Handling and Use of Glycerin in Feed Joe Harris, Ph.D. Westway Feed Products, Inc. Jan. 9, 2007 Objectives of Discussion • Explain why feed manufacturers have interest in biodiesel derived glycerin • Describe how glycerin impacts the physical characteristics, nutritional properties and palatability of feeds • Describe the developmental process we have used in evaluation of this material as a possible component of our products in terms of: – Approved supplier process/ Characterization of available products/ Evaluation of possible contaminants – Development of realistic specifications as an ingredient – Development of Standard operating procedures for this material – Internal evaluation of safety of various sources for use in feed Why Glycerin? 100 100 95 100 80 81 80 56 60 40 Relative Energy Value (Ruminant TDN as fed values as % of starch) Starch Sugar Corn Glycerin (100%) Glycerin (80%) Cane Molasses Why Now? Supplies of glycerin have grown dramatically with increases in bio-diesel production. This has saturated saturating historic uses. Until such time as additional applications are developed-glycerin will compete with traditional energy feeds on a price basis. Business synergies exists between feed industry and bio-diesel industries Why Glycerin? • Glycerin’s unique physical properties that make it attractive as a component of liquid feed supplements: – Highly water soluble. – Melting point of 64 degrees F if absolutely pure but when small amounts of water are present it remains fluid at temperatures near zero. – Mild pleasant aroma – Sweet Taste – Near Neutral ph- typical 5 to 7 – Highly palatable – Decreases the viscosity of molasses and other liquid by-products – Hydroscopic-attracts moisture-which can help prevent feeds from “drying out” at low humidity. Moisture Content of Crude Glycerin By Producer 25.00 20.00 % 15.00 10.00 13 12 19 47 11 3 4 4 5.00 0.00 A B C D E Producer Values shown in bars represent number of samples analyzed F G H Primary Ash Constituents in Crude Glycerin from Different Producers 12.00 10.00 8.00 Potassium % Sodium 6.00 Sulfur Chloride Ash 4.00 2.00 0.00 A B C D E Producer F G H Methanol Content in Crude Glycerin by Producer 4500 4 4000 3 3500 ppm 3000 2500 11 2000 19 11 4 47 1500 1000 500 0 11 A B C D E Producer Values shown in bars represent number of samples analyzed F G H Glycerin Content in Crude Glycerin as a % of Organic Matter by Producer 100.00 99.00 98.00 97.00 % 96.00 95.00 94.00 93.00 13 12 19 45 11 3 4 92.00 4 91.00 90.00 A B C D E Producer Values shown in bars represent number of samples analyzed F G H Highly Toxic Heavy Metals in Crude Glycerin 4 3.5 A 2.5 B 2 C 1.5 D 0.5 E 0.3 0.6 0.4 1 0.5 ppm 2 2 3 G Max Tol. In Complete Feeds 0 Cadmium Mercury Metal Selenium Toxic Heavy Metals in Crude Glycerin 35 30 30 A 25 20 B 20 C 15 D 10 E ppm G 5 Max Tol. In Complete Feeds 0 Barium Lead Metal Moderately Toxic Heavy Metals in Crude Glycerin 120 100 100 A 80 B C ppm 60 50 50 D 40 0 Arsenic 1.67 0.32 G 0.86 20 E Nickel Metal Max Tol. In Complete Feeds Silver Slightly Toxic Heavy Metals in Crude Glycerin 1200 1000 1000 A 800 B C ppm 600 D 400 E G 200 0.26 0.58 0 Chromium Metal Max Tol. In Complete Feeds Impact of Glycerin on Physical Properties of Textured Feed Conditioner Glycerin Viscosity Comparison 140 120 Control Viscosity (cps) 100 5% Glycerin 4% Prop Glyco MgCl Solution and Glycol 80 4% MgCl Solution 10% Glycerin 60 10% MgCl Solution 40 20 20 30 40 50 Temperature (F) 60 70 80 Evaluation of Liquid Supplements Added to Low Quality Forage in Continuous Culture of Rumen Microbes ’06 West Virginia University • Procedures – A poor quality hay was selected for the study so as to compare well to dormant season grazing pasture conditions. Hay contained 6.3% crude protein and 72.6% Neutral Detergent Fiber – Comparisons Included Hay alone vs. Conventional Liquid supplement –exclusively Molasses based (CLS), and Conventional Liquid Supplement containing Molasses + Glycerol (GLY) – Liquid supplements were added at 10 % Dry Basis to the Hay in treated cases in an in-vitro continuous culture system. Evaluation