1 INSIDE 2 | THE UPDATE FROM RANDY 3 | CONNECTIONS MINISTRY 4 | CHILDREN’S MINISTRY 5 | WORSHIP MINISTRY 6 | STUDENT MINISTRY 6-7 | MISSIONS MINISTRY DECISIONS BAPTISMS Danielle Wright Alan Fentress Kristain Proctor Merica Mancini Bradly Mills Brittany Mills Jon Forehand Madalyn Burns Dustin Graham Lamar Carter Kris Carter Kyle Friedel 1/7 1/9 1/11 1/18 1/18 1/18 1/25 2/1 2/1 2/14 2/14 2/15 JOINED Melissa Wright Joan Wright Debbie Czeschin Frank Czeschin Jim Moorman Julie Moorman Rachel Sacksteder Kelly Wright Danielle Wright Brad Lincks Carrie Lincks Stanley Kern Lynda Parish Bradly Mills Brittany Mills Dale Schaefer Deborah Schaefer Dustin Graham Lamar Carter Kris Carter Kyle Friedel 1/3 1/3 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/5 1/5 1/10 1/10 1/11 1/17 1/18 1/18 1/18 1/18 2/1 2/14 2/14 2/15 TECH TEAM For information on getting involved with the team, contact Clay 2 Whittaker at (812) 968-4091. The First Word This is the last edition of the newsletter. We have wrestled with the decision for a long time, but we have come to acknowledge it as a tool whose time has passed. There are better, more efficient ways to communicate the happenings of First Capital. The newsletter costs $3000 per year, and that doesn’t include the man hours it takes to produce it. That is just the cost of materials and postage. And, in the end, we’ve come to realize our readership is considerably smaller than our mailing list! I know some of you will miss it. I understand that. I miss having a newspaper… but not enough to pay for it! As for the First Capital family, the information will still be available, just in different ways. The website (firstcapitalchristian.org) will still have all the information. We will have weekly announcement handouts in addition to the bulletin available at the Resource Center. The phone tree, Facebook, video announcements and email will continue to be used to pass along important items. Let me introduce Jared Nassiff! Jared begins March 15 as our Student Minister. Jared and Rachel come to us from Mt. Pulaski, Illinois, where he has led their student ministry for the last three years. Rachel has a degree in elementary education and hopes to find a teaching position here. Jared’s undergraduate degree is from Lincoln Christian University and he is currently about halfway through his Masters of Divinity program with the seminary at Lincoln. I am convinced Jared will make us better! I can’t wait! Here are some things you can do to make the weekends at First Capital better: 1 Be here. Nothing makes it better than a house full of fired up believers! 2 Give up your parking space. If you are able, please park in the gravel or at the high school. Let’s leave the asphalt for our guests and those who struggle physically. 3 Consider moving from 10:45 to 9 or Saturday at 5. The Saturday service is in the slow creep mode, growing and growing little by little. Be careful: If you try it you might like it! We need space in the 10:45 service. 4 Here’s the biggest sacrifice of all: Give up the aisle seats! Move to the middle. I know it’s asking a lot, but remember what it was like when you were new? 5 Keep on being your warm, friendly self! It’s working! RANDY KIRK F IRS T CAPITAL S E NIOR MINIS TE R Connection Ministry A great deal of preparation goes into putting this publication together; so it would follow that copy is needed weeks before the newsletter hits the street. Believe it or not, my deadline for writing this article was halfway through February. So – I am writing to you on the day following the historic 8 to 10 inch (depending on where you live) snowfall that blanketed our area. Pretty ironic that I am focusing my thoughts on Easter! I’ll admit – it’s pretty nice thinking about Easter lilies, blooms on redbud trees, and what pastel-colored shirt and tie I’ll be wearing on the CONSIDER CONSIDER OURSELVES – first weekend of April – especially considering that I waded through snow up to my shinbones getting from the parking lot into the back door of the church this morning! Just as a great deal of preparation goes into a church newsletter, I think you and I should start personally preparing to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus! How does this happen? Here are three things you and I can do to get ourselves ready between now and Easter Sunday: CHRIST – CONSIDER HIS To truly appreciate Christ’s What is your definition of EXAMPLE – We will come mastery over death and the “hero”? To me, a hero is together grave, I think we first need to someone who rescues me Christ’s resurrection on understand why he came to earth from an almost certain, tragic fate. the first weekend of April. But, in the first place. Take some time Scripture tells us to “consider” the how can that experience change to remember that Jesus didn’t one who is