LOOKING AHEAD CHURCH COMMITTEE will next meet on Tuesday 28th April 2015 at 8 pm. Fabric Sub-Committee please meet at 7.30 pm. ‘Walk through the Old Testament’ 29th April and 6th May 2015. 7.30 pm—9.30 pm WEDNESDAY CLUB OUTING will be a Scenic Tour of the Glens & Coast, Co Antrim on Saturday 9th May leaving the Riverside Retail Park at the re-cycling area past Sainsbury’s at 1 pm. Cost £12 for high tea. If you have not already booked and would like to go please see Doreen Dallas before 30th April. Tel: 70343649. CHRISTIAN AID WEEK - Sunday 10th - Saturday 16th May. If you can help with the door to door collection, please speak to Joyce Henry TODAY. Man-Up Archery Night ‘The Range Archery Centre, Ballymoney Monday 11th May £8-£10 per person depending on the numbers going. Meeting at 1st Coleraine @ 7 pm starting at 7.30 pm Please let Alistair know if you are interested in going or sign up on the sheet in the Fellowship Lounge. COLERAINE CHILD CONTACT CENTRE Abbey St Coleraine BT52 1EX Provides a safe neutral place where children from separated families can meet up with a parent or family member they no longer live with. Could you give one Saturday morning and or a Tuesday afternoon once a month to bring joy to a child in Coleraine? Volunteers, male, female, young people 18+ from any background are urgently required to meet the steady demand for our service. Training is provided. For application forms and more information please contact Shirley McPhillimy , Co-ordinator CACCC by 1st May 2015. Tel 07899792948 [email protected] www.caccc.co.uk TEA/ COFFEE AFTER MORNING SERVICE ROTA is as follows: TODAY - Larraine Laverty, Catherine Watton & Sandra Russell. 26th April - Joyce Jackson & Ann Hegarty Creche Rota for the next couple of weeks:TODAY - Creche as usual. New Rota will be available next week. DOOR STEWARDS for the month of APRIL :Tom Caskey, William Dallas, Sam Dorrans, George & Jean Smylie. Honouring God By Seeking His Presence And Sharing His Grace Welcome to the Fellowship of First Presbyterian Church, Coleraine. We are glad you are here and pray you will experience God’s help and be filled with the joy of salvation as we worship together. ________________________ Minister: Rev. Peter Fleming -70342703 Pastoral Assistant – Rev. Sam Millar -29557097 Outreach & Support Worker—Liz Dowey - 07803402504 Youth & Community Worker - Alistair Dickey - 07955906552 Church Office Number -70355202 e-mail – [email protected] Website - www.firstcoleraine.com What is the Lord’s prayer? Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. New City Catechism 41 Sunday 19th April 2015 SUNDAY 19th April 2015 11.00 am Longing for reality—1 John 4 v 7-21. Rev. Peter Fleming. 6.30 pm The resurrection and the life - Mrs Carol Wilson. 6.30 pm–8 pm ALF(YF) Prayer - Imitate Take it to the Lord in Prayer’ - Do you want to respond to Gods word, or know of a burden that can be shared in prayer? The Prayer Ministry Team is available today and they will be at the front of the church. ‘Prayer Request Box’ is in Vestibule.‘ Prayerline’ number is 70344319. 10.15 am 11.00 am 3.00 pm 6.30 pm Sunday 26th April 2015 Elders Prayer Time Sacrament of Communion - Rev. Peter Fleming. Short Communion Service United Evening Service in Hazelbank. Miss Maud Kells, missionary in Democratic Republic of Congo, will be sharing the story of her work with us. All Welcome. THIS WEEK Monday (20th) Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service will be in Coleraine Baptist Church on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st April from 1.30 pm-4 pm & 5.15 pm-8 pm. Existing and new donors welcome. Saturday (25th) ROCK MINISTRIES (NI) TRUST - Annual Sponsored Walk from the East Strand, Portrush, to the White Rocks TODAY from 10 am. Money raised this year will go towards the establishment of a much needed medical fund to help those in need in the 3 Ugandan projects.. Could you walk and help raise money or sponsor someone? Newsletter and sponsorship forms in Fellowship Lounge or speak to Ian Hasson. Youth Club is back and we invite all those in P7 and above to join us each Saturday for lots of fun and banter! PRAYER POINTS 1. Let’s use the words of Psalm 146 to praise the Lord and give thanks for His faithfulness to us. 2. Please pray for Billy and Linda Abwa & family as they return to Nigeria, that they would know the Lord’s presence with them. 3. Remember in prayer Mama Miriam whom Linda spoke about last Sunday, asking that God would draw her to Himself. 4. Pray for our Elders this week as they visit Church members before Communion. 5. Lift in prayer the many families who have been affected by death or injury in road traffic accidents here in recent weeks. 6. Continue to pray for the work among our children and young people, remembering especially all those who lead and help in any way. Wednesday (22nd) D2A is back today @ the usual time in the usual place. See you there! Kirk Session Meeting in the Legate Hall at 7.30 pm. Pre-Communion Service tonight at 8pm in the church. 7. Please take time this week to reflect on the death and resurrection of Christ in preparation for Communion. Thursday (23rd) Toddlers Inn meets today from 10.30 am to 12 noon. All parents, grandparents and childminders with pre-school children are very welcome. MISSION COMMITTEE Kirk Session wish to thank William & Maureen Warnock for all of the faithful service they have offered in the last ten years in developing our knowledge of mission work at home and abroad. In keeping us informed, maintaining contact with our members, producing Mission Link Magazine and organising Gods WWW they have done a great work. We have all benefitted from this and are grateful. Friday (24th) 7-11 PRAYER DAY ................................ Sign up sheets available in the Vestibule and Fellowship Lounge TODAY. If you have prayer requests please contact the Church Office or Carol Wilson . We now make a call to others to take up the baton, If anyone would be interested in getting involved in carrying this work on and seeing it develop please speak to Rev. Fleming or any member of Kirk Session as soon as possible.
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