Anchor -June 2015 - First United Methodist Church of Fox Hill

JUNE 2015
“Envision 2020”
In last month’s Anchor,
I mentioned changing our worship to one service as a topic of
discussion I was having with the
leadership of our church. We
have continued the discussions,
but since summer is upon us, and
we could not find a satisfactory
solution to the various problems
and potentials of a combined
service, we are continuing with
two services as before. However,
an idea occurred to me in my
heart as the discussions continued: What if what we need is to
take a step back before we initiate a change?
ated something, place it (or a link
to it) near the art wall. Lisa Hite
will help “curate” the art wall,
placing things as they arrive. Over
the summer, check the wall and
talk to people about what you see.
Our fifth Sunday in August, August
30, will focus on talking about and
learning from all the art over the
I have three goals for this
“Imagine 2020.” The first goal is to
have conversations about our future, conversations that can lead
to action and ministry. The second
goal is to discover some of the
dreams God has placed on our
hearts, particularly the dreams of
Thus, I invite you over
this summer to “Envision 2020.” people we don’t normally hear
from, dreams that need to be
The idea is simple – draw a picheard and acted on. The final goal
ture, paint, write a poem, compose some music, or create sculp- is to continue shifting our focus
ture (or anything else your mind from what is wrong to what is
can imagine, including electronic right, from what we lack to what
artwork) that has to do with how God can provide, from what needs
our church can look in five years. fixing to what needs creating. We
Here are the basic considerations need to solve problems, yes, but
one of the problems we need to
– create artwork that depicts
some aspect of our church’s life, solve is moving ourselves onto
God’s pathways.
worship, music, ministry with
youth, children, adults, guests,
Your fellow servant in Christ Jesus,
community, mission field, ministries, outreach, or any other aspect of the church life that is important to you. Once you’ve cre-
Welcome Gligor Tasev!
We look forward to having
another Macedonian this
summer – Gligor Tasev, from
the same church in Strumica
as Pavlina came from two
years ago. Gligor is 19, just
finished with high school,
very involved in church life,
and also quite talented musically. He should be arriving
late June, staying with us
through July, and leaving
about August 5 so he can be
back in time to start college
in the fall. We look forward
to his arrival for several reasons – first, because we are
continuing and strengthening
our ministry connection with
Macedonia, second, because
we have a lot to learn from
Gligor, and he has some to
learn from us as well, and
third, but not last, Gligor is a
visible sign of the kingdom of
God in our midst, that in
Christ, there is no east or
west, north or south, European or American – all are one
in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28
– very paraphrased!).
Worship Notes:
Summer brings new
opportunities and old for us in
worship. Here are some things
to keep in mind:
The unofficial “dress down
summer” for Pastor Brian and
Tommy begins on June 14.
You are welcome to dress as
the Holy Spirit and your conscience directs you, but if you
want to dress more relaxed,
and cooler you are free to do
June 21 is Annual Conference
weekend. 8:30 service will be
as usual, led by Pastor Tommy
(Brian will be in Roanoke for
Annual Conference), followed
by the livestream of Annual
Conference worship at 11:15.
The youth band will show up
in worship over the summer
at least once, on June 28.
Look for Gligor Tasev to be
involved in worship a few
times over the summer in
whatever capacity he is comfortable, from being present,
to playing guitar, to leading
prayers, to possibly preaching.
(For that matter, if you want
to learn guitar, he may be able
to help you!)
Another 5th Sunday is around
the corner, on August 30. We
will have Sunday school at
9:15, followed by worship at
10:30, and hopefully a fellowship meal (volunteers to help
make it happen are appreciated – see Pastor Brian)
As we move from late spring
into summer and fall, be on
the lookout for more ways we
can involve more people in
worship – from communion to
children’s time, to music, to
liturgists and lay speakers, one
measure of a church’s health is
healthy participation and leadership. Perhaps you have it on
your heart to be involved somewhere? Please speak with Pastor Brian at any point.
Pew Pads (In parenthesis)
As you may have heard, we
have been using our “pew
pads” more and more.
Starting last summer, we
had a group of people taking
turns entering in the attendance data on our computer
system so we could begin
tracking attendance.
