FÖRENINGEN EKONOMERNA VID STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET Board meeting #25 Monday 04/05/2015 Styrelserummet, Smedjan Time: 18:00 – 21.00 §.1 Call to Order Christoffer Hintze called the meeting to order 18.05. §.2 Appointment of Secretary Emelie Norling was appointed as secretary. §.3 Appointment of Certifiers Stephanie Viljava and Anel Mulisic were appointed as certifiers. §.4 Adjustment of voting rights Benjamin Geralf obtains Jimmy Hagelfors’ vote in his absence. Stephanie Viljava obtains Mia Batljan’s vote in here absence. §.5 Attendees Christoffer Hintze Anel Mulisic Frida Wandborg Emelie Norling Jenny Holmgren Stephanie Viljava Benjamin Geralf ( - 19.04) Mirja Höjdestrand §.6 Adoption of Agenda Approved with suggested items added: Voting right . . . . . . . Speaking right . . . . . . . . Discussion item: One-year Master’s Promotion Rapporteur: Christoffer Hintze Discussion item: Purchase of diesel driven generator Rapporteur: Jenny Holmgren §.7 Follow up of to-do list Christoffer Hintze has spoken to Olle Green regarding the missing jacket. Jenny Holmgren and Frida Wandborg have booked Vassa Eggen for the mingle before the 50-years celebration. Benjamin Geralf has uploaded documents from Drive/Dropbox to Podio. Adoption of previous protocols The protocol from the Second Ordinary Association Meeting is approved with suggested changes: Suggested changes: Below “Godkännande av föredragningslista” was changed from: - ”§.54 blir §.51, §.51-53 revideras till ordning” to ”§.54 blir §.52 och §.51-§.53 revideras i följd.” - The paragraph ”§. 63 revideras till att godkänna Marknadsföringsutskottets ordförande för innevarande mandatperiod.” is added. Following formulations of the decision proposals considering respective paragraph was changed to: - §. 17 From: “Föreningsmötet godkänner motionen enligt föreslagen ändring”. To: Föreningsmötet godkänner motionen enligt föreslagen ändring, med revidering ”Föreningens firma tecknas av dem som styrelsen därtill utser” ändras till ”Föreningens firma tecknas "enligt §.25”. - §.19 From: “Föreningsmötet godkänner motionen enligt föreslagen ändring”, med tillägg ”Erlagd terminsavgift återbetalas ej”. To: Föreningsmötet godkänner motionen enligt föreslagen ändring, med tillägg ”Erlagd medlemsavgift återbetalas ej”. - §.24 From: ”Föreningsmötet godkänner motionen enligt föreslagen ändring.” To: ”Föreningsmötet godkänner motionen enligt föreslagen ändring. Meningen ”I dessa organ representeras Föreningen Ekonomerna av Ordförande, Vice ordförande och utbildningsansvarig respektive Utbildningsutskottets ordförande.” ändras till ”I dessa organ representeras Föreningen Ekonomerna av Ordförande, Vice ordförande och utbildningsansvarig, Utbildningsutskottets ordförande och/eller utsedda studentrepresentanter.” - §.26 From: Föreningsmötet godkänner motionen enligt föreslagen ändring. To: föreningsmötet godkänner motionen enligt föreslagen ändring med revideringen att ”Medlem får ej väljas till mer än en förtroendepost per mandatperiod.” ändras till ”Medlem får ej inneha mer än en förtroendepost åt gången.”. Meningen ”Kandidatur kan ske till flera poster. Om kandidat blir vald till en post avsäger denne sig övriga kandidaturer.” stryks. - §.30 From: ”Föreningsmötet godkänner motionen enligt föreslagen ändring” To: ”Föreningsmötet godkänner motionen enligt föreslagen ändring med ändringen att lägga till Val av Förenings- och styrelseordförande i föredragningslistan för Andra ordinarie föreningsmöte.” - §.49 From: ”Föreningsmötet godkänner propositionen enligt föreslagna ändringar.” To: ” Föreningsmötet godkänner propositionen enligt föreslagna ändringar med tillägg att i Andre vice ordförandes befattningsbeskrivning skall det stå att denne tillsammans med Skattmästare skall kontrollera att utskotten följer fastställd budget för utskottens löpande verksamhet. Samma förtydligande gällande att det är budgeten för den löpande verksamheten som kontrolleras läggs till i befattningsbeskrivningen för Skattmästare. Tillägg i befattningsbeskrivningen för IT-ansvarig görs där det förtydligas att denne ansvarar för funktionen hos Föreningen Ekonomernas digitala interna kommunikationssystem. - I §. 58 specificeras Jenny till Jenny Holmgren. Protocol #22 and #23 was approved and documented. §.8 Check-in Processed. §.9 Debriefing, all areas of responsibility Christoffer Hintze: Dinner with the new Board, U9 Växjö, Fanborg Skansen, Spring Ball with Electro/Medicine (KTH), Meeting with AMG, KPMG event, Meeting regarding fire routines, Handover, daily duties and Preparations for the handover-case. Anel Mulisic: OMG meeting, Dinner with Board 15/16, EC meeting, Meeting Campusrådet, KTH Spring ball (Electro/Medicine), Faculty Board pre-meeting, SFR meeting, Faculty Board meeting, U9 Växjö, Meeting Programnämnden, daily duties. Preparations for the handover-case and handover. Frida Wandborg: OMG-meeting, Dinner with the new Board, Leadership seminar, Kick-off meeting with Generatorerna, Preparations for the handover-case and daily duties. Emelie Norling: OMG-meeting, Dinner with the new Board, Preparations for the handover-case, budget meeting with the new Faddergeneralerna and daily duties. Stephanie Viljava: OMG-meeting, Dinner with the new Board, Preparations for the handover-case, Handover and daily duties. Jenny Holmgren: Dinner with the new Board, Kick-off meeting with Generatorerna, Preparations for the handover-case, Meeting with the coordinators and daily duties. Benjamin Geralf: Dinner with the new Board,Leadership seminar, OMG-meeting, Podio-meeting with Business Committee, Preparations for the handover-case and daily duties. §.10 