M-Power to the People! The People's Empowerment Summit California State University – Fresno 5241 N Maple Ave, Fresno, CA 93740 March 20-22, 2015 Let's move the conversation to action - Action to activism to empower the people! Free! RSVP and Registration: Please RSVP at: bit.ly/1CxYXwA The "How, What and Why" of the Summit: ● How can grassroots activists have more representation and influence in the California Democratic Party? ● How can we keep the Party focused on the principles in the platform? ● How can we educate and empower voters? ● What can we do to overcome unlimited money in politics on both sides of the aisle? ● How can we pick candidates who listen to us, not moneyed special interests? ● How do delegates, caucuses, clubs, allies, and voters fit into the California Democratic Party? Who should attend? ● Democrats, activists, new delegates, voters, and YOU! Free! RSVP/Advance Registration: bit.ly/1CxYXwA (Pitching in to help pay expenses and sponsorships are strongly encouraged). Brought to you by: The California Democratic Council with California Democratic Party Caucuses and Clubs including: Environmental Caucus, Progressive Caucus, Business and Professional Caucus, Computer and Internet Caucus, Women's Caucus, Federation of Democratic Central Committee Members, San Joaquin Democratic Club, Fresno County Democratic Women’s Club and more! M-Power to the People Details: Agenda, speakers, hotels, and more! Friday (3/20) Toledo’s Mexican restaurant ‐ 367 East Shaw Avenue, Fresno, CA 93710 7:00‐9:00pm: Social/Mixer. Saturday (3/21) McLane Hall Room 121, 8:00am‐4:30pm Sessions include: (Check j.mp/The2015Summit for the latest details, speakers, and “surprise” guests.) The role of CDC, Clubs, Caucuses ‐ for individual empowerment. Power starts early – Getting, vetting, and supporting the best candidates. Inspiring Voters ‐ Messaging, branding, framing candidates and issues. (John Mattes – Much Better Choices) Getting out the Vote. Caucus & Dem Club Empowerment Using Social Media for Good ‐ Dana Rohrabacher, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Citizen's Advocacy and Activism inside and outside the party. Getting Corporate Money out of politics. 7:00‐9:00pm: No‐host dinner social; Guri’s Grub House, 1713 E Shaw Ave, Fresno, CA 93710 gurisgrubhouse.com Sunday (3/22) McLane Hall Room 121 8:00‐noon – The “Unconference.” What do you want to talk about? Grassroots means listening to YOU! Come prepared to talk, post your ideas on a wall, and we'll all pick the top ones (20 minutes each). 10:00‐noon ‐ The California Democratic Council (CDC) ‐ Annual Meeting (Election of Officers) RSVP and Registration: bit.ly/1CxYXwA Free! (Pitching in to help pay expenses and sponsorships are strongly encouraged). Lodging: Fresno has a variety of hotels available. The three closest are: The University Inn: www.universityinnfresno.com (a low cost, but decent hotel) University Square: www.universitysquarehoteloffresno.com (a somewhat nicer hotel) Courtyard Marriott: www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/fatch-courtyard-fresno (a Marriott)
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