FIRST OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY 19th APRIL 2015 This Morning: Our Congregational Annual General Meeting will take place immediately after Morning Worship. Prayer Points for the Week: This week we will focus our prayers on the various ministers and congregations throughout our Presbytery. The information is detailed on the Presbytery Prayer Points overleaf. This Week: TUESDAY @ 7.00 pm (meet in church car park) ~ WALKING GROUP. TUESDAY @ 7.30 pm ~ New communicants meeting with Kirk Session representatives in the Youth Room. THURSDAY @ 7.30 pm ~ E100 Bible Discussion in the Lecture Hall. Week 19 :: The apostles’ teaching :: This week’s readings are 1 CORINTHIANS 13:1–13, 2 CORINTHIANS 4:1–6:2, 1 PETER 1:1–2:12, JAMES 1:1–2:26, 1 JOHN 3:11– 4:21. There will be a short Congregational Prayer Meeting following E100 at 9.00 pm. SATURDAY @ 6.30 pm ~ Elders’ Prayer Meeting in the Choir Room in preparation for our Communion Services on Sunday. All our other organisations will meet as usual. CONGREGATIONAL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Sunday 19th April 12.30 pm AGENDA Introduction Report of the Clerk of Session Report of the Congregational Secretary Report of the Treasurer Adoption of the Reports Any Other Business Next Sunday: 11.30 am ~ Communion. There will be NO Sunday School or Bible Class; Other Notices: Junior Church and c4u should proceed directly to their place of meeting. 7.00 pm ~ Thanksgiving Service (followed by a shortened form of Communion). There will be a Presbytery Prayer Evening in Mountjoy PW Outing: Presbyterian Church THIS This year’s outing will take place on Saturday 9th May, leaving First Omagh at EVENING at 7.30 pm. 10.30 am for Dobbies Garden Centre (Lisburn), followed by visit to Sprucefield, rounded off with a meal in the Black Cat restaurant in Ballygawley at Omagh Golf Club Ladies are approximately 5.00 pm, to be back in Omagh by 7.30 pm. If there are sufficient holding an Alzheimer Awareness numbers a bus will be organised costing £25.00 per person. Otherwise travel Evening on Tuesday 21st April will be in several cars and the meal will cost £15.00 per person. Any PW starting at 8.00 pm in the members, members of the congregation or friends who would like to go are clubhouse. Guest speaker will be very welcome. Please contact Christine Johnston as soon as possible to select Professor Peter Passmore who will discuss the topic “Can we your menu (028 8224 9459 / 079 9083 0761). prevent dementia?”. Adele Advance Notice: Doherty from Alzheimer’s Society Sunday School Project Breakfast on Sunday 10th May at 10.00 am. The will talk about the services, Emmaus Project will support children in India and in Donegal Town information and support provided Presbyterian Church. Further information to follow but please consider coming by the Society in this locality. and supporting this very worthwhile cause. Care for Cancer invite all to their MAD Weekend: Spring Coffee Morning on c4u are planning to attend this years MAD Weekend run by PCI. Anyone aged Wednesday 22nd April from 10.30 between 11 – 18 who would like to attend please let any c4u leader or Jane am - 1.30 pm in their premises at know by Sunday 3rd May. The dates are 23rd - 25th October, it will be held at 1 Campsie Place, Omagh. Ulster University Coleraine and the cost will be no more than £30 per person. You can look this event up online for more details at An ‘All Age’ Praise Service madweekend. will take place in Lislimnaghan Also any young person wishing to attend the youth night on Saturday 6th June Parish Hall on Saturday 25th April at Assembly Buildings please speak to Jane or Janice Vance. For more info at 8.00 pm with guest speaker visit Kenny McFarland. CLOTHES COLLECTION FUNDRAISER CONTACT EDWIN JOHNSTON (079 2001 6573) OR BASIL VIRTUE (077 1009 3564) IF YOU HAVE ANY ITEMS TO DONATE CD RECORDINGS OF RECENT SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE ON THE TABLE IN THE FRONT VESTIBULE Pastoral Care Please contact Rev. Jane Nelson if you or your family have any pastoral care needs. Minister ~ Rev. J. Nelson • T: 8224 2239 • E: [email protected] Clerk of Session ~ Miss A. M. Hodge • T: 8224 4771 • E: [email protected] Congregational Secretary ~ Mr. S. A. Rainey • T: 8224 2844 • E: [email protected] Announcements ~ Mr. N. Hagan • T: 07970 022253 • E: [email protected] TRINITY & GILLYGOOLEY - Give thanks for the 12 young people received as new communicants on Easter Sunday. Please pray that these and other young people who have confessed faith and promised to join in worship regularly will continue to express that faith in practice. IRVINESTOWN - Irvinestown Sunday School is well served by a team of dedicated leaders, please pray for them as they prepare for each week and for the children and young people that they will know personally the God of the Bible. Pray too for parents and their witness to their children, that they may take seriously the importance of giving a real example of faith in their own lives. PETTIGO - Our Events Committee works hard to deepen the friendship and fellowship of the Church family and to connect with the local community. Please pray for them as they plan various activities during the year. On Sunday 10 th May they are inviting Church members and friends to ‘A Stroll & A Roll’, a walk around Pettigo followed by a breakfast in the Church Hall prior to our Communion Service. Pray that faith will be shared and lived as we meet together. TEMPO - The SUPA Club continues to be well supported with 8-12 children from years 4-7 attending. Give thanks for the enthusiasm and interest the children have and for the School Staff who are so supportive. We value greatly the gifts and abilities that Jeff Gawn brings to the meetings each week and ask that you continue to pray for him and the work he is doing in our local schools. This ministry to children is really special, so continue to pray for your local schools and for openness to the Christian message. FINTONA - Please pray for our planning and preparation for summer Bible Club/Soccer Camp in Ecclesville Centre. As last year a team ‘Coaching 4 Christ’ will be coming to assist and we will run a Bible Club for younger ones alongside the Soccer Camp – Tuesday 30th June to Friday 3rd July. It will finish with BBQ and awards for family and friends. CREEVAN - Give thanks for our two new elders and pray for how we might develop more social events to unite the congregation and draw others in. CLOGHER & GLENHOY - Please pray for an ever growing passion for Christ. That we would listen to His word and obey it, that we would serve one another in the bonds of fellowship and that we would be salt and light for Him in our local community. Especially remember parents of baptised children, that they would be faithful to their vows in a world full of vain distractions. SESKINORE & EDENDERRY - Please give thanks for a deepening of levels of spiritual growth through young woman's discipleship group, youth fellowship, bible study and Sunday services. Please pray for the congregation in Edenderry as we begin the process of seeking God in the election of new elders. ARDSTRAW & DOUGLAS - Pray for the group planning for the Holiday Bible Club in July. Pray for the children who will attend and for all the leaders and helpers who will be involved. LISBELLAW, LISNASKEA, MAGUIRESBRIDGE & NEWTOWNBUTLER - Pray for the Holy Spirit to work with power awakening people to a real sense of God's saving grace and their need for salvation in Christ, and God's desire for His people to be a spiritually healthy church and a light shining brightly for Jesus as they live and share the glorious gospel message. FIRST OMAGH - Give thanks for the good attendance at E100 Bible Study series which we have been following this past year. Pray that God will speak into the hearts and lives of those who have participated as they reflect on God's great salvation plan and as they seek to love and serve the Saviour revealed in Scripture and known through faith. CAVANALECK & AUGHENTAINE - Before Easter 750 copies of John's gospel and the Billy Graham DVD called ‘The Cross’ were distributed to homes in Fivemiletown. Pray that God would use the material to challenge hearts to turn to God for salvation as they read God's word or watch the DVD to see what and why the cross changes everything. Pray too for the new ministries of Tots Time on Tuesday morning in Aughentaine and Thursday morning in Cavanaleck. Pray people will come, new relationships will be formed and opportunities to share the gospel will arise. Pray also for safety, fun and