First Ev. Lutheran Church Newsletter April 2015 OUR MISSION STATEMENT IS DESIGNED TO DRAW PEOPLE TO THE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY AND TO EXPERIENCE A LIFE WITH GOD.......................... Inspired by God and united in faith, the family of First Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA) utilizes the word and sacraments to share our time, talents and resources to nurture our spiritual growth and bring people of all ages into the Christian community of God. 1 **** UNAPPROVED COUNCIL MINUTES **** Minutes will be published in the newsletter in a more timely manner ..however please keep in mind these minutes have not been reviewed and approved by council members......this will take place at the next meeting on April 6 ALSO REMEMBER that anyone can come to listen to council meetings ..... 1st Monday each month @ 7pm Minutes Congregation Council March 2, 2015 Attendees: Sharlene Most, Pete Teegerstrom, Dixie Apetz, Matt Holthe, Carolyn Sandall, Hannah Miller, Stacey Stark, Stan Schultz, Tim Norquest Absent: Phil Hallisey , Pastor Bud Minutes: A devotion was shared by Shar. The agenda was approved as presented. Matt moved; Dixie seconded; all eyes. There were no additions or corrections to the February 2 minutes. Minutes stand approved. Communion assistant sign-up sheet passed around. Financial Report: The Council reviewed the financial statement for February prepared by Hannah Miller. Pastors Report: Nothing to report. Presidents Report: Pictorial Book. Discussion on where the funds are coming from to cover the expense for the printing. Cost is $1500 - $2000 For 100 colored copies. This cost is from York Printing. Shar will get a second quote from Eakes and talk to both of them about quality of paper. Discussion also on thoughts of how to raise money to pay for the Pictorial book. Discussion will be continued at April meeting. Call Committee: A chair person is needed for this committee. Shar will check with Barb Koester to see if she would accept this honor. Site Profile: Lois, Jim Koester and Sharlene Most will meet to work on the application together. Lenten Supper Offering; Suggestions were made as to where these funds should go. It was decided by the council that the Lenten Supper offerings will be divided between Blue Valley and CASA. Synod Assembly: The assembly is April 28-30 in Kearney. Attentively Pete and Sandy Teegerstrom will go. Committee Reports: Education & Youth – Nothing to report Outreach – planning for Lenten meal. No projects at this time. Property - The back door by the kitchen needs to be opened softly. Worship & Music – Lenten meal determined Council Lenten meal – The council will serve the Lenten meal March 25th. Con’t……. 2 Old Business: Communication Mission team - Emily Peterson would like to do a Facebook page th on this. Kids st from FLY are willing to run the projection screen. Fly meets March 18 and April 1 . One call now – Matt has looked into the cost of this. $596 / yr. for 100 people or $708 for 150, plus 3 ½ % recovery fee and $95 set up fee. This can be set up for phone, text or e-mail. There is also a system called Alert Now that Matt will look into. Does the Synod have a recommendation on a system to use? New Business: Carolyn questioned what to do with the remaining 2014 giving statements. She suggested a personal visit to deliver them. Carolyn and Shar will see too this. Shar will not be at the April meeting. Stan will chair this meeting Stacey wondered if a person could opt out of taking the offering envelope. Either write a check or maybe direct deposit. Hannah will check with bank to see how we good initiate this. Tim and Dixie will mention this at Stewardship meeting Mar. 3rd. The next council meeting is scheduled for April 6, 2015 @ 7:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Dixie Apetz PROACTIVE AGING HEALTH TIP: How to Prevent Dehydration? Water is considered the most important but is often the most forgotten nutrient for aging healthfully. It makes all the chemical reactions of our bodies possible and maintains our internal body temperature by acting as a transport system. We simply wouldn’t survive without it! Dehydration occurs when the balance of “in” versus “out” doesn’t match. Illness, warm weather and high activity can increase the risk. As we age, our bodies are even more susceptible to