Starting early in the fall,
Shelby Sours and Nancy
Spain began calling people
who had missed three or
more Sundays in a row. We
don’t call everyone who
misses three or more because sometimes I (Pastor
Brian) know what is happening, or you have mentioned
to me or someone else that
you were out. I want to
thank all those who got the
ministry started and helped
carry it forward, including
Bill Bryan, Marilyn Eubanks,
Wanda Kissinger, Joyce Winston, Amy Johnson, Al and
Joann Markel. Delia has now
taken over the job of inputting names, but Shelby
and Nancy are still making
calls after I go through the
data. This has been a wonderful ministry, and we have
been able to help several
families who had problems
or crises we wouldn’t have
known about otherwise.
with the person so that:
Now – we are adding a
new emphasis. Last
month, in my list of “Four
Things,” I mentioned
meeting new people.
Starting now, I am inviting
you, after you sign your
name on the pew pad, to
put in parenthesis () anyone you have met and
prayed for this week.
These don’t have to be
people “new” to you, but
perhaps people you know,
but didn’t know the
names of, or people you
see all the time, but didn’t
get a chance to talk with
before. We will keep doing this experiment for a
while until we begin to get
comfortable with connecting with more people.
And then, we may continue as a way to encourage
each other to keep being
“salt and light” for the
When you get to your
notepad, you can write
the name(s) down and
send a brief prayer to God
for their needs.
Here’s my suggestion for
a way that works for me:
Keep a note pad in your
car (or purse, etc.) that
you can write names in.
If someone is familiar to
you, but you don’t know,
or have forgotten their
name, you can always say,
“Please help me with you
name.” Most people are
familiar with forgetting
names and they will help
you with no problems.
Simply pay attention to
the conversation you have
The final step is to check
the notepad every few
weeks and see if God is
leading you to do or say
more to reach or connect
with the people you meet.
Volunteer Opportunities!
Just because
summer is coming around,
along with vacations, family outings, and time outside, doesn’t mean the
church closes its doors.
Our youth, children, and
adults are still around, and
worship continues! However, summer often
means there are extra
gaps in our ministries.
If you don’t usually volunteer for something because your plate is
full, please consider a
short-term opportunity to
help in a fairly straightforward ministry? Here are
some places you can “plug
in” right away!
Ushers – help in all kinds
of ways, especially with
welcoming, handing out
bulletins, passing the
plates, sometimes acolyting, and in other ways
too. Just ask one of the
ushers or Dave Sharp
about needs, and they will
be happy to get you connected!
Continued on next page
Sound and Lights – if you like buttons
and have some technical skill (or want
some), talk with Jim Branstetter or any
of the folks who hang around the back
of the sanctuary during worship. We
have an excellent team, but they can
always use more hands.
Children and youth – you will have to
get some training and pass through our
procedures to work directly with children, but Children’s Church has become
an essential ministry every Sunday
morning for both worship services. Talk
with Robin Carroll or one of the other
volunteers for opportunities to help. Of
course, VBS and Sunday School can
always use help too.
Music – music doesn’t stop when the
choir takes a break. We are trying to
build up our praise bands and hopefully
add some more talent in the fall as well.
Speak with Mark Biondolillo if you’d like
to play an instrument (kazoo’s are ok
too!) or participate in some way. Hey, if
a pastor can be a drummer, you can
bring your instruments to play for God’s
glory too! Don’t forget to sign up for
choir in the fall.
Don’t miss our last outing of the 201415 season. For our Sunday afternoon,
June 14 outing we are planning to
attend Dirty Rotten Scoundrels performed by The Little Theatre of Norfolk. Based on the popular 1988
film, two men living on the French Riviera, skilled in duping rich women out of
their money, attempt to work with one
another only to find out the town isn’t
big enough for the two of them. They
decide to settle the matter once and
for all. The first one to swindle $50,000
from the heiress Christine Colgate wins
and the other must leave town. A
hilarious battle of cons ensues that
will keep you laughing, humming, and
guessing to the end. If you haven’t
already reserved your spot, do so
immediately. Price is just $16 plus
your meal afterwards.
Remember, we will continue to put
pictures from our previous outings on
the table in front of the Fifty Plus bulletin board. Help yourself to any old
pictures you would like. We will replace the pictures every couple weeks
or so.
For reservations and/or questions for
any Fifty Plus outing, contact Anne or
Bill Bryan at 851-0748 or by e-mail to
[email protected].
Lake Junaluska Retreat 7/11-7/17
We will be going back to Lake Junaluska this year. We will
have the same guest speaker and band as last year. The total
cost of the trip is $200.00. More details to come!
