M A R C H 2 0 1 5 the NEWSLETTER Fresh Renewal Center 1340 Burning Tree, Florissant, MO 63033 Tel: (314) 839-8828 www.freshrenewal.org In Case You Missed It! The Only Thing Missing Was the Ants The annual picnic in Augusta was extra special this year or maybe the F.R.E.S.H. picnics always feel that way! Regardless, we started the day in our usual way, on a hill under the trees, moving slowly with Herb Paaron leading us in gentle Tai Chi form. We exhale the cares of the world, inhale the energy of the Earth, and the tone is set. Our speaker, David Patterson, shared his amazing, inspirational story of experience, strength, and hope, which brought both tears and side-splitting laughter to us. After a lovely picnic of BBQ burgers and brats, David, with the help of his sons, also shared his gift of drumming and Native American song which was a spiritual experience all on its own! Throughout the day, we met new friends, walked the labyrinth, reconnected with one another, and raffled off a seemingly endless array of attendance prizes! The day ended too soon. Join us for this year’s picnic - Saturday, June 6, 2015 Save the Date! Coming Soon…..Gentle Lunch! May 2, 2015 – Mercy Retreat Conference Center (10:00 – 3:00) Topic: The Art of Acceptance – Speaker: Lisa Von Stanwitz Join us as we explore the challenge of acceptance, through story and reflection, while learning meditation tools than can lead to self-awareness and gentle transformation. Picnic With a Purpose Saturday, June 6, 2015 Karen Casey Writing Workshop Note schedule change Sept. 18-20, 2015 Candlelight Ceremony Sunday, Dec. 6, 2015 F.R.E.S.H. NEWS MARCH 2015 RE-F.R.E.S.H. with Board Renewal We held a Board retreat on August 16, 2014 which was facilitated by Yvonne Samuel, Executive Director of The Transformational Agenda. Yvonne led us to reflect on our primary purpose - the F.R.E.S.H. Mission, why we exist, and where we should focus our efforts. We also took time to connect with spirit and with one another. Some Board members’ reflections: “We have a richness of people and talents,” “Reenergized me..very helpful! I got refocused,” “We may not all articulate it the same, but everyone in our hearts knows what the mission is,” “Our events do fit our mission,” “I feel more open to change.” Karen Casey Writing Workshop Writing for Growth – Writing for Peace of Mind The journaling workshop was held in Augusta, Sept 12-14, 2014, and attended by 21 writers. We came together with a certain reverence for this spiritual place and with anticipation of deepening spiritual connection, which happens as we are willing to allow it. The F.R.E.S.H. mission statement says “We hope you will find here permission to be yourself in a way you may not find in the world at large.” Karen gently encourages us to do just that and by weekend’s end, we are grateful for how our spirits are filled here and for the deep connection we share in our experiences. We leave feeling more gentle with ourselves, and therefore, with others. Note: Karen shares that she is cutting her travels back to two per year and that the F.R.E.S.H. Renewal Center Writing Workshop is to be one of the two trips she will make – Yea! We are thrilled to announce our next writer’s retreat will be held Sept. 18-20, 2015. Come fellow seekers and join us! Come On Baby, Light My Fire! (Or) A Grateful Repose Our Candlelight Ceremony was held December 7, 2014 at Neve Shalom. The evening started with good food and fellowship, then Rabbi Jim Goodman began the sharing with wonderful songs and rich storytelling, followed by each one lighting a candle and sharing their stories of gratitude from the past year. On the outside, we were a diverse group, but our stories revealed more similarities than differences. Funny how that always happens… Spotlight on the Board: Kathy Courtois Kathy Courtois is our newest board member, to date. She embodies the F.R.E.S.H spirit in her work with others using Healing Touch and Cranial - Sacral adjustment in her sessions. Kathy joined our board in May, 2014, after attending F.R.E.S.H. events for many years. She said that F.R.E.S.H. was there for her when she needed it so she hopes to be there for others now. Kathy belongs to a women’s circle at Rockhaven which aids in her spiritual growth. She has “let God out of the box” (as Dick McKinley says) and feels that F.R.E.S.H. events help nurture her continued growth. Kathy has a passion for line dancing and Pickleball. She is always cooking or baking something to be taken to somebody! She has a wicked sense of humor! We are delighted to have Kathy’s enthusiastic energy on the F.R.E.S.H. board! 2
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