our hero for eternity! us? I think if we commit ourselves cover the awful price for our sins Take a good look at Hebrews to following the example Jesus because he was obliged to – 12:2-3. Then meditate on 1 Peter set for us, we can impact our but out of his great compassion 1:3-9. world. I invite you to read to celebrate for our helplessness! Read and Philippians 2:3-8. Let’s focus over thoughtfully contemplate these the next month on making Christ verses: Isaiah 64:6, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Ephesians “Looking forward to a joyous Easter! See you then!” greater in our lives – and, in turn, ourselves becoming less. 2:8-9, 1 Peter 3:18 VINCE GARMON CONNE CTIONS MINIS TE R 3 Children’s Ministry I am sitting here typing this article on February 16th. For those of you who remember this day, it is snowing outside and I probably have about 7 inches of snow all around me. How long will it snow, how long will the kids be out of school, right now I have no idea. But something that keeps lingering in my mind is how do we spend these days. What do you do when God gives you an opportunity to be with your children? Let me share with you an amazing story. Jesus Christ and his apostles had left Capernaum and crossed into the region of Judea, on his final journey toward Jerusalem. In a village, people began bringing their little children to Jesus to have him bless them or pray for them. However, the disciples rebuked the parents, telling them not to bother Jesus. Jesus became indignant. He told his followers: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Luke 18:16-17, NIV) Then Jesus took the children in His arms and blessed them. Points of Interest from the Story of Jesus and the Little Children: The accounts of Jesus and the little children in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are remarkably similar. John does not mention the episode. Luke was the only one who referred to the children as babies. As was often the case, Jesus’ disciples did not understand. Perhaps they were trying to protect his dignity as a rabbi or felt the Messiah should not be bothered by children. Ironically, the children, in their simple trust and dependence, had a more heavenly attitude than the disciples did. Jesus loved children for their innocence. He taught that entering heaven is not about great scholarly knowledge, admirable accomplishments, or social status. It requires simple faith in God. Immediately after this lesson, Jesus instructed a rich young man about humility, continuing this theme of childlike acceptance of the gospel. The young man went away sad because he was unable to trust fully in God instead of his wealth. For those working in Children’s ministries, we have a remarkable gift that God has given us. This is the opportunity to challenge and to give children their first glimpse of the Gospel. This is our mission field. Please remember that children are little human beings. Sometimes we forget that. As an adult, we tend to look at children as a second thought. Our kids are our first priority, if we do not realize this now we are going to lose our future. That is what happened to my generation. Those of you who know me, have come to know that I am more than just attempting to make an experience “fun for kids” as people so often say. In everything that we do in both Upstreet and Sprouts, we attempt to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Yes, we do have fun doing it, but this is just a way of showing kids that Christ is fun as well as loving. On Wednesday nights, we have 45 minutes of Bible study. After that, we compete, based upon questions about the Bible study we go through. On Sunday mornings, we have 20 minutes of worship, along with 15 minutes of storytelling on the Bible lesson of the day, then we go into our small groups and break down the lesson of the day. Please come and find out what we do. It is vital that you partner with us when we are teaching your children. You are the one who is responsible for your children, and as a church we are in this together. We are given this task, not by me, or Randy, or Vince, or any other minister. We are given this responsibility by GOD. GOD commands us to hold one another accountable and to teach the next generation what they need to know. Currently we have open ministry opportunities in Upstreet. I need a 5th grade small group teacher. Please come to me and speak to me about this. I also have need for people in the nursery. God is calling you, will you answer? -Jesse JESSE BARNETT CH ILDRE N’S MINIS TE R 4 WEEKLY CHURCH EVENTS Sundays / Adult Bible Studies / 9 & 10:45 am Mondays / Men’s Bible Study / 6 am @ Cracker Barrel Tuesdays / Fit Club / 7 pm upstairs Wednesdays / Wednesday Night Programs / 6:30 – 8 pm Thursdays / Community Bible Study / 9:30 am Ladies Prayer