Central / Southeast / Southwest Fresno “The Place” Crystal Ave. Peach Ave. Olive Ave. Jensen Ave. Map made by HealthyCity.org 11/09 FresnoBHC.org What is “The Place”? “The Place” is located in the heart of the City of Fresno and is where Fresno Building Healthy Communities (Fresno BHC) is making an impact. Our work focuses on the betterment of central, southeast, and southwest Fresno, a community that goes as north as Olive Avenue and as south as Jensen, no further than Peach Avenue to the east and Crystal Avenue to the west. With a population of over 85,000 residents, central, southeast and southwest Fresno consists of the historical core residential community of the City of Fresno and is home to a racially ethnic core of residents. Central, southeast and southwest Fresno faces many challenges including high rates of poverty, gang violence, asthma, and obesity; many of these rates surpass state averages. Demographics Central/Southeast/Southwest Fresno Population Race/Ethnicity 11.0% 8.5% Hispanic / Latino 0.1% Fresno BHC Place Fresno County CA Median Income $22,878 $47,298 $49,894 Annual Household Income <$20,000 34.8% N/A N/A % Families below Federal Poverty Level 43.5% 17.2% N/A Unemployment Rate (2006) 15% 8% 4.9% 1.1% 0.6% White alone 7.7% 71.0% Black or African American alone American Indian and Alaska Native alone Age Group # % Under 5 9,671 10.9% 5-9 years 8,327 9.4% 10-14 years 8,131 9.2% 15-19 years 9,098 10.3% 20-24 years 8,402 9.5% 25-64 years 39,011 44.1% 66+ years 5,796 6.6% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2012 (accessed via www.healthycity.org) Adults in central, southeast and southwest Fresno are more likely uninsured (37%) compared to adults in Fresno County (23%) and California (22%). Source: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
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