is, it comes short to the real deal. In the Movie "Dune" these giant whale/human creatures basically for thousands of years used this powder called "Spice", that people would use to expand their minds. In fact, all of the gifted races in the movie had their own version of this powder. Basically they get the spice from only one planet in the universe, it is nowhere else. Many of the scenes or characters relate very well for me, ha ha, even the "Baron" (as a previous person who attempted to squash Higher Balance out in its earlier days) because of his desire to control. Of course one understands that it is a sensationalized movie. But the writer used history and spiritual stories that were real and then rewrote a modern version and made it into a movie. From its raw form, they process it to their liking or "secret recipe" and then use it to expand their minds which creates certain -8- paranormal abilities, uggh. Whheeewww, getting winded, ha ha. Let me point a few things out so when you see the movie you can get more out of it. When the whale-like creature folds space and takes these giant crafts with it, it blows out and creates the world it wants to go to. The whale-like creatures are the cream of the crop out of all species. Their secret recipe has evolved them physically from humans to whalelike. Their power is to fold space. They captain giant tubular spacecrafts that can hold giant military space fleets inside. Once everything is in and floating inside the tube spacecraft, the Captain/pilot/NAVIGATO R moves their mind with the whole craft and "Will's" themselves light years across space. The tube, in a matter of lets say seconds or minutes, re-appears orbiting over the desired planet. The pilot opens the giant bay doors and the mass of crafts come out and go to the surface of the planet. As it closes it eyes and then opens them, the whale is then in the craft floating over the planet. It becomes real and the whole craft reappears in the real world. The whale-like "Navigator" now is floating next to the planet, as is the entire space craft, and unquestionably accepts this as its truth. Oh boy, let me try to sort this. When I describe these dimensional places to you, it reawakens -9- memories for you, a knowing within you. By knowing what I help show you, at some point you can build and artificially feel these places. In so doing they move into reality and become real! They are real to begin with. Instead of you moving to it, "human thinking", it all moves toward you. I just need to speak about all this on a recorder. Uugghh. Also keep in mind that the writer and/or movie director had to come up with some kind of scene so people have a visual concept; of course this may make no sense at all. People just think they are seeing something cool, but it really is much deeper. "It's all in the details!" to move through time and space. You are able to "Navigate" these Planes of Light etc. How much you can move "with you", depends on how much time you have put into your training. And of course this is simply one small facet of a white cell. A Way to Start a Meditation Session: Place yourself in an environment that is quiet and pleasant and in a position that is comfortable for you, but not so much so that you will fall asleep. Starting with your feet and going upwards, mentally scan you body and command any areas that have tension to relax. Say firmly to your Self: Life imitates art... we are Navigators. We can use our minds, once disciplined and trained, Mind: Don't bother me during this meditation. No judging, -10- comparing, or comments that distract me. I will stay silent and without any inner chatter that takes my focus away from the object of meditation. If I do get distracted, I will witness this and say "Oh well", and return to the meditation. The Great Spiritual Trunk Road of Ancestors Spiritual renaissance in this era