www.frsaylor3774.org HOME COUNCIL OF FORMER SUPREME DIRECTOR JULIAN JOSEPH PUBLISHED BY FATHER SAYLOR COUNCIL # 3774, ALLEN PARK, MICHIGAN May 2015 Nomination of Officers Between now and the 3rd of June we will be going through the sequence of events that will culminate in the election of our Officers for the 2015-2016 Fraternal Year. Although all offices are open, the slate of Officers for the highest ranks consists of gentlemen who have proven themselves by a history of distinguished service to Council #3774. There are a wide variety of Offices that are open to newer and younger members of our Council. These include the three Guard positions and the Warden. In addition, in our Council, we have had recent success in finding new members to accept the financial oversight responsibility of Trustee. As a Council, over the last four years, we have been unusually fortunate in getting new members to step forward and become officers. So if you know a new member who you think would make a good Guard or Trustee, consult with them, ask them if they would be willing to participate in the Process that leads to becoming a Grand Knight, and place their name in nomination. The second round of Nominations is at the General Business Meeting on May 6th. The Election will be held on June 3rd. Let us work hard on selecting young members of the Council that will ultimately lead us on to greatness. PLEASE JOIN US FOR MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST BUFFET SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2015 FATHER SAYLOR KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 17113 CHAMPAIGN, ALLEN PARK 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM ADULTS $7.00 CHILDREN $4.00 Council Officer Nominees Grand Knight………………………….….…..Bob Cooper Deputy Grand Knight……………….Leonard Vokal Chancellor……………………………….….Gary Szkarlat Warden…………………………….….………Joe Martinez Treasurer……………………….………….…...Don Siegel Recorder………………………….…………….. Ed Graney Advocate……………………………Felice Lalli PGK, DD Trustee….(3 YEAR TERM).…..Robert LaHousse Inside Guard…………………………Leo Tomashumas Outside Guard..……………………….…...Roy Lanzano Outside Guard..…………..…….……….…...Ted Wassel Outside Guard..…………………..…….…...Erik Zavicar (Pending) Appointed and Current Officers Financial Secretary………. John Ksiazek PGK,FDD Lecturer.……..…….…….…..……..... Ron Fix PGK,FDD Trustee………1st year…..Mel Mysliwiec PGK, PFN Trustee………2nd year…….…..……… Tom Marcero Menu: Scrambled Eggs, French Toast, Biscuits & Gravy, Ham, Turkey, Sausage, Potatoes, Fruit, Pastries and Beverages Co-chairs, Eileen Hogan, Jan Jourdan, Julie Zarski, and Tony Tucci. KNIGHT NOTES May 2015 KNIGHT NOTES - OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF Father Alfred Saylor Council 3774 Knights of Columbus 17113 Champaign· Allen Park, Michigan 48101 Page 2 DISTRICT OFFICERS 4TH DEGREE DISTRICT DEPUTY DISTRICT 12 Dave Bieniak, PGK….....(Sheril)..…......313-610-3200 DISTRICT WARDENS Mark Gaworecki,PGK,FDD.….(Tina)….734-320-6083 Fr. Saylor Web site: www.frsaylor3774.org Gene Gross, PGK...........….…..….…....313-382-5607 Dale Mehlhouse Web [email protected] MASTER FOURTH DEGREE S.K. John Hundiak,…...(Elizabeth)..….......248.652.3433 COUNCIL ACTIVITIES Program Director Bob Cooper, DGK FAITHFUL NAVIGATOR Director ............….…....…….….....Joe Martinez 313-383-4122 S.K. George Honer……..(Sally)…….….734-675-3055 . 313-808-0780 CHURCH ACTIVITIES Athletics ……………….……………..……………..Jim Grant 4th DEGREE LIASON 313-388-4979 SK Ed Graney, PFN, .…(Blanche)……….313-383-4983 Director .......................….…............Bob Cooper Bowling League ...........….….................Joe Elden 313-383-4122 BISHOP FOLEY COUNCIL #2660 734-282-2851 Rosary Chain .................….….....C.T. Thomas 313-928-1684 Softball Teams……………….…………….Jim Kelly GK Thomas Lackey……(Kerri) ..……....313-399-4477 Gary Szkarlat 313-505-5762 MSGR. CHAMPION COUNCIL #2819 313-381-0891 Matt Donnelly Memorial Golf Outing Manresa Retreat ...........................Art Orlowski Mark Gaworecki, FDD, PGK….....