Team / 11:30 am Worship Rehearsal / 6 pm Fit Club / 7 pm upstairs UPCOMING EVENTS MARCH 1 / D. R. Missions Meeting / 12:30 PM 3 / Homefront Missions Meeting / 6:30 pm 13 / FFW Benefit Dinner / 7 pm 15 / Pasta w/the Pastors / 12:30 PM 15 / Blessing Basket Meeting / 12:30 pm 20 / Global Missions Meeting / 6:30 PM APRIL 5 / Easter 6 / Blood Drive / 3-8 PM 7 / Homefront Missions Meeting / 6:30 pm 12 / D. R. Missions Meeting / 12:30 PM 19 / Blessing Basket Meeting / 12:30 pm 21 / Global Missions Meeting / 6:30 PM Worship Ministry Why We Do What We Do… Over the last few months, our worship team has been going through a study called Vertical Church. In this study, our team has discovered many amazing things about worshipping God. We have learned that it is very easy to try and bring God down to our level and perform a horizontal act of worship that focuses on us more than Him. Vertical worship is about recognizing that God is far above everything else and humbling ourselves before Him. By offering everything that we have in full surrender to God, then we experience vertical worship. So during our weekend services, every aspect is an offering to God. Whether it is the light technician using their skills, the sound technician blending the sounds together, or the worship team using their musical talents, every aspect of the weekend service is an offering to God. So here is where you come in… When you come in to a worship service, do you come in with the attitude of “This is just another Sunday?” or do you come in with the attitude of “I am here to offer everything I possibly can to God”? That’s something to think about. EVENT CONTACTS Mission Committee / Scott Noland / 812-267-2663 Homefront Missions / Connie Arnold / 812-267-7488 Blessing Basket Ministry / Ricky & Michelle Head / 812-366-3229 Blood Drive / Vince Garmon / 812-572-1990 D. R. Mission / Bri Pinnick / 812-204-9375 Global Mission Committee / Scott Noland / 812-267-2663 FFW Benefit Dinner / Brian Jackson / 812-572-2049 Pasta with the pastors / Vince Garmon / 812-572-1990 TYLER SANSOM WORS H IP MINIS TE R 3 WORSHIP 5 STUDENT MINISTRY INFO Check us out on Facebook facebook.com/questfcsm Sundays in the Student Center Wednesdays in the Student Center Please welcome your new Middle School SUMMIT at 10:45 AM Middle School QUEST at 6:30 PM Student Minster and his wife, High School SUMMIT at 9:00 AM High School QUEST at 6:30 PM Jared and Rachel Nassiff Perspectives on World Missions We are so blessed. It is so easy to focus on the blessings we want for ourselves and our family. We often appreciate the fact that God has blessed us in so many ways, but don’t stop to consider the question why. Most often God blesses His people so that, in turn, they might be a blessing to others. God has an even greater purpose. God’s purpose is to reach and bless all nations on earth. It is so exciting and humbling to realize that God can use us in fulfilling His purpose. When I think of that greater purpose, I immediately think of Perspectives and the following scripture. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:17) Notice that this verse is not just a suggestion or a thought. It is a command. The Bible is threaded with scripture from Genesis to Revelation instructing His people about the importance of missions and the role we can play in reaching a lost and dying world. Perspectives challenges you to follow Jesus even closer and gives you a fresh perspective of how you fit in His story. In the Perspectives course you are introduced to God’s GPS system. God’s GPS system represents Going, Praying, and Sending. Depending on the individual gifts and talents God has blessed you with, Perspectives helps identify where God may want you to serve in His life changing story. All may not be lead to go on a mission trip, but may be blessed with resources to help send and support others who do. And of course, we can all pray. Perspectives has personally challenged me with the humbling realization that there is a role I can play in His kingdom growing. How exciting! God could definitely do it on His own, but He wants his children to be blessed by being part of His plan. Currently about thirty five students are meeting each Monday evening in the Student Center at First Capital from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. through April 12. You are invited to come for a free evening and experience Perspectives first hand. Please come and discover what blessings God has in store for you and the role He has for you in the area of missions. By Jerry Timberlake 6 Missons & Outreach Praise God!! First Capital Christian Church sent me to India to explore a few of the ministries going on there. I had the privilege of traveling with team members from Teach to Transform, Hopeful Hearts and mPower. These three mission