PARISH NEWS 22nd March 2015 Fifth Sunday in Lent ‘This is the covenant I will make with them,’ says the Lord God: ‘I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God and they shall be my people.’ Jeremiah 31:33 Welcome We invite you to join us for morning tea after worship. We would love to meet you! Please take the time to complete the welcome slip given to you as you arrived, so we can get to know you better! AID FOR VANUATU VANUATU CYCLONE PAM EMERGENCY APPEAL Cyclone Pam, which hit Vanuatu over the week-end (14th March), has led to a State of Emergency being declared across 65 islands with a total population of 267,000. The Cyclone was one of the fiercest in living memory. Communication to the tiny state of Vanuatu was knocked out due to the severe winds and rains. Aerial sightings have shown devastation across most of the islands. Eight people have been confirmed to have died but this number is expected to rise sharply once communication is reestablished with areas outside Port Villa, the capital city. ABM are seeking to raise $100,000 to provide emergency relief for those displaced. ACOM is currently assessing their most immediate requirements and we will respond accordingly. To keep up-to date or to donate to ABM’s Vanuatu Cyclone Emergency Appeal please call on 1300 302 663, email [email protected] or visit or see the enclosed insert. Please pray for the cyclone victims, and all who are helping in the relief effort. As we pray this week… In our Parish: We pray for our study, reflection and prayer groups. We pray for those who struggle at this time: Lynelle Boyd, Judith Schodde, Cheryl and Darren Fraser, Ethan Randell and Lorina Witt. In our Diocese: Bishop Greg and Assistant Bishop Peter Parishes of The Entrance and Wollombi Valley University Chaplaincies Staff of the Cathedral Diocese of Tasmania Around the world: Anglican Church and people of Vanuatu Paul and Marlene Roche (Interserve, Nepal) Liz Burns, CMS Memorials: We commend to God’s keeping those who have recently died and we pray for those who mourn their passing. We remember with thanks those whom we have loved whose anniversary occurs at this time: Lucille Marcoulis. May light perpetual shine upon them † Please contact the Parish Office to add a name to the Memorial Book Prayer ministry is available by request after the service - Please speak to today’s celebrant. Home and hospital visits may be arranged by calling the Parish Office or one of the clergy. Contact details on the back page. This Week DATE 21/3 22/3 “ “ “ 23/3 24/3 “ “ “ “ 25/3 26/3 “ 27/3 TIME 6.00pm 7.30am 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 1.30pm 9.00am 10.00am 1.30pm 5.00pm 2.00pm 6.00pm 9.30am 1.30pm 1.00pm EVENT Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist EfM Gardening Group Crafty Tuesday KYB Study Group Allon Home Group Home Communion Study Group Morning Prayer Bible Study Davies Home Group DETAILS St Alban’s St Nicholas’ St Alban’s St John’s St James’ St Nicholas’ St Alban’s St Alban’s St John’s Forster Kularoo St Paul’s St Nicholas’ St Alban’s Forster CONTACT Rev Neville Rev Bill Rev Neville Rev Bill Rev Neville Maureen Turner Viv May Julie Davies Peg Sawyer David Allon Rev Bill Geraldine Carson Kevin Hepworth Heather Dwyer Clive Davies Dates for the Diary DATE 29/3 5/4 TIME 10.30am 6.00am EVENT Annual General Meeting Easter Sunrise Service DETAILS St Alban’s The Tanks CONTACT Belinda Clancy Belinda Clancy 13/4 6:30 pm Commissioning of Rev Mark Harris by Bishop Greg St Alban’s Belinda Clancy COURTHOUSE ROSTER 8th April Diane Kellehear & Bev Christiansen 22nd April Heather Dwyer and Narelle Duff th 6 May Marg Cooper and Suellen Belton SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS There will be no Saturday evening service at St Alban’s on 28 th March On Sunday, 29th March, there will be only one service - St Alban’s at 9.00am, followed by the Annual General Meeting at 10.30am. NB: Tea, Toast and Theology is in recess until 15th April. