Mullins Nursing Center: Hazel Snipes. Methodist Manor: Elnita and Ricky Vaught Shut ins: Mabel Dozier, Ginny Merchant, Dot Redfearn, Jewell Wall, Joyce Coleman, Virginia Freeman and Millie Scott . Home: Evelyn Huggins, Faye Dove, Marc Bahan, Glenda Burch, Patsy Glaze, Barbara Ann Newell. Thank you notes: Glenda Burch and Patsy Glaze/ Food Pantry needs for July: Fruit, fruit drinks, peanut butter and jelly. Saturday, July 4 8:00-9:00 am Glorious Grits Sunday, July 5 8:45 am The Journey 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship Service Monday, July 6 OFFICE CLOSED Saturday, July 11 8:00-9:00 am Glorious Grits In Memory Gene “Sis” Mathis April 17, 1925—June 25, 2015 Birthdays 7 Brenda Gasque Elizabeth Britt July 10 Johnny Atkinson Russ Cotton Anniversaries July 5 Jean and Hank Richardson 6 Lisa and Donald Cribb 8 Ellen and Walter Davis July June 29, 1936—July 26, 2015 Record of our Faithfulness 6/28/15 Sunday School 49 Worship 101 Budget Needs to Date $ 178,668.88 Given to Date $ 172,064.85 Look graciously, O Lord, upon this land. Where it is in pride, subdue it. Where it is in need, supply it. Where it is in error, rectify it. Where it is in default, restore it. And where it holds to that which is just and compassionate, support it. Amen. Carol Sue Compton Perkins P. O. Box 155 307 East Godbold Street Marion, South Carolina 29571 (web) [email protected] (email) 423-3533 phone 423-2244 fax RATTLE SUNDAY You CAN make a difference. Help support mission trips! The next Rattle Sunday is July 26. Bring your cans with coins for the children to collect that Sunday. In Memory First United Methodist Church Henry A. Altman, Pastor Melle Sensibaugh, Music Director Vicki Bridgman, Childcare Center Director Lynn Oldfield, Secretary Ronnie Shannon, Custodian “Through God’s amazing grace, we prayerfully live, joyfully worship, and humbly serve, seeking to lovingly make disciples of the whole world.” SERVING TODAY 6th Sunday after Pentecost SERVING TODAY Offertory Steward: Youth Offertory Steward Ushers: Youth and Ushers: Marion Edwards, Mike Jackson, Jim Davis, Russ Cotton, Crucifer and Acolyte: Haley Scott and Rhett Wallace Freddie Campbell, Jamie Craig Audio Operators: Joey McGrath, Jovi Sagar Crucifer and Acolyte: Griffin Wilbanks and Drew Singletary Sunday School: Martha Britt Worship: Harold and Kim Tanner AudioNursery. Operators: Wesley Edwards, Joey McGrath, Sandy Eaddy Children’s Church: Connie Thompson Nursery: Jackie Woodberry and Audrey Wiggins Youth and Children’s S/S teacher: Susie Powell, Carlotta Wiggins, Gwen Strickland Sunday School:forAudrey Wiggins, Betty Anne AnneCo-chair. Dozier Caregivers October: Glenda Burch, Chair. Sloan, ChrisLou Jackson, Altar Guild for October: Sissy Meredith, BaxleyEdwards, and PaulineCo-chair Scott Caregivers for July: Ann Flynn, Chair Renee Yvonne Altar Guild: Lynn Oldfield, Helen Tanner, Yvonne Sawyer Color: Green July 5, 2015 In silence and reverence, let us prepare our hearts for worship. Prelude “America” The Lighting of the Candles Welcome Prayer *Hymn No. 697 “America” Children’s Moments Passing of the Peace Joys and Concerns Pastoral Prayer The Lord’s Prayer Giving of Tithes and Offering Offertory “Our Gifts” *Doxology No. 95 “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” *Hymn 698 “God of the Ages” Old Testament Lesson Anthem 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10 “Come to the Water” Soloist: Roy White *Gospel Lesson Sermon Wilson Marsha Stevens-Pino Mark 6:1-13 “What’s This Wisdom” Commissioning of Salkehatchie Workers (see insert) *Hymn No. 696 *Dismissal with Blessing “Exultation” *Stand as you are able **Please turn cell phone off during the service shall be removed from the buildings. If an item is used, please return it to it’s original position. •Cookbooks are always available in the church