Josh McNutt
Director of Youth Ministries
First United Methodist Church of Fox Hill
1 Salt Pond
Hampton, VA 23664
Church Camping 4th of July
Join us for fun, relaxation, the great outdoors, fellowship, hiking, biking, swimming (pool), fishing
or walking the shore of the James River. Last year the camp rangers had a gathering to view the
fireworks from across the James River.
When: July 4th weekend
Place: Chippokes Plantation State Park in Surry (an hour away)
Contact: Tom or Lisa Hite, [email protected] or 851-0985.
Individuals will be responsible for booking their own reservations (A sites).
Early booking is suggested.
Graduation Sunday
June 7, 2015
11:00 am
First UMC Fox Hill
Please come and celebrate
our graduates
Ryan and Carrie today informed us
Isabella is doing well. They still want
her to be isolated. She would be
right back in the hospital if she
comes down with a cold. Ryan asked me if we were
up-to-date with our Tetanus shots. We are up-todate on everything. Between being a health care
professional and taking care of an elderly parent,
we are both covered. Thanks to all of the prayer
warriors out there. We Grandparents and the parents are very thankful.
Allan & Sandy Williams
York River District United Methodist Men’s
Night at the Ballgame
Monday, June 15, 2015
at 7 pm
We invite you to enjoy an American tradition at
War Memorial Stadium with the Peninsula Pilots baseball
This will be a night to bring together our brothers, sisters,
friends and family for an evening of old fashion good times.
See your UM Men President , Hunter Francis
for Tickets
$1.00 each
We now have an Endowment Giving Program at First United Methodist Church Fox
Hill. It is a special program of giving above and beyond your regular contributions to the
church. Endowment gifts can be any amount of money (small or large) or other assets such
as personal property, life insurance, bequest in a will, real estate, etc. Endowment giving is
designed to create a legacy or endow our church’s ministry. Endowment giving is not intended to pay our normal operating expenses so all such legacy gifts should be in addition
to your giving to our routine expenses.
If you have any questions or are interested in making an endowment gift, any
member of our Endowment Committee would be happy to answer them or the committee
will meet with you. Our committee members include Hunter Francis, Bill Bryan, Lloyd Cato,
Woody Wilson, Tommy Thompson, Pastor Brian and Pastor Tommy. There are two pamphlets called “The Ways of Giving” and “Frequently asked Questions about Endowment
Giving” available for your review in the bin across from the pastor’s office. If you would like
to contact the Virginia United Methodist Foundation, you can receive a free confidential
consultation. Their phone number is 800-768-6040, ext. 120 or visit their website at
Circle Meetings
Wesley Circle will meet June 9th at 10:00 am.
Leader: Carolyn Bradley (850-3640)
Wednesday Morning Circle will meet June 10th at 10:00.
Leader: Kay Foster (851-1837)
Thursday Evening Circle will meet June 11th at 7:00 pm.
Leader: Claudine Womble (851-5151)
The Thursday Evening Circle will go out to dinner Thursday, June 11th, at 6:30 pm
to Mama Rosa’s Restaurant at
617 E. Mercury Blvd, Hampton. This is our final meeting until fall. RSVP to Joyce Fly,
851-2079, or email to [email protected]. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Graduation 2015
Brandi Jayne Ammons—
Graduating from Kecoughtan High School
Future plans—Childcare
John Calhoun—
Graduating from Kecoughtan High School
Steven Cato—
Graduating from Virginia Tech with a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering and minor in Mathematics.
Future plans—work in Aerospace Engineering
Edward D. Fly, II—
Graduating from Chippewa Valley Technical College in Eau Claire, WI received a degree in Welding
Future plans—work in chosen field
Joy Elisabeth Fly—
Graduating from Menomonie High School, Wisconsin and received High School Diploma w/Honors
Future plans—Attend University of Minnesota
A’nna Rachell Haight—
Graduating from VCU w/ a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics & a concentration in Secondary
education . Future plans—Teacher
Grace Hughes—
Graduating from Kecoughtan High School with Highest Honors Advanced High School Diploma.
Future plans—Attend Virginia Tech—Engineering
Kristina Kidroske
Graduating from Richlands High School in Richlands, NC
Future plans—Johnson and Wales University in Charlotte, NC— Major Culinary Arts,
Minor in Baking
Janae Stupica—
Graduating from Kecoughtan High School With a Honors Diploma.
Future plans— Attending Thomas Nelson Community College
William Oakley Roach
Graduating from Kecoughtan High with Highest Honors
Future plans—George Mason University studying Finance.
