Minneapolis United Methodist Church Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. SHARING FROM GOD’S ABUNDANCE – Tithes, Offerings The Offertory *The Doxology and Presentation *The Prayer of Dedication *GOSPEL READING……………………………………Luke 24: 36-48..……………….….…….…………....Pastor Kennedy *Please stand if you are able SERMONETTE.............................. “He is Risen! Let’s Have a Party!”.............................Pastor Kennedy PRELUDE………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Gail Eckart MUSICIAL OFFERING......................................................................................................The Ruble Family CANDLE LIGHTING………………………………………………………………….………………....Brinley Boyer & Ethan Bohl CLOSING REMARKS……………………………………………..……………………………………………..……….Pastor Kennedy WELCOME…………………….........................................................................................................Tamala Lott MUSICAL OFFERING…………………………………………………………………………………………………..The Ruble Family PASS THE PEACE…………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………… A love offering will be taken at this time *CLOSING HYMN………………………….........“Lord God, Almighty”……………………….……………….…..Page 2006 *CALL TO WORSHIP………………………………………………………………………………………..….........……..Tamala Lott *BENEDICTION…………………………………………………………………………………..……………………..The Ruble Family Leader: People: Leader: People: O God, answer us when we pray. Be kind to us, and hear our prayers. Remember that the Lord has chosen the righteous for his own. He hears us when we call him. PRAISE SONGS………………………………..………..… “He Is Exalted”…………………………………….………..Page 2070 “O Lord, You’re Beautiful” Page 2064 SCRIPTURE READING…………………………....…….Acts 3: 12-19…………………………...............………Tamala Lott MUSICAL OFFERING…………………………………………………………………………………………………..The Ruble Family EPISTLE READING………………………..……………...1 John 3: 1-7…………………….………………..……...Tamala Lott CHILDREN’S MOMENT............................................................................................................Ruth Briggs INFANT BAPTISM.............................................................................................................Pastor Kennedy MUSICAL OFFERING...................”A Tanzanian Alleluia: Christ Has Arisen”…………………….The Bell Choir JOYS AND CONCERNS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………............ Response to concerns: “Lord, hear our prayer.” PRAYER HYMN……………..….…. “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying” ………………………………..Page 2193 PASTORAL PRAYER/LORD’S PRAYER…………………………………………………………………………...Pastor Kennedy *POSTLUDE………………………………………………………….……………………………….………………………..……Gail Eckart A nursery attendant is available if needed. Please contact an usher if you wish to use the nursery. If you would like to place someone on the prayer list, please use the “Prayer Request” forms at the entrances to the church. You may give the requests to an usher. We pray for all men and women serving in the Armed Forces. We pray for healing for Carolyn Armbrister , Baby Averie (Johnson’s extended family), Randy Bertrand, Angel Constable, Betty Davis, Al Miles, Monte Nelson and D Phillipson. We pray for the family of Evelyn Cooper.. We pray special prayers of love and peace for Ruthie Sanders’ parents. Congratulations to Jeff and Summer Blake on the birth their daughter Hadley and to Kim (Baccus) and Jeff Bird on their recent marriage. BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK April 19 – Shirley Kuder, Autumn Knox, Austin Constable April 21 – Kennie Chapman, Veronica Campbell April 22 – Angie Darrow April 23 – Kimberley Baccus Bird April 24 – Mayree Mangus #96, Donald Serrien, Brooke Eckart Petty, Scott Kuder THERE ARE NO ANNIVERSARIES THIS WEEK Pastor: Rev. Kennedy Mukwindidza Worship Leader: Tamala Lott Greeters: John & Rosalee Tibbits Nursery: Shayla Boyer & Becky McDuffee Accompanist: Gail Eckart Media Cameraperson: Randy Bertrand Media Coordinator: Donna Johnson Head Usher: Joe Watkins Sunday School Teachers – (c) Shayla Boyer & Tammy Krueger (a) Louis Andersen ANNOUNCEMENTS If you are on an aisle seat, please sign the registration book and pass it on to the person next to you. If you are a visitor, please include your complete address. Today is Native American Ministries Sunday in the United Methodist Church. If you would care to give to this special offering there is an envelope enclosed in the bulletin or you may write a check with ‘Native American Sunday’ in the memo line and put in the offering plate. The Ottawa County Music Club will have a recital in our sanctuary at 2:00 today. The Preschool Board will meet on Tuesday at 6:00. Men on a Mission will meet on Tuesday at 6:30. They are studying the book of James. Minneapolis First United Methodist Church April 19, 2015 Psalm 100 is rehearsing at 6:30 on Wednesday evenings. Graduation is approaching. If you know of someone in our church who is graduating from junior college or college, please notify the office. Please have your newsletter reports or articles to the office by Monday, April 27. Looking Ahead: April 26 – Mark Trammel Quartet at UMC, Russell at 6:00 p.m., Verna Davidson’s students’ piano recital, 1:00 p.m. May 3 – UMW Sunday May 5 – Men on a Mission. 6:30 p.m. May 6 – Preschool Field Trip Last Sunday: Offering: General - $1381.00 Church School - $22.00 Memorial Fund - $25.00 M & Ms -$120.00 Monthly Dinner - $176.20 Total amount needed to meet budget each week - $2800.00 Attendance: Church School - 19 Worship Service – 87 Stewardship Corner: “Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace to you.’ But they were startled and frightened.” Luke 24:36-37 Throughout the day we have many opportunities to “see the face of Jesus” in others and provide some ‘peace’ in their lives. Just because the person is a stranger, maybe looks different than us or is someone we don’t particularly care for doesn’t let us off the hook. Pastor Kennedy – (c) 620-382-5480 Pastor Kennedy’s email – [email protected] Office Phone: 392-3029 Church E-Mail – [email protected] Web Site- www.minneapolisfumc.com Donna Johnson’s Phone - 392-2570 Donna Johnson’s e-mail- [email protected] Our Mission as the Minneapolis First United Methodist Church is to be Christ’s Ambassadors by Inviting, Sharing, Nurturing and Forgiving
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