office. Remember them as wonderful gifts for A Web Page and directed toward the Young Adults has been added and will be updated with new birthdays, weddings graduations! material each week. If you have information for the page, contact Tommy Walker. Also, •SoundTommy system—We are an in need to learn the operation sound for the has added albumofonvolunteers the web showing pictures from of thethe Hee Hawsystem Production. sanctuary. CheckIfityou out!are willing to volunteer for this job, please contact the church office. •Handicap on Oak Street needs bare. to be We left have available forforour oldergoods members. Be careful to Food parking Pantry. The shelves are getting a need canned of all kinds. not block those spaces when you park on that street. Please place your donations in the wicker basket by the chapel door. Thanks. •Backpack Buddies was the Roof Mission Collection for Vacation Bible year. Anfellowaverage The Methodist Men’s project is Saturday! Please meet at School Gloriousthis Grits in the of 40 children each They managed to collect $383oninthe cash donations over ship hall attended at 7:30 am. Wesession. will eat and move to the house to work roof. All who and are inter1,000 items food for worthy cause. Thank youbring children yourforhelp and ested of in helping arethis encouraged to join us. Please tools for and all chairs work andsupport. rest. Poinsettias. It is time to start thinking about the holiday poinsettias in honor or memory of a MEMORIALS loved one. There is an insert in the bulletin on today for your use. The cost this year is $15. “America the Beautiful” *Postlude ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome to Worship! We A. warmly welcome all whovisit worship with interested us today. We especiallyFirst •Pastoral Needs: Rev. Henry Altman will gladly anyone in making welcome our visitors and hope you will feel at home with us. Please use the cards provided on Marion their church home. Please feel free to contact him with any personal or prayer the back of the pews. Pastor Joe will gladly visit anyone interested in making First Marion their needs(687-4928) church home. and visitors are encouraged to contact pastor personal prayer concerns •The Members rose on the altar today is to the Glory of the God andwith in honor oforthe birth of Asher (423-3533). Hicks Floyd, son of Dusty and Erin Stewart Floyd and grandson of Keith and Brenda Kitchen There some missing in from If you theirCongratuwhereStewart. Asheritems. was born onareJuly 1st,pans weighing at 8the 5 oz. and wasknow 20” of long. them to the kitchen. It is church policy that no furniture or equipment lationsabouts, to the please happyreturn family. Martin Golden The Favorites—Joyce Lybrand Frances H. EasonProgram. and Audrey H.are Cook. Children of FUMC are by planning a Christmas If you interested in participatUncle Charley’s Hut— Joyce Lybrand by Bill, Janet and Rhett Wallace. ing, parents and children are asked to remain after church this Sunday for a quick meeting. Choir Fund—Thelma Buddin by Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jackson. Carol Perkins by Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd Care Hospice in Nichols is looking to expand its volunteer services. If anyone is Marion Boyd Edwards. interested in helping, contact Crystal Tiller at 526-1186. Handbells—Sis Mathis, Carol Perkin and Marilyn Steinbar by Lynn Oldfield. Foundation—Sis Mathis by Betty Miles, Hulon Jewelers and Tommy Lett. Inez Edwards Scholarship Fund—Joyce Lybrand, Rudy Pace, Thelma Buddin, Scovey Skipper, Gerda Bahan, Sis Mathis and Carol Perkins by Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Williams. CALENDAR EVENTS THIS WEEK: Saturday, July 4 8:00-9:00 am Glorious Grits Sunday, July 5 8:45 am The Journey 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship Service