The Aspire First United Methodist Church, Wellington April 2015 "What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven – and that future starts now!” (1 Peter 1:3 The Message) Dear Wellington Family, During Advent I said that the church is never as beautiful as at Christmas. The green and red of the poinsettias decorate the altar while the silver and gold of the tree reach toward the ceiling. The spirit of giving fills the air. A quiet hush overcomes us as we await Christmas Eve candlelight. As soon as I said that I knew that someone would say, ‘wait a minute, what about Easter?’ Sure enough, after church a few friends reminded me of Easter morning. They said the church is never more beautiful than on Easter Sunday. It’s not just the brightness of the lilies, but it’s also their aroma that stays with us long after we leave the church, giving us that mental picture of the sanctuary blanketed in white. We could debate which is the more sacred day, Christmas morning or Easter morning. We wouldn’t have Easter without Christmas, yet Easter is the culmination of Jesus’ earthly ministry. Thankfully, we don’t have to choose. God gives us both. After Christmas we might wonder how we can extend that holiday feeling of generosity and good-will throughout the year. It seems hard to sustain. But that’s different for Easter. Easter is something we experience every day throughout the year Each Sunday is a ‘miniature’ Easter, though ‘miniature’ seems an inappropriate word for something so momentous. The resurrection is the lynchpin of our faith. Through the resurrection of Jesus we receive eternal life. Our eternal life is not something we must wait for. It is something we can know and enjoy now and we celebrate that every Sunday. But as church we do more than celebrate Easter. We are Easter People, forgiven and living in the light of Easter. We share that light by our compassion and care, continuing the saving ministry of Jesus. As the breath of the lilies lingers in our minds, the light of the risen Christ stays in our hearts, stirring us to be his church, to be his loving kindness in the here and now. The sanctuary is always beautiful, whether it be Christmas or Easter, or any day in between. By God's grace, may your heart remember both the generosity of the gift of the Christ-child and the breath of Easter. Celebrate and share that new life every moment. Have a happy Easter every day, Pastor Paul Prayer List Homebound: Howard Hart, Betty Smith, Aunt Naoma, Ruth Lent, Cora Brinker, Pat Coon, Barbara Bogan The Elms: Terri K.Titus, Sally Dupee, Norma Bryan, Cristine Steffi; Elms Assisted: Larry Bryan Other care facilities: Robin's mom, Jamie Haught (WV), Ray Hollingsworth, Josephine Murray, John Miller, Pat Gnagy Health & Other Concerns: Thomas Pressler, Liz Barnhouse, Kim, Sandy Caldwell, Bob Jewitt, Ruth Johnston, Mona Hastings, Dina Farago, Debbie Coon, Joanie (co-worker of Jim Poznako), Scott Purdin, Dan Snyder, Brittany, Rachel Karas, Lynn Thompson, JJ, Connie Naylor, Jeff Joyce, Cathy Satterfield, Michelle Daly, Den Parsons, Joann Farr, Cyd Butti, Pat Schumacher Borst, Sue McHenry, Linda (Tim Butti's sister), Lora Callahan, Rose, Steve Miller, Landry Cole, Paul Eglin, Bob Rosler, Kyle Burns, Sue Pitts, Linda Repko, Barb Diedrick, Alanna Begley, Linda, Jeremy and Julie Ann Wallace, Penny Armstrong Serving in the Military: Matthew Anderson, Darren & Justin Geen, Kenny Van Hook, Ron Hennon, Brian Coon, Dan Bogan,Trey Brown, Ian Werdebaugh, Ashley Martin Hovatter, Nick Martin April Birthdays and Anniversaries 1 2 3 4 7 13 16 21 22 23 24 27 28 Phyllis Gilger, David Moffatt Emily McKenzie Cindy Hyatt Bruce Price, Elyse Coker Kurianowicz Amy Bogan Betsy Glor, Cristine Steffi Jake Watson Stacy Maitland Remington Rourke Sara Eastman Dan Trinter, Michael Maitland Deb Harrison Jay Eastman Harold & Linda Van Meter - April 6 Bryan & Jill Stone - April 10 Dave & Bev Moffatt - April 22 Davd & Betsie Zenda - April 24 April Ushers 5 12 19 26 Jay & Sara Eastman and Kenyon & Betsy Glor Joy Bacho, Janell Poe, Lisa Trinter, Joyce Enderby Bill & Cindy Hyatt, Jim & Dianne Hollingsworth Ron Runion, Rick Grose, Bill Brumfield, Lad Harrison May Ushers 3 10 17 24 Jim Poznako, Calvin Woods, Todd Hartman, Rick Hatton Aaron & Dick Geen, Mike Fahler, Marv Gnagy Max & Nancy Storrow, Vern & Cathy Williams Jan Jenkins, Phyllis Mosher, Carol Zeiter, Evelyn Dreyer (If unable to serve, please contact Deb Lansman - 440-213-7912) In Memory: Howard Reynolds 3/23/42 - 3/26/2015 Our thoughts and prayers are with Cindy and their family April Altar Flowers 5 12 19 26 Easter Flowers Roberta Arnold, in memory of Bill and Althea Tefs Woods: Remington's birthday [open] (call the church office if interested in providing flowers) In Appreciation Thank you for your prayers and cards during my recovery from surgery. It was very comforting to know you were thinking of me and sending such caring messages. Thank you to Pastor Paul for his visits at our home and while in the hospital. Thank you to Ron for his care and comfort and being my sturdy pillar through these weeks and to my children who have been helpful every step of this journey. I hope to be back to church in a few weeks. I am blessed to have such caring friends and family. -- Jean Runion Announcements: Collecting Campbell's Labels for Education & Our Family product barcodes The youth mission team would like to take LOTS and LOTS of Campbell's labels with them when they go to Red Bird Mission in June. Bic products, Danimals, Pace, V-8, Pepperidge Farm, Prego, Spaghettios and Swanson are included in the Campbell's program. For a complete listing of acceptable labels visit The Labels for Education collection container is located outside the Youth office. Thank you in advance for your help! Our Family product label barcodes are collected and turned in for cash to benefit our Christian Education program. The most recent label submission earned $125.This collection container is on the literature table. April Movie Potluck: at Bill Brumfield's (Pitts Rd) Friday April 24, 6:30pm. Featured movie will be "Inherit the Wind" starring Spencer Tracy and Gene Kelly. Quilt Group: Last Friday of the month. The April gathering will include a quilt binding demonstration. This is the last step in finishing the dontion quilt for Flat Rock. Anyone with an interest in quilting is invited to attend. Questions? Contact Julie Bragg (440-309-6868) or Mary (647-3263). Northeast Ohio Christian Writers Conference Saturday, April 11, 8:30a-4:00p at Heritage Presbyterian Church, Amherst. This event is open to writers of all ages and skill levels and showcases some of the top Christian authors and publishers in northeast Ohio.Cost of $20 includes breakfast and lunch. Additional information available from James at [email protected] or 216-772-8380. National Crime Victims' Right Week (April 19-25) candlelight vigil, Friday, April 24 at Ely Square in Elyria, 7-9p. Complete details available from the church office. Benefit concert for Family Promise of Lorain County by the Cleveland Orchestra AMICI String Quartet. Sunday April 19, 3pm at First Church Oberlin UCC (corner of Main and Lorain St). Donations welcome. Springspiration Day - Pittsfield Community Church, Tuesday, April 28 (10:30 - noon). Special musical guest Karen Burkhart. Reservations by April 22 to Janet Crumley 647-5170 or Phyllis Schindler 647-0347. First United Methodist Church April 2015 Rev. Paul Wilson 127 Park Place Wellington, OH 44090 440.647.3263 US Postage required First Class Sunday Worship Schedule Serenity Service: 8:30a Sunday School, 9:30a Worship Service, 10:45a Youth Group, 5:30p Spiritual Gifts Seminar Saturday, April 25 - 8:30a - 1:00p Pre-register by April 12 with the church office, 647-3263 Study book: $10.00 Identify and learn how to use your unique Godgiven gifts.
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