organizations are based here in Louisville, Kentucky and have embraced the philosophy of empowering native people to reach their own communities for Christ through the local church. We visited North India Christian Missions in Chandigarh where mPower taught dentistry for the second year. Simi Dhingra, a widow with 3 children, is doing a remarkable job leading the churches around Chandigarh to be a light in the darkness. After training in the classroom for 3 days, we went to three different church sites to do dental clinics and practice taking vital signs and assessing patients. Teach to Transform graduated 24 students as Medical Screeners and in Helping Babies Breathe. We also taught motorcycle repair to young Christian men. Simi will continue to follow-up with the students and encourage them to use the new gifts that God has provided to serve and love their neighbors. Next, we were off to Madurai in southern India, where Paulis and Rosi Samuel minister with South India Christian Missions. Hopeful Hearts visited their orphanages, part of the TTT team looked at their agriculture programs and the rest of us visited their Homefront Missions Thanks to all for completing our talent survey. We appreciate you taking the time to fill it out. If you have not completed a survey, you can go to the connect page on the church website or pick up one at the Re:Source Center. In the coming months we will be collecting items to donate to local charities. To the right is the list of the months and the items we will collecting. ministry to women and children dealing with HIV/ AIDS. They have recently begun a vocational training center with an automotive tech school and electrician training school. They are seeking partnership with Hopeful Hearts and Teach to Transform. The third leg of the journey was spent with Vevek Lall in Damoh, India at Mid India Christian Mission. Vevek visited FCCC late in 2014, seeking partnership for H.I.S. orphan ministry to handicapped children. Children born with handicaps (blind,deaf,crippled,Albino) are unwanted by their families and are left in the hospital to die, or thrown in the garbage dump. Baby girls in general, are not wanted, and are often aborted, or killed at birth by the midwife. India is about 81% Hindu, 13% Islam, < 3% Christian. Because of the caste system, poor people have little opportunity to improve their lives. It is a hopeless situation without Christ. Vevek focuses on training evangelists in rural communities where the Gospel has not been heard. They are meeting in underground house churches and experience much persecution. Please pray that God will continue to lead FCCC in the direction He would have us go. God is a missionary God. His whole story is about bringing His children into relationship with Himself. Some are called to be prayer warriors, because, only the Holy Spirit can convict people of their need for a Savior. Some are called to be senders, to motivate and supply the needs of those who are called to go. And some are called to go. Please pray that the Lord of the Harvest will send laborers into the fields. Love, Brenda Billner March – baby items such as diapers, baby wipes, lotions, shampoo... PLEASE NO CAR SEATS. May – adult care items and laundry care items such as shampoo, bath soap, razors, deodorant, lotions, laundry detergent, Kleenex, toilet paper... July – school supplies, backpacks, Kleenex... September – coats, gloves, hats, scarves, boots, blankets November – toys, puzzles, books and games... January – pantry staples and canned food, peanut butter, canned tuna, canned chicken, canned soups and stews... Thanks for your support. We look forward to bringing you opportunities to help others in our community. 7 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION 305 Oliver Street Corydon, IN 47112 U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 143 CORYDON, IN 47112 SERVICE TIMES Saturday 5PM Weekend Worship Experience Children’s Programs (0-5th Grade) Sunday 9AM Weekend Worship Experience Children’s Programs (0-5th Grade) Adult Bible Class Sunday 10:45AM Weekend Worship Experience Children’s Programs (0-5th Grade) Student Programs (6-8th Grade) Adult Bible Class OFFICE STAFF Randy Kirk / Senior Minister Mike Wilburn / Facility Manager Vince Garmon / Connections Minister David Napier / Graphic Designer Jesse Barnett / Children’s Minister Angie Nachreiner / Office Manager Tyler Sansom / Worship Minister Lindsay Kimmel / Financial Secretary Lori Sater / Custodian Jared Nassiff / Student Minister AVERAGE ATTENDANCE & OFFERING Month Attendance Offering Building Offering JANUARY 780 $14,446 $596 FEBRUARY 774 $16,159 $372 Yr. to date new members 21 / Yr. to date new baptisms 12 [email protected] / (812) 738-1869 (Office) / (812) 738-7985 (Fax) 8
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