of Liquid Supplements Added to Low Quality Forage in Continuous Culture of Rumen Microbes Digestibility of Dietary Nutrients % Results 100 – Dramatic impact on digestibility of dietary fiber (Neutral Detergent Fiber) was observed –Increased by 80 a factor of nearly 8 times – Digestibility of Non-Structural Carbohydrates (NSC) was 60 high in all cases as expected – Note TDN est = sum of 40 digestible NDF, NSC and CP Hay Alone Hay + CLS Hay + GLY 20 0 NDF NSC Crude Protein T DN est Impact on Measured Parameters Evaluation of Liquid Supplements (Conventional and 40% Glycerol) Added to Medium Quality Forage TK Miller, RFPL- WVA10-06 • 140 120 100 • – – 80 CLS Gly 60 – – 40 • 20 0 Study was designed to compare impact replacing molasses with glycerin on dry basis in a conventional liquid supplement. Approximately 40% glycerin was included in the LFS with 12.5% molasses vs typical all molasses based LFS. Results DMD % Ammonia mg/dl Microbial N TVFA's mg/d g/d*100 Dry matter digestibility not different Ammonia content and yield of microbial Nitrogen not different Total production of Volatile Fatty acids tended to be higher in glycerin supplement with amount of acetic acid lower and butyric acid higher Ph data implies drop post feeding was less with the glycerin based feed. (next slide) Conclusion- replacement of molasses with glycerin should not impact digestive performance of liquid supplements. Impact of Glycerin (40%) on rumen culture ph 6.7 6.675 6.65 pH 6.625 6.6 6.575 6.55 6.525 6.5 -5 0 5 10 15 Hours relative to feeding CLS GLY 20 25 TABLE 5. Effect of Liquid Supplement on Volatile Fatty Acid Production and pH Treatments Component CLS GLY P= Total VFA 181 178 0.73 Acetic 121 107 0.06 Propionic 41 42 0.22 Iso-butyric 0.46 0.55 0.06 Butyric 16 27 0.0008 Isovaleric 0 0 . Valeric 2.4 2.4 0.93 Acetic 67.1 59.9 0.0011 Propionic 22.5 23.4 0.13 Iso-butyric 0.26 0.31 0.02 Butyric 8.8 15.0 Isovaleric 0.0 Valeric 1.3 mM/day : Molar % 0.0009 0.0 1.4 . 0.79 CONSUMPTION STUDIES Effect of adding USP glycerin to equine feed to determine if feed refusal is an issue: Added 1% glycerin to normal ration. Fed eight horses - 1 colt, 4 Thoroughbred mares, 1 Arab mare, 1 Arab gelding, 1 Thoroughbred gelding. Ages range from 6 months to 29 yrs. Everything was cleaned up in normal time. Each horse took the first bite, chewed it up, and went back for the next with no hesitation. Bottom line is 1% glycerin caused no noticeable difference to the horses. Consumption of high crude glycerin biodiesel origin content liquid supplement by pregnant beef cows confined in a dry lot: Two groups of beef cows were separated into pens in a dry lot. Both groups were offered a liquid supplement that contained 42.43% glycerin (formula shown below) and a diet consisting of cotton seed burrs and a 30% burr ration. One group was fed with a typical lick wheel feeder while the other group was fed using an open trough feeder. The trial period for the consumption study was 18 days. Diet and performance data are summarized below. As expected, the cattle consuming the liquid supplement from the open trough consumed more than the cattle exposed to the lick wheel feeder (10.6 vs. 7.0 lbs/hd/day). From this information it is ascertainable that feed refusal due to glycerin is not an issue. Further more the cows performed well on the product averaging 1.7 lbs/hd/day gain over the 18 day period. Methanol Considerations • • • • • Human metabolism includes conversion to formaldehyde and then formic acid-formic acid responsible for toxic effects- in some species excretion via respiration and urine is documented CFR 573.460 permits use of formaldehyde in feeds wherein approximately 25 % of animals diet is comprised of a protein meal treated with up to 1% formaldehyde. This would equate to approximately 0.25% dietary formaldehyde. Molecular weight of formaldehyde is 30.03 and molecular weight of methanol is 32. .25*(32.04/30.03) = .2667 % Substituting methanol for formaldehyde and assuming 20% glycerin in diet would equate to .2667/20 or 1.333 % methanol in glycerin source CFR 573.480 describes use of