Florida Hospice & Palliative Care Association Exhibitor and Sponsor Prospectus 30th Annual Forum Clinical End-of-Life Conference May 21 & 22, 2015 Hilton Orlando Orlando, Florida Forum 2015 is your canvas, be inspired. More than 350 hospice leaders, including Florida Hospice & Palliative Care Association (FHPCA) board members, nurses, social workers, chaplains, and finance professionals from around the state and throughout the region will be in attendance. These professionals are responsible for treating upwards of 100,000 patients each year and work for some of the largest hospices in the country. FHPCA Provider Members are Different: • Some of largest hospice programs in the country are members of FHPCA • Average Daily Census range from 20 – 1,500 • Innovative programs with varying needs • All provide some kind of ancillary service for patients and families Exhibiting at Forum means you can reach key leaders and hundreds of clinicians in end-of-life care. What past attendees have said about Forum: “This was a wonderful conference! I really enjoyed the speakers, the modules, and networking with local and other vendors.” “I had a great time, and actually enjoyed this more than I enjoyed the National Conference that was held in Orlando two years ago. Thank you.” “This conference was relevant, interesting, and informative. I brought home a LOT of information that I can put into practice right away!” “This was my first Forum and I am excited to attend again next year even if I have to pay for it myself.” Bring Your Brand Into The Foreground Network with Florida Leaders Forum begins with an exclusive reception for our exhibitors and sponsors with the executive leaders from Florida’s hospices. Don’t miss this opportunity to make a name for yourself and your company. These leaders will be on the show floor the next morning, which is a great opportunity to follow up and make your first impression last. Put Your Products or Service in the Hands of Users More than 350 clinicians and practitioners will be walking the show floor during FHPCA’s two-day Forum. Think of creative ways to demonstrate what makes your company the best and prove it to the people who put your expertise to use in the field. Leave a Lasting Impression Make sure that attendees remember you long after they leave your booth. Sponsor one of our awards so they associate your brand with excellence or put your logo on our conference materials so attendees will remember you every time they drink from their water bottle or reference their handouts. Key Dates - Don’t Miss These Deadlines! Early Bird Cut-Off is Friday, February 27, 2015. Reserve your booth before the cut-off for the best rate! The advertising deadline is Friday, April 24, 2015. All payment and copy must be submitted by this date in order to appear in the conference brochure. Send your ad in earlier to maximize your free advertising on our conference website! Exhibit Hall Planned to Maximize Your Exposure Again and Again The exhibit space is located at the heart of Forum, with breaks, sessions and social events happening on or adjacent to the show floor. Conference breaks are similar to the office water cooler; attendees congregate to meet and chat over refreshments. You can join in these conversations and make connections. We scatter these “water cooler sessions” around the floor to draw attendees around the room and close to your booth. This trade show isn’t tucked in a far-off corner, but rather central to key events happening throughout the day. Schedule of Events ( Times are subject to change) Wednesday, May 20, 2015 2:00PM – 5:00PM Exhibit Load-In 5:00PM – 7:00PM Exhibitor & Board of Directors VIP Reception Thursday, May 21, 2015 8:00AM – 5:30PM Exhibit Hall Open 8:00AM Continental Breakfast Served on Show Floor 10:00AM AM Break on Show Floor 11:45AM Awards of Excellence Lunch 5:30PM Culture & Cocktails Gallery Opening (Orange Lobby) Friday, May 22, 2015 8:00AM – 12:00PM Exhibit Hall Open 8:00AM Continental Breakfast Served on Show Floor 10:15AM AM Break on Show Floor 12:00PM Lunch 1:30PM –3:30PM Exhibit Load-Out Culture & Cocktails Gallery Opening and Drinks with Attendees You’ve been working hard at your exhibit station all day – now it’s time to step away from that booth, unwind and visit with attendees in our Gallery Opening. Network and mingle with attendees in a relaxed environment, sample some delicious appetizers and sip a drink, all while enjoying the freedom to move about the lounge. Exhibit Draw Them In Exhibitor fees include a 10x10 booth, table, two chairs, waste