Debriefing, Operational Management Group At the last meeting we discussed if the structure of OMG should be changed and especially if and when the independent projects should be a part of OMG. This will be brought up again at the next Grand meeting. We also discussed the handover process and how to give OMG more responsibility so that the status of being a chairman increases. §.11 Debriefing, Treasury Meeting with UppsalaEkonomerna’s treasury is booked on May 6th. Emelie and Stephanie are traveling to Uppsala to discuss the cash management and the process of moving towards a cashless association. §.12 Debriefing, 50 years anniversary Considered processed. §.13 Notifications §.14 Decision item: Revised policy, "Policy för alkoholhaltiga drycker och droger" Rapporteur: Jenny Holmgren, Frida Wandborg (Appendix 1) Claim that the Board approves the revised policy "Policy för alkoholhaltiga drycker och droger". Decision that the Board approves the revised policy “Policy för alkoholhaltiga drycker och droger” with suggested changes. Suggested changes: The paragraph “Ingen alcohol bjuds och ges inte bort som gåva (undantag får göras I samband med representation)” was removed. The paragraph was changed to “Ingen alcohol bjuds eller ges bort som gåva. Undantag får av styrelsen göras i samband med extern representation.” §.15 Decision item: GSC’s contact person at the Board Rapporteur: Jenny Holmgren, Anel Mulisic (Appendix 2) Claim that the board approves the change of contact person on the board for GSC. Decision that the board approves the change of contact person on the board for GSC. Benjamin Geralf is adjusted out 19.04. §.16 Discussion item: Location for the handover-weekend Rapporteur: Emelie Norling (Appendix 3) The Board discusses locations, options and price for the handover weekend. Meeting is adjourned 19.42. Meeting is resumed 19.54. §.17 Discussion item: Remuneration (Arvodering) Rapporteur: Frida Wandborg (Appendix 4) The Board assesses remunerations and evaluates previous boards’ recommendations that the Second Vice President should be remunerated as well. The Board discusses whether the structure should be changed to include the Treasurer in the presidium. Remunerating the §.18 Treasurer is an option. Information item: Debriefing from U9 Växjö Rapporteur: Christoffer Hintze, Anel Mulisic (Appendix 5) Christoffer and Anel inform the Board of the questions discussed at the U9 conference in Växjö. One subject that gained much focus during the weekend was long-term goals and 5-year plans for the associations. They also discussed the idea of giving sales courses to the persons responsible for sponsorships within the associations. §.19 Additional items Discussion item: One-year master’s promotion Rapporteur: Christoffer Hintze The university is organizing a promotion ceremony for one-year master students on May 29th. Christoffer and Anel are appointed representatives for the association. Discussion item: Purchase of diesel driven generator Rapporteur: Jenny Holmgren The Board discusses the benefits of purchasing a diesel driven generator. The demand to be able to play music outdoors at different events in Brunnsviken and at Frescati has become numerous in recent years. The Board obliges Faddergeneraler and Coordinators to look into the costs for a generator and then to get back to the Board with more information. §.20 Up-coming events 50-year anniversary on May 9th. Handover case with the new board on May 5th. §.21 To-do list Emelie Norling and Stephanie Viljava are tasked to upload final results for projects in Podio. Anel Mulisic is tasked to form a question asking members what kind of events they would like to see more of. This question should be included in the survey for Speak-up week. §.22 Next meeting The next meeting will be held at the 12th of May. §.23 Adjournment Christoffer Hintze ended the meeting 21:28. Appendix 1 Decision item: Revised policy, "Policy för alkoholhaltiga drycker och droger" Rapporteur: Jenny Holmgren, Frida Wandborg Background More information will be presented at the meeting. Claim that the Board approves the revised policy "Policy för alkoholhaltiga drycker och droger". Appendix 2 Decision item: GSC's contact person on the Board. Rapporteur: Jenny Holmgren, Anel Mulisic Background Due to GSC orientation towards education we believe that their voice would be better heard and represented if they worked closer to the Vice President and Head of Education instead of the Head of International Affairs. Therefor, after discussions throughout the year we think that the Board should change GSC contact person on the Board accordingly. We claim that the Board approves the change of contact person on the Board for GSC. Appendix 3 Discussion item: Location for the handover-weekend Rapporteur: Emelie Norling Information The handover-weekend with the new board is one of the most important parts of the whole handover. The board should discuss where the handover-weekend is going to take Place this year. Appendix 4 Discussion item: Remuneration (Arvodering) Rapportetur: Frida Wandborg Information Today our President and Vice President are getting monthly remuneration. The Board should discuss the reasons to why we have remuneration and if we want to recommend the Board of 15/16 to increase the amount of positions that are getting remuneration and if so, what position(s). Appendix 5 Information item: Debriefing U9 Växjö Rapporteur: Christoffer Hintze, Anel Mulisic Information More information will be presented at the meeting. Secretary Emelie Norling Adjuster Adjuster Stephanie Viljava Anel Mulisic
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