Chapter of 23rd Annual Autumn Safety & Health Conference & Exposition November 13, 2014 Radisson Hotel, 200 Harborview Plaza, La Crosse, WI 54601 | 608.784.6680 CONFERENCE OVERVIEW: The Wisconsin Safety Council’s Autumn Safety & Health Conference is a tremendous opportunity for safety and health professionals to gather and learn from experts and peers how to best address today’s safety, health and compliance issues. Valuable topics affecting industrial safety will be covered. The session formats allow time for a thorough understanding of each subject, in addition to questions and answers. Register for the 2014 Autumn Safety & Health Conference today. Space is limited! • The conference provides attendees the tools and practical applications needed to tackle their most significant safety issues. • During the conference, we will showcase “Best Practices” — designed to address the role of safety and health. The Wisconsin Safety Council’s Conferences and Expositions feature renowned speakers, educators and professionals. As an exhibitor and/or sponsor, you will be in the spotlight with this top talent. Extensive networking, dedicated exhibit time on the event schedule and a variety of activities ensures booths are well-visited and sponsors have maximum visibility. It’s the ideal environment in which to exhibit, demonstrate and sell. • Engage with decision makers to generate solid leads • Increase brand awareness • Maximize your presence with a variety of high-visibility opportunities WHO ATTENDS? Anyone interested in occupational safety and health issues including: safety, health and compliance professionals, and personnel with a wide range of responsibilities, such as human resource managers, plant managers, production staff, supervisors and safety committee members. • Exhibitor Prospectus • alth Counc il He Crosse Area La O nal Saf ety atio up a cc nd Presented in partnership with: 23rd Annual Autumn Safety & Health Conference/Expo Exhibitor/Sponsor Registration Exhibit Package November 13, 2014 Please print your contact information or attach your business card. Booths are located in the general meeting room with keynotes and sessions Exhibiting Organization Information One six (6) foot skirted table is provided for your display Contact Name______________________________________________ Two attendee registrations for all sessions Conference Schedule Installation of display materials will be from 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. on the day of the event. Organization Name__________________________________________ Contact Title________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________ City_______________________ State____________ ZIP____________ Telephone _____________________ Fax_________________________ Displays must be ready for viewing by 7:30 a.m. Email______________________________________________________ Exhibits open to attendees for over two hours. Website____________________________________________________ Dismantling of displays may begin at conclusion of conference. 1. Name of Exhibit Representative______________________________ Exhibitor/Sponsor Registration Deadline The deadline to be listed in final program is October 30, 2014. Registrations will be accepted until the day before the event. Full refund if cancellation is made 14 days prior to conference date. 2. Name of Exhibit Representative______________________________ Additional representatives (additional registration fee required for each) 1.________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________ Description of products and/or services:_______________________ Exhibit Rental Space Fees _________________________________________________________ Exhibit fee includes two representative registrations and member companies receive a 10% discount on booth space pricing. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ One booth space for $250 _________________________________________________________ Additional representative for $100 _________________________________________________________ Electricity for $35 Sponsorship Opportunities Sponsor fees at all sponsorship levels include listing of organization name as sponsor on conference materials (final program to be distributed at the event, website and slideshow presentation), badge identification as sponsor and the opportunity to display organization banner at the event. Gold Sponsorship ($5,000 Level) One exhibit booth and two registrations included. Silver Sponsorship ($2,500 Level) 50% off exhibit booth and two registrations included. Bronze Sponsorship ($1,000 Level) One registration included. Nickel Sponsorship ($500 Level) Basic sponsorship as outlined in above paragraph. Wisconsin Safety Council PO Box 352, Madison, WI, 53701-0352 Office 608.258.3400 800.236.3400 Fax 608.258.3413 Email [email protected] Online Method of Payment (14CE) Total $__________________ Check (payable to WMC Foundation, Inc., Fed ID #39-1394068) or Bill my: Visa MasterCard American Express Cardholder’s Name (print)___________________________________ Signature__________________________________________________ Card Number______________________________________________ Expiration Date________________
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