Latest - First Presbyterian Church of Kings Mountain

111 East King Street
Kings Mountain, NC 28086
First Presbyterian Church
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1188
Phone 704-739-8072
Email [email protected]
First Presbyterian Church
Kings Mountain, NC
Rev. Greg Martin (cell) 704-300-8427- (email) [email protected] (out of the office on Friday)
Our Mission Statement is striving to give honor and glory to God in all things. It is the mission
of First Presbyterian Church to grow in the grace and love of Jesus Christ, as we reach out to God's
people sharing the good news of the gospel through words and actions.
Our Purpose Statement is to Glorify God, Grow Spiritually and to Go Faithfully into the world
to serve Him.
What We Believe The Bible is the written word of God inspired by the Holy Spirit. The
Bible is the revelation of God's truth, is infallible and authoritative in all matters of faith and
practice. Those who are called to office in the church are to lead a life of obedience to Scripture
and to live either in fidelity within the covenant of marriage or chastity in singleness. Marriage
is holy; ordained by God; and is between one man and one woman. All are sinners and unable to
save themselves from God's displeasure, except by God's abundant mercy. Jesus Christ is the only
begotten son of God, our ONLY hope for eternal salvation in life and in death. He alone is head of
the church and Lord of heaven & earth.
Church Staff
Rev. Greg Martin, Pastor
Allison M. Greene, Youth Director
Ashlea F. Yarbro, Church/Financial Secretary
Linnea B. Pedelty, Director of Music/
Organist (email: [email protected]
phone: 704-487-4864 or 704-472-3694)
Ministry Team Leaders
Children & Youth
Christian Education
Congregational Care
Mission & Outreach
Property & Grounds
Worship & Music
Liza Dellinger
Julia W. Hunt
Shirley K. Brutko
Jane C. King
Charles S. Wilson
Gregg C. Johnson
Jane C. King
Stephen E. Velky
Buddy E. Ramey
Stella Putnam
Jerry Ledford
Scott Neisler
Treasurer/Assistant Treasurer
Jerry F. Ledford/Ronald J. Hawkins
The Session - Rev. Greg Martin, Moderator;
J. Russell Putnam, Clerk
Class of 2015 - Shirley K. Brutko, Julia W. Hunt,
Gregg C. Johnson, Charles S. Wilson
Class of 2016 - Jane C. King, Jerry F. Ledford,
J. Russell Putnam, Stephen E. Velky
Class of 2017 - Mary B. Dellinger, George S. Neisler,
Stella N. Putnam, Buddy E. Ramey
Church Schedule
Sunday School
Worship Service
“WINGS” & “F.R.O.G”
Chancel Choir
Friday AA & Al Anon
9:45 am
9:45 am
11:00 am
5:30 pm
7:04 pm
5:30 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
4th Sunday of Easter
Morning Worship Service
The Lord’s Day
April 26th, 2015
“Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you!
As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”
John 20:21
Glory be to the Father,
-Vangelis, arr. Pedelty
and to the Son, and to
Rev. Greg Martin
the Holy Ghost; As it
was in the beginning,
The Cents Ability Offering (divided - KM Crisis Ministry & Malawi Well Fund)
is now, and ever
shall be, world A TIME FOR PRAISE
without end.
† Call To Worship
“Give Thanks”
Amen, Amen.
Give thanks with a grateful heart
The Apostles’ Creed
Give thanks to the Holy One
I believe in God the
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
Father Almighty,
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Maker of heaven
Give thanks to the Holy One
and earth, And in
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
Jesus Christ His
only Son our Lord; who
And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
was conceived by the
Let the poor say, "I am rich
Holy Ghost, born
Because of what the Lord has done for us"
of the Virgin
And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
Mary, suffered under
Let the poor say, "I am rich
Pontius Pilate,
Because of what the Lord has done for us"
was crucified, dead,
and buried; He descended
Give thanks, Give thanks.
into Hell; the
(† Those able, please stand) (B-Blue Hymnal; R-Red Hymnal; STF-Sing The Faith)
third day He rose again
from the dead; He
† Invocation
ascended into heaven
and sitteth on the right
† Hymn # 387 (B)
“Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us”
hand of God the Father
Almighty; from thence A TIME FOR CONFESSION
He shall come to
Prayers Of The People
judge the quick and dead. I
believe in the Holy Ghost;
† Response Of Thanksgiving The Gloria Patri
the *holy catholic church;
the communion of saints; A TIME FOR FELLOWSHIP
the forgiveness of sins;
† Passing The Peace
the resurrection of the
body; and the life
everlasting. Amen.