involves an evaluation and rectification of errors that had occurred in the actions (karma) and spiritual practices (dharma) of our forefathers in the bygone time, Navajyoti Sri Karunakara Guru had said it. A tree gets its nourishment from its root in the soil, through the sun, water or other sources. Likewise, our family tree gets nourishment from its spiritual roots and the virtue of forefathers. If the forefathers have lived sinfully, if the ancestral souls continue to dwell in the dark cells of spiritual contamination, one can expect a fall in the life-fortunes of the offspring too. Even if we have the best car in the Body: No itching, twitching. No painful or pleasant sensations or any physical actions or reactions that distract me. I will simply relax and not take my focus away from the object of meditation. If I do get distracted, I will witness this and say "Oh well", and return to the meditation. Emotions: No sadness or joy. No depression or elation. No mood swings or any other emotional actions or reactions that distract me. I will be calm, and serene and not take my focus away from the object of meditation.. If I do get distracted, I will witness this and say "Oh well", and return to the meditation. -11- world, we cannot cruise ahead even a little if there is a traffic jam. Similar is the case of a person, a family or society as there are our predecessors on the same road which we travel. We cannot progress in our path when they are stick before us on the same road. Only a Soul- Knowing Guru can regulate the traffic on this spiritual trunk road of ancestral souls. spiritually inclined or lacked the time and knowledge for those rituals. As a result, the spiritual fabric of the family gets weakened, whatever is the merit or demerit of those practices, and it becomes the cause of ruin of many families. Pitru dharma in Indian religion relates to this question of uplifting the ancestral souls and the astral status of a family. Can we strengthen the spiritual veins of our family by resorting to the ancient practices of our forefathers? Would the deities and ancestral souls get appeased by the renewal of rituals and renovation of temples, which the astrologers invariably suggest for a cure from pitrudosha, the ancestral curses? Experiences of several people prove otherwise. The ancestral problems do not get cured completely or get cured only partially, that too We have before us the examples of many families, which once had seen good times, fall in the pit of penury and oblivion. Most of the families which had temples and deities installed in them are known to suffer subsequently, because after the time of their forefathers, who established such practices at home, their descendents neglected those rituals, as they were either not -12- for a limited period of time, even if the suggested rituals are performed by the best masters and tantrics in the field. I would like to quote one experience which proves that such problems could be cured by sages in the Jnana tradition, not wedded to the ritualistic tradition. unaffordable. One day, Navajyoti Sri Karunakara Guru happened to visit his place along with his disciples. The grace of Guru fell upon him and his family. Guru told him that the problem in his family could be resolved without the rituals advised by the astrologers. It was as an experiment he agreed to the suggestion. After all it involved no rituals and expenditure, he thought. Sri Chidambaran is a retired Deputy Director of Education in Kerala and lives in Harippad near Kollam in Kerala. When faced with diminishing luck and unexpected calamities in the once well to do family, the family members decided to consult with astrologers who revealed that there was pitru dosha in the family. As a remedy, they suggested renewal of family temple, reinstallation of deities, performance of homa etc. that would have cost lakhs