Fifth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 First Presbyterian Church Santa Fe, New Mexico 208 Grant Avenue 505.982.8544 [email protected] Celebrating Spring photos in the lobby courtesy of Charlie Stringfellow and above courtesy of Pat Luiken. Hospitality First Presbyterian Church is an inclusive, reconciling congregation which welcomes into its worship and full membership all persons who profess faith in Jesus Christ regardless of race, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or economic status. We are delighted you joined us today and invite you to register your presence with us on the friendship sheets. On Sundays Parking can usually be found in the Santa Fe County lot behind the church and at metered parking without charge. Childcare available all morning and children’s classes between services on the second floor. Ask the ushers if you have questions, need a Hearing Assistance Device, or would like a Large Print Version of the service. Get Involved in the Life of the Church: Have questions about the church or what Presbyterians are all about? Gatherings are held monthly on the second Sunday after each service. Contact the church office (982.8544) for more information about the gathering or about how to become involved in the church. Counseling by arrangement with the Pastoral Counseling Center (988.4131). Medicare and most insurance accepted or sliding scale fees negotiable. Worship & Study —Sundays 9:45–10:45 In Pope Hall West today Jim Brown continues a five-week Adult Education class on the Book of Confessions, which is the part of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA) containing some of the great affirmations of the Christian faith. In 1991 A Brief Statement of Faith was added. Jim served on the Committee of 21 that drafted this statement and he will use it as a lens through which to view the other creeds, each of which will be considered in the light of Scripture and in their historical contexts. For their final class, the Reimagining Team presents the new design for congregational comment today in the Rendon Room. —Weekdays Religion & Science Discussion 1st and 3rd Mondays at 7:00PM, Rendon Room Mary’s Women 2nd Monday each month at 5:30PM, Rendon Room—a spiritual reflection of Karen Armstrong’s book Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life Morning Prayer Wednesdays at 7:00AM, McFarland Chapel Base Community Bible Study on Wednesdays at noon in the Rendon Room Taizé Service Thursdays at 5:30PM, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 841 W Manhattan Ave Spanish Bible Study Saturdays 9:00–10:00AM—Moore Conference Room (third floor). Circle of Friends 2nd Saturday of the month. This is a group for women of all ages seeking small community fellowship and study. Music & Art TGIF Concerts every Friday night at 5:30PM. Free will offering. Pick up a schedule in the lobby of the concerts through the summer and take one to friends and neighbors. The show Artful Birds in the Back Pew Gallery is a gathering of bird art from Westminster and First Presbyterian Churches. We have invited artists from Casa Real, Ponce de Leon, and the Montecito to join us. All of these groups have painted small wooden birds which are for sale. Funds from these small bird sales go directly to the respective art programs. Other art sales will go to the artist. We welcome donations to these various groups and the Back Pew Gallery as well. The Hebrew Prophets Now May 3 4:00–5:30 in Pope Hall One session remains on the world view of the prophets and the application of those insights for today’s challenges. Led by Rabbi Nahum Ward-Lev of Temple Beth Shalom. May 3, 2015 11:00AM Those who are able may stand The moments before worship are a transition from “getting here” to “being here.” Take the opportunity to listen to the prelude and quiet one’s mind and become open to the spirit. God Calls Us PRELUDE HYMN 506 WELCOME AND CALL TO WORSHIP bold in unison Sonata in G major by W. A. Mozart Look Who Gathers at Christ’s Table! As the weak realize their strength; as the poor eat and are satisfied, God’s love abides in us. As the stranger finds a friend; as the family offers forgiveness, God’s love abides in us. As the ends of the earth know of Christ’s grace, God’s love abides in us. CANDLELIGHTING PRAYER OF CONFESSION bold in unison We come to God, not to justify ourselves but to repent and trust the saving grace of Christ Jesus. Let us pray. Look upon us, loving Savior, sift our thoughts and assess our feelings. Deal firmly with those things that have inhibited our love and diverted our energies. Loving God, whatever you see as self-righteous—censure, as twisted—straighten, as heartless—soften, as fruitless—prune, as infected—cleanse. Flood your relentless Spirit through our whole being, sweeping away guilt and its lethargy, and by the saving grace of Christ Jesus, heal the hidden springs of our personality. RESPONSE 243 ASSURANCE OF PARDON bold in unison RESPONSE printed at right Be Not Afraid In Christ Jesus we are a radically renewed community. Thanks be to God! Old things are done away with, all things become new. Thanks be to God! We are agents of grace and reconciliation. Thanks be to God! With every step or stumble, Christ will be with us. Thanks be to God! God Renews Us SCRIPTURE READING ANTHEM Chancel Choir Acts 8:26-31 New Revised Standard Version, pg 127 Psalm 150 by Ernani Aguiar SCRIPTURE READING Acts 8:32-40 MESSAGE Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III On the Wilderness Road to Gaza COMMUNION Sanctus HYMN 274 OFFERING AND OFFERTORY Tim Willson, tenor New Revised Standard Version, pg 127 The Lord be with you. Lift up your hearts. