Bulletin for Sunday, June 7

Second Sunday after Pentecost
June 7, 2015
First Presbyterian Church
Santa Fe, New Mexico
208 Grant Avenue
[email protected]
First Presbyterian Church is an
inclusive, reconciling congregation
which welcomes into its worship and
full membership all persons who
profess faith in Jesus Christ regardless
of race, age, gender, disability, sexual
orientation, or economic status.
We are delighted you joined us
today and invite you to register your
presence with us on the friendship
sheets. On Sundays Parking can
usually be found in the Santa Fe
County lot behind the church and at
metered parking without charge.
Childcare available all morning
8:15–12:15 on the second floor in our
preschool area.
Ask the ushers if you have questions,
need a Hearing Assistance Device, or
would like a Large Print Version of the
Get Involved in the Life of the
Church: Have questions about the
church or what Presbyterians are all
about? Gatherings are held monthly
on the second Sunday after each
service. Contact the church office
(982.8544) for more information
about the gathering or about how to
become involved in the church.
Counseling by arrangement with
the Pastoral Counseling Center
(988.4131). Medicare and most
insurance accepted or sliding scale
fees negotiable.
Worship & Study
—Sundays 9:45–10:45
Gun Epidemic, a three-week series on
gun violence in America, concludes today
in Pope Hall East (closest to kitchen).
Presented by New Mexicans for Gun Safety,
a grassroots nonprofit begun in Santa
Fe after the Sandy Hook shooting, the
class today focuses on several ideas and
hopeful solutions which are addressing gun
The Opera Class in the Chapel continues
discussing each of the works in the
upcoming Santa Fe Opera season. Today is
Salome by Richard Strauss: Strauss took
Oscar Wilde’s shocking play portraying
erotic obsession and made it, using vivid
symphonic tone colors, into a landmark of
early twentieth-century music drama. For
the story, see Mathew 14:3-11 and Mark
6:17-28, but what we’ll see on stage is
updated, more Freudian than biblical.
Adrienne Pieroth begins the four-week SEED
(Simple, Easy Every Day) Meditation class
in Pope Hall West. A certified teacher of the
SEED method, Adrienne has been practicing
meditation for over 20 years. The class
will have an introduction to meditation,
including a discussion of Christianity’s rich
tradition of contemplative prayer, itself a
form of meditation. Adrienne will introduce
the practices of mindfulness, walking
meditation, lovingkindness meditation and
contemplative prayer. A book on the general
concepts of SEED meditation as well as a
journal are required for this course and will
be provided for $10.
Worship & Study
Religion & Science Discussion 1st
and 3rd Mondays at 7:00PM, Rendon
Morning Prayer Wednesdays at
7:00AM, McFarland Chapel
Spanish Bible Study Saturdays
9:00–10:00AM, Rendon Room.
Not meeting in June until the final
Saturday, June 27.
Music & Art
TGIF Concerts every Friday night at
5:30PM. Free will offering.
June 12
Chancel Bell Choir
June 19
June 26
Santa Fe Pro Musica’s
Grand Champs Ensembles
In Songs of Awakening the Santa Fe
Women’s Ensemble presents another
exciting collaboration with the Durango
Women’s Choir this afternoon at 3:00PM
in the Sanctuary. Tickets are $25.
June 7, 2015 11:00AM
Those who are able may stand
The moments before worship are a transition from “getting here” to “being here.” Take the
opportunity to listen to the prelude and quiet one’s mind and become open to the spirit.
God Calls Us
Dave Wasserman, string bass
bold in unison
Amazing Grace
arr. by Mark Hayes
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
O Lord our God, we come together with songs of praise in our hearts,
because of your unfailing love and faithfulness.
Even though we struggle with life’s issues, your mercy blesses us.
Listening God, we come together with prayers of thanks in our hearts,
because you hear and answer our prayers.
Even though life is sometimes difficult, your strength blesses us.
Welcoming God, we come together in reverent worship filling our minds,
because your faithful love endures forever.
Even though we are fragile people
who sometimes feel lost and abandoned,
God’s love blesses us and never changes.
Thanks and praise be to our glorious God for ever and ever. Amen.
in unison
bold in unison
O God of compassion,
if you kept a record of our sins,
who could stand?
We come before you with our brokenness
and our wounds for all to see.
We bring our anger, our bitterness,
our unwholesome talk,
and our deceitfulness.
We try to do good,
but sometimes fail.
We choose to do evil,
and sometimes succeed.
Keep your promise to forgive us
when we confess to you completely.
Without you, we have no hope.
Within Our Darkest Night
If we confess our sins, God is faithful and will forgive us.
God provides freely, in the bread of heaven,
all the mercy we need for life everlasting.
The good news is forgiveness in the name of Christ Jesus.
Glory to God
God Renews Us
Psalm 138
New Revised Standard Version, pg 577
Chancel Choir
Rev. Marney Wasserman
Entreat Me Not to Leave You
Mark 3:20-35
by Dan Forrest
New Revised Standard Version, pg 37
Front End Alignment
The Lord be with you.
Lift up your hearts.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
And also with you.
We lift them up to the Lord.
It is right to give our
thanks and praise.
It is truly right and our greatest joy to give you thanks and praise...
♫ Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,
heaven and earth are full, are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who
comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
Chancel Choir
Come Let Us Eat
verse 5, words printed at right
♫ O use me, Lord, use even me,
just as you will, and when, and where
until your blessed face I see,
your rest, your joy, your glory share.
by Frank Ferko
God Sends Us on Our Journey
752 in the hymnal,
words at right
HYMN 506
♫ Dona nobis pacem, pacem. Dona nobis pacem.
