PARISH NEWS 17th May 2015 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Jesus prayed: “Holy Father, protect them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one, as we are one.” John 17:11 Welcome We invite you to join us for morning tea after worship. We would love to meet you! Please take the time to complete the welcome slip given to you as you arrived, so we can get to know you better! ST JOHN’S PATRONAL FESTIVAL Make a note in your diary! St John’s Church, Dyers Crossing, will be celebrating their patronal festival on Sunday, 24th May at 10.00am. After the service, the Ladies Guild will be providing refreshments (sandwiches, slices, tea and coffee). Everyone is welcome. APPOINTMENTS TO PARISH COUNCIL Revd Mark has appointed Clive Davies as Rector’s Warden and Noel Gogerly and Judy Hall as parish councillors. FIFTH SUNDAY Sunday, 31st May is Fifth Sunday so, as usual, there will be only one service in the parish: St Alban’s, at 10.00am. All parishioners are encouraged to attend this opportunity for the parish to worship together. MEN’S DINNER – CHANGE OF DATE The next Anglican Men’s Dinner is on Tuesday 2nd June 2015 (not 9th June as previously advertised) at St Alban’s Church Hall at 6.00 for 6.30pm. $12ph. Drinks available to purchase. This is a week later than usual as our chef, Noel Gogerly, is moving house the week before. Speaker is Rev. Mark Harris telling us the story of his life. Lists will be at the back of Forster & Tuncurry Churches or phone Clive Davies on 0412 653061. As we pray this week… In our Parish: We pray for newcomers to our parish. We pray for those who struggle at this time: In our Diocese: Bishop Greg and Assistant Bishop Peter Parishes of Newcastle St John’s and New Lambton Ordinands The Uniting Church in Australia The Diocese of Perth Around the world: The Episcopal Church in Jerusalem & the Middle East Liz Burns, (CMS, Tanzania) Memorials: We commend to God’s keeping those who have recently died; and we pray for those who mourn their passing. We remember with thanks those whom we have loved whose anniversary occurs at this time: Noreen Priest and Lawrence Allen. May light perpetual shine upon them Please contact the Parish Office to add a name to the Memorial Book † Prayer ministry is available by request after the service - Please speak to today’s celebrant. Home and hospital visits may be arranged by calling the Parish Office or one of the clergy. Contact details on the back page. This Week DATE 18/5 “ 19/5 “ “ “ 20/5 “ “ 21/5 “ “ 22/5 23/5 24/5 “ “ “ TIME 9.00am 1.30pm 9.00am 10.00am 1.30pm 5.00pm 8.00am 2.00pm 6.00pm 9.30am 10.30am 1.30pm 1.00pm 6.00pm 7.30am 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am EVENT Strolling Group EfM Gardening Group Crafty Tuesday KYB Study Group Dowling Home Group Tea, Toast & Theology Home Communion Study & Reflection Group Holy Eucharist Bible Study Bible Study Davies Home Group Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist DETAILS St Alban’s St Nicholas’ St Alban’s St Alban’s St John’s Forster St Alban’s Kularoo St Paul’s St Nicholas’ St Nicholas’ St Alban’s Forster St Alban’s St Nicholas’ St Alban’s St John’s St James’ CONTACT Helen Barber Maureen Turner Viv May Margot Bilston Peg Sawyer Doug Dowling Belinda Clancy Rev Bill Diana Murphy Rev Bill Diana Murphy Belinda Clancy Clive Davies Rev Mark Rev Bill Rev Mark Rev Bill Rev Mark Dates for the Diary DATE 24/5 31/5 26/5 2/6 TIME 6.00pm 10-2pm 6.30pm 6.00pm EVENT Pentecost Service Cancer Morning Tea Watoto Children’s Choir Men’s Dinner DETAILS Salvation Army 16 Mills Pde, Tuncurry St Alban’s St Alban’s COURTHOUSE ROSTER 20th May Mavis Humphries and Beryl Allen rd 3 June Bev Christensen and Diane Kellehear 17th June Adele Fitzgerald and Frances McPherson CONTACT Iain White Helen Barber Belinda Clancy Clive Davies CRAFTY TUESDAYS The Crafty Tuesday group has decided to knit squares to make knee rugs and to knit slippers and "slippers with Soul"(these are a bit like bed socks for people in wheel chairs). When approached, Beaumont Terrace was delighted that the group would make these items for their people. All slippers are to be made in pure wool so feet are kept warm and the 25cm squares for the rugs are also best knitted in wool. the initial plan is to make 10 knee rugs, and 30 each of the slippers. Please come and join us for a chatty and friendly time on Tuesday mornings at St Alban’s Hall, 10.00am. Contact - Margot Bilston 6557-6658. MORNING TEA FOR CANCER RESEARCH Helen Barber will be holding her annual Morning Tea on Sunday, 31 st May, 10.00am to 2.00pm, at 16 Mills Parade, Tuncurry. Everyone welcome – come and enjoy a delicious morning tea and help raise funds for cancer research! Contact: Helen Barber 6554-5920. ABM NEPAL EARTHQUAKE EMERGENCY RESPONSE A second earthquake in Nepal has led to further loss of life and destruction of buildings. Donations can be made via your mission envelopes, marking them “ABM Nepal Appeal”. PENTECOST SERVICE There will be a Pentecost service on May 24th at 6pm at the Salvation Army Church Building, Tuncurry. Come and celebrate the person and work of the Holy Spirit among the people of the Kingdom of God - followers of Jesus. It will be an opportunity to meet the new High School Chaplains. You are invited to bring a plate to share on the supper table. Contact: Pastor Iain White, Forster Baptist Church. GLUTEN INTOLERANT? Do you need gluten free communion wafers? Please advise Belinda. SAMARITANS Our May drive is for tea, coffee, Milo, long life milk or similar products. There is also still a requirement for children’s underwear, nappies and toiletries. Whatever you choose to contribute would be most welcome. WATOTO ORPHANED CHILDREN’S CHOIR: FREE CONCERT Imagine a new Africa. Reborn, revived, rebuilt. The all-new production, Oh What Love, by the Watoto Children’s Choir, presents the vitality of the new Africa. Its vibrance, urban sound and colour takes you on an emotional journey from utter despair to joyous celebration, as the children share their stories. They will be bringing a dynamic worship experience by those who were once orphans, sharing their journeys to redemption and demonstrating God’s desire to be a loving father to all mankind. Based on the bible verse, 1 John 3:1, “See what kind of love the father has given us, that we should be called children of God, and so we are,” prepare for a unique worship experience. Underscored with the original sounds and rhythms of Africa, it blends traditional and modern dance. 26th May 2015 St Alban’s Church. 6:30 pm. Host families needed to billet the children with their legal chaperone. ITEMS FOR PARISH NEWS Janet will be away on holiday from 19th May to 12th June. Lyn Davies has kindly offered to take over producing the Parish News during that time. Items can be sent to Lyn by phone 6554-9747 or email [email protected] or given to Belinda in the Parish Office. Alternatively, notes can be left in the flower vestry. DONATIONS - ABORIGINAL ART Donations to the Aboriginal Art project can be given directly to Belinda or left at the Parish Office. Quotable Quotes: What do we live for, if not to make life less difficult for each other? George Eliot CONTACT DETAILS Parish Priest: The Reverend Mark Harris Ph. 6554 8351 E: [email protected] Priest in Local Mission: The Reverend Bill Green Ph. 0488 570 028 E: [email protected] Parish Administrator & Belinda Clancy Ph. 6555 4200 Parish Council Secretary: E: [email protected] Parish Council Treasurer: Belinda Clancy Ph. 6555 4200 E: [email protected] Parish Office: St. Alban’s Anglican Church: Ph. 6555 4200 E: [email protected] Op Shop: Head St Car park Ph. 6555 4267 Enquiries: Heather Dwyer Ph. 6557 5454 Janet Lawrence Ph. 6554 5981 Parish Website: Items for Parish News to Janet Lawrence Email: [email protected] or leave either in the pigeonhole outside the Parish Office or in the Flower Vestry by 3pm Wednesday. READINGS FOR SUNDAY WORSHIP DATE 17th May Easter 7 24th May Pentecost 31st May Trinity 7th June Pentecost 2 FIRST READING Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 Acts 2:1-21 Isaiah 6:1-8 1 Samuel 8: 4-11, 16-20 PSALM SECOND READING GOSPEL Psalm 1 1 John 5:9-13 John 17:6-19 Psalm 104: 26-36 Psalm 29 Romans 8:22-27 John 15:26-27, 1:4b-15 John 3:1-17 Psalm 138 2 Corinthians 4:13, 5:1 Romans 8:12-17 Mark 3:20-35 Giving: Total Giving to Parish plus commissioning service Budget Giving needed for Parish Costs, plus one part time clergy Budget Giving needed for Parish Costs, plus one full time clergy Budget Giving needed for Parish Costs, plus two full time clergy Please note that this does not take into account other income. Mission Giving last Sunday $ 119.10 Op Shop Gross Average expenses for Op Shop $ 1,135.20 $ 182.26 $ 952.94 $2,291.70 $2,307.69 pw $2,884.61 pw $3,950.01 pw
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