dehydration because the senses that detect thirst are less sensitive than they once were. Chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease only compound the dangers. The best way to prevent dehydration is by simply drinking water! Make it a daily goal to get your eight glasses a day and take an extra bottle with you when spending time outside or when exercising. If you experience extreme thirst, a lack of urination, dizziness and confusion, seek medical attention right away. This proactive aging tip is brought to you by Tabitha, your answer for Elder Care in 28 southeast Nebraska counties. Questions about aging?, or call 402.362.7739, 800.286.9074. 3 PLEASE TAKE TIME TO COMPLETE THE ATTENDENCE FORM OUR MEMBERS FAVORITE HYMNS................... ***call the office or Jolene if you have any favorites or requests for hymns NEW MEMBER RECEPTION: April showers Bring May flowers! that was handed out with the bulletin and return in the offering plate. On Sunday, April 12, new members will be received into our church family. THANK YOU !! 4 Matthew Bellows 4/1 Jane Hoeft 4/11 Alyssa Naber Celeste Homan 4/4 Jamie Johnson 4/11 Hannah Blackburn 4/26 Jim Fox 4/5 Megan Johnson 4/11 Lloyd McCullough 4/26 Kortnie Sheppard 4/7 Isaac Stark 4/16 Mikel Sheppard 4/28 Rachel Alm 4/8 Stacy Kohmetscher 4/17 Michaela Miller 4/29 Jim Heins 4/8 Edie Kleen Ryker Alm 4/30 Jaden Koehler 4/8 Matthew Ackerman 4/21 Kira McKenzie 4/30 Brian Bellows 4/10 Shelbi Pieper Kati Pieper 4/30 4/19 4/23 Allan & Karen Houtwed Mike & Mignon Ocken 4/2/1965 4/22/1988 Jim & Lois Petersen Larry & Barb Ehlers 4/20/1985 4/30/1966 4/24 5 TERP HALL ..... Every 2nd Sunday following worship there will be a brief organizational meeting for the next month’s monthly ministry individuals and families April 12 Working Together in Monthly Ministries April Tom & Joyce Bogenrief Paul & Darcy Dawson Ron & Donna Dedlow Jim & Donna Heins Roger & Valora Ideus Marc & Angie Kroger & Jalen Darroll & Donna Loschen Larry & Deb Munroe Dave & Julie Rasmussen Phil & Danyel Seevers & family Guy & Stacey Stark & family Brian & Kim Tonniges Jim & Jeanette Wagner COMMITTEE CORNER OUTREACH COMMITTEE REPORT DO YOU KNOW NEW MEMBERS TO THE COMMUNITY ?? Let the Outreach Committee know the details and we will send a welcome to York as well as an invitation to worship at First Lutheran ACOLYTE SCHEDULE - April 4/2 Jaden Koehler - Carter Culotta 4/5 Sunrise - Tina Hallisey - Rylie Krause 9:30 - Ryan Seevers - Jake Hoarty 4/12 Jalen Kroger - Ty Bartholomew 4/19 Alex Ackerman - Isaac Stark 4/26 Jaden Koehler - Carter Culotta May Harold & Darla Brungardt Dick & Norma Christian Naomi Fassnacht Mark & Kim Hoferer Paula Hoff Jim & Kim Hoffman Josh & Liesal Hoffman Matt & Sarah Holthe & family Matt & Tiffany Krause & girls Staci Naber Billie Petersen Jim & Lynn Rumery & family 6 CONFIRMATION: 2015 The Rite of Affirmation of Baptism marks the completion of the congregation’s program of confirmation ministry, a period of instruction in the Christian faith as confessed in the teachings of the Lutheran Church. Those who have completed this program were made members of the church in Baptism. The Rite of Affirmation of Baptism includes a public profession of the faith into which the candidates were baptized, thus underscoring God’s action in their Baptism. We congratulate these young men and women and pray that God will continue to bless them as they grow in their faith. Those being confirmed are: Tyler Keith Bartholomew Born: 6/24/2002 at Lincoln, Nebraska Baptized: 9/29/2002 at First Evangelical Lutheran Church York, Nebraska Parents: Mitch & Jen Bartholomew Sponsors: Bethany Bartholomew & Tim Haughton Kaleigh Danielle Homan Born: 2/25/2002 at York, Nebraska Baptized: 7/7/2002 at First Evangelical Lutheran Church York, Nebraska Parents: Dan Homan & Celeste Homan Sponsors: Corey & the late Natalie Schlegelmilch, Brent Homan & Ashley Crowdell Rylie Rae Krause Born: 6/6/2003 at York, Nebraska Baptized: 9/14/2003 at First Evangelical Lutheran Church York, Nebraska Parents: Matt & Tiffany Krause HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED . . . ??? Have you ever found yourself wondering about something that is going on in our church or within our church family ?? We would like to encourage an increase in communication among the congregation, committees, council and Pastor. Just