CRPC Bulletin_150329 - Crossroads Presbyterian Church

Luke 22:63-23:25
The Innocent found Guilty...
29 March 2015
The Guilty Set Free
Conclusion: "I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man,
coming with the clouds of heaven… He was given authority, glory and
sovereign power;… His dominion is an everlasting dominion… and his
kingdom is one that will never be destroyed."
GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER SUNDAY: Luke 23:26-56, and Luke 24
We hope you’ll be encouraged as we hear from the Bible and praise God
together today. Crèche (for bubs and preschoolers) and Kids’ Church (for
Primary aged Kids) will begin part way through the service (please sign your
children in and out). Do stay for morning tea and a chat afterwards.
News and Information
• EASTER SERVICES: Good Friday and
Easter Sunday, here at 9:30am. Invite your
friends, neighbours, relatives, anyone, as
we celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection
• Praise God for Jesus’ sacrifice which pays the penalty for our sin. Pray
that we would live in gratitude for his sacrifice on our behalf, and that we
would always submit to him as Lord and Saviour.
• Pray for our Session and Committee of Management especially as they
conduct the Annual Congregational Meeting today. Pray for wisdom and
faithfulness to serve our church with humility and Godliness, and to make
decisions and guide our Church in a way that will bring Glory to God.
• Please pray for Judy King as she recovers from Treatment.
• Praise God that Bec and Drew’s son was born safe and well. Pray for the
Swans as they get used to their newly expanded family. Pray for Bec and
Drew as they raise their their new bub to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
We’ll hold our ANNUAL
here in the Hall after Church. Please stay for
that. You can find a copy of the report on the back table. The NEW
CHURCH DIRECTORY is also on the back table.
• Pray for AREA. Pray for Bruce Fleming in his work as Chaplain and SRE
• NEW SWAN BABY! - Praise God with Bec and Drew, and Matilda and Eli,
and Belinda as they as they continue weekly gatherings in Bang Jark, as
welcome two new families into the team and plan for a new Church plant in
Nahkon City, and as they run Adventure Camp this month.
for the safe arrival of their new baby boy on Wednesday night.
• YOUTH GROUP AND KIDS’ CHURCH finish today for the term. Kids’
Church Restarts on Sunday April 19 and Youth Group restarts on Sunday
April 26. Youth Group Camp is happening from April 14 to 17, at Hosanna
Farmstay, near Murwillumbah. See Brad for more info.
• NEW CHURCH WEBSITE: The Church Website will be in transition over
the Easter Weekend and School Holidays, as we get the new website up
and running. If you need anything from the site, best to visit before Friday.
teacher at Alstonville High. Pray that Students would be helped and
encouraged, and that the seeds sown by Bruce will bear Gospel fruit in the
live of students, now and in years to come.
• The Latest Callow Family Newsletter is on the back table. Pray for Jeff
• The March MECO Prayer Letter is on the Back Table. MECO is
supporting a media initiative to put Arabic videos on YouTube. May the
initiative grow among vulnerable women and young Arabs from all faith
backgrounds, helping them to trust Christ and become true followers. After
successful campaigns on depression and the freedom of forgiveness, this
month’s focus is on hope and proper self-esteem.
• REASON FOR GOD - 3 more copies of Tim Keller’s book ‘The Reason For
God’ have been secured. They are $12 each … see Steve for a copy.
• MEN’S BREAKFAST: 9 May at the Ministry Centre … designed for those
seeking and not yet in the kingdom. Who will you invite?
• COLIN BUCHANAN is performing at Lennox Head on May 9. Tickets are
If you want to CREDIT TO OUR CHURCH ACCOUNT the details are:
Wollongbar Alstonville Presbyterian Church:
BSB: 082-409 Account No: 61-730-1567
Additional Worker:
BSB: 082-409 Account No: 61-730- 2957
$13.50, available here:
• DIGGING DEEPER: There are a range of online courses through distance
education offered by Moore College. Growing in our Bible knowledge, that
we might know and serve our God better, is a great thing to invest in. If you
are interested please see Steve or Brad.
• NCCC FAMILY CONVENTION: David Cook and Mark Adams ‘As Good as
it Gets’ May 23-24 at Evans River K-12 School. See Steve for more info.
Mar 29
Morning Tea - Russell & Jan Earnshaw, Sue Hanger
Creche - Kim Skeet, Bev Brotherson
Kids’ Church - Ian & Elizabeth Shum
Apr 5
Morning Tea - Elly & Warwick Graham, Ian Traise
Creche - Annette Riordan, Janelle Clarke
Kids’ Church - No Kids’ Church this week
Presbyterian Church - Vanuatu Relief Effort
Cheques should be made payable to Moderator General's Disaster Relief Appeal and remitted to
Presbyterian Church Office, PO Box 2196, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012.
The Direct Deposit details for the Moderator General's Disaster Relief Appeal Fund are:
BSB: 032-000 Account number: 003988 Account Name: Presbyterian Funds
Please write the word ‘Vanuatu’ in the ‘Description’ box on the bank transfer page.
Welcome! especially if you are visiting today