Monday, July 6 OFFICE CLOSED Saturday, July 11 8:00-9:00 am Glorious Grits Nursery—Jackie Woodberry and Audrey Wiggins Birthdays July 7 Brenda Gasque Elizabeth Britt July 10 Johnny Atkinson Russ Cotton Anniversaries July 5 Jean and Hank Richardson 6 Lisa and Donald Cribb 8 Ellen and Walter Davis The Journey S/S Teachers: 3-5K -Audrey Wiggins 1-5th -Betty Anne Sloan Teens –Lou Anne Dozier Thank you from Glenda Burch and Patsy Glaze Gene “Sis” Mathis April 17, 1925- June 25, 2015 Carol Sue Compton Perkins July 29, 1936—June 26, 2015 Mullins Nursing Center: Hazel Snipes Methodist Manor: Elnita and Ricky Vaught McLeod: Barbara Ann Newell Shut Ins: Mabel Dozier, Ginny Merchant, Dot Redfearn, Jewell Wall, Joyce Coleman, Virginia Freeman, Millie Scott Home: Marc Bahan, Glenda Burch, Patsy Glaze Food Pantry item for July: Fruit, Juice and Peanut butter Sympathy to the family of Estelene Barnhill on her death. Sympathy to Lynn Steinbar on the death of his mother, Marilyn Steinbar. Sympathy to Pauline Edwards on the death of her sister, C B Sells. Record of our Faithfulness Sunday School Worship Budget Needs to Date Given to Date 6/28/2015 49 101 $178,668.88 $ 172,064.85 First United Methodist Church 8:45 a.m. Service July 5, 2015 Pastor: Henry A. Altman Pianist: Jean Barnhill The Journey First United Methodist Church 6th Sunday after Pentecost July 5, 2015 8:45 a.m. Congregational Songs My Country Tis of Thee Shout To the North Welcome and Announcements Passing of the Peace Congregational Songs Awesome God Come Thy Fount of Every Blessing Children’s Moments Joys and Concerns Pastoral Prayer The Lord’s Prayer *Doxology Special Music Selection by Jean Barnhill Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow God Bless America The Praise Team *Gospel Lesson Message ANNOUNCEMENTS •Congratulations to Dusty and Erin Stewart Floyd on the birth of their son, Asher Hicks Floyd. Asher is the grandson of Keith and Brenda Stewart. •Backpack Buddies—The Vacation Bible School children collect food and monetary donations for this worthy cause. Their collection was very successful with $383 in cash and over 1000 food items. Bible School was well attended with approximately40 children per session. •Sound system-We are in need of volunteers to learn the operation of the sound system for the sanctuary. If you are willing to volunteer for this job, please contact the church office. Sending Forth of Salkehatchie Workers Offering Usher: Frank Strickland, Jimmy Taylor Video: Jacob Altman Pianist: Jean Barnhill Guitarists: Paul DeMarco, Sandy Eaddy Special Music: The Praise Team: Emma Altman, Lori Altman, Cami Godbold, Emme Godbold, Madison Hardee and Rushali Pulukuri. Mark 6:1-13 “What’s This Wisdom” Congregational Song Benediction A special welcome to all who are visiting with us today! We are glad you are here and invite you to worship with us as often as possible! •Handicap parking on Oak Street needs to be left available for our older members. Be careful to not block those spaces when you park on that street. •Cookbooks are always available in the church office. Remember them as wonderful gifts for birthdays, weddings and graduations! MEMORIALS Golden Favorites—Joyce Lybrand by Frances H. Eason and Audrey H. Cook. Uncle Charley’s Hut—Joyce Lybrand by Bill, Janet and Rhett Wallace. Choir Fund—Thelma Buddin by Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jackson. Carol Perkins by Mr. and Mrs. Marion Boyd Edwards. Handbells—Sis Mathis, Carol Perkin and Marilyn Steinbar by Lynn Oldfield. Foundation—Sis Mathis by Betty Miles, Hulon Jewelers and Tommy Lett. Inez Edwards Scholarship Fund—Joyce Lybrand, Rudy Pace, Thelma Buddin, Scovey Skipper, Gerda Bahan, Sis Mathis and Carol Perkins by Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Williams.
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