friendships for each day we meet. Pray for many in our congregations dealing with various health issues. Pray they would know God's healing, peace and closeness through any treatment or tests. AUGHNACLOY & BALLYMAGRANE - Pray for the eight adults (six in Aughnacloy and two in Ballymagrane) who will be received into Communicant membership on Sunday 3 rd May - that this will be a significant stage in their walk with Jesus Christ and that both congregations will be greatly encouraged and take these folk to their hearts in determined and focused prayer. MOUNTJOY - Pray that God would guide our Congregational Committee as they seek to enlarge the church building so that it can accommodate the growing congregation. Pray that the required funding will become available and that God would be glorified in every aspect of this building project. DRUMLEGAGH - Pray that all our members would be drawn into more active faith and service. Pray that our six new communicants and two new elders would know God's blessing and guidance as they make their vows to him over the next few weeks. Kirsty Campbell from Drumlegagh is working with Mission Africa. She is an 18 year old who has been in Nigeria since September and will return home in June. Can we pray that Kirsty would know the Lord's help and protection in her work in Nigeria. We ask that many children and young people would come to know Christ as personal Saviour through her work. ENNISKILLEN - Please ask God to do the following things for us… Help us establish a Community Cafe; double the number of our midweek Fellowship groups; give us more power in our Friday outreach street ministry called Prayer4U; run an effective evangelistic course on Sunday nights in May/June. FIRST CASTLEDERG & KILLETER, SECOND CASTLEDERG & URNEY, AND ALT - This evening, 19th April, Rev. Colin McKibben is being installed to the Pastoral oversight of Alt, Carnone, Convoy and Donoughmore congregations in Alt Presbyterian Church. We wish Alt congregation, who had been in our Omagh Presbytery, every blessing in the Presbytery of Derry and Donegal. The linkage between Second Castlederg and Alt was broken at the end of March and at that meeting of Union Commission, the newly formed linkage of Second Castlederg and Urney was given leave to call. Pray for these congregations as they work through the process of calling a new minister. Despite having over 60 active leaders in Second Castlederg they would value prayer for more leaders in the organisations to work with the young people. Pray that we will know God’s help as we seek to address these issues. First Castlederg have a landmark occasion tomorrow morning, 20th April, with the official sod cutting ceremony for our new Church Hall. The Moderator of the General Assembly, Rev. Michael Barry and our Minister Emeritus, Rev. Roy Neill look forward to being with us. Pray that we as a congregation will know God’s wisdom to see the project through. Killeter congregation are entering into conversation with an architect for our new church building - pray for God’s wisdom here too as we seek among our congregations to see God’s Kingdom built up and extended in the lives of people, in our day and generation. DROMORE & DRUMQUIN - Give thanks for an encouraging Easter weekend including the showing of two DVD messages from Billy Graham. Pray that those who were spoken to would make lasting commitments to Jesus Christ. BALLYGAWLEY & BALLYREAGH - Pray for the Spirit’s guiding in the outreach plans of the Holiday Bible Club in June. As the American team will assist in getting alongside young people in the village may it be a great opportunity to bring the gospel to those who don't yet know the Lord". CLOGHERNEY & SIXMILECROSS - Pray for our communicants as they prepare for their first communion in May that they will be ready to take up active positions within our congregations. Pray for the joint local churches youth event in Clogherney on Sunday night, 26 th April, and for our speaker, Mr Andrew McMullan (CEF) that this will be a significant night for the advancement of Christ's kingdom in the lives of all who attend. BADONEY, CORICK & GLENELLY Pray that the gospel preached during the recent mission will continue to bear fruit in the lives of all who heard.
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