The Offertory
*The Christian Church
† The Doxology
† Prayer Of Dedication
† Affirmation Of Faith
The Apostles’ Creed
“Abide with Me”
New Testament
Luke 5: 1-11
(Bible Type: s-short or t-tall) (Page Reference: p.)
“Where It All Began”
Nathan Smith
Praise God from whom all
blessings flow; Praise Him,
all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye
Heavenly host; Praise
Father, Son, And Holy
Ghost. Amen.
Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in
heaven, Hallowed be Thy
name. Thy kingdom come.
Prayer of Response and The Lord’s Prayer
Thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven. Give us
† Hymn # 335 (B)
“Though I May Speak”
this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
† Charge and Benediction
as we forgive our debtors.
† Response
“Amen, Alleluia!”
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
† Postlude
“The Church’s One Foundation” arr. Pedelty evil; For Thine is the
kingdom, and the power,
We would like to welcome Nathan Smith to First Presbyterian Church and the glory, forever. Amen.
A Love Offering for Nathan Smith Ministries
and thank him for bringing the message to us this morning and to
the Youth of Kings Mountain this weekend.
May the Lord continue to bless his ministries and continue to light
the fire in his heart for those who do not know the Lord.
Luke 5:1-11 - Jesus Calls His First Disciples - One day as Jesus was standing
by the Lake of Gennesaret,[a] the people were crowding around him and
listening to the word of God. 2 He saw at the water’s edge two boats, left
there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. 3 He got into one of
the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from
shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat. 4 When he
had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let
down the nets for a catch.” 5 Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard
all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down
the nets.” 6 When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish
that their nets began to break. 7 So they signaled their partners in the other
boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that
they began to sink. 8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and
said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” 9 For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, 10 and so were
James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners. Then Jesus said to
Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” 11 So they
pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.
Portable Headphones
which provide amplified
audio reception of the
worship service are
available. Please
ask an usher for assistance.
To Our Visitors: Welcome!
We are so glad you are here
worshipping with us today.
We hope you enjoy this time
of worship & fellowship. If
you are looking for a church
home, we hope you will
consider uniting with us. If
you have questions, please
speak with our pastor after
worship today, or call our
church office.
† Those able, please stand.
Please Remember in Prayer
Johnathan Springer, Kirsten Martin, Chris Cole, Ron Kramer, Melanie Ballard, Henry McKelvie,
Barbara Dellinger, James Mercer, Ragan Harper, the family of Marion Thomasson, Charles
Blanton, Ronnie Hawkins, John Bumgardner, Rita Allen, Tina McNeilly, Naomi Badger, the
family of Tina Radford, Glenn Hicks (friend/FPC), Brody Thornberg (grand-newphew/Brad
Ellis); Bryan Kiser, Evelyn Kelly (mother/Shirley Brutko), Sheila Yokely (sister/Buddy
Ramey), Amy Weston (friend/Sheila Dover), Brooke Smith, Lindsey Edsall, John Case, Judy
Bowman, Andy Ford (friend/Greg Martin), Harriet Pedelty (mother/Kirk Pedelty), Linda Ferree (mother /Ashlea Yarbro), Dr. Paul Hendricks, the Dukes family (friends/Rachel Dover),
Kristen Hardin (daughter /Scott Hardin), Bob Haas (family/Terry Haas), Jeannie & Chaz King,
Tim Hoppes (friend/Randy Yarbro), Barry Tucker (friend/Chris Cole), Brian Oakes & family
(friend/Barbara Dellinger), Brenda Davis (niece/Lavonia Nation), Betty Mitchell, Dr. Post,
Clarence Deaton, Johnny Barber, Ike Fortenberry (aunt/Rachel Dover), Sandy Shelnutt
(cousin/Rachel Dover), Patricia Costner (sister/Margaret Smith), Larry Patrick, Sarah Crotts,
Thelma Jenkins, Rev. Tim Hendrick, Norman McGill (father/Chip McGill), Sue Rhea, Calvin
Jones, Gail Moss (sister-in-law/Sheila Ledford), Marty Phifer (friend/Libby Hawkins), Terry &
Tom Pope (friend/Chris Cole), Tony Bryant (brother/Danny Bryant), Cathy Poston (friend/
Libby Hawkins), Susie Tillman (friend/Rachel Dover), Dot Huffstetler (friend/Blaine family)
Congregational Sympathy is extended to the family of Mrs. Marion Thomasson.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Happening This Week
This Evening - No rEVOLution
Tuesday, April 28th - rEVOLution at Swoogers 7:04 (High School Only)
Wednesday, April 29th - WINGS & FROG 5:30; Bible Study 6:00;
Choir Practice 7:00
Friday, May 1st - AA & Al-Anon Meetings 8:00
Saturday, May 2nd - WINGS & FROG trip to Schiele Museum (time tba)
Next Sunday, May 3rd - rEVOLution at Mi Pubs 12:00; Youth Mission Trip
Meeting 3:00, rEVOLution 5:30
For your convenience, you can now listen to our morning worship service on
AM 1450 WGNC every Sunday at 11:00 am. We have also place a link on
our website at that will take you straight to the broadcast.