…734-320-6083 GK Ron Edwards…………………..…… 734-283-8163 313-388-9489 ROBERT H. JONES COUNCIL #3078 Golf League Monday..…..John Ksiazek PGK,FDD Vocations................….....….........SK.Ron Pelley 313-605-4621 GK David Hollobaugh .....….…….…......313-382-3431 734-308-0443 Golf League Thursday (Seniors)….Marcos Dias PGK ext. 110 313-282-3389 Bank of Eternal Life ..…...….......SK Ron Pelley 734-308-0443 Fraternal Activities……........SK Don Bessette,PGK Euchre..............….…........................Bob Sharkey Round Table 313-928-9463 313-928-4863 Our Lady of Angels.........................Bob Cooper Andrea Proia Family Activities .............................Tony Lalli,PGK 313-383-4122 313-388-6606 313-550-7836 St. Frances Cabrini.....................SK Ed Graney Photographer..........................................Joe Elden Steak Cookout....…..................Tony Lalli,PGK, DD 313-383-4983 734-282-2851 313-388-6606 MEMBERSHIP COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Camping Club .…...........Mike Brennan, PGK,FDD Director...............….…...….....................Bill Gamble Director ................................Tony Lalli, PGK, DD 313-388-3238 313-408-5674 313-388-6606 Knight Notes Retention.......................................Tony Lalli, PGK Editor.........………...... Mark Gaworecki, PGK,FDD Pro-Life ………….....................S.K. Ed Graney 313-388-6606 734-320-6083 313- 383-4983 Retention…….……………Mike Brennan, PGK,FDD Proofs........................….…........……….Dan Grant Senior Citizens…..………………...Roy Sparkes 313-388-3238 313-505-8514 313-383-6138 Sue Vokal YOUTH ACTIVITIES Sick Committee......…....................C.T. Thomas Director..…..…..............Mark Gaworecki, PGK,FDD 313-928-1684 734-320-6083 Layout..….…............….….........Ron Fix, PGK,FDD Blood Bank......................….......James Zagunis Holy Cross Family Services (Formerly Boysville) 734-287-8651 313-383-0878 Mike Brennan PGK,FDD…..……….. 313-388-3238 Advertising..........….….…........Tony Lalli, PGK DD M.I.Chairman...............John Ksiazek PGK, FDD 313-388-6606 Spelling Bee.............….…..............S.K. Ed Graney 313-605-4621 Bill Gamble 313-383-4983 Tony Lalli,PGK, DD 313-408-5674 Scouting Liaison–Free Throw…..….Donald Siegel 313-388-6606 Publicity Chairman ……………......SK Ron Pelley 313-299-9388 734-308-0443 Members Lounge 313-386-1850 OFFICERS Chaplain ..........….…..........Fr. Thomas Puzio …………………..… 810-919-0449 District Deputy .............. David Bieniak PGK (Sheril) …................313-610-3200 Grand Knight.………………..Scott Kolpasky .................................313-408-9743 Deputy Grand Knight………….Bob Cooper (Cindy).....................313-383-4122 Chancellor ..............................C.T. Thomas (Elizabeth)………….313-928-1684 Financial Secretary…..John Ksiazek. PGK,FDD (Mary) .....................313-605-4621 Recorder ....................................Ed Graney (Blanche) ................313-383-4983 Warden....................................Joe Martinez …..........................313-808-0780 Treasurer .....................................Len Vokal (Sue)………….. 313-278-8740 Lecturer ………Roland (Ron) Fix PGK,FDD (Darlene) ................734-287-8651 Trustee ..................................Donald Siegel (Jennifer).….…........313-299-9388 Trustee ….………..Mel Mysliwiec PGK,PFN (Sharron).….……....734-675-1087 Trustee ......….…………..…......Tom Marcero (Jan).….…...............313-378-1083 Advocate …..…Felice (Tony) Lalli, PGK, DD (Maria) ..............…..313-388-6606 Inside Guard ..........................Gary Szkarlat (Sharon)……..…….313- 381-0891 Outside Guard………………. .Chris Carmody (Karen).….….….…..734-751-3408 Outside Guard ….….………Leo Tamoshunas (Gloria).……...……..313-467-6862 Crystal Park Banquet Center 313-388-9001 BUILDING ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President ..…………………….Marty Bergiel Jr. (Meg)…..……………………..313-386-0923 Vice President ..........….…...............Tom Crete (Gale)………….….……….