basket, basic signage, seven customized drink tickets with your company’s logo for the Thursday Evening Culture & Cocktails Party (to be distributed to attendees) and admission to the show floor for up to two company representatives. Booth Early Bird (before 2/27/15) Standard (after 2/27/15) FHPCA Member Non-Member Non-Profit (limited availability) $1,250 $1,800 $750 $1,500 $2,100 $1,250 Exhibit Hall Art Gallery This year we are turning the Exhibit Hall into an art gallery, and each booth will display a work of art. Exhibitors are welcome to either host one of our hospice program member’s artwork or supply one from their company. Badge Scanning Exhibitors will now have the chance to be volunteer badge scanners for sessions. This is a great opportunity for those wishing for more face time with attendees, to get involved, or simply to see attendees’ names and titles. Advertise Reach your target audience and direct attendees to your booth – advertise in the Forum Conference Booklet, distributed to all attendees at the 2015 Forum, plus promote your support in advance when you receive a FREE duplicate ad on our conference website. FHPCA Member Exhibitor FHPCA Member Non-Member Exhibitor Non-Member Full Page (8.5” x 5.5”) $250 $300 $325 $350 Half Page (4.25” x 5.5”) $175 $225 $250 $275 Quarter Page (4.25 x 2.75”) $125 $175 $200 $225 Specifications: • Files must be print-ready and submitted as high-resolution .pdf or .eps formats with fonts embedded. • Press-optimized .pdf files preferred. Resolution must be at least 300dpi. • All advertisements must be right-reading. • Files submitted in other formats or files requiring retouching or reformatting may incur additional fees. Sponsor Collaborate with FHPCA and stand out from the crowd! Sponsorship is your chance to increase your visibility and exposure. Sponsor an award, an event or an item at the Forum. Visit http://floridahospices.org/forum/exhibitorssponsors to see what sponsorships are currently available. Special Event Sponsorship Each sponsorship includes signage with your logo, acknowledgement in the Forum Program and on the Forum website, as well as the opportunity to address attendees from the dais during the conference. Continental Breakfast Sponsor Thursday Friday Thursday Awards of Excellence Luncheon Sponsor $1,000 $1,000 $2,500 Thursday Evening “Culture & Cocktails” Sponsor Gold Silver Bronze $2,500 $1,500 $500 Thursday AM Thursday PM Friday AM $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Break Sponsor Friday Luncheon Sponsor $2,500 Executive Roundtable Sponsor $2,500 $2,500 Live Art Performance Sponsor $1,000 Wednesday Evening VIP Reception Sponsor $2,500 Awards of Excellence Sponsorship Each sponsorship includes your logo and acknowledgement in the Awards of Excellence Luncheon program as well as the opportunity to announce the winner of the award from the stage. Even if you are not sponsoring an award, join us for this annual awards program. This lunch is a great time to spend extended time with a small group of attendees while enjoying conversation and celebration. Individual Awards (sponsor one of the following) • Excellence in Interdisciplinary Practice Award • Barbara Janosko Excellence In Leadership Award • Hospice Story Award • Catalyst Award Program Awards (sponsor one of the following) • Excellence in Program Innovation Award – Community Outreach • Excellence in Program Innovation Award – Clinical Practice • Synergy Award $750 $750 $750 $750 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Other Sponsorship Opportunities FHPCA is happy to customize a sponsorship opportunity to suit your goals and budget. Contact us for more information. Here are successful sponsorships we have used in the past: Reusable Water Bottle Sponsor $1,000 Padfolio Sponsor $2,500 Book Jacket Sponsor Put your stamp on this giveaway by adding your logo to the front cover of a book, included in every conference bag! Conference Bag Sponsor See you logo on the arm of every conference attendee with the conference bag sponsorship. $4,000 Retractable Badge Sponsor $2,500 Conference Recording Sponsor $5,000 Recordings of plenary and concurrent sessions will be available for purchase after the Forum. Sponsor our recordings and your customized greeting will air at the beginning of each cd or download sold. $5,000 Conference Bag Insert Variable Contact us at: Member Services: 877-783-1922 Jessica Hughes, COO: [email protected] Website: www.floridahospices.org/forum FHPCA 2015 Forum EXHIBITOR & SPONSOR APPLICATION FORM May 21 & 22, 2015 | Hilton