of rupees. Sri Chidambaran kept quiet as the expense was Guru asked Sri Chidambaran to call a good astrologer to see the astral chart of the family. The astrologer revealed the problem of pitru dosha and advised the same remedy renovation of temple and reinstallation of deities etc. When the astrologer heard that the deities and ancestral souls could be removed just with ‘sankalpam’ (mental resolve) of Guru without any -13- rituals, he said, ‘We are viewing this scientifically. No individual, let him be any great saint, through his divine power and meditation, the purifying ritual cannot be performed. If the deities observed in the chart were seen relocated by ‘sankalpam’ then only it can be believed’, he added. years. It was known from the chart that there were such and such disturbed deities - Brahma Rakshas, Serpent (Naga) etc. in the spiritual background of the family. The astrologer also disclosed that the remedial measure was to build a temple and install them there. Guru called the little girl to his side and said something. After prostrating before Guru, that girl sat in meditation for sometime. ‘Now you see whether these have moved from here or not,’ Guru asked the astrologer. The astrologer made his chart again and looked bewildered for a moment, for, he saw that the disturbed deities and powers have been vacated. Guru asked him to do the chart once again to prove it beyond doubt. He did as advised and was astonished to find that pitrus and deities On the appointed day, Guru reached the house. There was along with Guru, a little girl, now a sanyasini in the Ashram. A big crowd had assembled there as spectators including the family members. The astrologer also arrived in time. Guru along with the little child sat in the front hall. The astrologer also sat on one side. Guru asked the astrologer to see what all were there in the family. After calculations, the astrologer said that it was a very old family and had an age and tradition of approximately 800 -14- have been vacated with the sankalpam of Guru. Guru explained the spiritual background of the family as seen in vision during the performance: When all the disturbed spirits were asked to move after bringing them in the radiance of Guru, all except one were ready to move. That one was a Sanyasi, a member of the family. It was standing there as the family head in the ancestral zodiac. Although it was desirous of salvation, it was unwilling to move without someone taking its position. The tears of this Sanyasi were causing the family to deteriorate. Only after Guru promised to take that position in the family, the Sanyasi became ready to move. Guru told that it was a soul which had immense love toward the family. for Guru in the house. It was the beginning of his journey on the great spiritual trunk road of Guru centric spirituality. It reveals another dimension of Sanatana Dharma, which is based on the ancient Indian rishi tradition (Jnana marga) different from the brahmanical temple tradition suffering from the ills of caste system. Sri Chidambaran demolished the old family temple and built a prayer hall -15- MrphpahplkpUe;J... `hp Xk; tzf;fk; thrfHfNs! ,J brk;gH 2011 ,jo;. GJ tUlk; xd;W mLj;J gpwf;fpd;wJ. cz;ikapy; gpwf;fpd;wjh? cs;sq;fspy; gpwf;fr; nra;fpNwhkh? kf;fspd; fzf;FfSf;F - Kiwg;gLj;Jtjw;F Mz;L> khjk;> fpoikfs; Njitg;gLfpwJ. ehKk; xt;nthU khjKk; xspkakhf;f ,e;j “xspkak;” ,jio ntspapl;L tUfpNwhk;. Vd; ,e;jf; fpufj;jpw;F vy;NyhUk; te;Njhk;? te;j Nehf;fk; vd;d? vd;gij Ntj tpsf;fkhd Ntjhe;j tpQ;Qhd tpsf;fq;fis tpsq;f itf;Fk; gzp apy; Qhdr; nry;tj;ij NjitahdtHfSf;F ms;sp toq;FfpNwhk;. gad; ngw;wtHfs; “,Wjp ahf vJTk; xU nghUl;ly;y” vd;w epidit kdjpy; epiwe;jtHfshf tho;fpwhHfs;. vd;D ila kdjpy; fz;Zf;Fj; njhpahj mwpthHe;j rf;jpfs; vd; tho;fi ; fapy; mJ vdf;Fj; Njit vd;W tpijj;J tpl;ld. “,Wjpahf vJTk; nghUl;ly;y” vd;Dk;NghJ tho;f;ifapy; gaj;ij