Look Who Gathers At Christ’s Table
O Lamb of God, Spotless
by J. S. Bach
The service of worship concludes after the postlude. The music can be enjoyed and this
time can be used for prayer. You may remain seated or depart quietly.
Serving today
Rev. Marney Wasserman
Rev. Bobb Barnes
Music Director:
Linda Raney
Choir Accompanist: David Solem
Call to Worship ©2012 Joan Stott “The Timeless Psalms” RCL
Psalm Year B, used with permission. Confession and Assurance
adapted from The Abingdon Worship Annual 2009, ©2008
Abingdon Press. Posted on the Ministry Matters website.
Worship coordinators
Worship Chair:
Liturgical Arts:
Chris Haynes
Sarah Miller
Jane Alexander
Jane Stringfellow
Malissa Haslam
Bruce Black
Adult Education Upcoming
Opera Class on June 14—La Finta Giardiniera by Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart: Characters collide, and only at the end are
tangled relationships set aright in this both comic and serious work
of genius written when Mozart was only eighteen. A ridiculously
complicated plot? Maybe, but the people in it ring true, and their
all-too-human foibles are brought out in the music.
Opera Class on June 21— A life...a story...a movie...an opera.
Such is the progression of Cold Mountain. Each iteration has
its individual expression. The opera weaves together a journey
home with a love story as it also portrays the tragedy of war. Our
participants will be among the first to hear melodious excerpts
from the opera.
Circle of Friends is a group for women of all ages seeking small
community fellowship, meeting the second Saturday of each
month. Our next get-together is Saturday, June 13, at 10:00AM
at the home of Jane Alexander. Call her for directions or more
information at 992.2572. The group will take July and August off
and resume in September.
The Nominating Committee has nominated Dennis Sanderson to fill
the remainder of Dave Grayson’s term which ends this year. There
will be a Congregational Meeting after the 8:30 service on June 21
to elect Dennis. There is no way to replace Dave but are glad that
Dennis feels called to serve on Session this year.
Dennis Sanderson and his wife Susan have two grown children
and three grandchildren, all of whom live in Lubbock, TX. He was
a financial advisor for A.G. Edwards and Ameriprise for thirty years
in Hutchinson, Kansas. While there, he served as an Elder on two
Sessions and as a Deacon on another. Upon retirement, Dennis and
Susan moved to Santa Fe two years ago. He enjoys golfing, reading
and music as his hobbies and is an ardent supporter of the Texas
Tech Red Raiders.
The Nominating Committee would like to have feedback from the
congregation. Please refer names of members of FPC who you
would like to see serve in the capacity of either Elder or Deacon. You
may give those names to members of the nominating committee.
They are Ed Barker, Sara Haber, Steve Kinnett, Gayle Lomax or John
Summer Saturday Desk Volunteers needed: The church once
had the nickname “First Fortress” but with the open doors and
hospitality in more recent years, in large part thanks to our
wonderful front desk volunteers, a more apt nickname would now
be “First Friendliness.” We are again hoping to welcome visitors
to our lovely church throughout the summer and are particularly
interested in having a couple greeters available for Pancakes on
the Plaza (July 4), Spanish Market (July 25), Indian Market (August
22), and Fiesta (September 12). If anyone is interested in a regular
Saturday shift, particularly for July and August, that would also be
great! Weekday substitutes also needed. Sign up sheets on the
lobby table.
Prayers and Praise
Names of those to pray for will be listed for four weeks unless
otherwise requested. Notify the church office 982.8544 or office@
fpcsantafe.org with your joys and concerns.
Continue to pray for Janis Chitwood’s father and sister, Connie
Austin, Gay Hill, Tony Herrera and Karen— friends of Jim and Pauline
Toevs, Joe Armbruster, and Lolly Bair.
Pray for our partners in ministry: the Church of the Holy Faith and
the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis; the Sagua La Grande Church—
our brothers and sisters in Cuba; and Westminster Presbyterian
Deacon on call: Rebecca H. (470.2311)
Mission and Social Justice
Save the date: The Board of the Interfaith Community Shelter is
announcing the Third Annual Chefscapades, a benefit dinner for
the shelter, on Tuesday, August 18, at 6:00PM at the Club at Las
Campanas. Cost per person is $150 with $125 of that being tax
deductible. A live auction will be part of the evening as well as an
opportunity for contributions to a wish list for the Shelter. For First
Presbyterian Church supporters, tickets may be purchased through
Mary Ann Lundy at 455.0011 or at [email protected].
Men’s clothing is needed for the Clothes Closet at the Interfaith
Community Shelter—t-shirts, jeans, light jackets, shoes. New
underwear, socks and toiletries are needed for both men and
women. Drop them off at the church clearly labeled for the shelter
or call Don Wilson at 670.1890 for pickup of items.
Staff Availability in June: Due to vacations, study leave, etc., if you
are hoping to visit with a specific staff member, you might want to
set a time and place to talk with them by calling or e-mailing first.
Krista is wrapping up a major computer project, so will be spending
time on the third floor again this week, and she also needs
information early for the June 21 bulletin—by Tuesday, June 16 at
the latest. Thank you!
Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III, Pastor
Mary Jo Lundy, Parish Visitor x10 (leave msg)
Linda Raney, Director of Music
Anne Liley, CDC Director
Krista Peterson, Office Manager
Bill Adrian, Facilities Manager
Cindy Piatt, Kids’ Community Coord. x13
Margaret Dean, Clerk of Session x10 (leave msg)
Betty Kersting, Membership
E-mail addresses are all @fpcsantafe.org
For a full listing of
events, visit www.
fpcsantafe.org or see the Weekly Calendar on the white board.