Orlando 6001 Destination Parkway, Orlando, FL 32819 GENERAL INFORMATION Company Name: Primary Contact Name: Email: This person will receive all information regarding the details of exhibiting at the 2015 Forum, including billing information, booth assignment, etc. Address: City: Phone: Email: Marketing Contact Name: State: Zip: Fax: Website: Email: This person will work with FHPCA on all marketing related enterprises. I was referred by: EXHIBITION FEES Exhibitor fees include a 10x10 booth, table, two chairs, waste basket, basic signage, admission to the show floor for up to two company representatives, and seven customized drink tickets with your company’s logo. Member 10x10 Booth Early Bird (Before 2/27/15) ¨ $1,250 Booth Representative #1 Name: Email: Booth Representative #2 Name: Email: Non-Member Regular (After 2/27/15) ¨ $1,500 Early Bird (Before 2/27/15) ¨ $1,800 Regular (After 2/27/15) ¨ $2,100 Title: Title: Additional representatives from your company are welcome to attend, but they must purchase a Floor Pass ($99 per person) prior to the conference. Provide each additional representative’s name, title and email to Holly Sinco, Member Services Coordinator, at 877-783-1922 or [email protected] with. Floor passes will NOT be sold separate from a booth purchase. # of Additional Representatives: Logo Drink Tickets Thursday Luncheon Purchase additional customized drink tickets to handout to the attendees for use at the Thursday Night Cocktail Party. ¨ $35 (7 tickets) ¨ $150 (30 tickets) ¨ $75 (15 tickets) ¨ $250 (50 tickets) How many representatives will attend the Awards of Excellence Luncheon on Thursday? ¨ 0 ¨ 1 ¨ 2 ¨ 3 ¨ 4 ¨ Other _________ The Awards Luncheon is included in your registration fee but in order to ensure there is enough food we must know how many will be in attendance. Walk-ins cannot be accommodated. TOTAL EXHIBITION FEES: Booth Fee: Additional Booth Reps - $99 per addition: Drink Tickets: Lunch: TOTAL: Included in registration Please Note: Attempting to bypass the exhibiting registration process with the intent to solicit, sell, or approach Forum attendees is strictly prohibited and will result in expulsion from the conference. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Check off on the sponsorship you wish to purchase. ☐ VIP Reception Sponsor - $2,500 Kick off Forum by hosting FHPCA Board of Directors, their leadership, exhibitors, and sponsors at this exclusive VIP reception. ☐ Executive Roundtable Sponsor - $5,000 Sponsor this special educational event just for FHPCA Board of Directors and their leadership team. Event occurs on Thursday. This sponsorship may be split into two, contact our office for more information. ☐ Awards of Excellence Luncheon Sponsor - $2,500 Get in front of hundreds of hospice leaders, clinicians and end of life partners by sponsoring this exciting event celebrating excellence in hospice. Awards of Excellence Sponsorships Celebrate those who make hospice great by sponsoring one or more of the awards below. Winners will receive a beautiful award and a cash prize. Award sponsors will also have the opportunity to present the award to the winner. Individual Awards Sponsor Excellence in Interdisciplinary Practice Award Barbara Janosko Excellence in Leadership Award Hospice Story Award Catalyst Award ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ $750 $750 $750 $750 Program Awards Sponsor Excellence in Program Innovation Award -Community Outreach Excellence in Program Innovation Award - Clinical Practice Synergy Award ☐ ☐ ☐ $1000 $1000 $1000 ☐ Thursday Cocktail Party Sponsor - Gold $2,500 | Silver $1,500 | Bronze $500 (Circle the level you wish sponsor.) Help Forum attendees relax and socialize after a long day of learning by sponsoring this fun evening event. ☐ Continental Breakfast Sponsor - Thursday $1,000 | Friday $1,000 (Circle the day you wish sponsor.) ☐ Break Sponsor - Thursday AM $1,000 | Thursday PM $1,000 | Friday AM $1,000 (Circle the break you wish sponsor.) ☐ Live Art Performance Sponsor - $1,000 Support hospice and the arts by sponsoring this exciting live event. ☐ Friday Luncheon Sponsor - $2,500 ☐ Book Jacket Sponsor $5,000 Put your stamp on this giveaway by adding your logo to the front cover of a book, included in every conference bag! ☐ Conference Recording Sponsor $5,000 Sponsor our recordings and your customized greeting will air at the beginning of each cd or download sold. ☐ Bag Sponsor $4,000 ☐ Padfolio Sponsor $2,500 ☐ Retractable Badge Sponsor $2,500 ☐ Reusable Water Bottle Sponsor $1,000 ☐ Conference Bag Insert