Cosmetology Career and College Promise Cooperative Program Agreement Cosmetology Career and College Promise (High School) Program Guidelines Program Background Wake Technical Community College (WTCC) in conjunction with Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) has established Cosmetology for area high school students. WTCC will supply basic supplies for students to use and WCPSS will supply books for the program. Upon successful completion of one year of “Career and College Promise” cosmetology courses, students enrolled in this program will receive 4 high school credits and up to 448 hours towards a cosmetology degree. Students who enter the Wake Tech cosmetology program after high school graduation can apply these credits towards a cosmetology associate’s degree. Student’s Responsibility Students must purchase the following to be enrolled in the program: Supplies must be brought on the first day of class Complete Uniform must be worn on first day of class. Either email, text before first day OR, on the first day of school, you must bring a valid 1. NCID or NCDL and your 2. SS Card with you. If you do not have these items, you can’t attend our program. This is NC State Board of Cosmetic Arts Board Law. Manikin (2) $40.00 – $60.00 If manikin becomes too short or damaged, student must replace immediately Uniforms (2-3) $30.00 to $50.00 each, depending on where it is purchased COMPLETELY BLACK top and bottom (no symbols/patterns/marks on uniform) COMPLETELY BLACK shoes- closed toe and closed heel (no symbols/patterns/marks on shoes) Black socks/hosiery No variations (must be a uniform, not regular clothes) Must be clean Pants must be hemmed and not dragging the floor. NC State Board Law 21 NCAC 14J .0102 UNIFORM All students must wear a clean washable uniform and name tag identifying academic status. Professional Name Badge (2) Takes 7 – 14 days to get. Office supply stores usually can order. $5.00 to $10.00 Stating student’s first and last names Stating “Cosmetology Beginner” Usually available anywhere that provides engraving Must be totally black It is recommended to purchase 2 name tags (1 for Instructor to keep if you forget or lose yours). Students are not allowed in class without the entire uniform, including name tag. Uniform must be monogrammed before the 300 hour point. This date will be announced and reminded of prior to needing. First and Last name Advanced Cosmetology Note: There is NO variation of uniform and name badge. If you have any questions about the uniform, shoes, or name badge, contact Paula Askew, Cosmetology Department Head, via email [email protected]. Note: Inappropriate uniform including name tag, shoes, and socks as described above will result in being sent back to the high school and written up with the following results for the day: 0 grade 0 hours 1 absence Campus Access Fee (Parking Decal) from WTCC $5.00 Instructors will direct students on the first class day where to purchase decal Mal-practice Insurance each semester (Fall, Spring) $10.00 each semester (amount can vary) Instructors will direct students on the first class day how to purchase insurance School supplies o Must be brought to school every day Book Manikin Notebook Paper, pen, pencil, etc… Other announced supplies Student’s Qualifications for entrance into program The student must meet all responsibilities as stated above and must: 1. Follow calendar dates provided by WTCC 2. Provide own transportation to and from WTCC o CAT Express bus to WTCC may be used with school and parental permission 3. Abide by WTCC handbook and Cosmetology rules and regulations 4. Obtain approval from parent, high school counselor/CDC, and high school principal (as noted on dual enrollment form) 5. Be available to attend M-F from 1pm – 4:12pm (times subject to vary slightly) Policies and Rules Attendance, needed for grades and actual hours of the program, is very important. Please make outside appointments around the class schedule. Attendance issues can result in removal from program. Grades Instructor will be submit grades to WTCC and appropriate high school personnel at the end of each semester The following grading scale will be used: A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C =70-79 D = 60-69 F = 59 and Below Evaluation 60% Daily Grades; including o Practical and Theory o Lab and class _______________________________ o Homework and class work o Classroom activities o Projects _______________________________ o o Classroom participation Ethics o Attitude 40% Assessment Grades; including o Quizzes o Tests _______________________________ o Exams o NO make-ups for Exam, NO excuses It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor for missed work or tests. Missed Assignments/Quizzes/Tests Assignments not turned in on due date o Will result with loss of points daily 5 points daily o Must be made up within 2 days If 2nd day falls on weekend or holiday, then first day after that day After 2 days, grade will be a 0 Tests missed because of absence o Will result with loss of points daily 10 points daily o Must be made up within 3 school days If 3rd day falls on weekend or holiday, then first day after that day After 3 days, grade will be a 0 Exams Must be on time No late entries Will be sent back to high school if tardy No makeup day for Exams Attendance Reported to the high school personnel Affects student’s grade o Each missed day lowers your grade o Each TARDY must be accompanied with written excuse from a High School Official 3 tardies equals 1 absence Can fail you Can be removed from the program Leaving Early No student will be excused early from class without a release form, with official signature and official phone number from their High School. Parents or student must contact appropriate High School personnel for this permission, not WTCC. WTCC will not release a student without the appropriate permission. NO exceptions will be made. Not