Or go to and listen worldwide.
April 5th
April 12th
April 19th
April 26th
Weekly Need
Monthly Total
Annual Total
Annual Deficit
$ 3,751.63
$ 9,772.75
$ 49,269.56
$ 10,756.52
May 2015
at Mi Pubs
Trip Meeting
Circle 2
Meeting 7:00
Patrick House
Ann Davis
Julia Hunt
Senior Lunch
Bunch 11:45
at Mountain View
Last Time
Break - Youth at
Swoogers 7:04
(High School)
Last Day
Mother's Day!
Kids Singing
“Our Call to
VBS Meeting
Memorial Day
Church Office
AA &
Trip to Schiele
(Time TBA)
AA &
AA &
AA &
AA &
(SUNDAY 31st)
HS Graduates
Breakfast 9:30
HS Graduates
Cents Ability
Offering 11:00
Volunteers This Sunday
Worship Leader: Rev. Greg Martin
Children’s Church: (None)
Children’s Sermon: (None)
Scripture Reading: (None)
Nursery: Christy Nantz
Ushers: Gerald Putnam, Russ Putnam,
Myers Hambright, Steve Wilson
Greeters: Pucky Nantz, Carol Lewis
Volunteers Next Sunday
Worship Leader: Scott Neisler
Children’s Church: Christy Nantz
Children’s Sermon: Allison Greene
Scripture Reading: Julia Hunt
Nursery: Marsha Campbell
Ushers: Gerald Putnam, Russ Putnam,
Myers Hambright, Steve Wilson
Greeters: Pucky Nantz, Carol Lewis
Thank you to all those who helped with the Youth Fundraiser - Italian Lunch. It was
wonderful and was a great success. Thank you to everyone who came out to support our youth.
Nathan has jumped of cliffs, out of moving vehicles, and onto human beings during football
events. He raced dirt bikes as a kid, and taught over 100 people how to water ski and wakeboard. Nathan speaks French fluently, and was almost killed by a lion in Botswana. When he
was only 7 years old, Nathan watched his cat get struck by lighting during a thunderstorm,
and to this day claims it was one of the best days of his life!
Kenya Believe it? (Nathan Smith) In 2008, I was invited to speak at Rift Valley Academy, one
of the most prestigious, reputable schools on the entire continent of Africa. I have never been
nervous walking on stage to speak, but that morning I was sweating like Mike Tyson in a
spelling bee. I had just met several students. A high school senior named Ruthie told me her
story: her father had recently died of red tick fever serving as a missionary in Malawi. Her
mother made the choice to remain until their work was done or God called them home.
Please remember to sign up for flowers on our “Flower Calendar”. It is located downstairs in the
fellowship hall on the bulletin board. You may put flowers on the altar in honor or in loving
memory of a loved one or friend. You may also place them on the altar to the Glory of God. There
are plenty of dates available. Please sign up today. Thank you.
Another high school junior told me his parents’ mission was to build high schools in the Sudan. His daddy had just finished construction on the 8th high school for a nation of 30 million
people. Apparently, education comes to a close around the 8th grade in the Sudan, if children
make it that far.