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - PARISH OF FORSTER TUNCURRY Notice of Annual General Meeting is hereby given that a meeting of the parishioners of this Parish will be held at St Alban’s Church on 29 th day of March 2015 at 10:30 am. Reverend Dr Neville Schofield. THE AGM REPORT is now available, please take the time to read it. BCA BOXES Bush Church Aid is Mission of the Month. March is BCA box opening month. Please return your boxes to Suellen for opening and counting. Remember we collect used stamps as well. Suellen Belton - BCA box secretary - 6554 8264 PALM CROSSES We are seeking a person or persons to make Palm crosses. Please see Rev Bill or Belinda. PARISH COUNCIL Would you like to have a more active role in decisions made in the Parish? Is God calling you to become the Secretary, Treasurer, Warden or Councillor? Nomination forms are available at each Church. Please fill it out and send to the Parish Secretary. Belinda Clancy 6555 4200 EASTER GLORY Manning Valley Christian Choir present Easter Glory, a reflection in song, music and word. Sunday, 22nd March, 2.00pm at St John’s Anglican Church, Taree. (Retiring offering to the work of LinC Manning Valley.) Be affirmed, revived and renewed this Easter! SAMARITANS Samaritans collections for March: toiletries of any kind – including baby needs, especially nappies. Please bring to any service. SEDER MEAL & MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE Thursday, 2nd April 2015 at St Alban’s Hall. $5 donation. RSVP by Monday, 30th March 6555 4200. ANGLICAN MEN’S DINNER Tuesday 7th April 2015 at 6.00 for 6.30pm at St Alban’s Hall, Forster. Cost 12.00ph. Drinks available to purchase. Speaker: Michael Pring---Urban Growth NSW---North Tuncurry planned development. Lists at back of Forster & Tuncurry churches or phone David Allon 6555 8353. Come yourself & invite a friend or neighbour. SUNRISE SERVICE Easter Sunday morning 6:00 am at the Tanks. STROLLING GROUP Kim and Trish from Five Dock and Duncan from the UK drove with us to one of our favourite spots – the North One Mile Board Walk and “Big Hill”, then (for those who could) along the each and the walk which goes to Gleeson Avenue car park. A long morning tea at the Hall completed an enjoyable morning. Next stroll – Monday, 6th April (Easter Monday). Meet 9.00am at St Alban’s. Everyone welcome! NEWS FROM LIZ BURNS Hi All This is to update everyone that after a very rocky week my receipt came through last night and I am now booked to leave direct to Dar es Salaam on Sunday 8th March. I will then head direct to Msalato college where I will start lectures until the mid term break March 28th. At that time I will head to Kagera by bus to pick up my car and belongings and farewell friends for two weeks. I hope I will next be able to contact you from Msalato after I have arrived otherwise keep up with me on facebook as I transition around the world. Thank you for your support and prayers. Liz Burns, CMS Missionary Quotable Quotes Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. Francis of Assisi CONTACT DETAILS Parish Priest: The Reverend Neville Schofield Ph. 6554 8351 E: [email protected] Priest in Local Mission: The Reverend Bill Green Ph. 0488 570 028 E: [email protected] Parish Administrator & Belinda Clancy Ph. 6555 4200 Parish Council Secretary: E: [email protected] Parish Council Treasurer: Belinda Clancy Ph. 6555 4200 E: [email protected] Parish Office: St. Alban’s Anglican Church: Ph. 6555 4200 E: [email protected] Op Shop: Head St Car park Ph. 6555 4267 Enquiries: Heather Dwyer Ph. 6557 5454 Janet Lawrence Ph. 6554 5981 Parish Website: Items for Parish News to Janet Lawrence Email: [email protected] or leave either in the pigeonhole outside the Parish Office or in the Flower Vestry by 3pm Wednesday. READINGS FOR SUNDAY WORSHIP DATE FIRST READING Jeremiah 31:31-34 PSALM Psalm 119:9-16 SECOND READING Hebrews 5:5-14 GOSPEL John 12:20-33 29th March Palm Sunday Isaiah 50:4-9 Psalm 31:9-18 Philippians 2:5-11 Mark 11:11-11 5th April Easter Sunday Acts 10:34-43 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 John 20:1-18 12th April Easter 2 Acts 4:32-37 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 Psalm 133 1 John 1:1-2:2 John 20:19-31 22nd March Lent 5 Giving: Total Giving to Parish Last Sunday $2,896.25 Budget Giving needed for Parish Costs, plus one part time clergy Budget Giving needed for Parish Costs, plus one full time clergy Budget Giving needed for Parish Costs, plus two full time clergy Please note that this does not take into account other income. Mission Giving last Sunday $ 119.80 $2,307.69 pw $2,884.61 pw $3,950.01 pw Op Shop Gross Average expenses for Op Shop $ 1,149.30 $ 182.26 $ 967.04
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