FOR OFFICIAL FSF USE ONLY RECEIVED: _____________ PROCESSED: _____________ CONFIRM: _____________ VENDOR APPLICATION Application deadline for Vendors is March 23, 2015. Filipino Sun Festival is Saturday, April 4 – 10:00am - 6:00pm. Applicants must submit a Participant Application as well as the corresponding Agreement Form. PAYMENT and DEPOSIT payable to “Operation Samahan” with “Sun Festival” in memo, and mailed with form to: Filipino Sun Festival, P.O. Box 33853, San Diego, CA 92163 INSTRUCTIONS: Provi de all i nformation then s pecify the purpose of your a pplication by checking the corresponding s pace on the left hand side Orga ni zation/Business Name: ____________________________________Conta ct Pers on: ____________________________________ Ma i ling Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ci ty: __________________________________________ Sta te: ________________________________ Zi p: _______________________ Bus iness Number: _________________________ Office Fax: _____________________________ Cell Phone: _________________________ Orga ni zation Website: _______________________________________ E-mail Address: ___________________________________________ _____I want to be a VENDOR The Fi lipino Sun Festival will provide only 1 ta ble a nd 2 cha irs. Canopy rental is extra. No di scount will be given for providing your own equipment. ALL vendors must include DEPOSIT check of $150 (will not be cashed – see next page). ALL vendors requiring electricity must pay an additional $50. Pl ease check box below if you need electricity. Please check which booth applies to you: Arts and Craft Vendors (must be handmade ) Nonprofit organization booth Commercial booth FOOD VENDORS 10x10 food space (2 tables & 4 chairs provided) 10x20 food space (3 tables & 6 chairs provided) Food Truck Please check box below if you need electricity. Canopy $75 Electricity $50 $100 $125 $250 Brief description of what you will be providing at the festival: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ $300 $475 $275 Note: There will be a late processing fee of $50 after March 23 Nonprofits, enter 501c3 here - ________________________ Make checks payable to Operation Samahan Special Instructions for FOOD VENDORS only: You need to complete and submit a dditional following document: TFF Permit (including vi sible TFF number a nd expiration date) _____I want to have an ADVERTISEMENT in the souvenir program (optional – has an extra cost) Hi gh resolution JPEGS, PDF, EPS, or TIF files a re ok. Digital image resolution must be a t least 300 dpi or higher If you are buying booth space, you are eligible for a 25% discount on all ads (pending availability of space). Pl ease check the size of your a dvertisement: Inside back cover (8.5 x 11)………………………………… $500 / Color Inside front cover (8.5 x 11)………………………………… $500 / Color Inside full page (8.5 x 11)……………………………………. $150 / Color Inside ½ page (8.5 x 4.5)……………………………………… $80 / Color Inside ¼ page (4.25 x 4.5)………………………..…………….$40 / Color Business card (4.25 x 2)…………………………….……………$20 / Color Filipino Sun Festiv al ● P.O. Box 33853 ● San Diego, California, 92163 ● Phone 619.746.8223 BOOTH RENTAL AGREEMENT The Filipino Sun Festival Committee hereinafter referred to as FSFC, permits the vendor listed at the bottom of this agreement, hereinafter referred to as VENDOR to use the Rental Booth facilities for April 4th, 2015, in accordance with the following agreement: BEFORE THE FESTIVAL - Initial here ________ to indicate you have read and agree to the terms of this section 1. The VENDOR a grees to observe and comply with a ll existing policies which in a ny ma nner a ffect or rel a te to the us e of the Ren ta l Booth. 2. The FSFC reserves the ri ght to evi ct a nyone vi ol a ti ng a ny of the rul es outl i ned herei n, or vi ol a ti ng a ny other rul es a n d regul a ti ons . 3. The VENDOR may not sub-let any portion of the rental booth space, without the prior written consent of FSFC. 4. Refunds for booth rental before March 15, 2015 wi ll be a t 50% of booth cost. No refunds will be given after Ma rch 15, 2015 unl ess the event i s ca nceled. Weather condi ti ons wi l l not be grounds for refunds , ful l or pa rti a l , unl es s wea ther ca us es ca ncel l a ti on of the event. 5. Two weeks a nd then again one week before the fes ti va l you wi l l recei ve di recti ves for the da y’s s et up a nd brea k down procedures . DURING THE FESTIVAL - Initial here ________ to indicate you have read and agree to the terms of this section 6. Booths a re rented for the dura ti on of FSF 2015 onl y. Rental shall begin at 10:00 AM and end at 6:00 PM on April 4, 2015. 