Make sure you check the “Care Board” right outside the door of our nursery. We send cards to the
members of our congregation for many different reasons and would like everyone to sign them. So,
when you come in on Sunday mornings or before you leave, please check the “Care Board” for
cards. Thank you.
Wally Coots, my friend and chaplain of the school, whispered to me that in 1906 Teddy Roosevelt laid the cornerstone of Centennial Chapel, where I was preparing to preach. I walked
on stage that day, overwhelmed by the presence of God and the hundreds of faith families
represented by the students and faculty in the audience that day. I preached 2 Samuel 23
about the power of a drink offering. When I finished, I received a standing ovation.
About Nathan Smith
Called by God to a lifetime of service at the age of 17, Nathan Smith has worked with students and families for over 15 years. Raised in a broken home, Nathan relates well to the pain, loneliness, and genuine
lack of belonging that affects many Americans today. He has served in small and large churches, trained
leaders in church and para-church capacities, and now spends his life as a full time itinerant evangelist,
speaking thus far in 42 states and 15 foreign countries to thousands of people each year.
Wally immediately invited me back to speak for Spiritual Emphasis Week the following year,
a week fully devoted to pursuing God. Dozens of students were saved; God’s Spirit moved in
power! Wally also asked me to bring teams of college students to see the beauty and tragedy
of Kenya, to serve on mission with people in great need so I returned with a team of 16 students from a dozen different universities the following summer, and since then, we can’t stop
going back!
By the grace of God, Nathan earned a Bachelor’s degree in Bible and Youth Ministry from Columbia International University (Class of 1997), and a Master’s degree in Evangelism from Columbia Biblical Seminary (Class of 2001). He is known nationally as a passionate, humorous, and honest communicator, who
is an effective illustrator and storyteller. He speaks on various topics depending on his audience, including marriage, missions, music, dating, motivational talks for non-religious events, and discipleship. But
above all, he is called to preach the gospel and invite people to salvation in Christ.
In 2010, our ministry sent 2 mission teams of 32 students. In 2010, that number doubled
again to 4 teams of 64 students and adults. And this year, over 75 students and adults will
have served on our short term teams to the Great Rift Valley.
Nathan married Miss Levacy Pomeroy. He knew the night they met that he would spend the rest of his
life with his righteous fox. Today, they live in the Charlotte area of North Carolina with their two little
girls, Gracie and Sophie, who literally light up the community with their beauty and laughter. Levacy
works as a social worker to help families with both foreign and domestic adoptions. As a family, the
Smiths love to travel to Africa, serve the local church in Charlotte at Forest Pointe, and spend time
together outdoors.
Nathan speaks to over 100,000 people annually on college campuses for organizations like FCA, BSU,
and CRU. He also speaks at youth conferences, camps, retreats, Dnow Weekends, as well as many
churches of different denominations. Audiences of all ages respond to his humor, passion for Christ, and
clear style of presenting the Gospel. He loves to read and study the Bible. His favorite authors are C.S.
Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and George R.R. Martin. His favorite musicians include Coldplay, Mute Math, the
Robbie Seay Band, Kristian Stanfill, Phil Wickham, and the Zac Brown Band. He loves football, old jeeps,
good movies, splitting logs with an axe, walking on the beach, shooting guns, playing with big dogs, and
talking with people.
Every year we go, and witness miracles. Life change is a daily occurrence in the Rift. We have
seen children who were disabled WALK for the first time. Through the ministry of CURE Hospital in Kijabe, the wounded and broken are healed and restored. We have worshipped God
in the village of Namunchaa without video screens or guitars, but worshipped in Spirit and in
Truth. We have danced with orphaned children under the African sky in Naomi’s Village.
If God is stirring your heart or the people of your church to go to Africa, please pray about
partnering with us. There is no better way to spend two, even 4-12 weeks of your summer or
winter break than in Kenya. Visit today!
Journey Camp - (Nathan Smith) Summer Camp should be an unforgettable week inthe
life of your youth ministry. At the Journey Camp, your students and leaders will experience
Christ through powerful communicators who unpack the truth of God's Word in a relevant,
transforming way. We partner with the most renown worship leaders in the country, and
work diligently to provide daily and late-night activities that build community and point
students to Christ. Mission - Our mission is to communicate the gospel effectively by providing an excellent, affordable camp experience that your students and leaders look forward to
year after year. Our values include hospitality, creativity, and authentic love for all of our