…313-386-6600 Treasurer…………………………..Eric Bollman (Monica)…………………..….313-388-2637 Secretary……………..…..…….....Mike Bergiel …….....….….….........…313-605-0727 House Chairman………….…..……...John Tius (Theresa)……………….....…313-999-5366 Director ................….….......Dale Mehlhose Jr. (Lisa)..……….……..………..313-310-8808 Director.....….……………...….…...Kevln Grant (Alise)……..………………. ..313-928-2203 Director………….….…..……...Pete Bandoske (Kim).…………..……...........313-623-8022 Trustee.............….………..….….Donald Siegel (Jennifer)………….…..…....313-299-9388 Trustee ………………Mel Mysliwiec PGK,PFN (Sharron)…….……..…..…...734-675-1087 Trustee…………..………………..Tom Marcero (Jan)…......…........................313-378-1083 Grand Knight ....…...…………..Scott Kolpasky ..….……….....................… 313-408-9743 Deputy Grand Knight……………...Bob Cooper (Cindy)…..….…………...………… 313-383-4122 Dennis Palm Knights of Columbus Insurance General Agent 313-382-2926 or [email protected] PAST GRAND KNIGHTS David Wolfe ...….…........................Deceased Leo L. Paluch ..........….…...............Deceased R.J. Moynihan .........….…...............Deceased Julian Joseph..….....….…........……Deceased Ed Gotz ..................….…................Deceased Vic Chateauvert .....….…................Deceased Barney Hayduk ......….…................Deceased Joe Kent .................….…...............Deceased Arthur Champagne .….…...............Deceased Lou Giacomantonio…….................Deceased Floyd Kapalla ..........….…...............Deceased Jack McAdoo..….....….….........313-382-9295 John A. Nicklay .....….….................Deceased John S. Hawkins ...….….................Deceased Sigmund Obrycki ...….…................Deceased John Revesz ..........….…................Deceased Andy Bertolino.........….…...............Deceased Ed Klenczar.............….…......... 313-383-1733 Bill Morgan ............….….................Deceased Don Bessette .........….…..........313-928-9463 Roland (Ron) Fix ....….….........734-287-8651 Felice (Tony) Lalli ....….…........313-388-6606 Michael Brennan .....….…........313-388-3238 Timothy M. Hayden ...….…......313-928-6821 Mark F. Gaworecki……...…......734-320-6083 John A. Ksiazek .........….…......313-605-4621 Thomas Bardziewicz..…………313-386-3885 Daniel Letinski ..…...................313-350-5254 Anthony Johnson………...…….313-478-6294 Marcos Dias……………………..313-282-3389 Scott Kolpasky………………,,….313-408-9743 DEADLINE FOR KNIGHT NOTES 10th OF EACH MONTH KNIGHT NOTES May 2015 Page 3 Grand Knight Comments I attended the annual Clergy Appreciation Night and once again Bishop Foley hosted an outstanding program. All five State Officers attended which says a lot about our district. I want to thank the 25+ members, guests and our 6 invited Clergy for attending. Father Saylor had the largest representation and it was evident by the cheers when our Council was announced. It is always nice when a State Officer approaches me and thanks us personally for attending. This is just another proud moment for this Grand Knight. Our Deputy Grand Knight is hard at work to prepare for the upcoming May Crowning. He has decided to have a Living Rosary this year and needs your help. We are in need of 60 plus people to conduct this event, so please contact him to make this a successful event. We held our first round of nominations for Council Officers and I am proud to announce we have members running for every position. The Council will hold the second and final nominations at our May business meeting. If you are interested in running for any position please have someone nominate you and plan on attending the meeting to accept. The vote will take place at our June meeting. I will be off to the Annual State Convention on Mackinaw Island Memorial Day weekend. Thank you to the membership for allowing me to represent the Council. Keeping my fingers crossed that we will once again receive the Michigan Achievement Award for outstanding service to the Knights. The State Officers’ wives conduct a basket raffle to raise funds for Holy Cross