7. FSF a grees to provide (1) Tables & (2) Cha irs to a ll non-food VENDORs a nd (2) Ta bl es & (4) Cha i rs to a l l food VENDORs . ALL vendors must supply their own canopy (and meshing if food vendor). Additional items have an additional cost. 8. The Booth must be accepted as assigned. VENDORS a re not permitted to remove and/or relocate the rental booth from the a s s i gned s pot wi thout pri or a pprova l of FSFC. It i s FSFC’s ri ght to rel oca te the renta l booth s houl d i t deem neces s a ry. 9. The VENDOR may not operate any music device, s uch a s music equipment, computer, s tereo, DJ equipment without obtaining cons ent from FSFC. Opera tion of such devices without permission will be result i n VENDOR to cease a ctivity a nd termination of electri ci ty wi t hout refund. 10. FSFC res erves the right to i nspect the i nformation being distributed or the products being offered for sale by the VENDOR, a nd res tri cts the di s tribution of a ny i tem it considers i nappropriate. FSFC reserves the ri ght to deny s ale or display of objecti ona b l e or offens i ve ma teri a l s . VENDOR DEPOSIT - Initial here ________ to indicate you have read and agree to the terms of this section 11. VENDOR must remit a check for $150 as DEPOSIT for vendor space. Depos i t wi l l be returned a nd not ca s hed unless terms are violated. 12. The VENDOR s hall remove i ts property a nd clean up all trash and waste material i n a nd a round the Renta l Booth by end of da y on BOTH da ys or l os e the depos i t of $150. Si te mus t be l eft i n the condi ti on i n whi ch you a rri ved. 13. Any VENDOR found vi olating the terms of this a greement – s uch as playing music without prior permission, etc – will have their booth cl osed a t the fes ti va l wi th no refund on vendor s pa ce renta l or depos i t. 14. The VENDOR s hall be s olely responsible for a ll-losses, cost, damages and expenses of a ny kind whatsoever resulting from or i ncidental to the us e of the Renta l Booth. Any damage to rental materials, such as the booth canopy, will result in forfeiture of deposit check . 15. VENDOR cannot leave the festival grounds without first checking out with FSFC staff. Once s ite i nspection is complete, depos i t check wi l l be returned. Brea ki ng down a nd l ea vi ng wi thout checki ng out wi l l res ul t i n forfei ture of depos i t check. 16. Deposit checks will NOT be returned or mailed after the event. If you do not get your deposit check at the end of the event, you forfeit your depos i t a nd i t wi l l be ca s hed. NO EXCEPTIONS. OVERALL RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES - Initial here ________ to indicate you have read and agree to the terms of this section 17. Thi s Agreement shall be subject to the applicable l aws of California. Any disputes s hall be brought before the courts of San Diego, Ca l i forni a . 18. The VENDOR i ndemnifies and agrees to hold the FSFC, Operation Samahan, the Ci ty of San Diego a nd a ny a ssociated agencies a ffi l i a ted wi th the festival event a nd their members, officers and directors, and employees, harmless a gainst a ny a nd a ll l iability (i n cl udi ng court cos ts a nd a ttorney's fees) whatsoever arising from a ny cl aim made a gainst FSFC or l oss i ncurred by the VENDOR a s a result of or i n a ny wa y a rising from, rel a ting to, or connected with the obligations identified within this VENDOR's Agreement including loss or liability ca used by a ctive negligence, except l oss or liability ca used by s ole negligence or willful conduct. This hold ha rml es s a nd i ndemni fi ca ti on obl i ga ti on s ha l l s urvi ve a ny termi nation of this rental Agreement. You understand that a t this event or related a ctivities, you may be photographed or vi deo recorded and you a gree to a llow photo, vi deo, or film l ikeness to be us ed for a ny l egi ti ma te purpos e by the event hol ders , producers , or o rga ni zers . 19. Thi s agreement for Booth Space a t the 2015 FSF i ndicates the VENDOR's willingness to abide by all accompanying terms a nd condi ti ons a nd general regulations listed on this document as well as such additional rules a nd regulations as FSFC deems neces s a ry for the s ucces s of the FSF, provi ded thes e l a tter do not ma teri a l l y a l ter the Pa rti ci pa nt's contra ctua l ri ghts . 20. Appl i ca ti ons recei ved a fter Ma rch 23, 2015 wi l l i ncur a late processing fee of $50 a t the di s creti on of the FSFC. _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Na me of vendor (please print l egibly) Na me of business or organization (please print l egibly) _______________________________________________________ Si gnature of Vendor ________________________________________________________________ Da te Signed PLEASE DO NOT FORGET DEPOSIT!!! Checks are payable to “OPERATION SAMAHAN” Filipino Sun Festiv al ● P.O. Box 33853 ● San Diego, California, 92163 ● Phone 619.746.8223
© Copyright 2025