formic acid in hay crop silages as a preservative not to exceed 2.25% on dry weight basis- assuming 50% silage on a dry basis in diet would provide 1.125% formic acid. Formic acid m.wt. = 46.02. Methanol m.wt. = 32.04. Adjusting for molecular wt. 1.125 *(32/46) = .783% . .783/20 = would equate to 3.915% methanol in a glycerin source fed at 20% of diet to ruminant animals. CFR 573.640 describes the use of “methyl-esters” of higher fatty acids for use in animal feeds. Methyl-esters are considered non-toxic with LD 50 > 17.4 g/kg in rats. Digestion includes the release of methanol from the fatty acid. As a portion of molecular weight assuming C-16/0 as an average- methanol yield equals approximately 11.83% of inclusion of the methyl-esters. If diets contained 5 % methyl esters 5 X 0.1183= methanol contribution (.5915%). Again using a 20% inclusion of glycerin source .5915/20 = 2.957% methanol concentration in glycerin would be equivalent. Numerous literature references are available relative to feeding formic acid or its’ calcium/potassium salts at levels near 1% on a formic acid basis. Methanol concentrations in order to reach this level and again adjusted for relative molecular weights would equal 1*(32/46) = 0.695 %. With glycerin content of 20% in diets .695/20 = 3.478% methanol would need to be present to provide these levels. Methanol Considerations cont. • EPA, 1994 cites a no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) of 500mg/kg/day for rats fed 90 days. – Assuming a dietary dry matter intake of 2.3 % of body weight (23 grams/kg) a value of 0.5g/23g= 2.17 % of total diet. If glycerin was source at 20% of diet 2.17/20 = 10.85% methanol concentration tolerable in glycerin. – NOAEL level can be extrapolated in number of ways. A factor for interspecies differences could be applied and a factor for sensitive sub-populations could be applied. Assuming a safety factor of 3 for possible species differences and a factor of 10 for possible sensitive sub-populations an acceptable daily intake (ADI) would be calculated as 500/(3x10) = 17 mg/kg/d ADI(m g/k g/d) = Spe cie s 17 Age (w k s ) bw t (k g) %Glyce rin in Die t = FI (g/k g bw t) ppm M tOH (m ax) Chick e ns , broile rs 2 0.3 160 1063 Chick e ns , broile rs 7 2.1 62 2742 Chick e ns laye rs 20 1.3 46 3696 Chick e ns laye rs 40 1.9 47 3617 4 62 2742 Sw ine m ature 100 31 5484 Cattle grow ing 135 27 6296 Cattle be e f m ature 500 20 8500 Cattle , dairy lactating 600 32 5313 Hors e s (conce ntrate ) 500 12 14167 Sw ine young 10 S.O.P. Development Documentation Proposed Quality / Usage Parameters (Glycerin-Feed Grade) Chemical Properties: Moisture 5-25% Glycerol > = 95% of the organic matter Phosphorus Potassium 0.3% max in dry matter 3% max in dry matter Sodium 3.9% max in dry matter Chloride Guaranteed by supplier Sulfur Guaranteed by supplier Methyl Esters 1% max in dry matter Fat 1% max in dry matter Methanol (Method AOAC 973.23 GCFID 16th ed. 1995) Total Ash 0.75% max in dry matter 12% max in dry matter Lead 30 ppm max in dry matter Cadmium 0.5 ppm max in dry matter Nickel 50 ppm max in dry matter Mercury 2.0 ppm max in dry matter Selenium 2.0 ppm in the dry matter Arsenic 50 ppm max in dry matter Proposed Quality/Usage Parameters (cont.) Glycerin-Feed Grade Physical Properties: • Mild pleasant aroma • Near neutral ph- 5 to 7.0 Usage Guidelines: via Labeling •Not to be used in combination in diets containing formic acid, formaldehyde and methyl-esters. •Guarantees for moisture, ash, sodium, potassium, sulfur and chloride maximums •Limited inclusion rate in feeds i.e. poultry diets (5-10%), equines and swine (10% ) and ruminants ( 20%) Summary • Glycerin from bio-diesel production is: • An energy dense, palatable material for use in feed • Of high purity-particularly when evaluated on an organic matter basis • Low in concentrations of heavy metals • Low in methanol concentration compared when compared levels of either metabolites approved for feed use or published toxicity values • Can represent a value to animal feeding programs
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