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. And also with you. We lift them up to the Lord. It is right to give our thanks and praise. It is truly right and our greatest joy to give you thanks and praise... ♫ Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full, are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. You, Lord, Are Both Lamb and Shepherd O My Precious Star by Richard Wagner RESPONSE printed at right PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER God Sends Us on Our Journey PASSING OF THE PEACE 752 in the hymnal, words at right HYMN 536 Rise, O Church, like Christ Arisen BLESSING POSTLUDE Serving today Officiants: ♫ Dona nobis pacem, pacem. Dona nobis pacem. Prelude, Adagio and Fugue Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III Rev. David Wasserman (8:30) Mary Jo Lundy (11:00) Music Director: Linda Raney Choir Accompanist: David Solem by J. S. Bach Call to Worship adapted from The Abingdon Worship Annual 2012 ©2011 Abingdon Press. Posted on the Worship Elements page of the Ministry Matters website. Confession and Assurance written by Bruce Prewer, and posted on Bruce Prewer’s Home Page. Announcements Fuego and Fire Neighborhood Meeting: On Tuesday, May 5, at 2:00PM we have again invited our neighbors in the downtown northwest quadrant to the church to talk about issues we have in common. This quarter we’ll learn more about the Fuego baseball team from Coach Bill Moore and about Zozobra from the event coordinator Ray Sandoval. These two activities, which take place at Fort Marcy, have an impact on the church and also on many of our members who live in the area. You are invited to come share your hopes and concerns. Church folk living in Eldorado plan to have a Dinner Get-together at La Plancha restaurant in La Tienda at Eldorado on Wednesday, May 6, at 6:00. We chose La Plancha to support this local business. They have space for various table groupings and will give separate checks. Anyone is welcome to join in by e-mailing [email protected] or phoning 466.1120. A Just Peace in the Holy Land: Sharon Eklund and Jim Brown will present at Men’s Breakfast Saturday, May 9, 8:00–9:00AM in Pope Hall with slides and commentary on planting olive trees in the West Bank in February. Their report will focus on Palestinians and Israelis with whom they had close personal contact and whose stories form a mosaic of the struggle for a just peace. You and your friends are invited to attend the breakfast. To cover the cost of the good, old-fashioned biscuits and gravy, we ask a $2 individual contribution. Help us anticipate the food requirements by contacting John Whitcomb at 982.3921 or travel@theway2go. com. This is your last chance to attend Men’s Breakfast before our summer recess. Marcella Ortiz, our Business Manager, has left our employment. We wish her the best. Financial questions should be directed to our Treasurer Fred Miller. The Stewardship Committee wishes to thank everyone who supported the Julian of Norwich dramatic presentation last Sunday by purchasing performance and patron tickets, preparing the stage, selling and taking tickets and ushering at the event. We are grateful to Diane Buchanan and Rick Andrew for hosting the dinner in their beautiful home, to Sara Hodges and Andrew Staiger for assisting with parking, to Jane Alexander for decorating the tables so elegantly and to Terry West and her catering staff for preparing and serving a bountiful and delicious meal. According to the current estimate, the event has netted more than $4500. Your support for First Presbyterian Church is truly gratifying! The CDC Advisory Committee sends a great big thank you to all the church members and friends who attended the Spaghetti Dinner on Wednesday evening. It was a lively scene in Pope Hall, which was filled to capacity with CDC families and supporters. The committee is also very appreciative of the team of church members, friends and staff who worked the event and contributed immeasurably to its success. Fill out suggestions for events for the 150th anniversary celebrations— forms on lobby table—and put them in the bank for the 150th Task Force. Next meeting May 13 at noon; new participants always welcome. IDEA BANK 2 150 15 0th 1 7 Prayers and Praise Names of those to pray for will be listed for four weeks unless otherwise requested. Notify the church office 982.8544 or [email protected] with your joys and concerns. The Memorial Service for John Moseley will be held on Monday, May 4, at 10:00AM in the Sanctuary. He was a former prisoner of war and Bataan Death March survivor. There will not be a reception at the church, but at the family home following the private ash committal ceremony at the Santa Fe National Cemetery. Pray for Gay Hill who suffered a fall and will be recovering in California for several weeks. The church office has the address where to send cards. Continue to pray for friends of Jim and Pauline Toevs—Tony Herrera who has struggled for many years with a painful cancer and Karen who is having knee surgery; Deacon Rosie Mott; bell choir member Jodi Bustos; Joe Armbruster; and Lolly Bair. Pray for insight, health and safety for Dick and Ann Rowe as they visit Presbyterian Mission Co-workers Elizabeth and Dan Turk In Madagascar and the projects of reforestation through the two evangelical seminaries there. Deacon on call: Anne M. 466.1120 Community News The church was registered with the city’s Keep Santa Fe Beautiful office for participation in this event on April 25. Thank you to all those who came and helped cleaning up several blocks round the church. The church will again sign up to participate on September 27 for Toss No Mas Fall Cleanup, please mark your calendar. The neighborhood businesses and residents will also be invited to join us that day. The Sangre de Cristo Chorale is Creating Community Through Song in their 2015 spring concert this afternoon at 3:00PM in the Sanctuary. Tickets are available at the door and are $20 for adults and $10 for students (18 and under free). Holy Faith invites us to their Library Tea this Thursday, May 7, at 3:00PM in the Kinsolving Room at the church, 311 East Palace Avenue. Dr. Evan Davies presents on The Perils of the Digital Age. The Zia Singers Present Come Rain or Come Shine — Saturday, May 9, at 4:00PM: Directed by Karen Marrolli, the Zia Singers present their annual Dessert Concert at the church in Pope Hall with a selection of scrumptious treats and popular musical favorites. Tickets $20, students free. For more information please contact Karen at 225.571.6352.
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