write down your question, comment or concern and place in the offering plate. Please include your name, so that the council, appropriate committee and/or Pastor can respond to your comments. THANK YOU..... 7 PAST MONTH’S ACTIVITIES 3/21 3/22 3/25 1/3 16 1/4 42 1/10 27 1/11 60 1/17 34 1/18 70 1/24 27 1/25 44 1/31 14 2/1 cancelled 2/7 30 2/8 62 2/14 24 2/15 57 2/18 85 2/21 23 2/22 65 2/25 47 2/28 23 3/1 60 3/4 38 3/7 17 3/8 47 3/11 30 3/14 19 3/15 72 3/18 51 “DO 20 62 51 WE ADVERTIZE THE WORD OF GOD” POSITIONS: There are always places available to be on a committee ............just ask someone how you can get involved in CONT…... COME AND JOIN....... Adult Forum .....check it Out Every Sunday 8:00am in TERP 8 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR (as of— 3-27-2015) Needed weekly - $ 3,735 Year to Date Needed $ 44,820 Year to Date Received $ 35,611 3/4 $ 3,197 10/11 $ 3,121 17/18 $ 2,520 24/25 $ 2,054 31/Feb 1 no deposit (Church cancelled) FEB 7/8 $ 7,685 14/15 $ 1,956 21/22 $ 2,448 FEB/MAR 28/1 $ 3,756 MAR 7/8 $ 2,267 14/15 $ 4,143 21/22 $ 2,464 “Enable each of us the joy of giving abundantly” JAN Everyone Has Gifts To Share Singing......playing music.... Visitation.......Ushering..... Reading scriptures....... Acolyte duties........ Cleaning and building..... Organizing...... Greeting......fellowship..... EVERYONE DESERVES A SPECIAL THANK YOU Offering envelopes will be distributed to confirmed youth at the request of parents.. Just contact the Stewardship Committee Would you like to bring in altar flowers in memory or honor of a member of your Jolene Jensen or Deanna Warnken or the office.....a special note will be made in the bulletin for that weekend 7 DAYS without God Makes 1 WEAK FIRST LUTHERAN RECYCLES — DO YOU ? 9 SAVE THESE DATES…… April 12 - New members will be received during worship service. April 24 - Senior Lutheran Youth will hold a Bake Sale at Petro Truck Stop starting at 9 a.m. Proceeds to go to youth gathering in July. =========================================== THE U IN JESUS Before U were thought of or time had begun, God stuck U in the name of His Son. And each time U pray, you'll see it's true, You can't spell out JesUs and not include U. You're a pretty big part of His wonderful name, For U, He was born; that's why He came. And His great love for U is the reason He died. It even takes U to spell crUcified. Isn't it thrilling and splendidly grand He rose from the dead, with U in His plan? The stones split away, the gold trUmpet blew, And this word resUrrection is spelled with a U. When JesUs left earth at His upward ascension, He felt there was one thing He just had to mention. "Go into the world and tell them it's true That I love them all - Just like I love U." So many great people are spelled with a U, Don't they have a right to know JesUs too? It all depends now on what U will do, He'd like them to know , But it all starts with U. Will YOU pass it on. 10 April 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Maundy Thursday Worship @ 7 pm 3 Good Friday Worship @ 7 pm 4 No Spark FLY 7 to 9 pm No worship Service. Choir practice 5 EASTER Sunrise Service 7 a.m. followed by brunch 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 6 7 Congregational Council 7 pm Stewareship Comm. 7 pm 8 9 SPARK 5:30 PM Blue Valley Recognition Dinner 9 am 15 ---WIC ------ 16 14 -- WIC ------- 20 19 Adult forum 8 a.m. 7 pm Women of 9:30 Worship Joy Service/ fellowship & choir practice 21 22 BVCA Board Of Directors 5-9 pm SPARK 5:30 PM Adult forum 8 a.m. 9:30 Worship Service w/ baptism fellowship & choir practice 27 17 29 18 5:30 pm Worship Service SPARK 5:30 PM 28 11 5:30 pm Worship Service Worship & Music Comm 7:30pm 13 -- WIC ----12 Adult forum 8 a.m. 9:30 Worship Service/ fellowship & choir practice Monthly Ministries 26 10 23 24 25 SLY Bake Sale @ Petro 9 am 5:30 pm Worship Service 30 SPARK 5:30 PM 11 NEBRASKA SYNOD ELCA FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 1211 E. 14th St. York, Nebraska 68467 402/362-3063 Email address: [email protected] Website: (ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED) OUR E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] Our website! SEND ME YOUR COMMENTS OR ADDITIONS FOR NEXT MONTH’S LETTER Jane The newsletter will also be available on the website. 12
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