Children Services each year that raises around $ 30,000.00. If anyone is interested in purchasing raffle tickets or making a monetary donation please leave an envelope at the Members’ Lounge with my name on it. I will need your name, address, and phone number to write on the tickets as I do not have access to them until I arrive on the Island. This Memorial Day let us pray for our deceased and current members and their family members who have and who are presently serving our country in the Armed Forces. We enjoy our freedom because of them. T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More) Fraternally, Scott (Scooter) Kolpasky-Grand Knight CHAPLAIN’S CORNER April Showers bring May flowers --- or so the saying goes. It seems that Mother Nature is going backwards. The weather is not the herald of a beautiful, and warm, Spring Season. But the reality is that the rains will come and the flowers will bloom and we shall once again enjoy the beauty of life around us. It is time for Spring to bloom and for us to do likewise. We are on our way to elections of officers, the Knights of Columbus Convention, and renewed efforts to promote our Fr. Saylor Council as we also promote our Faith. Easter calls us to see that the glass is not just half empty but also half filled. We are called by our Christian Heritage (being followers of Jesus) to promote the reality of what ‘Resurrection’ means in our lives. It is a call to resurrect our lives, our plans, and our hopes. Our “cause” must be Jesus Christ’s cause. We were told long ago to go into the whole world and “proclaim the good news.” I can think of no better way for each and every knight to proclaim the “Good News” by his participation in the affairs of the Knights of Columbus. We freely sought to become a member of this group. By virtue of our Baptism we were commissioned to make our membership an avenue by which to proclaim this good news to all around us. So I must ask each man who reads this article if he is ready to be that living sign of Faith that Jesus passed on to us. Our Father Saylor Council is the ideal place to live our Faith. It promotes our Christian Faith in the many activities and opportunities by which others may see us witnessing to our Faith and our commitment to all that Jesus asks of us. Chaplain, Fr. Tom P.S. Do not forget to be present on May 13 as we honor Jesus’ Mother, Mary! NEW LOUNGE HOURS MONDAY - THURSDAY 3 PM -MIDNIGHT FRIDAY - 3 PM - 2 AM SATURDAY - 12 PM- 2 AM SUNDAY -12 PM to 12 AM KNIGHT NOTES May 2015 HAPPY MOTHERS DAY May 10�� brings Mothers’ Day and the Mothers’ Day Brunch at Father Saylor Knights of Columbus 3774. Last year the food and service could not be beat. This year looks to be just as great! Bring Mom and the family and enjoy the day. Our Council Chaplain is celebrating another birthday on the 7th of May. Happy Birthday Father Tom Puzio and thank you for your many years of service and blessings. Memorial Day is Monday, May25, and this will help all of us get into summer fun. If you and your family are traveling, please be safe. New officers will be nominated by months end, be ready to vote for your Council officers at the business meeting the first Wednesday of June. Keep the Knight Notes close at hand so you will know the many upcoming events we have scheduled for the whole family to enjoy. Form 100'S are located in the lounge please invite someone to be a Brother Knight to keep the Council strong. Page 4 Let Us Pray Please Pray for our sick Brother Knights and their families as they encounter health challenges in their lives. Joseph Bachleda Thomas Bardziewicz PGK *Mary Bachleda Tony Bertalino Donald Bessette PGK, PFN *Jeanne Bessette Bill Branson Nicholas Caruana *Diane Enriquez *Marlene Haiduc-Morgan Mike Kammer Frank Hribar Ed Klenczar PGK James (Jimmy K) Kondziela Tom Markovich Michael Mizzi Stephen "Butch" Nikodemski Jack O’Neil Bernie Pavlosky Chuck Resetar Ed Righetti *Angelina Savona John Scannell Fr. Gene Wojtewic Rob Zavicar Tom Zremski * Denotes