Genesis Rosario
Graduating from Kecoughtan High School with High School Diploma
Future plans– Air France (Medical Field)
Joyful Noise is kid-friendly worship for children 5th
grade and younger held most Sundays starting after
Children’s Message.
Nursery is available for children 4 years and younger
during Worship and Sunday School.
8:30 am: Worship - 9:30 am: Sunday School
for all ages and 11:00 am: Worship
Children & Youth Choirs
New Creation Kidz, K-5th grades,
meets Wednesdays 3:00pm-4:00pm
Fire Fall, 6th-12th grades, meets
Wednesdays 4:15pm-5:15pm
Come learn some music theory, different instruments, and vocal technique
along with games and snacks. ALL
For more information contact Mark
Biondolillo: 851-6302 Ext 13 [email protected]
Imagine No Malaria
Lemonade & Play
Saturday, April 25
Volunteering @ Sandy
Bottom Nature Park
Saturday, May 16
We all can make a difference, at any age!
We host Girl Scout Troop 1000.
Vacation Bible School
While they do not meet regularly dur“Love in Action”
ing the summer, you can contact the
Evenings July 20-24
troop leader: [email protected]
We also host Cub Scout Pack 151.
More Fun
They have some events during the
June - Bowling
summer, but do not meet regularly
August – Beach Day
until the fall. To get involved contact:
[email protected]
For older brothers and sisters we also
host Venture Crew 151 & Boy Scout
Troop 151. They meet Tuesdays, 6pm
for crew & 7pm for scouts.
Josh McNutt
Youth and Children’s
[email protected]
Karate for Christ
Karate for Christ is part of an
international ministry to teach
self-defense as well as to train
the body and the spirit to glorify God.
We currently meet on
Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm &
Fridays 6:30-8:00pm
Pastor Brian Sixbey: Sensei
(instructor) [email protected]
Children and adults are welcome. We normally begin with
children age 7 and up, but exceptions can be made.
Free trial & Low monthly fees
In addition to all this feel free
to enjoy our playground daily.
We generally have monthly
events planned especially for
children. Look for event information on our community board
at the playground and on Facebook. Tell a neighbor and invite
a friend!
Financial Fundamentals This periodic report briefly addresses finances at FUMC Fox
Hill. The latest weekly and year-to-date information is printed weekly in The Sail
available at every service or in the church office.
Finances improved again in April, but we still have a ways to go. We are now current
on our District Apportionments, mission plans, and have paid all our operational bills
and the mortgage. We are still $5,820 behind on our Conference obligations and have
not been setting aside our planned savings for future expenses. With May being a
five-Sunday month, we are hopeful to continue improving our financial state.
Memorial gifts during April totaled $430. Those memorials were paid directly on the
principal of our mortgage and, when coupled with our normal monthly payment, reduced our outstanding debt to $609,960.
You have probably recently heard more about Endowments. We encourage you to
check into the program as it may be appropriate for you. Endowments are a means for
individuals to provide a legacy for long-term support of their church, but are not intended to pay our normal operating expenses. All gifts are always appreciated, but be
sure to remember we need to cover our everyday expenses when considering your giving.
And speaking of giving, remember we offer the opportunity for on-line giving which
may work well for you. You don’t need to write a check, remember to bring your envelope to church, or worry about missing contributions when you are unable to make it to
church. You can make one-time gifts or set up regular weekly or monthly giving. Just
go to our web page at: and click on the “GIVE” button toward
the upper right. Contact Bill Bryan if you have any questions.
Total One Fund – Through April 2015
Income For Planned Expenses1
Total One Fund Expenses
(excludes pass through2)
Pass Through Income2
Pass Through Expense
“Pay-It-Forward” Contributions
Includes regular and memorial contributions, building
use income, interest, etc.
This item represents funds contributed, but passed
through to non-budget items, e.g., flowers, Advocate
subscriptions, special mission programs, etc.
Always share God’s blessings
through gifts to others and
your church.
If you have any concerns or
questions about FUMC FH finances, please contact our
financial staff through the
church office or Bill Bryan,
Finance Chair, at 851-0748 or
by e-mail to [email protected].
The Trustees met May 13, 2015 and revised the policies and fees for use
of our beautiful facilities. Any interested person can stop by the church
office and see Delia to read the revised copy.
Happy Birthday - June
*Joyce & Charles Winston
Nicole (Horsley) Burns
Bonnie Herncall
Keith Melanson
Nancy Verry
JUN 12
JUN 13
Matt Delk
Luna Lauffer
JUN 15
*Chuck & Karen McNeil
*Nathan & Julie Williams
Jeffrey Verry, Jr.