Sponsor Variable PAYMENT Amount of payment: Payment Method: EXHIBITION FEES ______________ + SPONSORSHIP ______________ = TOTAL: _________________________ Check Enclosed* Credit Card: VISA Mastercard Credit Card Number: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ AmEx Discover Exp. Date: Code: Cardholder Name: CC Billing Address: CC Phone Number: *Make checks payable to Florida Hospice & Palliative Care Association TERMS OF CONTRACT These rules and regulations are a part of the contract between Florida Hospice & Palliative Care Association (FHPCA) and the Exhibitor Company (Exhibitor). Signature on this form constitutes agreement with all rules and regulations. Interpretation of all rules and regulations is the responsibility of FHPCA management. Decisions by management are final. Payment for Space: All applications must be accompanied by payment. Access to the exhibit hall will not be permitted unless all fees are paid in full before the event occurs. Booth Personnel: Exhibitor registration includes admission for up to two company representatives. Additional representatives must purchase a floor pass in order to participate in the Forum tradeshow or any associated events. Floor passes are NOT available for purchase separate from a booth. Attempting to bypass the exhibiting registration process with the intent to solicit, sell, or approach Forum attendees is strictly prohibited and will result in expulsion from the conference. Cancellation Policy: Sponsors requesting cancellation of registration and providing written notice to the FHPCA office no later than April 1, 2015 are eligible for a 50% refund. Cancellations received after April 1, 2015 will not receive a refund. Installation of Exhibits: Exhibitor registration will be open between the hours of 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM on Wednesday, May 20, 2015. Any exhibit space not occupied by 5:00 PM on May 20th will be considered forfeited by the exhibitor and no refund shall be paid. FHPCA may reassign such space at their discretion without any obligation to the exhibitor. Dismantling of Exhibits: The Exhibit Hall will close at 1:30 PM on Friday, May 22, 2015. Since the closing plenary session will be occurring in the Exhibit Hall on Friday, Exhibitors are asked not to dismantle before 1:30 PM. Acceptability of Exhibits: All exhibitors must serve the interest of the conference attendees and shall be operated in a way that will not detract from the conference as a whole. FHPCA reserves the right to refuse or require the withdrawal of any exhibitor which it deems objectionable to its purpose and to prohibit anything that, in its sole judgment, may be deemed to detract from the show in general. Fire, Safety and Health Regulations: The Exhibitor agrees to comply with all local, city and state laws, ordinances and regulations for fire, safety and health. Arrangement of booth shall not hinder traffic flow through aisles. No combustible materials may be stored in or around the exhibit. All food and beverage items must be supplied through the conference venue (Orlando Hilton) and no outside items are permitted without express written permission from FHPCA management and the conference venue. Immunity from Liability: It is agreed that neither FHPCA nor its host venue shall be liable for any damage to, or destruction of any exhibit (or part of the exhibit), artwork, or disappearance of any exhibit (or part) or any property contained in and about the exhibit area. The Exhibitor agrees to hold harmless FHPCA and host venue and their employees and representatives from and against all liability for damage, injury, costs, or loss to all persons and claims arising out of or resulting from exhibitor’s use and occupancy of the exhibit area at the venue or any part thereof. Non-Discrimination Clause: The Exhibitor has a policy of non-discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, disability and age. Use of Space: Exhibitors may not assign, sublet or share with any other company the space they have been allotted with out prior consent from FHPCA management. Exhibitors must confine their exhibit within their assigned booth unless arrangements are made for additional tables or space. Amplifying devices that project sound beyond the exhibitor’s booth are prohibited. Authorization: I have read and agree to comply with the terms of this contract. ______________________________________________ Signature of Exhibitor’s Authorized Representative ______________________ Date
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