Vd; epug;gpf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;? ,ijg; gw;wpg; gak;> mijg; gw;wpg; gak; vd;Nwh VNjh xU gak; vd;gJ thd kz;lyj;jpypUe;J jdp miythpirapy; Nfl;Lg; ngw;Wf; nfhz;l gz;GNghy tho;f;ifia elj;Jtijg; ghHj;jpUf;fpd;Nwd;. ehk; kdpjHfspd; fUj;JfSf;F ehfhPfkhd khpahij nfhLf;Fk; tifapy;jhd; tho;fpNwhk;. mt;tg;NghJ kw;wtHfis kjpj;J mtHfsJ eyid ek;KilaJf;Fk; Kd;djhf itf;fp Nwhk;. ,J xj;Jiog;G; gaky;y. ,J ehfhPfk;. goq;fhy fhl;L tho;f;ifay;y. ,Ue;Jk; vj;jid NgH rKjha czHTfis gak;> kdr;NrhHT> RaNjhy;tp czHTfshf ePl;bf; nfhs;fpwhHfs; vd;W ghUq;fs;. Vd;? mJTk; ,Wjpahf vJTk; nghUl;ly;;y vDk;NghJ. 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Oskljmf<k gh<hzqZt<Otiv<! njeuVOl!&p<gquqm?!we<je lm<Ml<! gih<hix<xqg<gjv! Osv<h<hue<! gmUt< nz<ze</! njeuVOl! gih<hix<xh<hm?! fie< hqck<Kt<t!gjmsqh<!hzjgjbBl<!we<eqmlqVf<K hqMr<gq?! we<je! lm<Ml<! gmzqz<! Lp<gch<huOe gik<ktqg<Gl<!gmUt</ lg<gjtg<! jgK~g<gq! uqM<! Neiz<! nuv<gt< kr<gtK!Nx<xjz!-pf<K!uqMl<hcs<!osb<biOk/ leqk! lek<jk! nke<! Gpf<jkh<! hVuk<kqZl<? -tjlh<! hVuk<kqZl<! utv<s<sqbjmf<k! fqjz bqZl<! Nb<ukiz<! gqjmg<Gl<! nxqOu! gz<uqbqe< d{<jlbie! nch<hjmbiGl</! leqke<! gz<zi gOui?! lvligOui! -Vf<kiz<?! nujeg<! gz<uq bqe<!kjzsqxf<kokiV!hjmh<hig!dVuig<GuK gz<uqbitviz<! -bziK/! fl<Ljmb! kjsgTg< Gh<!hbqx<sqbtqh<hjkh<!OhizOu!lekqx<Gl<!wtqb sqg<gzx<x! upqLjxgtiz<! LPjlbie! hbqx<sq btqg<g!Ou{<Ml</!-jk!osb<bk<!kuxqeiz<?!le. kqmlqVf<K! nVR<sikjegjt! wkqv<hiv<g<g -bziK/ -23- uiv<k<jk! we<hjk! ouXl<! sk<klig! yzqbig! lm<MOl biVl<! nkqglig! wMk<Kg<ogit<t! lim<miv<gt</! giv{l< nh<hc!wMk<Kg<ogit<Tl<!ntuqx<Gh<!hzVg<Gh<!hg<Gul< gqjmbiK/! yVuje! Hk<kqsizq! we<X! 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L5R 3P1 TEL.: 416-254-3064 - SASI ];th gukhj;khde;jh mtHfshy; ntÍÅlg;ngw;w ´y;fÍd; Êguk; Feedbacks: [email protected] Brillance Magazine Published By: Brilliance Printers (owned and operated by C.Y.V.O) Visit us online at: BOOKS WRITTEN BY SWAMI PARAMATMANANDA 1. Life Enhancing Thoughts (2000) 1. tho;it caHj;Jk; cd;dj vz;zq;fs; - 2000 2. Brilliance (2003) 2. XÍkak;> ∞ij - 2003 3. Illumine Truths - Part 1 3. xÍUk; cz;ikfs; 1 ·<]hth];a cg‰/j;- 2006 • Ishavashya Upanishad (2006) 4. xÍUk; cz;ikfs; 2 ·kuzj;Jld; XH ciuahly;‚ 2007 4. Illumine Truths - Part II 5. xÍUk; cz;ikfs; 3 ·jj;t Nghjk;‚ - 2007 • A Dialogue with Death (2007) 6. xÍUk; cz;ikfs; 4 ·mf tho;Êd; caH ‰iy‚ -2008 5. Illumine Truths - Part III • Thatvabodham (2007) 7. The Way of Life - 2008 6. Illumine Truths - Part iv 8. xÍUk; cz;ikfs; 5 ·cÅiu Nehf;Ï‚ - 2008 • Agavalvin Uayar Nilai (2008) 9. Steps to change - 2008 7. The way of life (2008) 10. xÍUk; cz;ikfs; 6 ·xÍkak; - ÊØg;Nghk;‚ - 2009 8. Illumine Truths - Part v 11. ifyhak; Kjy; ehf•gk; tiu - 2010 • Uyerai Nokie (2008) 12. Conscious of the Consciousness - 2010 9. Steps to change (2008) 13. GÔanjhU ‰iyia Nehf;Ï - 2010 10. Illumine Truths - Part vi 14. caH rk‰iy - 2011 • Olimayam (2009) 15. 1000 QUOTES ON SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION - 2011 11. Kailayam muthal Nagatheepam varai (2010) 16. khjhe;j rQ;Âif - xÍkak; (Brilliance - Tamil & English) 12. Conscious of the Consciousness (2010) 13. Puthiyathoru Nilayai Nokie - 2010 ];th gukhj;khde;jh mtHfshy; 14. Uyar Samanilai - 2011 ntÍÅlg;ngw;w xÍtl;Lfs; Êguk; 15. 1000 QUOTES ON SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION - 2011 16. Monthly Magazine (Brilliance) (Tamil & English) 1. Self Realization 2. # kÏo;r;Âahdtd; (You the happiness) 3. fUizÅdhy; (Compassion) ];th 4. cd;id m„tha; (Know youeself) 5. kÏo;r;Â vq;Nf? (Where is happiness?) gukhj;khde;jh 6. #q;fSk; Md;ªfKk; (Spirituality and you) jiytH 7. GÔjhf kyUq;fs; (Allow blooming) fdlh 8. caH gËzhk ‰iyia Nehf;Ï (Towards highr evolution) Nahf 9. cs; Nehf;Ïg; ghH! (Look within) 10. ifyha ahj;Ôiu (Kailasa Yatra) Ntjhe;j 11. Vd; md;G? (Why love) ‰Wtdk; 12. fHkh xU ghHit (Karma A profile)
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