JUN 25
*John & Jean Pickin
*George & Carroll Honeycutt
Greg Fisher
JUN 16
*Rob & Rita Ferguson
Dylan Horsley
JUN 26
*Jason & Robin Carroll
*Tommy & Nancy Markham
Marcie Calhoun
Amy Johnson
Barbara Arbogast
Joyce Fly
*Ray & Tanya Ammons
*Bob & Donna & Leavell
*Brian & Marilyn Eubank
Norma Soriano
Charles Winston, Jr.
*Les & Deb Ware
Ella Ferguson
David Fly
JUN 10
Sandra Palko
Claudia Seely
JUN 11
Richard Shearer
JUN 14
*Steve & Jenny Howell
Debbie Apperson
JUN 17
*Bill & Anne Bryan
*Jack & Jackie Soulé
Brandi Ammons
JUN 18
Ken Bernstrom
Fred Worthington
JUN 19
*Bruce & Donna Fleenor
*Rick & Janet Holden
*Mark & Jane Shuart
JUN 20
JUN 21
*Doug & Karen Carr
Clifford Shaffer
JUN 22
Jacob Caricofe
Patricia Shaffer
Linda Williams
JUN 23
John Blackmon
Betty Triplett
JUN 24
Lynne Bunting
JUN 27
*Dave & Peg Hopewell
David Messick
JUN 28
*Marshall & Mary Johnson
*Brian & Katie Thurston
Sue Hughes
JUN 29
Christopher Brooks
Nathan Graybeal
Donna Greer
Jesse Hughes
Gabriel Scott
JUN 30
7 p m - Wesley Bells
1 0 a m - Shawl Makers (ESR)
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Sta ff Me e t i ng
4 p m - Youth Sunday Bell
6 p m - Praise Team
7 p m - Boy Scouts
7 p m - Cub Scouts @ 1 Salt
Fellowship Sunday
Youth Band Sunda y
8 : 3 0 a m - Worship (S)
9 : 4 5 a m - SS/SG
1 1 a m - Worship (S)
4 : 3 0 p m - Youth Band (FH)
7 p m - Cub Scouts @ 1 Salt
7 : 3 0 p m - Chancel Choir
7 p m - Boy Scouts
6 p m - UMYF @ Narthex
6 p m - T1071 - GS (SS) @
6 p m - Praise Team
5 : 3 0 p m - Youth Band
2 p m - SAL at Shelton
4 p m - Youth Sunday Bell
4 : 3 0 p m - Youth Band (FH)
9 : 3 0 a m - Women's Bible
9 a m - Clergy Group
1 1 a m - Worship (S)
1 0 a m - Shawl Makers (ESR)
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Sta ff Me e t i ng
7 p m - PPSRC (Tri-X)
7 : 3 0 p m - Chancel Choir
6 p m - T1071 - GS (SS) @
5 : 3 0 p m - Youth Band
9 : 3 0 a m - Women's Bible
9 a m - Clergy Group
5 : 3 0 p m - Youth Band
4 : 1 5 p m - FireFall @ Choir
9 : 4 5 a m - SS/SG
8 : 3 0 a m - Worship (S)
7 p m - Wesley Bells
6 p m - How Money Works @
7 p m - Cub Scouts @ 1 Salt
4 : 3 0 p m - Youth Band (FH)
7 p m - Boy Scouts
2 p m - Wedding service
6 p m - Praise Team
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Sta ff Me e t i ng
1 0 a m - Shawl Makers (ESR)
4 p m - Youth Sunday Bell
6 : 3 0 p m - U MM D i nne r ( F H )
9 : 4 5 a m - SS/SG
1 2 p m - 50 + (BUS)
6 : 3 0 p m - C.A.T . (PP)
8 : 3 0 a m - Worship (S)
1 1 a m - Worship (S)
Deadline for July
Cookie Sunday
7 p m - Cub Scouts @ 1 Salt
8 a m - Facilites Team
7 : 3 0 p m - Chancel Choir
7 p m - Boy Scouts
6 p m - UMYF @ Narthex
7 p m - Cub Scout Pack 151
7 p m - Adult VC (PP)
6 p m - How Money Works @
6 p m - T1071 - GS (SS) @
6 p m - Praise Team
2 p m - SAL @ Coliseum
4 p m - Youth Sunday Bell
4 : 3 0 p m - Youth Band (FH)
1 0 a m - UMW Circle (Kay
9 : 3 0 a m - Women's Bible
1 1 a m - Worship (S)
1 0 a m - UMW Wesley Circle
9 a m - Clergy Group
1 0 : 3 0 a m - Sta ff Me e t i ng