Family Member Viva Jesus Membership Director Bill Gamble A Mass will be said for Father Saylor deceased Members and Families at Cabrini on Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 10:00 am. C O D PERFORMING IN THE LOUNGE MAY 16, AFTER 8:30 PM. COME DOWN AND ENJOY A GREAT NIGHT OF ENTERTAINMENT !!!!!!!! A Mass will be said for Father Saylor Members and Families at OLOA on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 10:00 am Richard Norman has entered eternal life and let us keep Richard and his family in our prayers. Chancellor C.T. Thomas at [email protected] or call 313-928-1684. MAY CROWNING --- MAY 13, 2015 The Blessed Virgin Mary is the patroness of the United States. May is the month dedicated to Our Lady. Father Saylor Council will honor Her with a living rosary and prayer service on Wednesday, May 13, 2015, at 7:00 pm in the Council Hall. Fr. Puzio will officiate. This service is open to everyone. We are urging all families to attend, as well as bring a friend so that we may fittingly honor Our Blessed Mother. Light refreshments will follow the service. Please reserve this date on your calendar, so you do not miss this very special service. 7:00 PM MOTHERS DAY BREAKFAST ** MAY 10, 2015 KNIGHT NOTES May 2015 DID YOU KNOW? You could win $485 if you attend our next meeting? That is right! Robert Theeck, could have done just that for showing up and joining his fellow Brother Knights. You too could go home with $485 in your pocket. The best thing is you don’t even have to tell anyone about it – well at least for a month – until we publish it in our Knight Notes as the latest winner! Where else can you go and just by attending a meeting and win the door prize drawing of $485? If we don’t call your name for the door prize, maybe we will call it for the attendance drawing. Just like the door prize, the attendance drawing is yours just by attending and adding your name to the list. If we call your name, you would have a nice amount of cash – $317 in your pocket. Unfortunately, Sean McKeone wasn’t there so the pot continues to grow. So come join us, hear what is going on in your Council, have a beverage and a light snack afterwards and enjoy the fellowship of your Brother Knights. Hope to see you there. Knight of the Month– March Frank Savona Is a longtime supporter and diligent worker at our MI dinners. He worked so hard this year, the next day he had to head to the hospital for a tune up where he had a couple of stents inserted. Now that’s dedication! Family of the Month – March Bob & Di Ray Whenever there is a project for our families, like the Children’s Christmas party, Halloween or our recent Easter Egg hunt you can always count on them to be there working hard to make sure it all comes off without any glitches and ensure the children and their families have a great time. Thank you both for your efforts and dedication on behalf of the families of our Council. Family of the Month – April Team Care Bear If you don’t know who they are – Dave and Kim Ksiazek, Tim Rozanski, and Joe Elden – they are the hard working team you saw at the bowling tournament. They also provided never ending support and hard work at the MI Dinner. No matter who is the chairman, each and every year they are there to help. Thank you so much for your continued efforts and caring. Page 5 “Through my Eyes” I saw…a full house of Brother Knights, family and friends come to the final fish fry of the Lenten season before they celebrated the Risen Christ three days later. Thanks to Jim and his team for a job well done and hope everyone had a Blessed Easter. I saw… and heard several of our Brother Knights come back from rooting our Tigers on to victory at the home opener then returning to the Lounge to continue the celebration. Our Tigers are off to a great start! Be sure to stop into the Lounge and catch a game on the big screen and enjoy some refreshing beverages and great food. I saw…our winter bowling league season come to an end. Everyone had a great time. They