The Manin-Mumford Conjecture for number fields Danny Scarponi Universite´ Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier IMT - Equipe Picard Advisor: Prof. Damian Rossler The statement 4. If Y /R is a smooth projective curve of genus g ≥ 2, then the torsor Y01 → Y0 is not trivial. Manin-Mumford Conjecture for number fields is a deep and important finiteness question (raised independently by Manin and Mumford) regarding the intersection of a curve with the torsion subgroup of its Jacobian: ¯ an algebraic closure Theorem 1. Let K denote a number field, K 5. Since H 1(C0, FC∗0 Ω∨C0/k ) ' Ext1(FC∗0 ΩC0/k , OC0 ), the torsor C01 corresponds to an extension of K and let C/K be a curve of genus g ≥ 2. Denote by J the Jacobian of C and fix an embedding C ,→ J defined over K. Then ¯ ∩ J(K) ¯ tors is finite. the set C(K) The non-triviality of the torsor implies that this extension is nonsplit and one can deduce that the vector bundle E is ample. T HE Theorem 1 was proved by Raynaud in 1983, see [Ray83a]. Some months later, Raynaud generalized his result obtaining the following ([Ray83b]): ¯ be as above. Let A be an abelian variety Theorem 2. Let K and K and X an algebraic subvariety, both defined over K. If X does not contain any translation of an abelian subvariety of A of dimension ¯ ∩ A(K) ¯ tors is finite. at least one, then X(K) Various other proofs (sometimes only for the case of curves) later appeared, due to Serre ([Ser86]), Coleman ([C+87]), Hindry ([Hin88]), Buium ([Bui96]) , Hrushovski ([Pil97]), PinkRossler ([PR02]) and Baker-Ribet ([BR02]). N 6. C01 identifies with P(E)\P(FC∗0 ΩC0/k ) which is affine thanks to the ampleness of E. 7. If p > 2, the map ∇10 : J(R) → J01(k) is injective if restricted to J(R)tors, so ](C(R) ∩ J(R)tors) = ](∇10(C(R) ∩ J(R)tors)). 8. Let B := pJ01 be the maximal abelian subvariety of J01. Then the image of ∇10(J(R)tors) under the homomorphism J01(k) → J01(k)/B(k) is a finite set. 9. ∇10(C(R) ∩ J(R)tors) is a finite union of sets of the type Buium’s proof OW 0 → OC0 → E → FC∗0 ΩC0/k → 0. (B(k) + b) ∩ C01(k), we sketch Buium’s proof of Theorem 1: 1. Thanks to a result due to Coleman (see [C+87]), Theorem 1 is an easy consequence of its “non-ramified version”: Theorem 3. Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 0 and let R be the ring of Witt vectors with coordinates in k. Let C/R be a smooth projective curve of genus g ≥ 2 possessing an R-point and embedded via this point into its Jabobian J/R. Then C(R) ∩ J(R)tors is finite. 2. For any variety Y over R and for any n ∈ N, Buium defines the p-jet space of Y1 := Y ⊗R R/p2 of order n. 3. The first order p-jet space of Y1 is denoted Y01 and is provided with a map ∇10 : Y (R) → Y01(k). If Y is smooth along Y0 := Y ⊗R k, then Y01 is a torsor on Y0 under the Frobenius tangent bundle F T (Y0/k) := Spec(SymFY∗0 ΩY0/k ). where b ∈ J01(k). Each of these is finite, since B is proper and C01 is affine. My research aim is to generalize Buium’s proof to any dimension in order to give a new proof of Theorem 2. As in the dimension one case, it is still true that the main point is proving the non-ramified version. So let R be as before. Let A be an abelian variety and X an algebraic subvariety both defined over R. The main difficulty in generalizing Buium’s work are parts (5)-(6): if X is a subvariety of dimension greater than one, then X01 needs not to be affine. The idea to overcome this problem consists in regarding not only X01, but also the higher p-jet spaces and in using some tools coming from the theory of strongly semistable sheaves. M Y References [BR02] Matthew Baker and Kenneth A. Ribet. Galois theory and torsion points on curves. arXiv preprint math/0212133, 2002. [Bui96] Alexandru Buium. Geometry of p -jets. Duke Math. J., 82(2):349–367, 02 1996. [C+87] R. Coleman et al. Ramified torsion points on curves. Duke Math. J, 54(2):615–640, 1987. [Hin88] Marc Hindry. Autour d’une conjecture de Serge Lang. Inventiones mathematicae, 94(3):575–603, 1988. [Pil97] Anand Pillay. Model theory and diophantine geometry. Bulletin of The American Mathematical Society, 34(4):405–422, 1997. [PR02] Richard Pink and Damian Roessler. On Hrushovski’s proof of the Manin-Mumford conjecture. arXiv preprint math/0212408, 2002. ´ e´ abelienne ´ [Ray83a] Michel Raynaud. Courbes sur une variet et points de torsion. Inventiones mathematicae, 71(1):207–233, 1983. ´ es ´ d’une variet ´ e´ abelienne ´ [Ray83b] Michel Raynaud. Sous-variet et points de torsion. In Arithmetic and geometry, pages 327–352. Springer, 1983. [Ser86] ` J.-P. Serre. Course at the college de France. 1985-1986. GAeL XXIII, Leuven, 2015
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