7 : 3 0 p m - Church Council
1 0 a m - Shawl Makers (ESR)
3 p m - New Creation Kidz @
9 : 4 5 a m - SS/SG
8 : 3 0 a m - Worship (S)
7 p m - Wesley Bells
6 : 1 5 p m - Finance Com
6 p m - T1071 - GS (SS) @
7 p m - Cub Scouts @ 1 Salt
5 : 3 0 p m - Youth Band
7 p m - Boy Scouts
7 p m - Stewardship (PP)
4 : 1 5 p m - FireFall @ Choir
6 p m - Praise Team
7 p m - PPSRC (Tri-X)
9 : 3 0 a m - Women's Bible
4 p m - Youth Sunday Bell
6 : 3 0 p m - PLC Scout
9 a m - Clergy Group
1 0 a m - Shawl Makers (ESR)
6 p m - T rustees Mtg. (ESR)
Graduatio n Sunday
6 : 3 0 p m - HS Girls Life
6 : 3 0 p m - HS Boys Life
6 : 3 0 p m - HS Girls Life
6 : 3 0 p m - HS Boys Life
7 p m - UMW T hursda y
6 : 3 0 p m - HS Girls Life
6 : 3 0 p m - HS Boys Life
6 : 3 0 p m - HS Girls Life
6 : 3 0 p m - HS Boys Life
6 : 3 0 p m - Cub Pack Leaders
9 a m - District Clergy
Final Life Group of School
6 : 3 0 p m - Karate for Christ
6 : 3 0 p m - Karate for Christ
6 p m - Cub Scout Pack 151
6 : 3 0 p m - Karate for Christ
6 : 3 0 p m - Karate for Christ
GS (Lock In) in upstairs in
June 2015
6 p m - Emmaus Gathering
8 a m - Cub Scout 151 (FH &
8 a m - Eagle Scout (FH
2 p m - Cub Scout Day Camp
1 p m - CAT Bowling Event
7 a m - Girl Scout Service
7 p m - Wesley Bells
6 p m - UMYF @ Narthex
Martha’s Ministry Team
8:30 & 11:00 am
Martha ‘s Ministry Team under the leadership of
Joann Smith
Mary Smith
Barbara Arbogast
Jean Sprouse
Kay Foster
Alice Sturk
Lisa Hite
Anne Ziglar
La Rose Richardson
Nancy Forrest
USHERS for the month:
Kay Royster
The April/May team under the leadership of Evelyn
Boone were privileged to provide a reception for the
families of Bill Snider and Clarkie Branch
We welcome Beverly Stanley to the April/May
team, under the leadership of Evelyn Boone
And we also welcome Bonnie Harper to the
October/November team under the leadership of
Jean Pickin
Thank you ladies for your service
Mary Smith
Richard Shearer
Hunter Francis
Bill Bryan
Ken Bernstrom
Jim McAnally
Grace Hughes
Dave Sharp
Nathan Graybeal
Ronnie Steele
Bobby Smith
LITURGISTS: Month of June
8:30 am
11:00 am
Dave Messick
Jim Bly
Check the weekly bulletin for Acolyte
District Events
Thursday, June 4 (9:30am-12pm); $8 - District Clergy
Farewell event at Bethany UMC - Gloucester Point
Friday, June 5 (5:30-9pm) - Saturday, June 6 (8:30am 12pm); $40 - Disaster Response Training: Spiritual and
Emotional Care Training at St. Luke's UMC
Saturday, June 6 (10-11am) - Annual Conference Orientation
at Crook’s Memorial UMC
Friday—Sunday, June 19-21 - Annual Conference at
Roanoke Civic Center
6/7 Dave Sharp
6/14 Dave Rogers
6/21 Dave Hopewell
6/28 Jimmy Roberson
Non-Profit Organization
First United Methodist Church Fox Hill
1 Salt Pond Road
Hampton, VA 23664
You’re invited to worship with us!
Sundays – 8:30 & 11:00 AM
9:45 AM, Sunday School
Brian Sixbey – Pastor
Tommy Markham – Assistant Pastor
1 Salt Pond Rd.
Hampton, Virginia
(757) 851-6302
US Postage
Hampton, VA 23664
Permit # 209