are looking forward to next fall when they can begin again to pursue that perfect 300 game. Congrats to the 2015 champions. I saw… a lot of folks decked out from the days past – the 50’s and 60’s – while enjoying the musical stylings of DJ Joey at our annual bash in the Lounge. It truly was a blast from the past! I saw…a great turn out for the social night to hear John Doute, owner of D&L Garden Center, (and a member of our Council) talk and answer questions about lawn and garden care. Between everyone getting to ask questions and some of us going home with some great door prizes, everyone who came went home a winner! I saw…another great turn out representing our Council at the annual Clergy Night in support of our priests, religious, and seminarians. As usual, another great meal served by our Brothers from the Bishop Foley Council. I saw…two busloads of gamblers head off to the Fire Keepers Casino for an afternoon of gambling and fun. They ended up back at our Lounge for some pizza and refreshments. And the proceeds went to our MI Drive. Win or lose, fun for everyone! I saw…the return of freshly made, Cold Stone Ice Cream back at our Monthly Steak Nights. Thanks again for the continued support of our Adopt a Family program. What an amazing Council we belong to. Looking forward to seeing you all around the Council taking advantage of all the programs we have lined up for you this spring. Bob Cooper - DGK Knight of the Month– April Tony Tucci Is a member of the kitchen crew on steak nights and he has been one of our main cooks whenever we have any special functions like our recent family dinners earlier this year along with breakfast for our recent major degree. Great food and a job well done! KNIGHT NOTES May 2015 Kelly’s Corner Happy May and Memorial Day! The Lounge will be closed on Memorial Day. We hope you will enjoy your day! What about those Tigers and Red Wings! I hope you can make it down to the Lounge to enjoy the games with us! As we get ready to settle in to the summer months I hope you can drop in to see us and enjoy our Lounge. We normally don't have a lot of entertainment going on as I know we are all busy supporting our parish festivals and enjoying all that summer has to offer. Don’t forget to keep us in mind or give us a call to see if anything is going on! As I talk about the Lounge I would like to ask a favor of you. If you know you would like to use the Lounge area for a party or get together, please let me or the bartender know at least a week in advance how many people to expect. We need to know if you will want food, and if there is a certain beer or liquor your group will be drinking. We always enjoy the business and the chance to serve you and your guests, but if I don't order correctly we may run out of your favorite food or beverage. Thank you in advance! Enjoy the month and safe travels to all of you! Until next month.... Jim Page 6 Steak Cookout May 27, 2015 Ice Cream Social for “Adopt A Family” Is Back! So come, have a steak, garlic bread and a baked potato. Treat your wife to the best salad she will ever experience. And have a beer with us. And to cap off the experience, go visit Bob Cooper for an ice cream treat and donate to support one of the most heart-warming programs that the Fr. Saylor Council operates. Last year Adopt A Family raised $1,600 to make Christmas warm and bright. Help us to make next Christmas special for a couple of deserving families. We hope to see you there on May 27th from 5 to 8 PM and remember that this year the price is $12 for a good sized Strip Steak ($6 for a child's portion) Vivat Jesus, Tony Lalli PGK You Win, Father Saylor Wins!!! The Summer Sizzler Raffle is one of the largest fundraisers for our Council. The Building Association has done a tremendous job coordinating this for our Council. We all need to help! We only print 500 tickets for the chance to win $7,500.00. There are additional prizes as well. You will have 10 chances to win one of the following prizes: Grand Prize $7,500.00, 2ⁿ� Prize $1,000.00, 3�� Prize $500.00, (3) Prizes $100.00, and (4) Prizes $50.00. This is a plea to all Council members to consider purchasing a ticket for this fundraiser. The cost of the ticket is $50.00. You may split the ticket with as many people as you like. Many tickets have up to 5 names on them, costing each individual only $10.00! The funds generated from this event, help us with addressing the continuing costs of running the Council. We have property taxes to pay and property to maintain and improve. The winning tickets are drawn each year at our Family Fun Day at the park across the street from the Council Hall. This year’s picnic is July 11, 2015. Plan to join us , enjoy the fun and see if the ticket you purchased is a winner. For a ticket, or more information, please call Kevin Grant at 313-655-0589 or call the Father Saylor Members Lounge at 313-386-1850. Thank you for your support! MAY CROWNING, LIVING ROSARY, May 13, 2015 May 2015 KNIGHT NOTES Page 7 The 80’s are Back We celebrated the 50's, 60's and 70's. Now it is time to look back at the 80's by demand of our Worthy Grand Knight. The era that changed how we saw and heard music forever! Come join us on Saturday June the 13th for an 80's dance party. Remember big hair, spandex pants, Nike high tops and more. The 80's brought new wave bands, long hair and make-up, and Milli Vanilli. Yours truly (DJ Joey M) will be playing all the hits of the 80's as we relive the era that brought us MTV, Madonna and a whole lot more. This event will take place in our Members’ Lounge starting at 7:30pm until close. Our usual 50/50 raffles will be sold and there will be two door prizes awarded for best dressed and best dance moves from this decade. You know you still have clothes and pictures from the 80's so put them on display. Come enjoy the era that changed it all. As always keep checking your monthly Knight Notes for upcoming events. Sincerely, Joe 'Class of 89' Martinez, May 2015 S M T W T F S 31 1 2 3 Manresa Retreat 8 Manresa Retreat 9 4 5 Euchre, 7:00 pm Mass for Fr. Saylor Monday Golf Wesburn, 4:30 pm Deceased Members & Families, Cabrini,10 am Manresa Retreat 10 Mothers Day Mothers Day Brunch, Hall 17 11 Knight Notes Meeting, 7:00 pm Monday Golf Wesburn, 4:30 pm 18 19 Memorial Day, Lounge Closed Monday Golf Wesburn, 4:30 pm 7 Business Meeting, Nomination of Officers, Council Hall, 7 pm Senior Golf Raisin River, 8:30 am Acoustic Knights 14 15 12 Build. Assoc. 13 Meeting, 7 pm May Crowning & Euchre, 7:00 pm Living Rosary Mass for Fr. Saylor Officers Meeting, Euchre, 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Members & Families, OLOA, Monday Golf 10 am Wesburn, 4:30 pm 24 25 26 State Convention 6 Euchre, 7:00 pm 20 Senior Golf Raisin River, 8:30 am 21 16 C O D Performing After 8:30 pm 22 23 Senior Golf Raisin River, 8:30 am Acoustic Knights State Convention 27 28 29 Steak Cook Out Ice Cream Social, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Senior Golf Raisin River, 8:30 am State Convention 30 KNIGHT NOTES May 2015 Page 8 Have You Insured Your Most Valuable Asset? Is your income protected if you become sick or injured and cannot work? Your ability to work and earn an income is your most valuable asset. Yet a disability could prevent you from earning that income. Just one year of a disability could eliminate your savings. Income Armor, an individual disability income insurance product from the Knights of Columbus, should be a key part of your overall financial plan and family’s protection. If you are ill or injured, Income Armor provides tax-free monthly benefits to help you meet living expenses and maintain you and your family’s standard of living. Your monthly benefits help you pay your mortgage and other monthly bills, while your savings and retirement assets remain intact. In short, if you have a job and don’t have a way to protect that paycheck, you should seriously consider Income Armor today. I look forward to meeting with you. Tom Jackson 734-778-9601 [email