allowed in class! Cell phones Beepers Headphones of any kind o Ipods o Radios o Cd players o Music players o Bluetooth devices o Etc… Visitors Must report to the Department Head/Instructor in the Cosmetology Lab o Must enter by door for Clients (Front Entrance) Must not interrupt any classes Profanity Will not be tolerated! The Cosmetology program is a professional environment. Students are expected to present themselves in a professional manner at all times. Unprofessional behavior will result in dismissal from the program. Academic Write Up Students will be written up for: o NO uniforms o Multiple absences o Multiple tardiness o Behavior problems Write Up 1 & 2 o Career Development Coordinator (or counselor) will be notified Write Up 3 o Career Development Coordinator (or counselor) will be notified of removal from program Three (3) write ups will result in dismissal from the program. Student behavioral problems will not be tolerated! Contact Information for WTCC Cosmetology Department Head, Paula Askew E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 919.740.8500 Please note that you MUST attend class on the first day in order to be enrolled in the courses. The first day of class for Fall of 2015 is Aug. 18, 2015. Acknowledgement/Release Form/Permission page PLEASE RETURN this FORM and the Felony form COMPLETE WITH SIGNATURES TO WTCC ATTENTION PAULA ASKEW, NO LATER THAN August 14, 2015. THIS FORM MUST BE RETURNED IN ORDER TO STAY ENROLLED IN THE CCP COSMETOLOGY COURSES. Acknowledgement/Release Form/Permission Page Student I have read and understand the Cosmetology High School Program Guidelines (6 pages). I have a copy of the guidelines for my records. Student Name __________________________________(please print) Student Signature _______________________________ Date __________________________________________ Parent/Guardian I have read and understand the Cosmetology High School Program Guidelines (5 pages). I have a copy of the guidelines for my records. Parent/Guardian Name ___________________________________ (please print) Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________ Date __________________________________________ My son/daughter may get services performed on his/her hair while enrolled in the Cosmetology program at Wake Technical Community College. This may include haircuts, chemical services, such as relaxers, cold wave and/or, colors, bleaches and other cosmetology services. All services are performed exclusively by students. All students will have to sign a release form at the beginning of their Cosmetology schooling before services can be performed. This serves as a parental consent and release form releasing Wake Technical Community College and the Cosmetology department from responsibilities of unhappy service or unwanted results. Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________ Parent/Guardian phone _________________________________ Date __________________________________________ Students must acknowledge the NCSB of Cosmetic Arts Felony Policy. SECTION .0400 - LICENSURE OF INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE BEEN CONVICTED OF A FELONY 21 NCAC 14I .0401 APPLICATION/LICENSURE/INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE BEEN CONVICTED OF FELONY (a) Any applicant convicted of a felony or charged with a felony that is still pending may apply for Board approval upon enrollment in a cosmetic art school. All documentation submitted shall have no effect on an individual's ability to attend a cosmetic art school, take an examination administered by the Board, or apply for a license; is not binding on the Board with respect to any future application from the individual reviewed; and is not a final agency decision. (b) The applicant shall supply the following; (1) A statement of facts of the crime accompanied by a certified copy of the indictment (or, in the absence of an indictment, a copy of the "information" that initiated the formal judicial process), the judgment and any commitment order for each felony for which there has been a conviction; (2) A copy of the applicant's restoration of rights certificate, if applicable; (3) At least three letters attesting to the applicant's character from individuals unrelated by blood or marriage. If available, one of these letters must be from someone familiar with the applicant's cosmetology training and experience, one from the applicant's probation or parole officer, and one from the applicant's vocational rehabilitation officer. If letters from persons in these positions are unavailable, the applicant shall submit an explanatory statement as to why they are unavailable; (4) The name and address of the applicant's current employer; (5) A summary of the applicant's personal history since conviction including, if applicable, date of release, parole or probation status, employment, and military service; (6) Records of any cosmetology, esthetics, natural hair care or manicurist school disciplinary actions; (7) A description of any pending criminal charges with a copy of the indictment or, if there is not yet an indictment, the arrest warrant for each pending charge; and (8) Any other information which in the opinion of the applicant would be useful or pertinent to the consideration by the Board of the applicant's request; (c) If a felony conviction was for an offense involving drugs or alcohol, the applicant shall also provide evidence showing that he or she is drug/alcohol free. Examples of evidence which will be considered are: (1) enrollment in an on-going licensed treatment program; (2) drug analysis test results; and (3) certification of completion of a licensed treatment program. History Note: Authority G.S. 88B-4; 88B-24(1); Have you ever been convicted of a Felony? YES ________ or NO __________ (Initial)_____________ I have reviewed and understand the NCSBCA FELONY POLICY.
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