protected] Second Nomination of Officers on May 6th May 2015 KNIGHT NOTES Page 9 Matthew Donnelly Memorial *** Scholarship - 2015 Applications for the 10�� Annual Matt Donnelly Scholarship fund are now available at the Member’s Lounge or by contacting Mark Gaworecki at 734-320-6083. All applications are due no later than Tuesday, June 30, 2015. Any incomplete application submitted will not be considered for one of the awarded scholarships. To be awarded. The winner(s) of the Matthew Donnelly Memorial Scholarship will be announced at the Father Saylor Family Picnic in July, 2015. All scholarship checks will be made out to both the winner as well as the school, where the student attends. This scholarship is open to any Father Saylor Knights of Columbus (in good standing) member’s son, daughter, wife, grandson or granddaughter. It should be noted that this scholarship is not only open to those students presently enrolled in a college or university, but also open to those seniors in high school who plan to attend college following graduation. Don’t forget the 10�� Annual Matt Donnelly Scholarship Open which will be held on Saturday, June 27, 2015 once again at Taylor Meadows. Please refer to the entry form found in the Knight Notes for further details. Please plan to participate. The committee would like to say Thank You to all of the golfers who have participated in the past Scholarship Opens for making them successful events. For those of you who participated previously but have not been able to join us over the last couple of years, we ask you to please consider rejoining us especially for this 10�� Annual Outing. In the nine years that this scholarship has existed, we have given over $15,000.00 in scholarships to family members of our Brother Knights. If you have any questions or need additional information concerning this scholarship, please contact Mark Gaworecki at 734-320-6083. May 2015 Crystal Park Lisa McKinney 17099 Champaign Allen Park Mi 48101 313-388-9001 [email protected] KNIGHT NOTES Page 10 2014 & 2015 dates still available for your special events Special Discount for Knights of Columbus Members 15% off any event booked May 2015 RELIABLE AUTO SERVICE CENTER 17250 Ecorse Rd, Allen Park MI 313-388-8888 KNIGHT NOTES Page 11 ¶ Complete Auto Service ¶ Free Shuttle Service within 10 miles ¶ Customer rated 4.8 on surecritic.com ¶ relialbeautoservicecenter.com KNIGHT NOTES FATHER ALFRED SAYLOR COUNCIL # 3774 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 17113 CHAMPAIGN ALLEN PARK, MICHIGAN 48101 Page 12 Non-profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Allen Park, MI. Permit NO. 6 EUCHRE EVERY TUESDAY COUNCIL LOUNGE 7pm Calendar of Events Wednesday, May 6, 2015 Fr. Saylor General Meeting, Officers Nominations 7:00 pm Sunday, May 10, 2015 Mother’s Day Sunday, May 10, 2015 Mother’s Day Brunch, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Monday, May 11, 2015 Knight Notes Meeting, Board Room 7:00 pm Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Building Association Meeting, 7:00 pm Wednesday, May 13, 2015 May Crowning, Council Hall, 7:00 pm Monday, May 18, 2015 Officers Meeting, Board Room, 7:00 pm Thursday-Saturday, May 22-24, 2015 State Convention Monday, May 25,2015 Memorial Day, Lounge Closed Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Steak Cookout & Ice Cream Social, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Wednesday, June 3, 2015 Fr. Saylor General Meeting, Election of Officers, 7:00 pm Monday, June 8, 2015, Knight Notes meeting, Board Room, 7:00 pm Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Building Association Meeting, 7:00 pm Saturday, June 13, 2015 Back to the 80’s party, Lounge Monday, June 21, 2015 Father’s Day Wednesday, June 24, 2015 Steak Cookout & Ice Cream Social, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Saturday, June 27, 2015 Matt Donnelly Golf Outing Monday, June 29, 2015 Officers Meeting, Board Room, 7:00 pm
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